Episode 4

April 08, 2024


S2 Ep4: The Prince Commands

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S2 Ep4: The Prince Commands
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S2 Ep4: The Prince Commands

Apr 08 2024 | 01:34:10


Show Notes

Following attacks on their homes, the coterie has been… requested to do a job by one of the prince’s brood. Or at least, as much of a request as the Sheriff makes to Neonates. With this group’s track record, this job will surely go over smoothly. After all, they wouldn’t want to disappoint the prince, would they?

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Wren - Jimmy Margot
Beaufont - Legacy
Candy - Glamour

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint Art

Commissioned From https://www.instagram.com/killjoyforhire

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience. Our Discord: https://discord.gg/hallowedhavenstudios Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hallowedhavenstudios Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/HavenHallowed Our Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hallowedhavenstudios

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:31] Speaker A: My name is Emerico. I'll be playing Jasper Black to Brujah. [00:00:36] Speaker B: My name is Glamour. I'll be playing candy the Nosferatu. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Hello. I am Jimmy, and I'll be playing Ren, the gang girl. [00:00:46] Speaker D: And I am legacy. I will be playing Margot, the daughter of cacophony. [00:00:51] Speaker E: And I'm your storyteller, Byrons. Well, last night, you all were attacked in your havens. Then you met up, shared some anger bonding moments. Ren went to go talk to his boss about trying to be a liaison between the werewolves and the kindred. She was unhappy with his decision because, as she wanted it to be, the gangrel clan, to be neutral. And trying to be a liaison is not very neutral. You all went back to your havens as you had nothing else to really do for that night. Those of you who took damage from your havens being attacked, you killed, having spent your five blood points. And then you all wake up in the night. Most of you are feeling pretty hungry. Candy, you feed on some of the rats in the sewers without any issues. Jasper, you find somebody at a bar and feed on them pretty successfully as well. Wren, when you were stalking the homeless, you did dig your fangs into somebody and sucked them dry. Your beast rose up, and it's taken over your body. Can I have you roll? Let's see. Dexterity and brawl exterior, brawl. Do not add your specialty. [00:02:48] Speaker C: Okay. Seven. Difficulty six. And actually, I do have to subtract one because I am still technically injured. [00:03:06] Speaker E: You are currently wounded. Actually, wound. [00:03:09] Speaker C: Oh, I'm still technically wounded. Okay. Yep. [00:03:14] Speaker E: If I remember rightly, you had five points and you healed one. [00:03:19] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Yeah. Yep, yep. That's actually hit onto five. All right. God damn. [00:03:33] Speaker E: Oh, um. Go ahead and roll that up for me again. [00:03:40] Speaker C: Roll it again. Three. [00:03:45] Speaker E: Perfect. You lash out at somebody and you do struggle. You try to grab them, but you miss. And then you lunge at them again, and you grab them this time. Go ahead and roll your strength. Add your opponents and reserves strength. Do not minus your dice bowl on this. [00:04:01] Speaker C: Okay. [00:04:02] Speaker A: Four. [00:04:06] Speaker C: Four. Six. Resource of strength. All right. Oh. Oh, no. Five. [00:04:31] Speaker E: Yeah. You brutally maul this person. They are bleeding out, and you suck them dry as well. Can I have you roll? Self control again. Self control unconscious. Actually. [00:04:48] Speaker C: Self control unconscious. Do I subtract dice on this as well? [00:04:57] Speaker E: No. [00:04:58] Speaker