Episode 5

April 15, 2024


S2 Ep5: Beck and Call

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S2 Ep5: Beck and Call
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S2 Ep5: Beck and Call

Apr 15 2024 | 02:20:50


Show Notes

With Margot taking space to get her mind right after the events of the last episode, the rest of the coterie returns to the Succubus Club at Mr. Thornhill's request. While there, another disturbance occurs, resulting in severe discomfort for a few of Chicago's elder kindred and filling the night sky with smoke and the light of fire.

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Wren - Jimmy
Margot Beaufont - Legacy
Candy - Glamour

Junkyard Bitch - Bloodied Porcelain
Fang Banger - Bookkeeper

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: My name is Anarko Woozerist, and I'll be playing Jasper Black, the brujah. [00:00:35] Speaker B: Hello, my name is Glamour. I'll be playing candy the Nosferatu. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Hello, my name is Jimmy, and I'll be playing rin the gangrel. [00:00:46] Speaker D: Hi, I'm bloodied porcelain. And I'll be playing junkyard bitch, the bonoar, the urge. [00:00:55] Speaker E: Hi, I'm bookkeeper, and I'll be playing Charlie Fangbanger, the glasswalker Galliard. [00:01:03] Speaker F: And I'm your storyteller, Pyrons. Welcome, everybody. It's nice to have you all back. Last we left off, all of you were in a limo talking to Kevin Jackson. He had mostly convinced all of you to join in his plans to take down Loden and most of his brood. He's. This is where we're gonna pick up. He's looking at all of you and he says, do you guys want to choose to be legends? Do you want power? Which one of you needs protection? And he looks directly at Candy. [00:01:45] Speaker G: Candy is absolutely avoiding eye contact. And she is like, if she needed to breathe, she would be hyperventilating. But it is, like, clear from her demeanor that she is on the verge of having a panic attack. She's definitely. Her tick is definitely coming out, and she's just feeling at the scar on her neck. And she's just looking around and she says. [00:02:15] Speaker B: I'm sorry, can you stop the car? Can you stop the car? I think I'll just get out here for a second. I just. I need to. [00:02:23] Speaker G: And she starts, like, trying the door to open it. [00:02:29] Speaker F: He'll kind of look past you for a second at the divider, and he's going to give a nod. You feel the car stop and the door unlock. [00:02:40] Speaker G: Andy, like, will activate. Will have the presence of mind to activate unseen passage so that nobody sees. So that nobody sees, like, a nosferatu, like, emerging from this car. But she is definitely. She's, like, bursting out of the car, and she is making a beeline towards the nearest alleyway. And if there are dumpsters in that alleyway, she's just gonna start beating the shit out of them. [00:03:11] Speaker F: This is somehow turning into a kotori traditional. [00:03:15] Speaker D: Um. [00:03:19] Speaker F: Right. Margo's also going to step out. She's gonna walk off a bit without saying anything. [00:03:37] Speaker A: Listen, I'm. Oh, you go. [00:03:39] Speaker F: Sorry but to ask, what are you two doing? [00:03:43] Speaker A: I'm staying in the car. I'm speaking with them. I'm down for this plan. I just need to ask for some assurances. [00:03:51] Speaker F: Like what? [00:03:54] Speaker A: I don't know. You've got us joining your terrorist plot. What dirt can we get on you? And you turn around and say it was their idea. [00:04:09] Speaker F: I'm pretty sure there are witnesses here that saw you get into. That's something that is very visibly my limo. Something also. Sure. Cameras cut. You guys going into my building? [00:04:28] Speaker A: That's fair. I'm happy to take all of this down. It hasn't treated me as kindly as perhaps it has my coterie mates here. But, you know, at the end of it all, I don't want your boot just to replace the one on my neck. So we'll have to discuss the finer points once things are set in motion. [00:04:54] Speaker F: I mean, I can make you brujah Primachin if you wanted. [00:05:00] Speaker A: Let me think about what it is that I want. [00:05:04] Speaker F: Well, you'd have to fight Croatias for it. I'm sure you'd lose that, though. It's quite old. [00:05:12] Speaker A: Maybe he'll get bored. [00:05:15] Speaker F: Possibly he blix that run. You don't need any assurances. [00:05:29] Speaker C: If Inyaga is going to stay, and I don't mind her still staying as primogen, I don't care much. I just. I just want to do my own shit and just stick to Chicago. Or, heck, I might even think about moving after take him down, just so I won't have loading tracking me down for whatever reason. [00:05:52] Speaker F: But as long as we don't break masquerade in my city, we should be all good. [00:05:59] Speaker C: That's all I care about. I just honestly just keep the status quo with the gang rules, and we'll be fine. Or at least treat them a little bit better. That's all I pretty much can ask than what Loten has instead of seeing us as expendable. [00:06:22] Speaker F: All right, would one of you mind go checking on your friend, seeing how she's doing? [00:06:31] Speaker C: Yes, I will. I'll do just that. And I will get out and start looking for candy. [00:06:40] Speaker A: I'll go after Margo, I guess. [00:06:46] Speaker F: Candy, you won't be able to find Margo. [00:06:51] Speaker A: Fair enough. [00:06:55] Speaker G: Andy has, like, with her potence just, like, fully picked up a dumpster and is just, like, slamming it into the ground. [00:07:07] Speaker C: It's not here where candy is, just by the sound of a dumpster being picked up and thrown about. [00:07:14] Speaker F: Yeah. Uh, I mean, I'm not even gonna have candy roll the roll that they would need to do for making noise during, you know, unseen presence. Because as soon as she starts making those loud noises, it's gone. Yeah. [00:07:33] Speaker C: I just see candy picking up just a little bit, impressed by the strength and I'm just candy. Are you okay? [00:07:43] Speaker G: I think candy is going to, like, set the dumpster down, like, dust herself off and then look at Wren and. [00:07:52] Speaker B: Say, am I okay? Oh. One of Lodin's childhood just asked me to help overthrow Loden. And you're asking me if I'm okay? [00:08:12] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:08:12] Speaker C: Most likely not the smartest thing I've said and how you feel. [00:08:15] Speaker E: But. [00:08:20] Speaker C: Seriously, though, what are you thinking? [00:08:30] Speaker B: My will isn't even entirely my own. I. You know, the accounting and the camarilla. Let's just say my accounting has been going on for over 20 years. I just. I've spent every year since I. Since I woke up in the sewers. Just trying to. You know what they tell you. Just. Just keep your head down. Do as your elders tell you. And that's all I've done for the past two decades. And then the prince of the city sends me to be killed by lupines, and one of his childers says, hey, let's be traitors. It's so funny. [00:09:39] Speaker C: I'm just. I'm just going to go up to Candy and put my hand on candy just as a reassurance. [00:09:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:09:57] Speaker C: It's. I don't know what to say. I'm not. I'm not that good at this. But you. You know we will help you if you need something, right? I know. [00:10:21] Speaker A: Just. [00:10:23] Speaker C: I know we just spent, like, a couple days weeks ago, and now you're in all this shit with us. Kind of a curse with being in our coterie. But we're still gonna be here for you. Need anything, just let us know. [00:10:42] Speaker B: I, um. I appreciate that. I. Candy like size. I just, um. I mean, I guess there's no real point in following the prince around if he's just going to send me to be killed again, so. Why not? [00:11:08] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:11:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:11:09] Speaker A: Fuck that guy. [00:11:12] Speaker C: Look, sorry. Yeah, I can't say enjoy any of this. [00:11:32] Speaker B: There is a favor I wanted to ask of you, Ren. [00:11:36] Speaker C: Oh. [00:11:39] Speaker B: You'Re good at killing things? [00:11:44] Speaker C: When I have to, yes. [00:11:47] Speaker B: Can you teach me to be better at killing things? [00:12:02] Speaker C: Okay, Rin is just going to think for a bit. Just. Okay. So I would not mind at all helping you train or whatever you want help with, obviously. And I point, and I just gesture to how fucked up I look right now. So. Pretty beat up after every. The past two nights. I mean, once I start getting strong, uh, we could definitely. I could definitely help you out. [00:12:39] Speaker B: I, um. I'd appreciate it. I just. I feel like I need to be better at killing things for the nights to come. [00:12:52] Speaker C: Yeah, I. I feel that it's seeing you fight and just trying to. Ugh. Seeing with how what you did with that dumpster. Point over to the edge of the dumpster. Basically imagine you with claws. That's going to be kind of scary for whoever will ever have to meet you. [00:13:19] Speaker B: It's weird to think of myself as scary. I mean, I try to be as unintimidating as possible, but I guess that hasn't gotten me very far. Given what our circumstances are now. [00:13:33] Speaker C: Well, the least intimidating person can be the most surprising in battle, so. [00:13:44] Speaker B: Yeah, I guess we should go back to Kevin Jackson before he gets impatient. [00:13:51] Speaker F: Yeah, we should. [00:13:58] Speaker G: Candy ball, start heading back towards the car. [00:14:02] Speaker F: I'll follow as you all arrive back. He's looking at you. I'm assuming our plan for tomorrow night is still on. Find Capone. Destroy him, move on to loadn. [00:14:28] Speaker A: It's not just the people in this car, right? You've got other people. And the rest of Lodin's supporters or the vultures that are going to come for us next. [00:14:40] Speaker F: I have my gang. They're in strategic positions at all times. [00:14:47] Speaker A: Understood? [00:14:49] Speaker C: Yep. [00:14:56] Speaker F: He's gonna kind of nod at the driver again when you feel cars start moving. Well, it is good to know that you all agree with my plans and my views. That the prince is wrong. Bad. Put it in very simple terms. You feel the car get to a very sudden jolt. You hear knocking on the window, it's gonna nod at Ren to roll it down. [00:15:39] Speaker A: I will roll it down. [00:15:41] Speaker C: Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. Because this is still 1990, so no electric windows. [00:15:47] Speaker F: Yep. Hi, I have a. I have a message from Mister Thornhill, or the occupants of this car, except for Mister Jackson here. But he said it's okay if you hear it. [00:16:05] Speaker C: Okay, strong start. [00:16:08] Speaker A: Let's hear it. [00:16:10] Speaker F: He needs you three to go to the club. There is something of a more important matter regarding, you know, general incidents within the city, whatever that is. You know, other than the crazy one weather. [00:16:25] Speaker C: Okay. [00:16:28] Speaker A: Anyway, is the courier breathing? [00:16:32] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:16:35] Speaker A: All right, thanks for the message. [00:16:38] Speaker F: All right, have a good one. They walk off. [00:16:44] Speaker A: I swear to God, if it's lupines, I'm letting them tear me apart. [00:16:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't really have the energy to fight werewolves anymore. [00:16:55] Speaker C: I'm pretty fucked up as is. I don't know if I could cope against a lupine right now. [00:17:01] Speaker A: I figure we can roll past, and if we. If we don't see any inside, we'll stop. [00:17:09] Speaker C: All right? [00:17:10] Speaker F: He just needs you guys go to the club. I'm sure it's fine. Even though duns not foolish enough to sic lupines on the club, especially when his own precious parts of his brood are there. And his court. [00:17:32] Speaker A: Let's see what he wants. [00:17:35] Speaker E: Yep. [00:17:40] Speaker F: The driver, you feel flippy? U turn. And after about ten minutes or so, you guys are at the club. Streets are pretty empty regarding, given the time. It's around midnight now, as you guys do get closer to the club, the streets are a bit more packed with cars, if only because, you know, it is clubbing night. [00:18:10] Speaker A: It doesn't seem like the inside is full of anarchy and mayhem. [00:18:14] Speaker F: Nope. Just dancing and good vibes. [00:18:18] Speaker C: All right. [00:18:21] Speaker F: Now, I know most of you guys need to feed. [00:18:26] Speaker C: Yes? [00:18:28] Speaker F: Actually, all of you need to feed. [00:18:30] Speaker C: Yes. [00:18:31] Speaker G: Yes. [00:18:34] Speaker F: So, wren, I will have you roll. Well, how are you gonna feed given that you're at the club now? [00:18:44] Speaker C: Yep, I'm at the club. So let's pull and think here. This is, um, most likely I'm just going to hang back and, uh, pick off, like, the people who are on the outskirts of, like, parties and stuff like that and just be on them. Maybe just. [00:19:14] Speaker F: I'll have you roll decks and silence and stealth with your silent movements. [00:19:19] Speaker C: Okay, six. All right. [00:19:24] Speaker F: Dexterity and. Oh, yeah, sorry, six dice. Yep. [00:19:31] Speaker C: I'm keeping track. [00:19:33] Speaker F: Candy? [00:19:34] Speaker B: Yes. [00:19:35] Speaker F: How would you like to feed? [00:19:37] Speaker G: Candy will probably go wait out in, like, the alleyway by the club for somebody who's, like, drunk to stumble out for, like, fresh air and then just feed off of them stealthily. [00:19:51] Speaker F: All right, I will also have you roll dexterity instead. Jasper, how are you feeding? [00:19:59] Speaker A: I will find someone who looks like they're up for a good time and pull them off to the side like we're going to make out or whatever and take some blood. [00:20:13] Speaker F: Okay. Are you gonna talk them into it, or are you gonna kinda use your body? [00:20:18] Speaker A: Talk them into it? [00:20:21] Speaker F: We'll do charisma and, I guess expression this time. [00:20:31] Speaker A: Does this count as an expression or sorry, conversation or eloquent? [00:20:36] Speaker F: Sure. Why not? Ren, you can get four blood points back. Candy, you can get three blood points back. And, Jasper, you can get five blood points back. I'm gonna also have all of you roll. Self control. [00:20:58] Speaker C: Oh, no. Here we go. [00:21:00] Speaker F: See if you can refrain from killing somebody. [00:21:03] Speaker A: I should ask. Uh. [00:21:07] Speaker F: Yes, Jasper. [00:21:09] Speaker A: Oh, sorry, I didn't want to go. Um, does agreeing to join a coup count as rebellion for my nature? [00:21:18] Speaker F: Yes. [00:21:23] Speaker C: All right, here we go. Oh, thank you. [00:21:28] Speaker F: You're fine. Oh, poor Andy's. Just go like, yep, I know exactly when related. [00:21:36] Speaker A: Question. Can I willpower this role? [00:21:40] Speaker F: Sure. [00:21:41] Speaker A: I don't know if we're chooser special. Good thing I did. [00:21:50] Speaker F: Saved your ass from killing somebody else. All right, you guys are all the club. You feed and you go upstairs. See Thornhill just at the top of the stairs waiting for all of you. He beckons you up. [00:22:14] Speaker A: I'll go. [00:22:15] Speaker E: Yep. [00:22:16] Speaker C: I'll go. [00:22:17] Speaker B: I will follow. [00:22:19] Speaker F: All right, Suzu guys, enter the room that you are. All that. As soon as you guys enter the room that he goes into, he says, I have a body I need you guys to look at. It's a kindred body. He's in torpor at the moment. Apparently my human counterparts. Well, might be torpor. I'm not certain yet. But my human counterpart for the club said that he was attacked by somebody who's hands turned into a gigantic blade and he had to unload multiple clips of his Uzi into him. Do you know who this is? [00:23:01] Speaker A: Do we know who it is? [00:23:05] Speaker F: No. You guys have never seen this person before? [00:23:10] Speaker C: No. Not at all. [00:23:13] Speaker B: No. [00:23:17] Speaker A: Nope. [00:23:22] Speaker F: Can I have you guys roll reception? [00:23:25] Speaker C: And. [00:23:34] Speaker F: Ren, yours is going to be perception occult. [00:23:37] Speaker C: Okay. [00:23:41] Speaker F: Jaspers is going to be perception and street wise. Candy, you were going to roll reception and streetwise as well. [00:23:54] Speaker B: Difficulty six. [00:23:55] Speaker F: Yes. [00:23:59] Speaker C: Four successes for Ren. [00:24:00] Speaker A: Two, three, four. [00:24:02] Speaker F: All right, all of you notice that there is a crescent moon on the back of this guy's right hand. It's black. You're not really sure what it's tied to. [00:24:20] Speaker C: None of us do. Oh, wow. Okay, it's a crescent with a what? [00:24:29] Speaker F: It's just a black crescent moon. [00:24:32] Speaker C: Black crescent moon? No. Uh. [00:24:44] Speaker F: No. You don't know who this person is at all? [00:24:48] Speaker B: No, I have no idea. [00:24:53] Speaker F: All right, well, I guess I really summed you over here for nothing, but I had to be certain. [00:25:07] Speaker C: That's weird. Just. [00:25:09] Speaker F: Okay. [00:25:10] Speaker C: What? [00:25:11] Speaker A: He came into the club to attack your man? [00:25:14] Speaker F: Apparently. [00:25:27] Speaker A: I guess we'll keep an eye out for anybody with swords. For hands. [00:25:33] Speaker F: Very easily be as meetsy. Those creepy, creepy bastards. [00:25:38] Speaker A: Not another one. [00:25:40] Speaker B: Oh, yay. [00:25:43] Speaker F: Wren, can I have you roll perception alertness with noises? [00:25:48] Speaker C: Sure. Perception alertness. That is. [00:25:54] Speaker D: Three. [00:25:56] Speaker F: Seven six. All right. [00:26:06] Speaker C: Oh, wow. Ren, what the. No. [00:26:13] Speaker F: Dice can be your thing. [00:26:17] Speaker C: I know. Well, I'm too distracted thinking. Fuck. Crescent Moon. Hmm. [00:26:31] Speaker F: Takes a little bit longer, but everybody now you can hear screaming erupt from the floors below. You. [00:26:41] Speaker B: Again? [00:26:44] Speaker C: Jesus fucking Christ. [00:26:47] Speaker A: You gotta get better bouncers, Thornhill. [00:26:52] Speaker F: I would agree that they can't tell who is a lupine and who's not because they're not supernaturally aware. [00:27:00] Speaker C: I'm just going down. Down there to see who the. What the fuck is going on? [00:27:06] Speaker A: You're just gonna lean my head over the railing of the stairs? [00:27:09] Speaker G: I'm activating unseen presence and sticking with Wren. [00:27:15] Speaker F: All right. And I have everybody here, please roll their initiative. [00:27:23] Speaker B: Oh, yay. [00:27:26] Speaker F: Junkyard bitch. [00:27:29] Speaker D: Yes. [00:27:30] Speaker F: Can I have you roll the thing that you wanted to do to Annabelle? [00:27:36] Speaker D: Yeah, give me a sec. [00:27:39] Speaker A: Of course I rolled bad on initiative this time. Jesus Christ. [00:27:46] Speaker G: That is the best I have ever done on initiative. [00:27:53] Speaker D: I need. Okay. Oh, my goodness. What is the. What's the. What's the command for Zamitzi? I don't remember. [00:28:15] Speaker F: No, you use the other thing. You could use the other thing. You do not have to. Yeah, I only put the other. I only put the initiative stuff in just so I can track it through the speeds here. [00:28:29] Speaker D: Does my specialty in ambushes apply? [00:28:32] Speaker F: Yes. [00:28:34] Speaker D: Excellent. [00:28:35] Speaker F: And then I'm also going to assume that you were taking fangbanger and yourself out of the Umbra again. [00:28:42] Speaker D: Yes. [00:28:43] Speaker A: We're cooked, boys. Oh, no, we're getting telefragged. [00:28:52] Speaker D: Difficulty seven. [00:28:53] Speaker F: Okay. [00:28:56] Speaker D: Specialty. And it's only two successes. Um, do you guys do the willpower reroll thing? [00:29:07] Speaker F: Uh, I do it for ones only. [00:29:11] Speaker D: So can I reroll that one? [00:29:13] Speaker F: Yes. [00:29:22] Speaker C: By the way, I believe. [00:29:24] Speaker D: Sorry, I'm sorry. [00:29:26] Speaker C: I believe since those are crits, that means that's actually four successes instead of. [00:29:31] Speaker F: One of them was taken away. [00:29:33] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:29:34] Speaker D: Well, it's not now because I just rerolled it and got a three. So that's four successes. [00:29:37] Speaker F: There is four now. Yeah. [00:29:40] Speaker D: So Annabelle suffers a negative one penalty to all actions for 1 hour per success. [00:29:54] Speaker F: 4 hours. [00:29:56] Speaker D: And. Yeah, I'll let you describe what happens. [00:30:02] Speaker F: I have your roll diagnosis as well. [00:30:04] Speaker D: Yep. [00:30:08] Speaker F: If I remember rightly, you, it's actually a lower difficulty when you're coming out of the umbra. It should be. [00:30:15] Speaker D: And we both have mirror shades, too. [00:30:19] Speaker F: Honestly, if you just want to do the automatic success thing, go ahead. It's the other success thing. [00:30:26] Speaker D: Just spend a wall power. [00:30:28] Speaker F: No, if you have more points than the difficulty, but I think two or three, then you can. Just by successes. [00:30:38] Speaker D: Okay. [00:30:39] Speaker F: So we can just do that. [00:30:40] Speaker D: Yeah. My gnosis is seven, so. [00:30:43] Speaker F: Yeah. And, like, the difficulty of the gauntlet would have been, you know, five with your mirror shades, and then, like, it's three, so. [00:30:54] Speaker D: All right, cool. Where we get to step out of the umpire. [00:31:00] Speaker F: Apparently. [00:31:01] Speaker D: That's. Yeah. Ideally, given the way junkyard is, she has stepped out, probably directly behind Annabelle. [00:31:19] Speaker F: Yeah. You're in a separate room. Yeah. So, okay. [00:31:31] Speaker D: I mean, if she's separate from everybody else, it wouldn't. She wouldn't have been. I assume that she was upstairs, but, like, she is crowds. [00:31:38] Speaker F: Everybody's upstairs. Yeah, she's on second floor. The coterie's on the third. [00:31:44] Speaker D: Okay. Is she, like, with a crowd of people? [00:31:47] Speaker F: She is. [00:31:48] Speaker D: Okay. [00:31:50] Speaker F: Come out of the umbra. Use your gift. [00:31:53] Speaker D: Yep. [00:31:53] Speaker F: Do you guys change them Kranos as well? [00:31:59] Speaker D: I'm gonna follow thing bangers lead on whether or not we shift immediately. [00:32:03] Speaker F: If we're. [00:32:03] Speaker E: If we're coming in hot, I'm coming in in Kranos. [00:32:06] Speaker F: All right. [00:32:08] Speaker D: All right. Well, then. Yeah. [00:32:11] Speaker F: All right. Ding dong. You could. [00:32:20] Speaker D: What's the role? To shift again? [00:32:23] Speaker F: That would be stable to prelude. [00:32:26] Speaker D: Right. [00:32:27] Speaker F: Right. I am willing to give it to you for free for now. [00:32:30] Speaker D: Okay. Because we could have shifted earlier. [00:32:33] Speaker F: Yeah. In the umbrella. Yeah. You guys come out of a mirror that's on the second floor and the coterie. Wren. Candy. Yeah, Jasper. You see two werewolves step out of a mirror, and one of them, well, descent of sweet honey, require. Yeah. You touch. You touch Annabelle. You see one where we'll just lightly touch Annabelle, and you'll see a swarm of, like, a radiant. Like, you don't really know where the flies came from, but they are now swarming, warming Annabelle. [00:33:19] Speaker A: Better her than me. [00:33:22] Speaker C: Oh, okay. [00:33:26] Speaker F: Candy. [00:33:27] Speaker B: Yes. [00:33:29] Speaker F: What would you like to do? [00:33:34] Speaker G: Candy is gonna look at the two Krynos form werewolf werewolves that are standing behind Annabelle. And then I think she's gonna look at Wren and she's gonna look back at them. She's gonna look at Wren's current condition, and she's gonna look back at them. [00:33:50] Speaker B: And she's gonna say, well, Annabelle never really liked the nosferatu anyway. I think this is more her problem than it is ours at the moment. [00:34:05] Speaker A: A win is a win, guys. Margo. [00:34:14] Speaker C: Annabelle's the only one protecting Margot, if I remember correctly. [00:34:20] Speaker G: Okay, and hang on. [00:34:24] Speaker A: If we're over. Very. As quietly as possible. I mean, if we're overthrowing the prince, we might as well get the other guy. [00:34:36] Speaker F: I'm gonna say this is kind of your turn. Just the entirety of Candy's turn, because you guys are talking. [00:34:43] Speaker C: That's fair. [00:34:43] Speaker F: Unless she's. Unless she's gonna move and talk, but, yeah, that's a lot of talking. [00:34:52] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:34:53] Speaker G: Candy