C: Nope. [00:04:58] Speaker E: Okay. [00:05:07] Speaker C: Two successes. [00:05:09] Speaker E: Beautiful. And you still feel. Feel your fangs enlarged in your mouth, and they feel big. Like your mouth actually hurts a bit because they are big. It's almost like having the canines of a leopard. Now, Marco, what would you like to do tonight or at the beginning of the night? Oh, and I should say, everyone, please do spend your blood point for waking up as well. [00:06:08] Speaker A: I, um. [00:06:12] Speaker E: Do you need to feed? [00:06:16] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll try to feed. [00:06:20] Speaker E: All right. Seduction, I'm assuming. [00:06:23] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [00:06:25] Speaker E: Go ahead and roll your appearance at subterfuge with the seduction specialty. [00:06:55] Speaker D: Standard difficulty six. [00:07:23] Speaker E: Yeah, you weren't really halfway through on your pool, so you can just fill right up. I'm assuming you're feeding at the club? [00:07:35] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:07:36] Speaker E: All right, everybody else, do you guys go back to your havens after your feeding or do you go to the club? [00:07:44] Speaker C: I'm going back to my haven to have you. [00:07:50] Speaker E: Bran's going back to his haven. Jasper's going to the club. Candy? [00:07:56] Speaker B: Uh, I think. Yeah, I think Candy will go to the club. [00:08:04] Speaker E: Alright. Mask of a thousand faces or unseen presence? [00:08:11] Speaker B: Uh, mask of a thousand faces. [00:08:13] Speaker E: How much bullet points are you spending on that? [00:08:16] Speaker B: I'll spend one. I can be ugly. Candy does not care right now. [00:08:22] Speaker E: Ugly and scarred at the moment. All right, you see Margot and Jasper, you guys see a slightly more deformed version of Candy. A bit uglier than she normally does when she activates a thousand faces, but otherwise, yeah, it's kind of unmistakably candy. [00:08:55] Speaker A: Something get at you, Candy. [00:08:59] Speaker B: Um. I just. I try to do some healing and I just. I'm not. I can't put as much effort into the mask as I usually do. Sorry if it bothers you. [00:09:17] Speaker A: I'll be all right, though, knowing what I know about her type. Don't let Annabelle see you. I guess. [00:09:27] Speaker B: I think very quietly, under her breath. [00:09:30] Speaker E: Candy. [00:09:31] Speaker B: Mother's fucking toreador. [00:09:33] Speaker A: Fucking toreador. [00:09:38] Speaker E: Wren. [00:09:39] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:09:40] Speaker E: You're at your haven, correct? [00:09:42] Speaker C: Yes. [00:09:43] Speaker E: You are getting a call. [00:09:47] Speaker A: Oh. [00:09:48] Speaker C: Right now? Okay. Uh, I'm going to answer it. Hello? [00:09:57] Speaker E: Hello, is this wren? [00:09:59] Speaker C: Yeah, this is him. [00:10:04] Speaker E: This is Bath Azara of the succulents club and loads one of Lodin's brood. [00:10:11] Speaker C: Ok. Ok. [00:10:14] Speaker E: I have a job for you and your coterie. I need you to go to Kevin Jackson's area and go get some mortals from him. [00:10:28] Speaker C: Kevin, jection your shit. [00:10:33] Speaker E: Sorry, what'd you say? [00:10:34] Speaker C: Kevin. [00:10:35] Speaker E: J. Kevin Jackson. [00:10:39] Speaker C: Okay, got it, got it. Thank you. I will. Yeah, yeah, I'll be willing to do it. [00:10:51] Speaker E: All right. Can't get hold of the rest of your group. Do you know where they might be? Uh. [00:11:03] Speaker C: Maybe at the cliff. [00:11:06] Speaker E: What is going on with your voice, sir? [00:11:13] Speaker C: Uh, get angry. [00:11:20] Speaker E: Unfortunate. You and clan. Fine. Go to Kaprini Green. [00:11:29] Speaker C: Guys. Thanks. [00:11:31] Speaker E: Password is daddy. Pop. Okay. [00:11:40] Speaker C: David. Okay. Go. Okay. Oh. Oh. I'll take. [00:11:49] Speaker A: I'll do