is very much like, um. [00:34:56] Speaker B: So I don't know. Do you want us to. [00:34:59] Speaker F: To. [00:34:59] Speaker B: Do you want us to try to intervene? I don't really think we're in a state to do that to do anything to two hulking beasts. [00:35:10] Speaker C: Are that any fape? [00:35:13] Speaker A: She's old. She'll be okay. [00:35:15] Speaker B: Yeah, she's fine. She's got more skills than we do. [00:35:19] Speaker A: Do we see other lupines running around in the club? [00:35:24] Speaker F: You see three on the base floor, kind of standing there to scare others away and catch any other vampires that might try to jump off. And you catch the tail end of another werewolf possibly going into the basement. [00:35:45] Speaker D: Again. [00:35:45] Speaker G: It's very much like, not my circus, not my monkeys. [00:35:49] Speaker F: Okay. [00:35:51] Speaker A: I'm pretty hurt. I feel like we jump out the window, make a break for it. [00:35:56] Speaker C: I can. I think we could just. I could hopefully just walk out. [00:36:02] Speaker F: Okay, I'm gonna cut off your talking here. [00:36:05] Speaker A: Mm hmm. [00:36:07] Speaker F: Fangbanger. [00:36:09] Speaker E: Uh, Charlie is going to mentally send to his packmate. I'm going. I'm looking for our quarry and go busting out of this room and go upwards looking for Brendan. [00:36:25] Speaker F: You guys, you see two people kind of looking over the railing as you do go up. They don't seem to overly be a threat at the moment, but. Well, is cybersensus active? [00:36:41] Speaker E: No, not yet. [00:36:42] Speaker F: Okay. They don't seem to overly be a threat, but they're also not affected by delirium, so you don't know if they're just a special human, a regular ghoul or whatnot. [00:36:58] Speaker E: I will look at them and in my limited Krynos doornhill, where. [00:37:13] Speaker F: You three on point. [00:37:15] Speaker D: Adam. [00:37:16] Speaker A: Fuck that guy. He's been nothing but an asshole to me. [00:37:20] Speaker G: Sandy is under unseen presence. [00:37:22] Speaker F: She says nothing. [00:37:25] Speaker A: I'm pointing at Brennan and getting out of the way. [00:37:31] Speaker E: All right, I'm gonna spend two points of rage for extractions. [00:37:34] Speaker F: Yeah, go ahead. [00:37:38] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm gonna. I'm gonna. [00:37:41] Speaker A: I'm gonna attack. We'll. [00:37:46] Speaker E: We'll start with a bite. I'm looming over this guy. [00:37:51] Speaker F: Hi. You run past and get to Thornhill. Yep. [00:37:56] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm gonna bite him. [00:37:59] Speaker F: Bite him. Oh, no. Go ahead and roll. [00:38:11] Speaker E: I will spend a willpower to reroll those three ones and magically turn that from a failure to five successes. [00:38:28] Speaker F: All right, let's see if I remember rightly. Bites do ag damage. Yep. [00:38:38] Speaker E: Strength plus one. [00:38:40] Speaker F: Roll your strength plus one, plus four from your over successes on your attack. [00:38:47] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:38:48] Speaker F: Oh, yes. That's twelve. Yes. [00:39:05] Speaker D: It's so hot when Garudugaru things. [00:39:14] Speaker E: I hope he has extras. [00:39:17] Speaker F: Um, he has fortitude, so he can't soak. He could soak ag with two dice. Gonna spend willpower to roll his blood. [00:39:37] Speaker A: That is fair. [00:39:40] Speaker F: Bill. Fucks it up. [00:39:48] Speaker E: Seven. [00:39:49] Speaker F: Oh, my God. [00:39:50] Speaker E: Actually, he soaked one, so he's taken six, right? [00:39:53] Speaker C: No, he failed. You don't. [00:39:55] Speaker A: He rolled the one again. It's still zero. [00:39:57] Speaker F: Do one count off. [00:39:58] Speaker C: Okay. [00:39:59] Speaker F: Yeah, they do. [00:40:00] Speaker E: Okay, cool. Then he's at seven. So he's incapacitated. [00:40:04] Speaker F: Yeah, he's incapacitated. All you have to do is just kick him and he's dead. [00:40:08] Speaker E: Then I use my second rage action to claw him and. And he's done. [00:40:12] Speaker F: Yeah, I'm not gonna have you roll for that. You just freaking rip out a chunk of his neck. You see the body go limp, and then you just take another slash as you see it try to surge more blood back. [00:40:22] Speaker C: It's. [00:40:23] Speaker E: It's like when you're trying to pull apart a piece of barbecue. He's got him in his mouth. He just sinks his claws into the chest and pulls. [00:40:28] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:40:29] Speaker C: Oh, my God. Is this the one played view of us just. Oh, my God. [00:40:35] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:40:38] Speaker E: And covered in. Covered in blood. I turn around and look at the. The others behind me. [00:40:43] Speaker F: Go, run. [00:40:46] Speaker A: Yeah, man. You got it. [00:40:50] Speaker E: And that'll be my turn. [00:40:54] Speaker F: Well, Corneal's not in the initiation. That's good to know. Ren, I guess. Uh huh. [00:41:05] Speaker C: Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay. I have to ask this because. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Um. [00:41:24] Speaker C: Is the other body that. The body that we were looking at stone there with this werewolf? [00:41:35] Speaker F: Presumably so. Can't really see past the werewolf. Werewolf is big. [00:41:41] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm just. I'm just going to just go. I'm just going to go. I'm just. I think we need to just go. I know I met again too much. I'm just going to just start. I'm going to act. I'm just going to start walking out. Running out. I don't want. I don't want to deal with these. I think we're fucked after just up seeing that. But I will also make sure. Plain view of the. Of the mark that I have. [00:42:33] Speaker F: Okay, Charlie, you definitely do see that. You see the mark. [00:42:40] Speaker E: Okay. [00:42:46] Speaker F: Next is Jasper. I'm assuming you're running. [00:42:50] Speaker A: Yeah. I seem to recall in season one, Ren or Warren jumped out of a window and then did some rooftop hopping when there was the virus thing. [00:43:02] Speaker F: That would be Ren. [00:43:03] Speaker A: Ren, yes. I would like to do the same thing so as not to run into these two or their three friends on the first floor. [00:43:15] Speaker F: Okay. Can I have you roll? Your dexterity and athletics, plus your celerity. [00:43:20] Speaker A: I would love to do that for you. [00:43:24] Speaker C: This is esper without claws. [00:43:36] Speaker A: Fire successes. [00:43:41] Speaker F: All right. Yeah. You successfully duck out and climb up, it's gonna be your turn for now. Now, there are ghouls around you guys, around the other two. Well, I guess around candy. Now, as rent has moved, they're going to fire at Fang banger because he just killed their boss and their ghouls, and they still feel like they need to avenge their boss. [00:44:20] Speaker E: Does Guldam protect you from the delirium? [00:44:24] Speaker F: It does, actually. [00:44:25] Speaker E: Okay, cool. [00:44:32] Speaker F: They are not gonna do so well against you guys, but we can hope they got three successes so they do successfully hit you. Unfortunately for you, they are using silver bullets. So this is silver is something you can't serve, correct? [00:44:50] Speaker E: If I remember rightly, that is correct. [00:44:58] Speaker F: As with damage, ones don't count. But there are no ones here, so you take two points back. Damage. Okay. [00:45:04] Speaker E: Do I regain a point of rage for being shot with silver? [00:45:07] Speaker F: I would say so. I'm just gonna say they all do try to fire at you, but only one hits them inside. Two damage. Chunkyard bitch. [00:45:26] Speaker D: Yes. You see shot. [00:45:29] Speaker F: You see annabelle there, and you saw one kindred jump out of a window and another is trying to run away. [00:45:37] Speaker E: And Fang banger will mentally send silver. [00:45:42] Speaker D: All he hears. Beck is good to know. I'm going to use spirit speech and command spirit to unleash the hoard of spirits that I built up in the ember before we got here. [00:45:57] Speaker F: All right. [00:45:59] Speaker D: I want to command them to knock out all of the lights, break all of the glass in the windows, just wreck the place. [00:46:12] Speaker F: Yeah, faith, too. So everyone, everyone that's still here, you two, the kindred, feel this swell of energy kind of, like, build up in the room, and then just this slight pop and hiccup that you feel almost within your souls and your bodies as all as. Like, as soon as that hiccup passes, all the lights and windows burst. Bang. [00:46:48] Speaker D: And as the lights go down and most people are blind, all anybody hears is a war. A war. Hell junkyard is headed for Charlie. [00:47:02] Speaker F: All right, see if that gets us back up to candy. [00:47:12] Speaker G: Candy is just leaving. Not her circus, not her monkeys. She's pretty done with everything at this point. [00:47:19] Speaker F: All right, I'm gonna have you roll dexterity. Instill. I know you are using unseen presence, but it is good to be dexterity itself here. [00:47:31] Speaker D: What's the difficulty? [00:47:32] Speaker F: Six. We're gonna do seven. [00:47:34] Speaker C: Okay. [00:47:38] Speaker F: Oh, wow. [00:47:40] Speaker C: You have a willpower to spend. Please. [00:47:44] Speaker G: Should I spend my last willpower? [00:47:47] Speaker C: No. [00:47:48] Speaker G: We'll go with what the dice have given me. [00:47:50] Speaker C: Uh oh. [00:47:53] Speaker F: You are moving, but you do step over a whole bunch of glass. You can hear a crunch beneath your feet giving away your position. [00:48:08] Speaker G: I mean, if she can, she's still going to attempt to just leave. [00:48:13] Speaker F: Yeah, no, you're on your way there. You're on your way there, Charlie. One's jumped out a window. You can hear another one stepping across, and another is probably still walking down the stairs or trying to do their best to get out. [00:48:31] Speaker C: Okay. [00:48:33] Speaker E: Charlie is not generally inclined, despite what his more rabid guru kin are interested in. He's not interested in cutting down people who are running away, these jackasses with guns. However, Charlie stares at them for a moment and whispers something to the spirits of the guns. And I'm gonna use the gift jam technology. [00:49:04] Speaker F: All right. [00:49:07] Speaker E: And so that is manipulation and crafts, I believe. Yeah, I spent one notice point or manipulation. Plus, crafts, it is difficulty eight to jam guns. I'm going to spend a willpower point for an automatic success when I do this. [00:49:24] Speaker F: All right, go ahead. [00:49:41] Speaker E: Two successes. So no guns will work within 50 yards of me for the next two rounds. [00:49:49] Speaker F: All right, good to know. [00:49:54] Speaker E: And then I'm gonna spend a rage point and return fire on the guy who shot me. [00:50:03] Speaker F: You're gonna need to increase your difficulty unless you use cyber sense. [00:50:07] Speaker E: Okay. That would be another action. So I'll just. I can increase the difficulty. That's fine. So claws are normally six. [00:50:22] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:50:23] Speaker E: So sevens or. Or higher. [00:50:26] Speaker F: Correct. [00:50:27] Speaker A: Gotcha. [00:50:39] Speaker E: One success. [00:50:42] Speaker F: All right, that's what you need to be able to see, so. [00:50:47] Speaker E: Well, the bad news for him is one success still hits him. So no threshold successes means a mere nine dice of aggravated damage. [00:50:58] Speaker F: Oh, no, not nine dice. Compared to your twelve from earlier. [00:51:07] Speaker E: And he does it. He's just a silly little immortal. That's six successes. [00:51:12] Speaker C: Oh, my. [00:51:15] Speaker F: Technically not dead. [00:51:22] Speaker E: Yeah, Charlie just bounds forward with inhuman speed and rakes his claws from his belly button to his chin. [00:51:31] Speaker F: Yeah, this guy's crippled and hurting really fucking bad. [00:51:39] Speaker E: All right, that'll be my turn. [00:51:42] Speaker F: Next up is Wren. You also running away still? [00:51:46] Speaker C: Um, I'm going to. I'm. I am going to still be running late, but I would like to still be with candy, now that I heard, because I most likely also heard the glass breaking behind me. [00:51:57] Speaker F: So, yes, you definitely. [00:51:59] Speaker C: I want to. At least, I want to stick because most likely now it's going to be very hard to get off, escape. Back up. I'm going to be with candy. So in case someone, just a werewolf, tries to attack her, I'm just going to try to play interference, basically, with candy. [00:52:19] Speaker F: All right, kind of holding her action just in case she gets attacked. [00:52:22] Speaker C: Yeah, and or just as well, just being in the presence of someone with the mark. I'm just hoping like, you know, like by association, like I'm showing, like she. She is with me. [00:52:32] Speaker F: All right, Jasper. [00:52:40] Speaker A: Once I've assumed a relatively safe position outside of the club, I'll, like, stay nearby to watch for any of my coda remakes in the event that they need help. But I would like to remain uninvolved in this brawl as I am still rather hurt. So I'm just gonna watch to make sure Wren or candy are not being ripped apart. Or Margot, she turns up and I guess do nothing but take the Dodge action or whatever. Someone comes at me. [00:53:13] Speaker F: Well, you can't see in there. The lights are off and the windows are shattered. Like all the lights are gone. Like all. [00:53:26] Speaker A: I'm trying, I'm trying. I think Jasper cares. Cares enough. I want to try. And once I'm outside of the club, maybe get down and start directing people out of the club or at least calling out like the exits this way to try and get people out. I know there's tons of mortals that are getting ripped apart. [00:53:46] Speaker F: I'm gonna need you to roll dexterity and athletics again as you jump down the building. [00:54:02] Speaker A: Two successes, all right? [00:54:05] Speaker F: Yeah, you jump down decently. Pretty decently, all things considered. And next is ghouls. One of them is going to try and shoot Charlie, but they also can't. [00:54:29] Speaker C: See. [00:54:35] Speaker F: Though they do hit two more points of back damage. [00:54:45] Speaker E: Alrighty. [00:54:46] Speaker F: All of them are carrying silver bullets. Sean. Card. Bitch. Here we go. [00:55:01] Speaker D: Okay, well, they're shooting my friend and I'm not all about that. True. So I am leaping onto the back of the one that just shot Charlie and we're gonna rip and tear, rip and tear. Dex plus brawl. Yes. [00:55:32] Speaker F: Yeah. Difficulty seven as its body tackle. Actually, I think it would be eight because you also can't see unless you have a gift I'm unaware of. [00:55:45] Speaker D: I do not. That's fine. [00:55:51] Speaker F: Kind of the problem with fighting blind. [00:55:57] Speaker D: Yeah, but I really only need to get one hit. [00:55:59] Speaker F: True. [00:56:10] Speaker D: Six difficulty. Oh, I'm gonna willpower. Alright, that's still two. [00:56:32] Speaker F: That's still two. Uh, yeah, you leap up, you tackle the guys, he crew claws into him. Um, go ahead and roll your strength plus one. [00:56:46] Speaker D: Seven dice standard difficulty. Yeah. [00:56:50] Speaker F: Yep. Ones don't count for damage. [00:56:56] Speaker D: Four. [00:57:00] Speaker F: All right. [00:57:02] Speaker D: Um, I'm sorry, it's been a hot minute since I've done like proper combat in werewolf. Did I have to spend the rage early to get extra actions. [00:57:13] Speaker F: I'll let you call it now. I'm not worried about it. [00:57:18] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna spend two rage. [00:57:21] Speaker F: Two rage, yo. [00:57:24] Speaker D: So that I can hit two more times. [00:57:28] Speaker F: All right. Claw on claw. [00:57:32] Speaker D: Yeah. One on the one that I just hit. And hopefully I can take him out. And then there's another one, isn't there? [00:57:40] Speaker F: Yes, there is. Silent, total. Charlie's on one. You're technically on two now. [00:57:46] Speaker D: Okay, so here's the one for the next one under me. Does the difficulty go down because I'm on top of him and I've already hit him once? [00:57:54] Speaker F: It'll be standard difficulties. [00:57:56] Speaker D: Excellent. Fuck. What is it with these ones? Thank God I'm a seared and have a lot of willpower. Jesus. [00:58:06] Speaker F: Yeah, but, Byron, you know what? [00:58:08] Speaker D: I don't have to because that's still one success. [00:58:11] Speaker E: So Byron's. I have a question. I forgot something. How did they shoot me? [00:58:17] Speaker D: Oh, right, the gun. The gun wasn't working. [00:58:20] Speaker F: You're right. Yeah, yeah, go ahead and take that away. They did try. They failed. They're going like, what the fuck? [00:58:29] Speaker D: So, yeah, I'm still. I'm still attacking them. It's fine. They tried to shoot him and they have silver in those guns, so they could die now. [00:58:38] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:58:42] Speaker D: So pool of seven difficulty, six to hit them. Is it still one success or not to hit them to do damage? Because it was still one success on. [00:58:53] Speaker F: The to hit plus two. Plus two for your as well. Claws do strength. Plus two, aggravate. [00:59:00] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Yeah, you were right. So I should be rolling nine, not seven. [00:59:06] Speaker F: Having the brawl chart is awesome. [00:59:09] Speaker D: Jesus. Well, no, ones don't count in damage, so that's three. Does that take him to zero? Because he had seven before or four before. [00:59:17] Speaker F: Yeah, four before. Yeah, he's dead. [00:59:19] Speaker D: All right, next action. I'm turning to the one. That chart that Charlie is dealing with or. Yeah. And I'm going after him now. I love being a giant rage monster. [00:59:33] Speaker F: I think I am going to give you div six on this. If I remember rightly, your totem does give you access to nowhere, everywhere one is. [00:59:43] Speaker E: Yes. [00:59:44] Speaker D: Yep. [00:59:45] Speaker F: You guys bought that? [00:59:47] Speaker D: I had to think about that. I was just like, does it? Yeah. Yeah, it does. [00:59:53] Speaker F: Okay. [00:59:54] Speaker D: Okay. Jesus. I'm getting shit on by ones. Uh, so what? That's ten dice because I got two successes. [01:00:06] Speaker F: Yep. So you'd have plus one. So three. Yep. Ten. Uh, 26456. Yep. [01:00:21] Speaker D: So. [01:00:22] Speaker F: So, uh, that's when that Charlie's on. So that guy's dead as well. Very very, very dead. [01:00:29] Speaker D: Junkyard leaps. Um, I want to say she leaps because the way the club is set up is that, like, the top floor is kind of like a. There's basically, like, a hole in the middle so that you can look down. Right. [01:00:41] Speaker F: So, because it's a three, it's four level, but, like. So it's a three levels. If you're going ground floor, you have the second one, which is the ring with the hole, and then you have your third floor, which is just a viewing gallery of, like, across. So you get your. You get most of the second floor, just not what's directly below you on. You guys are kind of. You guys are kind of in that going hallway on the. [01:01:05] Speaker D: So it's a hallway, not a walkway. Okay. Yeah. [01:01:10] Speaker F: You could leap down to the walkway, though, or across. [01:01:13] Speaker D: Well, I'm leaping to where they are. I was just trying to figure out exactly, because we came out on the second floor. So junkyard leaps, basically, up the steps or whatever the shortest distance to get there is. Climbs up, leaps onto this guy's back, onto the first guy's back, and she sinks, claws in between his ribs the first time, and then grabs his throat and just rips it out with her opposite hand the second time to finish him. And then you leap out. Yeah. And then turns and basically, like, backhands. The second guy that Charlie was dealing. [01:01:53] Speaker F: With, I mean, you backhand his face off. That's what you do. Because this guy was crippled, and you had six successes of aggravated damage. You backhand his head off. It's gone. [01:02:09] Speaker D: And all Charlie hears in his head is, you. [01:02:12] Speaker F: Good. [01:02:15] Speaker A: I will be. [01:02:18] Speaker D: Got you. And that's it. [01:02:24] Speaker F: The other two ghouls are wanting to run. It's not their turn yet. [01:02:29] Speaker D: I didn't realize there was four of them. [01:02:31] Speaker F: Okay, five. [01:02:32] Speaker E: Five. [01:02:34] Speaker F: You've killed three. Candy and Ren. I'm assuming you two are still running away. [01:02:43] Speaker D: Yep. [01:02:44] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:02:45] Speaker C: There was also. There was previously. Since all the lights were off, would have been still dark. Would have been dark enough for me to require using eyes of the beast to be able to see to get out, basically, just to help assist us. So, to get out. [01:03:06] Speaker F: Okay. Go ahead and spend your blood point for that. [01:03:09] Speaker C: I don't think that actually requires bloodpoint, actually. [01:03:19] Speaker F: But for the sake of time, Andy and Wren, we're just gonna bundle your turns together for now until you guys diverge to do a different plan. I'm gonna have you both roll your dexterity and stealth, okay? Make sure to play in your silent movements. [01:03:37] Speaker C: Oh, damn. [01:03:47] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah. No, you guys are good. You guys are silent. Sheesh. You guys do successfully sneak past the other three royal walls that are clearing house on the main floor. [01:03:59] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [01:03:59] Speaker F: You're just out the doorway now to get out, Charlie. [01:04:11] Speaker E: Now I will spend a gnosis point to activate cyber senses and start looking at things in infrared. [01:04:18] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:04:23] Speaker E: Just in time, because I'm not going to be able to spot that sneaky gangrel who just snuck away because I am looking around for the guy with the mark on his arm. [01:04:35] Speaker F: Yeah, they haven't said they use special life yet, so they are room temp. Um, you see two of them. Actually, they are pretty damn sneaky, though. Like, you. Like, you could not hear them even if you did try. But you can see them because you're using a pareto. All right. And they stick out. [01:04:57] Speaker E: I will bound down because in Krynos, you can go on all fours if you need to. I will bound down to the floor, past the guru at the door and scoot up on them. [01:05:20] Speaker F: Okay, wait. [01:05:23] Speaker E: And that's probably my action. I need to talk. I'm gonna talk to them, but that's. I slower than combat time. [01:05:32] Speaker F: Yeah. You're guarding the door. [01:05:35] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:05:36] Speaker F: Okay. All right, then, Jasper, I'm gonna have you roll. Precision, exception. Alertness. [01:05:51] Speaker A: Does it have to be alertness? [01:05:54] Speaker F: Yes. [01:05:56] Speaker A: So sad. [01:06:01] Speaker F: Awareness would not help you here. Awareness. There's more supernatural things you're just seeing. If you can see in there. [01:06:09] Speaker A: Two successes. [01:06:12] Speaker F: You can there. Mostly you could see something is blocking the doorway. You're not sure what it is. [01:06:21] Speaker A: Does it look like a big dude or like, if Bigfoot got mad at me? From Jasper's perspective. [01:06:31] Speaker F: It'S big. It's really, really big. You don't know if a werewolf threw a table or something in the way, but it's big. [01:06:41] Speaker A: I'm just yelling. Quickly, everyone, the x's out here. Come through here. Don't get lost in there. So I'm trying to, like, usher people out of the building because what, before the big thing appeared was. Was I where I. Was I able to see Ren and candy? [01:06:59] Speaker F: No. [01:07:00] Speaker A: Yeah. So I'm just generically calling, especially as I assume the, like, flow is stopped, trying to get people who are scared to come towards my voice, and that's what I'll spend my turn doing, because. Jester. [01:07:16] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:07:16] Speaker A: Sadly not. [01:07:22] Speaker F: All right, well, this is gonna be, like, the worst punch ever. What is? I don't even think they can actually. I think this is a three dice rule. It's four. It's four dice. So much better than three, they're gonna try to punch junkyard bitch, which is kind of their only option at the moment. Cause they can't use guns. [01:07:54] Speaker D: That's hilarious. [01:07:59] Speaker F: Magically, one hit. [01:08:06] Speaker D: I mean, I'm just