it. [00:11:50] Speaker C: An hour. Hang up. [00:11:54] Speaker E: A van will be provided. It should be arriving at Jasper's residence right now. [00:12:03] Speaker C: A van is arriving at Jasper's? Sorry. Just. Okay. That's why he. Balthasar said that there's a. I'm sorry. [00:12:18] Speaker E: I. [00:12:18] Speaker C: Completely blank. I am so sorry. [00:12:21] Speaker E: Very good. [00:12:23] Speaker C: So there's going to be a van at Jasper's place where we need to go. Got it. All right. Thank you. All right. And I'll go ahead and get dressed and we'll change out my stuff and then head to the club where I think everyone is. [00:12:42] Speaker E: Do you inform the rest of your cuttery? [00:12:45] Speaker C: Yes. Yeah, I will be forming the rest of the cuttery. [00:12:51] Speaker E: Or the other three. Yeah, you guys are at the club. You see, Balthazar walked downstairs. He is currently wearing his cowboy hat to signify that he is obviously a sheriff. The sheriff for you guys. Oh. There you three. Ari, I tried phoning your places. Couldn't get a hold of anyone. If you have ghouls, you need to fire them. [00:13:24] Speaker A: Uh, to what we owe the pleasure. [00:13:28] Speaker E: The prince has a job for you. [00:13:33] Speaker B: Uh oh. [00:13:34] Speaker E: He needs you to go to Caprini. He needs you. Go to Caprini Green. Find Kevin Jackson and go take some mortals from him and bring them back here. There's a van at your place, and he points at Jasper. [00:13:51] Speaker A: I don't suppose we get to learn any more than that. [00:13:55] Speaker C: Uh. [00:13:56] Speaker E: What was that? Oh. [00:13:57] Speaker A: I said I don't suppose we get to learn any more than that. [00:14:01] Speaker E: No. No, you do not. The password is daddy pop. To get into the stronghold. You'll know it when you see it. [00:14:18] Speaker A: Seems like an elaborate way for Kevin to get his call. Daddy. But I guess I'll do it. I'll leave to go back to my place to get into the free candy van. Is anyone else gonna come with me? [00:14:35] Speaker D: The free candy van? But we already have one here. [00:14:42] Speaker B: Candy looks very awkward whenever, like, the entire time Balthazar was there, she was avoiding eye contact. She just looks like she wants to crawl out of her skin. [00:14:53] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:14:55] Speaker A: Too many jokes about your name, Candy. [00:14:58] Speaker B: Oh, no. I just. I get kind of uncomfortable around the higher ups. Not because there's anything wrong with them. Just because I don't think they like me very much. [00:15:15] Speaker A: It's okay. You're around a brujah. You can say there's something wrong with them. Well, we like you plenty. Enough to make up for, kid. [00:15:25] Speaker B: Oh, thank you. [00:15:32] Speaker E: All right. When you guys go to Jasper's haven, get in the van. [00:15:39] Speaker A: Thank you. I assume we find Ren waiting for us. [00:15:44] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:15:45] Speaker C: Yep. I'm just leaning up against the van, waiting for you guys. [00:15:57] Speaker E: Who is going to drive? [00:16:04] Speaker A: Oh, they sent a van without a driver? [00:16:07] Speaker D: I'll drive. [00:16:11] Speaker A: I got one. Jot in drive. [00:16:13] Speaker D: I've got two. [00:16:14] Speaker C: Got one. [00:16:16] Speaker B: I've got none. [00:16:18] Speaker A: Does celerity let me make maneuvers in the car easier? [00:16:23] Speaker E: Yes. [00:16:28] Speaker A: I think. I think we should let Jasper drive. I'll take us dutifully to the Kaprini green. So, uh, the sheriff said to just bring some mortals, but I have a feeling, um, they're not. They're not necessarily going to like that. What if we bring the wrong mortals? This smells really bad. Pretty fishy. [00:17:12] Speaker C: I don't know. I don't know. [00:17:15] Speaker B: Does Kevin Jackson know that we're taking these mortals, or. [00:17:23] Speaker A: It didn't