gonna, like, let him try and punch me because this is funny. [01:08:12] Speaker F: Yeah, you don't feel shit. Even if they could have. Even if they would have done damage, you would have healed it right away. It's bashing damage, but, yeah, they try and they don't hurt you at all. It feels like a light tickle. [01:08:32] Speaker D: She's going to turn towards them and all they hear is, my turn. Yeah, it's my turn, right? Like, actually my turn because I'm after them. Okay. I think it would really suck if I didn't actually get to do that. [01:08:50] Speaker F: And now it's Ren. Yeah, go ahead. What would you like to do? Claw. [01:08:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:08:57] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:08:59] Speaker D: So that's. [01:09:02] Speaker F: Six days. [01:09:05] Speaker D: Because they hit me. Am I just. At standard. Because I know exactly where they are. [01:09:10] Speaker F: Yeah, because they try to punch you. [01:09:15] Speaker D: Man. That's only one success. But that's all I need, baby. [01:09:21] Speaker F: Yeah. That's nine dice. [01:09:28] Speaker D: For four successes. [01:09:30] Speaker F: Four successes. Yeah. You break your claws into their chest, somehow managing to break through it, but, man, are they hurting. Uh, I'm assuming Charlie is guarding the door and not letting the two pass. Is he going to try and get the other one, who he thinks might be a vampire, outside because he's standing nearby? [01:10:00] Speaker E: Uh, not at the moment. He has a different job to do. He is actually. I'm actually going to spend a point of rage to immediately go to Globaro for him. So I shift into this. Into a six. Six. Blood covered, blood covered. Dude still look good and well dressed despite being covered in blood. I need you to take a message to Cabrini Green. [01:10:36] Speaker F: The place where you guys just came from. [01:10:39] Speaker E: Oh, you have our kin. If any of them are hurt, none of you will survive, and I will. Get out of the way of the door now. [01:10:52] Speaker F: Run. [01:11:00] Speaker G: Andy will very much leave when it's her turn. [01:11:03] Speaker D: She's just. [01:11:04] Speaker G: She's not dealing with this. [01:11:08] Speaker F: Yeah, Bran, as well. [01:11:26] Speaker C: I would want to. [01:11:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:11:33] Speaker C: I'm going to go. I'm just going to run out. All right, I'll keep in mind what this guy looks like. [01:11:45] Speaker F: Basically, you're memorizing what he looks like. [01:11:49] Speaker C: Yes. [01:11:52] Speaker F: All right. Good to know. Yeah. Jasper, this is when you see the object move again and you finally see Andy Ren step out of the club. [01:12:13] Speaker A: Did I hear any of the conversation? [01:12:18] Speaker F: Reception alerts again. It's seven, actually, as well. [01:12:27] Speaker A: So eight for me. [01:12:30] Speaker F: Yeah, unfortunately, I kind of know how the sound works. [01:12:40] Speaker A: Failure. [01:12:41] Speaker F: Yeah, you don't catch it. Sorry. [01:12:46] Speaker C: Oh. [01:12:47] Speaker A: Oh, it's good you guys made it out. What the fuck was that thing? [01:12:53] Speaker B: It doesn't matter. Let's just get out of here. [01:12:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm okay with that plan. [01:12:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:13:01] Speaker A: And then I guess you go to. Yeah. [01:13:06] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:13:11] Speaker F: Okay. Uh, junker bitch, how would you like to describe how you murderize the last two? [01:13:20] Speaker D: Um, I'm gonna pick up the one that I hit last time. Um, and I'm gonna throw him at the other one and then just come down on them in a flurry of claws, not biting into them because they smell like their masters. [01:13:49] Speaker F: Yeah. After you throw the person into the other person, you hear bones break quite hard as they slam into the next person and against the wall and then fall down and into their own lifeless body as the other one is quite injured. And you just leap into them with your claws and eviscerate them. Oh, go ahead. [01:14:17] Speaker D: I will stand up covered in blood. And if there were anybody in the room to hear it, all they'd hear is, we go punk ass bitch and walk away. [01:14:29] Speaker F: Alright. Junkyard bitch and fang banger. [01:14:36] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:14:37] Speaker F: You guys let three vampires escape, but there are also some dead bodies and bits of ash on the floor you can presumably tell are other vampires and ghouls. You tell your other packmates, Charlie, to stay here and watch out for any stragglers as you go to check on two other packs that you came with. The labyrinth. [01:15:07] Speaker E: We sent our warning to Caprini Green. No one else needs to leave. And, yeah, we'll head downstairs. Still got cyber senses on, so you can see it. [01:15:22] Speaker F: Junk carapage. I'm assuming you're holding onto his arm or something as you make your way down that way. [01:15:27] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, I know where he is at all times because of our. [01:15:30] Speaker F: Oh, yeah. Well, but as to, you know, not slip on blood or bodies or anything else. [01:15:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:15:39] Speaker F: Yeah. And you guys see that the entire floor is a bit slippery and sticky with blood. And most of the walls and the maze of the labyrinth have actually been knocked down. There is a slight reddish hue coming from. You can't really tell. [01:16:15] Speaker E: I will call out in the garutongue as I move through here. [01:16:20] Speaker F: Who's here? [01:16:22] Speaker E: Who's alive? [01:16:26] Speaker C: Wait. [01:16:27] Speaker F: Once, twice, three times? I don't hear anything. [01:16:34] Speaker E: I will go towards the red light. [01:16:38] Speaker D: Same. [01:16:40] Speaker F: You do see, Charlie, that there are bodies of humans and wolves, and one person in their kratos form is on the ground, not breathing. [01:17:04] Speaker D: Is there enough light for me to see the person in their kronos form? [01:17:07] Speaker F: You can't. Now. Seems like there was bloodbath down here. [01:17:13] Speaker D: Okay, so we typically shift back to our breed form when we die. So I want to go over and check on whoever this person is, see if they are close enough to alive that I can pull them down back. [01:17:31] Speaker F: Um, I'll have you do reception medicine. [01:17:34] Speaker D: Okay. [01:17:46] Speaker F: Charlie, would you like to do the same? [01:17:50] Speaker C: No, I am. [01:17:51] Speaker E: I am not a. I am not a medical technician. I will, however, if. If there is a dead body down here with a gun, I will pick it up since I am in globuriform now. [01:18:01] Speaker F: Yeah, why not? [01:18:03] Speaker D: Fuck. Nope. No. You know what? I have the willpower. [01:18:08] Speaker F: I'm a fucking theor. [01:18:10] Speaker D: Let's do it. I am down to four. If I can at least. I'll see if I can at least manage to not botch. I get one success. [01:18:27] Speaker F: Um, they are not alive. They are Metis. You can't quite tell what their deformity is, though. [01:18:42] Speaker D: Okay, I am gonna make a note. All Charlie is gonna hear in his head is we have to take the body with. Unless we're burning this place to the ground when we leave. [01:18:55] Speaker E: We can do both. [01:18:57] Speaker F: I mean. [01:19:01] Speaker E: Let'S check out the light then we need to gather up as much id as we can for the gathering. [01:19:07] Speaker D: Okay. [01:19:10] Speaker F: It's pretty eerie and dark in here. Now. I have you guys role perception and awareness. [01:19:22] Speaker D: Yup. [01:19:24] Speaker F: Standard difficulty as you guys do, walk over to the light again, searching around for what could possibly be the power source, as you do believe that you had most, if not all, the electricity spirits try to take down this whole building or its power grid. [01:19:48] Speaker E: Do I get any modification to my difficulty for cybersenses being up? [01:19:54] Speaker F: Not currently. This is not infrared. [01:19:56] Speaker C: Okay. [01:19:57] Speaker D: Just one. [01:20:00] Speaker E: Also one. [01:20:00] Speaker F: Also. Just one. You guys do find a latch. It does take a bit of time when you open it and you hear kind of that, like, air pressure release, as this was probably an airtight room at one point. And this is when you see another body because this room is fully lit. Lit via torches. Well, not torches. Kind of other lights, actually. This is a human with very blonde, very beautiful hair. Honestly, a very beautiful body. All things considered. He is possibly still breathing. It is a little bit harder to tell. [01:21:03] Speaker E: What temperature are they? [01:21:07] Speaker F: Closer to normal. Definitely closer than any kindred with blush of life would have. But it does seem that their temperature is kind of in decline. They might be in shock or something. [01:21:26] Speaker D: I'm gonna look at Charlie. Do you want me to. [01:21:30] Speaker E: I will level my gun at them. Yeah, check them out. [01:21:35] Speaker D: Okay. Before I get too close, I just want to have a look around the room and see if there's any sort of weird culty, magicy stuff going on. Because it's odd to have a room separate from everything else with its own light source and stuff with a random body laying in the middle of it. That's odd. [01:21:59] Speaker F: Yeah, go ahead and roll. Perception. Occult. [01:22:05] Speaker D: Not intelligence. [01:22:08] Speaker F: I will give you intelligence you can have. Creative. [01:22:10] Speaker D: Oh, God. Awesome. Let me use the stuff. I'm good at difficulty. Six. [01:22:21] Speaker G: Should be. [01:22:25] Speaker D: Five successes. [01:22:31] Speaker F: You're not quite sure if there is something cult like going on here, but this does seem to be a chamber dedicated to possibly could have been very old vampire that might have possibly been in torpor here in this body. You might have been defending them or defending this area until the vampire came back. You're not certain which one it is, but it has its own generator and its own grid and everything. Not new. It's kind of old, but it's there. [01:23:12] Speaker D: Okay, well, then I'm gonna drawing and get a look at the body to see if it's super fucked up. Like, is it hurt? [01:23:24] Speaker F: Oh, definitely. There is a gash in this guy's chest. [01:23:32] Speaker D: I'm gonna look at Charlie. Do you want me to heal him? Get answers as to who was here before. This looks like it was a resting place for someone powerful and old. [01:23:53] Speaker E: Much as I might like to, I don't know we have that kind of time. People running away. Someone's called the cops by now. [01:24:01] Speaker D: So we take him with us. They took ours. Why shouldn't we take theirs? At least we get answers this way. [01:24:17] Speaker E: Grab a pillowcase, put it over their head. I don't want them to be able to see or hear anything. [01:24:23] Speaker D: I'll do that. [01:24:25] Speaker E: I will grab our. Meet his friend, and we're gonna get the hell out of here. [01:24:30] Speaker D: Okay. Grabbing a pillowcase and putting it over the person's head. I'm gonna carry them out. I will heal them later. I'm worried about healing them and then waking up screaming. Okay, but we have to burn down in this place, so. [01:24:49] Speaker F: We don't need to grab them out of the sun. [01:24:52] Speaker D: I mean, we want to take the body back so that they're. [01:24:55] Speaker F: They're packing. Yeah. [01:24:57] Speaker E: While JB is getting our prisoner ready for transport, I will go around to every homage who's here and see if they have any id on them so that I can collect names. [01:25:08] Speaker F: Yeah, you do get a few. I'm large or anything. But you do get quite a few. Yep. [01:25:14] Speaker E: And then I will hoist up Midas. [01:25:16] Speaker F: Come on, buddy. Okay. [01:25:20] Speaker E: Glad I'm in Globro. [01:25:24] Speaker D: You want to trade. [01:25:28] Speaker F: Short? Yeah, JD hasn't come out of Krynos yet. Nope. [01:25:33] Speaker D: I am still in Kratos, so I will let him carry the human. I'll take the mettus. I'm at strength six, so I should be okay. [01:25:44] Speaker F: Yeah, you're fine. Pushing some limits, but not as much. [01:25:50] Speaker D: I could give it to eyes when we get out of here. [01:25:52] Speaker A: Fine. [01:25:54] Speaker F: Yeah. [01:25:56] Speaker E: There is a bar on this level, right? [01:25:58] Speaker F: Yes. Are you swiping some alcohol? [01:26:01] Speaker E: No, I'm using that as the ignition source to start the fire. [01:26:04] Speaker F: All right, well, I think we're gonna leave off on that as your pack of eyes in the dark, fang banger jerk. You're a bitch. Oh, my God. I feel like I'm forgetting other d names. So sorry. Oh, my God. BP, please help me. Okay. Fuck. I'm just gonna use their actual names. Twice. [01:26:45] Speaker D: Twice lived. Twice lived in shadow sprinter together, too. [01:26:48] Speaker F: Yeah, shadow spritzer. And twice lived as your pack of five. Fuck out. I am so sorry. To the other players. [01:27:00] Speaker E: We do the slow walk away from the burning building. [01:27:03] Speaker F: Yeah. You do the movie slow walk away from the burning building. You don't look back. [01:27:09] Speaker D: All right. [01:27:11] Speaker F: As we transition to our other three, who are presumably quite a few blocks away. [01:27:18] Speaker C: Yep. [01:27:19] Speaker B: Yep. [01:27:26] Speaker C: So what the fuck is going on? [01:27:37] Speaker A: Well, I. Can I assume you guys have told me what you were told? [01:27:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:27:43] Speaker E: Yep. [01:27:46] Speaker A: I mean, we're gonna go back there and what, get ripped apart by the people we're supposed to be rescuing? I mean, I can't make a phone call. I'm sure Jackson can give us the phone number to the place. [01:28:09] Speaker C: Yeah, it's just. So something's going down. You. You would think that we would have. Do you think we would have been. [01:28:21] Speaker D: Told that we were. [01:28:22] Speaker C: We captured lupine? [01:28:26] Speaker A: No, that was Louden's whole thing, right? Send some lupine to Jackson's place. The Lupines kill everybody, us included. [01:28:36] Speaker C: Right? [01:28:37] Speaker A: You profit now, I guess the real question is, what? We show up with a bullhorn, yell, hello, Lupines. Your friends told us you could leave because it really didn't seem like anybody but them were in charge by the time we left. [01:29:01] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't. I don't know what we're supposed to do about that particular request. I don't. I would really rather not be around any more lupines for the foreseeable future. [01:29:16] Speaker A: Uh, storyteller, I don't suppose, um, mister Jackson has given us a phone number at which we can contact him? [01:29:27] Speaker D: No. [01:29:29] Speaker F: But you would guess. There is a strong possibility that he knows how to contact Eu. You don't know how he would be able to, but there's a strong chance that he could if he felt like it. [01:29:42] Speaker A: Right, but we can't, like, call him and tell him to call his people and let those guys go. [01:29:50] Speaker F: You can go back there. [01:29:53] Speaker A: We could go straight back there. I mean, I don't suspect it's gonna end well for us, but, I mean, you saw what they did to Thornhill. If I don't do precisely what was. What was told, we're gonna have our heads ripped off. I imagine. [01:30:12] Speaker C: Something is going on. Something is going on. There's black crescent moon. I think I need to. I think I need to speak to Nyaga, let her know what's happening. [01:30:35] Speaker A: What if we go, we tell the people, we break out the lupines. Maybe they'll be nice to us. Cause we got them out of there. Whatever might have happened to him, we say, hey, we don't want this war either. Can we please talk it out? It's not. You know what? In fact. In fact, it seems like this war is happening because these lupines got captured, right? [01:31:05] Speaker C: Possibly. [01:31:07] Speaker A: I mean, they show up at the club twice looking for people. One of the one shows up tells, get some people from Caprini Green or kill us. [01:31:14] Speaker C: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Storyteller, did these look like the same ones that, like, these apparently. Like, black spiral dancers at all? [01:31:26] Speaker F: Like, during the attack, neither of them looked like black spiral dancers. [01:31:35] Speaker C: I don't think I have told anyone. [01:31:38] Speaker F: One had a similar coat to the more tarnished, matted. Not too well. Right? And another one. [01:31:48] Speaker C: Right. [01:31:49] Speaker F: Another one looked distinctly clean. Like, clean? [01:31:55] Speaker C: Mm hmm. But none. None that was striking. Like when Inyaga mentioned, like, how the black spiral dancers look. Basically, there was nothing like, they're not. [01:32:06] Speaker F: Black or white or oily. [01:32:10] Speaker B: Okay, well, I guess we can go. [01:32:13] Speaker C: They were two different groups. [01:32:18] Speaker A: Still both lupines though, right? [01:32:21] Speaker C: No. [01:32:22] Speaker B: The first time they showed up at the club, it seemed like they were just trying to cause chaos. It. When I looked at them, it didn't look like they were looking for something in particular. [01:32:33] Speaker C: Okay, I think I've been holding back a little bit of information I got from Naga. [01:32:41] Speaker A: Spit it out. [01:32:42] Speaker C: Um, it kind of threw me off for a bit. But these were a different group because there was no black there. Apparently there's a group similar to the Sabbat when it comes to Lupine. And that was the group that attacked the first knight. [01:33:13] Speaker A: So what, these guys came to clean up the other one's mess? [01:33:18] Speaker C: No. [01:33:18] Speaker A: To get along? [01:33:20] Speaker C: No, it's similar to how we view the Sabbat. [01:33:31] Speaker A: I don't want any of them walking through my mirror. Did we see that one via? I felt like we did, but I might be wrong. Yeah. Walking through my mirrors. If I don't, if I destroy it, like, are they gonna walk through the shot? I'm not gonna worry about it. I'm never gonna. I can't think about that part. Where do we even. What do we do? We just let them walk away? We tell them their friends are. [01:34:01] Speaker F: Jasper. And I have you roll reception awareness. Ren does not need to as he compares. Super freaking good. [01:34:18] Speaker A: A bah chippy three 6oz. [01:34:26] Speaker F: Okay, all three of you hear an explosion go off, and see smoke start to billow up. However, Jasper. [01:34:42] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:34:45] Speaker F: Your ears start ringing quite heavily directly on your left side. This is gonna last for the rest of the scene. [01:34:57] Speaker A: Ah, Jesus Christ. Are we to assume that we see the smoke and hear the explosion in the general direction of the club? [01:35:08] Speaker F: Yes. [01:35:10] Speaker A: Oh. Jasper, like, grabs at his ear and then turns around and sees the flyer. He's like, well, win some, lose some. Yeah, we gotta get them. Their people back. [01:35:31] Speaker B: I guess. Turn it green and see what can be done then. [01:35:39] Speaker A: I didn't seem like there was going to be many people left to talk to, so maybe it'll be a real easy job. [01:35:49] Speaker B: I could use an easy job. [01:35:56] Speaker C: Should you two go and I speak to Enyaga about what's happening? Because a lot of shit's happening. [01:36:03] Speaker A: Oh, uh, Ren, did you. Did you tell us about your, um, the little picture we could draw to. [01:36:10] Speaker C: Stay safe, by the way, uh, it's not a picture. It is. [01:36:14] Speaker A: I like the symbol. [01:36:16] Speaker F: Uh, you can see that on him. [01:36:20] Speaker C: Yeah, right. [01:36:22] Speaker A: I'm just making sure, like, would we be able to. Do we know that that will keep the lupines out of our house? [01:36:30] Speaker C: It just tells you that you are neutral in this. So if you're going to. I'm going to just flat out. So I think if it's Jasper going to mention this. [01:36:38] Speaker A: Well, I am trying to make sure that I know in character and out of character knowledge. So I'm trying to in character. [01:36:46] Speaker C: You know, it would. It's claiming that it is. We are neutral. I mean, that. Yeah, that is claiming that you are neutral. So if you go out and so it's friend find been exploiting that that's when it's going to be one out. [01:37:05] Speaker A: Of problems, but, yeah, I mean, I think if your sire has contacts, you. [01:37:11] Speaker C: Know, we need to. I need to keep them updated about what's happened. Especially if you get that permission. Yep. [01:37:20] Speaker A: Yeah, that seems a smart way of playing this. [01:37:25] Speaker C: Yeah, because I need to. I need to. Uh. Especially with the. I mean, I know we're most likely still going to stay neutral, which I understand, but at the same time, this is bad. Yeah. [01:37:44] Speaker A: It can't keep going this way. [01:37:48] Speaker C: I'm half tempted about going back and checking and talking to them about it, but I need to first talk to her. [01:37:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think they're gonna handle any returned visitors with a smile and some hot tea. [01:38:03] Speaker C: Yeah, you have. So what do you say you two go and deliver the message? [01:38:09] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll go to Caprini green. [01:38:11] Speaker C: Now head to inyaga. [01:38:21] Speaker F: Okay, we're gonna resolve greening green issue first. [01:38:24] Speaker C: Yes. [01:38:29] Speaker F: Candy and red. You guys do arrive at the building. You and that. You and. Oh, my God, my brain is that you and your coterie were at to pick up the prisoners. Mm hmm. You see that? It is pretty darn bloody. Still has the golden ankh painted on the side, though. There's red blood splatters there. Sorry? I said candy and Jasper, correct? [01:39:18] Speaker C: No, but we knew what you meant. Yeah, we knew. [01:39:22] Speaker A: Well, on the bright side, um, no asshole assholes to kick our asses. On the dark side, uh, nose goes for knocking, and Jasper put his hand up. [01:39:38] Speaker G: Uh, candy very much just sort of rolls her eyes, like, walks further into the building and calls out and says, um, I'm sorry, what was the. [01:39:53] Speaker D: What were the specifics of the message that bookkeeper gave us to deliver? [01:40:00] Speaker F: Let the kinfolk go. [01:40:03] Speaker B: Yeah. She just yells out, let the kinfolk go. I think it's in your best interest if anyone's still here. I mean, they're gonna kill us all if we don't, so. [01:40:15] Speaker G: And she'll call out loudly enough for, like, anybody who's, like, still in the building to hear, and then she's gonna walk back out, and she's gonna just start walking away, because Candy is very tired of everything. [01:40:30] Speaker F: Okay. [01:40:34] Speaker A: Jasper, after Candy calls out, are there any signs of life or noise or anything from inside? [01:40:44] Speaker F: No. [01:40:49] Speaker A: We might have to look around, Candy. If they're still in here or, you know, their bodies are, we might know to skip town faster than usual. [01:41:02] Speaker G: Andy sighs and comes back. [01:41:05] Speaker A: Yeah, I will stupidly venture into the building and look around for any kindred or previously kindred or mortals or whatever else. [01:41:19] Speaker G: Candy will also start looking around. [01:41:25] Speaker F: Uh, yeah, you guys see dead bodies and ash and kind of spears and drags in the blood. [01:41:48] Speaker A: Anything alive, any hurt wolves or wolf like things. [01:41:58] Speaker F: You do see a bloody paw print there, but you do, you know, you do see Popper and see the aftermath of what was probably a battle. [01:42:13] Speaker A: Is it a. That is where he carried me situation, or can we follow the paw prints around for a while? [01:42:21] Speaker F: It's a bit hard to, you know, follow. It's a mess. It's a big, big mess. If you really do want to try and follow that, you can roll perception investigation. [01:42:41] Speaker A: What's the worst that could happen? [01:42:44] Speaker F: Botching it? [01:42:47] Speaker A: Well, you know, two for two, which. [01:42:50] Speaker F: Means you would be getting lost in the building. [01:42:52] Speaker A: Three successes. [01:42:55] Speaker F: Would candy also like to try and follow? [01:43:00] Speaker B: Sure. [01:43:01] Speaker D: I don't have an investigation, so I'll. [01:43:04] Speaker G: Just roll perception at, like, a higher difficulty, I believe. [01:43:08] Speaker F: Correct. Same thing as Jasper, though. Jasper