sound like it. [00:17:26] Speaker B: Okay, great. [00:17:33] Speaker A: What was that? [00:17:33] Speaker D: Ren? [00:17:34] Speaker C: I figured. [00:17:38] Speaker A: I'm driving, I'm concentrating. I need you to. [00:17:53] Speaker C: Look. I hate this. [00:18:10] Speaker D: The camera pans. We just see run looking directly into it, deadpan, hating everything about it. [00:18:22] Speaker E: Yeah. Let's see. Can I have everybody roll reception street wise? Oh, except for Marco. [00:18:33] Speaker D: Why make me roll one down? [00:18:37] Speaker E: That's why. It is going to be difficulty standard, though. [00:18:44] Speaker C: Okay? [00:18:47] Speaker A: Almost a botch, but just a few. [00:18:51] Speaker B: Five successes. [00:18:54] Speaker C: Oh, I did it in the wrong place again. [00:18:58] Speaker E: We'll see which one's better. Feeling slightly generous. [00:19:05] Speaker D: I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna roll my one, die. And then when it botches, I'm gonna cry. [00:19:09] Speaker C: Oh, no, it's. Damn. It's the same. We're good. [00:19:11] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah, there it is. [00:19:17] Speaker E: It didn't dodge, so. No, that's fine. [00:19:21] Speaker D: I'm fine with that. I'm fine with. [00:19:26] Speaker C: So. [00:19:29] Speaker E: Jasper and Candy as the two people who deal with smuggling, you know, sometimes information, sometimes illicit substances, especially for Ren. [00:19:39] Speaker C: Yep. [00:19:40] Speaker E: You guys, I'm sorry, did I say glamour? [00:19:45] Speaker A: You said Jasper. [00:19:46] Speaker E: Jasper. Jesus. Yes. No, I bet. I bet candy. Um, you guys, I. Well, you guys notice as you guys are driving to green. Green. It's up north, closer to your place, friend. It's also known as barons. You two see that there are very obviously gang signs. The closer you get to where you believe the stronghold is more open. Use of drugs, more openly. Prostitutes there. As you guys pull up to the stronghold, guys see a group of people, or, well, you guys pull up to where you assume the stronghold is, and you guys find a group of people kind of sit there waiting. Sorry, five people. They sit there waitingly, somewhat expectingly. [00:21:08] Speaker B: Yeah. Um, I don't. I don't really like this. [00:21:21] Speaker E: Two of them walk up in front of the car of your. Of the van. They're waiting. They both have their pants on their hips. You see the three others still waiting. One of them is holding a bat. [00:21:53] Speaker A: A little down the window. Hey, fellas. Nice evening, right? I think we're supposed to say, uh, daddy pop. [00:22:05] Speaker E: Don't know what you're talking about. Get out of the van. [00:22:09] Speaker A: That's very interesting. And I'm going to spend a blood point, um, to activate presence and be like, you know, I totally see you're coming from, but, you know, we're really just passing through. Guys, you don't have to worry about us for whatever the first one is called. My brain is blank. [00:22:27] Speaker E: Awe. [00:22:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:30] Speaker E: Roll out. An increased difficulty. [00:22:35] Speaker A: So difficulty eight. [00:22:37] Speaker E: Yep. [00:22:41] Speaker A: It probably doesn't count as eloquent, huh? [00:22:44] Speaker C: Nope. [00:22:53] Speaker A: Four successes. That's up to 20. People are affected by my awe. So. [00:23:07] Speaker E: Chuck something real quick. [00:23:09] Speaker A: Oh, man. Imagine if I did have my specialty on that one. Triple tens. [00:23:28] Speaker E: All right. You see their eyes, slightly gloss, and then hold still. I said get out of the car. [00:23:48] Speaker A: All shift my eyes to the other three in the car. [00:23:55] Speaker C: Do they. [00:24:03] Speaker A: Do they give me werewolf vibes? [00:24:09] Speaker E: Reception, awareness. [00:24:11] Speaker C: I was about to ask the same thing. [00:24:28] Speaker