should not afford that. I. [01:43:12] Speaker A: Wait, I rolled. I just realized I rolled way too many dices. I don't know what I was thinking. I gotta redo that. Hang on. I'm sorry, everybody. I'm the dumbest man, you know. [01:43:23] Speaker D: One success. [01:43:27] Speaker A: One success. [01:43:29] Speaker F: You guys have a general thing of where the aftermath happened. You could see people were escorted out after the bloody battle. There are guns on the ground next to some of the bodies. Um, otherwise, yeah, it's kind of a mess of pauper, and it's blood, but tracks do seem to lead out the door. So if the kinfolk were here, they're not here anymore. You don't know where they could have gone? They might have gone with the werewolves, but they're. Meaning there could be more kinfolk missing, but you're not certain. [01:44:16] Speaker G: Um, if there's, again, no, like, way of just if, like, the only real sign that they can see, like, from following the footprints, is just that the kinfolk probably made it out. Like, that's gonna be candy's guests, so she's just gonna turn to Jasper and be like. [01:44:37] Speaker B: I mean, I don't think there's anyone living here to deliver a message to, so I. It looks like fair kinfolk, I think, might have made it out. I mean, I don't think any of our kind survived, so. [01:45:00] Speaker A: Okay, let's get out of here. [01:45:03] Speaker B: Yeah, let's go. [01:45:07] Speaker F: That's when you guys do see some cars that are parked outside. There's people in them. They do seem to be minding their business, but they do have the same symbols. The building in the limousine. [01:45:24] Speaker A: This thing hasn't fucking in. Doesn't. [01:45:26] Speaker B: Candy, I. Jasper, I think if one. I'll be honest. If one more thing happens today, I might frenzy. [01:45:39] Speaker F: Mm hmm. Again. [01:45:41] Speaker A: Mm hmm. Jasper's just gonna yell out, please leave us alone. [01:45:52] Speaker F: One of them steps out. We're here to protect you. [01:45:56] Speaker C: Who's we? [01:46:01] Speaker F: Crips. [01:46:06] Speaker A: Grips. [01:46:07] Speaker F: Crips, cruel intelligence or wits street wise. [01:46:14] Speaker A: Crips? As in like the famous street gang? [01:46:17] Speaker F: Yes. [01:46:18] Speaker A: Oh, okay, I'll roll for Jasper. But I wasn't sure it was coming through correct on my end. [01:46:28] Speaker F: Oh, yeah. Candy nose. [01:46:33] Speaker A: Fuck me. One success. [01:46:35] Speaker F: Pretty sure. You know. You know, they're a large gang. You thought they were based out of LA, but apparently they're here. Yeah, um, yeah, he was Jackson. Yeah, we're his game. [01:46:50] Speaker A: All right, cool. Jasper will get closer. You have any idea what down inside, what went down? [01:46:56] Speaker F: If anybody got out, apparently on a need to know basis, according to him, I. [01:47:03] Speaker A: Listen, I'll take it up with him later, but we really need to know. [01:47:12] Speaker F: Don't know, man. It's about my pay grade. [01:47:16] Speaker A: Fair enough. [01:47:19] Speaker F: He treats us good, so we don't ask questions. [01:47:23] Speaker A: Yeah, thanks for the backup, I guess. [01:47:29] Speaker F: Don't thank us. Thank him. Apparently you're valued. [01:47:36] Speaker A: That's nice. [01:47:37] Speaker G: And he's best valued. [01:47:41] Speaker A: For once someone in the city fucking gets it. If he was mortal, he'd tear up a little bit after this night he's had. [01:47:51] Speaker F: With that, we're gonna cut to Wren. Mm hmm. Wren, do you stop by home first to pick up some blood? [01:48:00] Speaker C: Yes. [01:48:02] Speaker F: All right. As you do go by your home, you see the lights are on and you're broken down home. You did not leave them on? No. Better. [01:48:23] Speaker C: I will walk in. [01:48:30] Speaker F: You see. Well, is Charlie in laparo form right now? Yeah. [01:48:41] Speaker E: Yes. Yes, he is. [01:48:43] Speaker F: All right. [01:48:45] Speaker C: You see. [01:48:48] Speaker F: Now more detailed version of the resident. And you see a human next to them. [01:49:03] Speaker A: Ugh. [01:49:04] Speaker C: Son of a bitch. I'm just like. I'm just immediately going for, like, my arms, like, hey, come sit down. I'm going to move to. [01:49:22] Speaker E: You saw how we were. If we wanted you dead, you wouldn't have gotten to come sit down. [01:49:29] Speaker C: All right, all right, fine. Okay. I moved to sit down. [01:49:35] Speaker D: Junkyard is sitting on the kind of broken down couch and just sort of leaning back and popping bubblegum. [01:49:47] Speaker F: And that's when you hear a set of footsteps come out where your kitchen would be, you see, in yaga. [01:49:56] Speaker C: Oh. [01:50:03] Speaker F: Hello. You finally came home too. I've been waiting for a little bit. [01:50:12] Speaker C: It's actually coming by to find you. But, I mean, after coming by for a bit. [01:50:17] Speaker F: But you needed to eat. It's understandable. Mm hmm. She's gonna look at Charlie. [01:50:46] Speaker E: Several of your kind took members of our families. [01:51:04] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, we haven't heard anything about that from anyone around town. Or at least I haven't heard anything about us taken. [01:51:21] Speaker E: But you knew you were any lupine. You knew you were in a conflict with us. There was a. There was a good amount of silver in that glove. [01:51:40] Speaker C: Yes, I understand that. [01:51:48] Speaker F: Silver isn't his favorite thing either. [01:51:50] Speaker C: Mm mm. [01:51:52] Speaker F: You do share that in common. [01:52:01] Speaker C: Always hated it. [01:52:09] Speaker E: Am I talking to someone who can get things done? Maybe. Get this. Okay, two things. There is a spirit, a great spirit was bound into a building in the city. It's been disrupted. We need to rebind it. But for that, we need space, and for that, we need peace. The freakish, freakish weather you've been having. That's him. [01:52:44] Speaker C: Okay. That's good to know. [01:52:46] Speaker F: Which spirit is it? [01:52:50] Speaker E: Jupiter. [01:52:54] Speaker F: You see her gas? Not in an insulting way, but in the way that she. [01:53:08] Speaker E: But in the same way that you have competing interests, so do we. And you stole family. Until those family are returned, there will be no peace. [01:53:30] Speaker C: I look over at Inyaga. You want me to help find this? Where these. Where their family went. [01:53:44] Speaker D: Basically, I suggest you do so that mark isn't going to protect you for long. [01:53:52] Speaker C: I am full on about winning peace as well. [01:53:58] Speaker E: What's your name? [01:54:01] Speaker C: Wren. [01:54:02] Speaker E: I'm Charlie. [01:54:08] Speaker D: Nice to meet you. [01:54:10] Speaker C: Nice to meet you both. [01:54:18] Speaker E: There are much angrier, much older garou who would be perfectly happy to let this war just go on forever until everybody's dead. [01:54:38] Speaker F: Anthea said he was nearly killed when he tried to dispute or try to demonstrate our neutrality. So in the interest of keeping our peace, you will find them. This is an order. [01:55:03] Speaker C: Likely. Can you tell me? Bran just gets a little. Leans over a little bit, claps his hand. Can you tell me everything you know about who was taken and what you know? [01:55:21] Speaker E: Yep. And he pulls a notepad out of his jacket pocket, tears out a sheet of paper where he's written down a bunch of names. [01:55:29] Speaker F: Mm hmm. [01:55:31] Speaker E: These are the people. [01:55:34] Speaker F: It's quite a lot of names. There's about three different families, so large mouth shit. [01:55:42] Speaker C: Do you know what the. Do you know how they were taken or. We came back. [01:55:48] Speaker E: We came back, they were gone. [01:55:51] Speaker C: No hints, nothing like that? [01:55:57] Speaker F: It our kind that take prisoners do not often leave. If they take a prisoner, they expect you to find them on your own. No, I know they are a blood bag, is there? [01:56:13] Speaker D: I mean, the words blood bag get a snarl from junkyard where she sits. [01:56:19] Speaker E: Easy. [01:56:20] Speaker F: My apologies. [01:56:24] Speaker E: Because here's the thing. [01:56:25] Speaker A: I've. [01:56:27] Speaker E: I've been around enough of your kind to know that this isn't normal. Y'all don't just roll up and snatch a whole family and disappear. [01:56:40] Speaker F: One does, though. [01:56:49] Speaker C: I look over it and you're like, I should. What about the first attack on the club? Do we mention what happened there? Did you guys have anything to do with the first attack? [01:57:03] Speaker F: When? [01:57:06] Speaker C: Couple of days was like a couple weeks. Couple weeks ago? [01:57:12] Speaker E: We haven't. No, that wasn't us. [01:57:17] Speaker F: These two and their pack have not been in the city that long. Only a few days. [01:57:25] Speaker E: There haven't been any guru in the city. [01:57:27] Speaker F: We got. [01:57:27] Speaker E: Ran out of the city. [01:57:32] Speaker C: Good. [01:57:37] Speaker E: What did these. You were attacked by werewolves? [01:57:42] Speaker C: Yes, we were. [01:57:43] Speaker E: What do they look like? [01:57:45] Speaker F: There were two viola dancers. [01:57:48] Speaker C: Yep. [01:57:51] Speaker D: Another growl. [01:57:52] Speaker E: Yeah, that one gets a growl for both. Both parties. [01:57:56] Speaker F: Appropriate reaction. [01:58:02] Speaker C: Ren relaxes a little bit, like, okay, thank goodness. But. [01:58:07] Speaker E: And I will mentally send to. To JB. We need to get back to the elders. We're being set up. [01:58:17] Speaker F: Though, unfortunately, there did seem to be some of her tribe there. I don't think. I don't know. [01:58:30] Speaker D: Kinda tilt her head. You'd know better than me. I wasn't here. [01:58:40] Speaker C: I know. [01:58:45] Speaker F: They were not understood. They were not under their own control. I've heard. [01:58:54] Speaker E: Is there something we can do for you to help create a. A better opportunity for peace? Right now? We're asking a lot of you. [01:59:10] Speaker C: I wouldn't. [01:59:12] Speaker E: I wouldn't want you to just do it on the goodness of your heart beating or not. [01:59:18] Speaker D: Yeah. Cause that's so in their nature. [01:59:20] Speaker E: JB. [01:59:24] Speaker F: Ya'Ll. Greg, a little slight chuckle. I like your jokes. Wren. What do you require of them? You are my agent in the field, after all. I cannot appear to be involved with them. You can. [01:59:43] Speaker C: I just need to. I would love to. If you have any idea of what to look for, or if you have any other clues or anything like that, just feel free to get that over to me. And. [02:00:04] Speaker E: Can you track by scent? [02:00:06] Speaker C: That's really not that good, but I'm. We could definitely. I definitely have some. My coterie can help. Definitely help with this situation. They're willing. [02:00:19] Speaker F: Not thought about asking any of the animals around you? [02:00:27] Speaker C: What was that again? Firenze. I'm sorry. [02:00:30] Speaker F: Iaga looks at Wren. She says, have you not thought about asking the other animals around you? [02:00:39] Speaker C: Not really. I haven't. I'm not that good. [02:00:43] Speaker F: You're a damn fool if you don't think you can keep track of their sense by yourself. Ask for help. [02:00:53] Speaker C: I will be. [02:00:55] Speaker F: The animals and humans can help you in ways that you are clearly not thinking about. You're not alone. [02:01:08] Speaker C: You're right. I am not alone. I need to stop reminding thinking I am all alone anymore. [02:01:16] Speaker E: Will you be here, or can you get here at sundown tomorrow? [02:01:21] Speaker C: This is my place, so I will be here. And hopefully I can. [02:01:29] Speaker E: I'll have something FedEx to you. [02:01:32] Speaker D: Don't sleep here. [02:01:35] Speaker F: Would be a very unwise decision. [02:01:38] Speaker C: Okay. [02:01:39] Speaker D: We could find it. They can find it. [02:01:43] Speaker C: I'll find somewhere else, but I will definitely be. I'll come back here. [02:01:51] Speaker F: Okay. [02:01:56] Speaker E: Thank you for helping. [02:02:01] Speaker F: You two might want to run before any of your other kind see you here with us. I might be better regarded than most. [02:02:12] Speaker D: For me. [02:02:15] Speaker F: But it's fine. [02:02:20] Speaker D: Jackyard pulls out a pair of mirror shades and slides them on. [02:02:24] Speaker E: So does Charlie. [02:02:26] Speaker F: I'll have you guys roll your gnosis as you use his windows to step out of here. [02:02:36] Speaker E: What's the. [02:02:37] Speaker F: We'll do. Difficulty five. You're in the city. I think it's supposed to be diff. Seven for regular city stuff. I don't have the exact chart in my many PDF's open right now. [02:02:55] Speaker D: Three. I'm gone. [02:02:58] Speaker F: Incidentally, uh, taking. [02:03:06] Speaker D: Power, then. Jesus. Book. [02:03:14] Speaker E: Hey, look, it's my dice. I can reroll up the three of. [02:03:16] Speaker C: Those in an alternate universe right now. We're just seeing Charlie. [02:03:22] Speaker F: Just. [02:03:23] Speaker D: Can he roll only the ones or just three? [02:03:26] Speaker F: All. All of them. [02:03:27] Speaker E: Okay. [02:03:30] Speaker F: How did you. I. That feels like a statistical anomaly. [02:03:34] Speaker E: Have you met my dice? [02:03:35] Speaker F: I have not. All right. [02:03:37] Speaker C: Have you met. [02:03:39] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:03:40] Speaker F: That's also instant. [02:03:42] Speaker D: We step into glass and we're gone. [02:03:47] Speaker F: Yeah. You see them kind of just step towards your windows and fade away? Nyaga says it never fails to freak me out. Just a slight bit to see them do that. [02:04:07] Speaker A: Yeah, that's new. [02:04:10] Speaker F: You need to be around them more. I used to be around their kind when I was alive. They were decent. Long, long, long time ago. [02:04:31] Speaker C: I will. That's good to know. I will. [02:04:39] Speaker F: Now. You had something for me. What did you want? [02:04:45] Speaker C: Stuff is going down with Kenneth Jackson. He wants to overthrow the prince. [02:04:57] Speaker F: And. [02:04:58] Speaker C: He'S recruited us to help with it. The country. [02:05:06] Speaker F: Okay. [02:05:08] Speaker C: And apparently, I think they think that he has the loop. Has the family. I mean, their family. [02:05:17] Speaker F: He did, though. Not anymore. But he did. As far as I know, Lupine took them out. But there are other fishes missing, right? They want to guarantee the birth of another garou. They are dying out. [02:06:04] Speaker C: They're tying. [02:06:09] Speaker F: There's still large scores of them, just not as much as there once was. Now, what do you need? [02:06:33] Speaker C: I was just mainly coming to let you know about other going on what's been happening tonight, basically, with the whole Jackson situation, and. Well, I mean, I found out all that information that I was going to ask about that, but there was. Oh, that's right. Um, there was a kindred who. Before the attack happened on the club, there was a kindred with a black tattoo with. Of a Crescent Moon. Do you happen to know what that is? [02:07:18] Speaker F: Are you sure they were a kindred? [02:07:21] Speaker C: I thought they were. [02:07:24] Speaker F: All right, well, I'll look into it. There are no guarantees, though. [02:07:32] Speaker C: That's fine. [02:07:36] Speaker F: You should go find the rest of your coterie. Find other places. [02:07:41] Speaker C: Yeah, most likely gonna have to. Yeah, I'll find another place. I think I might actually have up one place in mind, actually, but. [02:08:06] Speaker F: All right. You all like to meet or happen to meet each other? [02:08:17] Speaker A: We haven't had a chance to get that safe house set up. [02:08:20] Speaker F: Uh hmm. You are the one that has domain. [02:08:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I was gonna say probably my place. Nothing else. We have an extra person with blackjack around. [02:08:43] Speaker F: All right, well, I guess we all do meet there. [02:08:46] Speaker C: Yep. And is flashjack around or when we get there or. [02:08:55] Speaker F: He is not at the moment. [02:08:59] Speaker C: Okay. Or is any other. This is just the coterie because I do not want anyone else to hear what I'm about. [02:09:07] Speaker A: No other kindred. Even the ghouls are dead or in hospital. [02:09:10] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:09:14] Speaker C: Well, I hadn't so anything at. Well, I think I know how your guys time went. [02:09:27] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:09:27] Speaker A: There was nothing there. [02:09:29] Speaker C: Yep. [02:09:33] Speaker F: Yep. [02:09:33] Speaker C: They escaped. That family escaped. Apparently so. Um, when I went back, I found in Yaga waiting for me along with two of the lupines that were at the. They were at the attack. [02:10:12] Speaker A: I guess. It's good to see you walking around. [02:10:15] Speaker C: No, it was a discussion. I've officially. We've officially hired on to find the others, the other captives. There's at least there's three families that are currently missing of Lupine, basically. And to keep the peace, I've been sent out to try to find him. [02:10:53] Speaker A: We're trying to find three families in the entire city of Chicago. [02:10:57] Speaker F: Yep. [02:10:58] Speaker C: Because to have peace, we need to have peace, because apparently some spirit is causing all of this shit. And I point outside to where all the weather is happening. That's what's happening right now. Because of some spirit, apparently with the. With these werewolves or with these lupines. [02:11:31] Speaker B: Okay, I won't pretend I really understand. [02:11:35] Speaker C: That, but neither do I. I don't know much about that. [02:11:41] Speaker B: Yeah, I. I guess if we're looking for missing people, I can try to talk to the. If we have, like, descriptions of the people who are missing, I can try to talk to the animals. And that's what the word in the NAS information network. [02:12:01] Speaker C: Try to keep it as discreet as possible, because that's the last thing we need to have, is people knowing that we are trying to find these families, and we don't want. We don't want to go around freely saying this to other kindred. [02:12:29] Speaker B: Okay. Um. I mean, if you have their names, like, maybe if I can get access to a computer, I can try to track what's happened to them. [02:12:42] Speaker F: Mm hmm. [02:12:46] Speaker C: And that would be good, or. Well, I mean, uh, I look at that list of names. Is it, like, of their real names, or are they, like, tribal names? Like, I'm a little bit. This is Jimmy being like, I don't know how society works, mainly. Is it mostly. Is it, like, real people's names? Or is it, like, fang biter and stuff like that? On the list that Charlie gave me. [02:13:17] Speaker F: He would have given you real names. [02:13:22] Speaker C: I meant. [02:13:25] Speaker F: I know. [02:13:25] Speaker D: I know. [02:13:26] Speaker A: Your government names. [02:13:27] Speaker F: Yeah, I know what you're asking. You're just. Yeah, he would have given you the real names. It's. I mean, d names are also real names, but they. If you're asking specifically if they sound like a normal person, and it's just not a d. Like, not plainly, just a d name. Yes, they all do look normal. Relatively lasting, are a bit weird, but to be expected. [02:13:54] Speaker C: But that's. To be expected. That's what I'm just making sure of, basically. But, yeah, I have a list here. I can give you candy. [02:14:09] Speaker B: Okay. Candy will take the list if she's offered it. [02:14:16] Speaker C: Yep. [02:14:17] Speaker B: Okay. Um. I guess. Well, I can head back down to the sewers. When. Whenever we're done meeting. I mean, I offered to let you guys follow me into the warrens, but I don't know if the other Nas would appreciate that. [02:14:35] Speaker C: I. Can I at least come? Because I. I mean, I can obfuscate, and I'm not for sure because I need a. I'm not to go back to my place for now. And don't worry, I won't take up much room. [02:14:58] Speaker B: Oh, it's fine if you come. I guess if other nosferatu have a problem with it, I'll just have to resolve it on my end. I don't know, maybe close your eyes when we walk into the warrens. [02:15:17] Speaker C: Yeah, I will. [02:15:20] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:15:20] Speaker C: Just. You'd leave me there and I'll just keep my eyes closed basically. [02:15:27] Speaker B: Okay. [02:15:29] Speaker C: I'm not that. Trust me, I'm not going to do anything with Danas. [02:15:34] Speaker B: No, I trust you. It's just. I mean, you don't get very far in the information brokering by trusting everyone. I trust you, but plenty of my kind probably don't. [02:15:50] Speaker C: That is fair. [02:16:00] Speaker F: Brent, how's your sunset smell? [02:16:03] Speaker C: I would say it is still pretty since it's good, but it's most. It's. It's not going to be pleasant. I already know it's not going to be pleasant. [02:16:14] Speaker F: Yeah, yeah. [02:16:18] Speaker C: It's because I have the cute senses as well, so it's definitely not. Not going to. It's. [02:16:22] Speaker F: You get one sets. [02:16:25] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. And I. Oh, yeah, that's right. And I have hearing, so. [02:16:28] Speaker F: Yeah. But still pretty bad though. [02:16:31] Speaker C: Yeah, it's still going to be bad. I already. I already know what I'm basically asking. [02:16:35] Speaker F: So is Jasper good? An offer for Ren to stay at his place, or is that just not going to cross? [02:16:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. I, uh, don't get eaten, man. I got a couch. I got a claw. Well, is the living room sunproofed? It is. We established that. Yeah, I got a couch. [02:17:02] Speaker C: Mmm. [02:17:04] Speaker A: Just no loud parties. Curfew at 11:00 a.m. [02:17:11] Speaker C: I might just. I might just take that up. Honestly, just. [02:17:19] Speaker A: I mean, they did show up here with three before, so I don't know how much safer it is. We're gonna have to. We gotta rent a new place with Margo, like toot suite. [02:17:31] Speaker C: Yes. We need, we need a new place. [02:17:38] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. I'm gonna go smash all of the reflective surfaces in my house, starting with, like, the bathroom mirror. [02:17:46] Speaker C: I can confirm they can also. Maybe that's not a good idea. [02:17:51] Speaker A: What's that? Cause I'm taking a hammer in my bathroom. [02:17:55] Speaker C: They also can go through windows. I seen it. [02:17:59] Speaker F: But red? Yeah. I mean, so can I, uh, can you roll indulgence? A culture? [02:18:07] Speaker C: Yes, I would love to. Let's see here. Intelligence. [02:18:16] Speaker F: That's bad news coming up. [02:18:18] Speaker C: Oh, no, I have some bad news. Oh, no. [02:18:21] Speaker F: For Jasper. Not for you. Oh. [02:18:23] Speaker A: One. [02:18:23] Speaker C: One success. [02:18:26] Speaker F: You think they can still get through broken pieces of, like, reflective surface, Jasper? [02:18:35] Speaker C: Yeah, because I hear another crash. [02:18:39] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. [02:18:41] Speaker C: They get, they can. They can still come through another broken piece of glass. [02:18:48] Speaker B: They can also just come through the front door if they really want to get to you. [02:18:53] Speaker A: I sweep all the mirror shards into a plastic bag, open my window and throw it out indiscriminately. [02:19:03] Speaker F: Okay. Um. [02:19:07] Speaker A: At least if they come through the front door, they'll do it loud. [02:19:15] Speaker F: All right, what's your, what's your, what's your sink made out of? [02:19:20] Speaker A: I mean, let me try to picture, like, the generic, like, white matte ceramic that sinks are made of. I don't look at sinks enough to describe a sink. It's, it's not a fancy sink. [02:19:40] Speaker F: I mean, okay, this, this is from my, you know, time of not really having ever been in Chicago. My experience, most kitchen sinks are. [02:19:50] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, my kitchen sink probably is reflective and metal, but Jasper has one, one dot in intelligence. [02:19:56] Speaker F: Okay. All right. [02:19:58] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:19:59] Speaker F: If you don't. Yeah, you wouldn't think of that at all. You totally wouldn't. It's true. Yeah. You know, I think this is a good place, albeit a bit early to call it for the night. I hope everyone had a great night tonight. Thank you so much to BP and book for joining us tonight. Hope you all stay safe.

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