A: All these ones, a failure. [00:24:35] Speaker C: May I roll as well or. [00:24:38] Speaker E: Yeah, no. Anyone wants to make sure. [00:24:43] Speaker C: One success. [00:24:46] Speaker B: Oh, roll. But does the difficulty increase if I don't have awareness? [00:24:50] Speaker E: Correct. By one point. [00:24:52] Speaker B: Okay, so what's the difficulty for me then? [00:24:55] Speaker E: Seven. I don't suppose Marco wants to roll, does she? [00:25:00] Speaker D: Fuck it. We ball. I'm only gonna be able to get one success anyway. [00:25:04] Speaker E: You have to. You have two dice. [00:25:06] Speaker D: Oh, right, right. I forgot. Prepare to witness greatness, everybody. [00:25:16] Speaker E: You guys are specifically looking for signs of werewolf on them, right? [00:25:24] Speaker B: There it is. [00:25:25] Speaker A: That's right. [00:25:27] Speaker E: Correct. I'm asking everyone. [00:25:30] Speaker B: Yes. [00:25:32] Speaker E: Okay. They are not werewolves. [00:25:41] Speaker A: I guess I will be the first to get out of the car. [00:25:47] Speaker E: All right. [00:25:51] Speaker B: Candy will get out of the car, but she's going to look at the person who came up to the car and they think she's going to activate quell the beast. [00:26:07] Speaker E: Let's see. I believe that might only affect them if they were to be in a forensic of some sort. [00:26:14] Speaker B: Oh, no, that works on morals as well. [00:26:18] Speaker E: Okay. [00:26:20] Speaker B: When a moralist beast is coward or soothed, she can no longer use or gain willpower. She ceases all struggles, whether mental or physical. She doesn't even defend herself if assaulted, though the storyteller may allow a willpower role. If the mortal believes her life is truly threatened. [00:26:35] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:26:44] Speaker B: I have to roll. Either manipulation plus intimidation or manipulation plus empathy. The difficulty is seven, and it's an extended action requiring as many total successes as the target has. [00:26:55] Speaker E: Willpower. [00:26:59] Speaker B: I think candy is going to very quietly and calmly say, I don't while looking at them. I don't think there's any reason to get so worked up. I will comply. We're just passing through. You can trust us. You can calm down. And I'm going to ask to roll manipulation and empathy and not intimidation. [00:27:28] Speaker E: It's definitely gonna sample there. So. [00:27:34] Speaker B: Does persuasive apply? [00:27:40] Speaker E: Sure, go ahead. Wrong channel. Oh, no, that was something else. Sorry. Cool. They're not quelled yet. Awe doesn't seem to be taking place either. So everyone exit the pan. Ha ha. [00:28:24] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess. [00:28:28] Speaker B: Handy, go out. [00:28:30] Speaker C: Okay. [00:28:37] Speaker E: Everybody is out. Can I have all of you roll initiative now? [00:28:43] Speaker A: Man, I didn't want to beat these guys ass. I've tried so hard to maintain. [00:28:47] Speaker C: I am so sorry. Here. I meant to ask. As soon as I asked what was happening, fire alarm started going off here. [00:28:56] Speaker A: Oh, what is. [00:28:58] Speaker C: So are these werewolves? [00:29:00] Speaker E: Not werewolves. [00:29:02] Speaker C: Not werewolves. [00:29:03] Speaker E: Nope. [00:29:07] Speaker C: All right, rolling initiative. [00:29:09] Speaker E: All right. Oh, damn. [00:29:16] Speaker A: Choose 18. [00:29:17] Speaker E: Does quell the beast only affect one person? [00:29:21] Speaker B: You can only. It looks like you can only use it on one person at a time. Yes. [00:29:27] Speaker C: Okay. [00:29:30] Speaker E: That is enough for me. All right. [00:29:59] Speaker B: Yay. [00:30:04] Speaker E: All right, barely. Just barely. Okay, so as you guys exit the van, you see shadows start to kind of envelop the area. Then a tentacle grows out of the ground of, like, where a shadow is on the ground as someone begins to pull their bat out, almost begin to swing. Three others pull their guns out. Seems that you guys are being attacked. And narco. Jasper rolled the highest. What are you going to be doing first? [00:30:58] Speaker A: Yes. Yes, I am thinking there are many of them. Thus far, I have no indication that these guys are anything or immortal. I'm hungry. Jasper's too stupid to be afraid of the shadows. I think I guess I will. I don't want to. I mean, I know they're pulling guns. Well, no, they're pulling guns. Gonna look at gun violence? Yeah. I want to take my knife and stab one of the gun rulers, ideally in the throat to death. [00:31:36] Speaker E: All right. [00:31:45] Speaker A: No, no celerity shooting eggs this time. [00:31:51] Speaker E: All right? [00:31:53] Speaker A: These ones, man. Two successes. [00:31:59] Speaker E: Go ahead and roll. Your strength plus potence, plus one. [00:32:12] Speaker A: Just to clarify, because it's the daggers. To plus one. No extra damage from the number of successes. [00:32:21] Speaker E: Plus one from the number of successes. [00:32:24] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Two successes. [00:32:30] Speaker E: All right, good to know. Alright, our next person to go is Margo. [00:32:45] Speaker D: How many of them are there? [00:32:47] Speaker E: Five in total. Jasper stabbed one of them. [00:33:02] Speaker D: Cool. Where's the shadow tentacle guy? [00:33:08] Speaker E: They're kind of off to the side. They're still kind of standing next to the building looking a little bit drained from summoning the tentacle. Cool. [00:33:22] Speaker D: Just one moment to look at the power. I'm actually going to hold off on my turn. I'm gonna start connecting with my fugue instinct. [00:34:00] Speaker E: All right. [00:34:02] Speaker D: Which means I forego an action to listen to my fugue. I can still defend myself, but I can't take any other actions I get plus two dice to my next. All right, so Margo looks like she's thinking real hard. [00:34:20] Speaker E: Yeah. Concentrating candy. [00:34:25] Speaker B: I think Candy is going to like, I think one of her eyes twitches just a little bit and she is going to kind of just lose her shit just a bit. And I think she's going to say I am so fucking tired of shit like this. And she can I grab one guy and use him to beat another guy? [00:34:52] Speaker A: Awesome. [00:34:52] Speaker E: Oh, my God. With the amount of potence that you have. Yes. [00:34:59] Speaker B: Sweet. [00:35:00] Speaker E: I'm gonna make you roll strength athletics for it without your. With like. Yeah, actually, no. Yeah. Add your potence for that role. Strength and athletics. [00:35:12] Speaker B: That is nine dice. What's the difficulty? [00:35:18] Speaker E: We're gonna do eight for this. [00:35:21] Speaker B: I can live with that. I will spend a willpower because why not use it or lose it? [00:35:39] Speaker D: Sorry, what's that left? [00:35:41] Speaker E: You got five. And you're sweating will power. Okay. [00:35:46] Speaker B: Use it or lose it. [00:35:47] Speaker E: You have one point left. [00:35:49] Speaker B: Yep. [00:35:50] Speaker E: All right. Yeah. Um, you're grabbing one of the gunmen, beating another gunmen, grabbing one of the. [00:36:00] Speaker B: Gunmen and beating another gunman. Yes. [00:36:05] Speaker E: All right, I'll have you roll your strength this time as well. [00:36:12] Speaker B: Strength plus potence. [00:36:13] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:36:14] Speaker E: Plus four. [00:36:21] Speaker B: What's the difficulty? [00:36:23] Speaker E: Six ones. Don't count on this. This is your damage roll. [00:36:28] Speaker B: Oh, that's only, that's four successes. [00:36:31] Speaker E: Sheesh. [00:36:33] Speaker C: Oh, man. [00:36:37] Speaker E: So they get too bashing. All right, Ren. [00:36:48] Speaker C: Yes. All right. I'm, I am not feeling that much up to it, so I'm just going to, I'm just going to go up and just hit a guy. Not going to pop the claws. Hit a guy. [00:37:12] Speaker E: Let's roll. Three. [00:37:17] Speaker C: Seven minus two. [00:37:19] Speaker A: That's close. [00:37:20] Speaker C: Lives. Brennan's not having a good night right now, guys. [00:37:35] Speaker E: Yeah. You, uh, you don't connect? No. Unfortunately for you, you were attacking a gunman or the one with the bat. [00:37:51] Speaker C: I would have said. I would have gone up against the guy with the bat. [00:37:58] Speaker E: So one of the gunmen is not able to do anything because he's being held and uses weapon. One of them was stabbed. The other just has bashing damage. So we're gonna work off the work off of the gunman who is stabbed first. He's going to shoot Jasper because he got stabbed by Jasper. Oh, shit. Got damaged. Oh. Oh. Oh, no. Yeah. Only three points of lethal damage. Go ahead and roll your soak for that. [00:38:58] Speaker A: Sorry, I got. I went somewhere else, basically. This is too nice. [00:39:03] Speaker E: Go ahead and release stamina for me to soak a gunshot. [00:39:06] Speaker A: Yeah, sorry, I meant mentally. I was doing success, folks. I'm not doing good. I'm at mauled. [00:39:25] Speaker C: Oh. Oh, no. [00:39:30] Speaker E: All right, next gunman is gonna shoot a candy. They have less of dice bowl. Oh. And they miss the person with the bat. [00:39:48] Speaker C: Uh oh. [00:39:49] Speaker E: It's going to attack. Wren, get hit. This is gonna hurt. [00:40:07] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:40:09] Speaker E: For bashing. [00:40:12] Speaker C: And that's gonna be. We'll see what happens when I. [00:40:19] Speaker E: Well, let's see. You are more bashing. Mm hmm. What does that put you down too? [00:40:28] Speaker C: I am going to try to soak this. [00:40:30] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:40:31] Speaker C: Yep. So that's five. I'm fine. I'm fine. [00:40:43] Speaker E: Well, that's not your pool. It's not wound penalties. Or are you spending a willpower to ignore that? [00:40:58] Speaker C: I didn't realize that would also apply here. So give me. I'll reroll that. Two successes. [00:41:11] Speaker E: So you take one point of bashing damage. [00:41:18] Speaker C: I am. Also. [00:41:25] Speaker E: The tentacle is going to try and grab Marco. [00:41:40] Speaker D: Okay. [00:41:47] Speaker E: We'Ll do. So I will have you roll your dexterity and Lennox to try and not be grabbed. I'm rolling. I think I'm doing the right rolls for a grapple. If not, fuck it, we ball. [00:42:10] Speaker B: Fuck it. We ball. Fuck it. We ball. [00:42:15] Speaker A: We ball. [00:42:19] Speaker D: I'm grappled, but that's okay. [00:42:21] Speaker E: That is okay. You're gonna get hurt, though. It's gonna squeeze you a bit. [00:42:28] Speaker D: Not without taking me on a date, it's not. [00:42:35] Speaker E: And I have you roll your stamp knot for soap. [00:42:46] Speaker D: One. [00:42:52] Speaker E: None. [00:42:54] Speaker D: Do ones again. Soaking. [00:42:58] Speaker C: Yes. [00:43:03] Speaker E: All right, so you take two points of bashing because bashing is half for vampires. [00:43:13] Speaker A: Cool. [00:43:18] Speaker E: And leave. It goes back up to Jasper. [00:43:26] Speaker A: All right. I would like to. The person who just shot me, I like to bite them and drain them, but I'm very bad at that. So instead, can I try and, like, disarm them by, like, cutting up their hands and trying to, like, get them to drop their weapon with my knife. [00:43:52] Speaker E: You want to disarm them? [00:43:54] Speaker A: Yes, but I'm trying to. I don't know what the maneuver says in the book, but I'm trying to get away with doing it without strikes. [00:44:06] Speaker E: Okay. I will allow you to use your dexterity. [00:44:15] Speaker C: This is. [00:44:16] Speaker E: This would be a Dex plus brawl roll. [00:44:19] Speaker A: You don't have brawl? No, I'm very bad at brawl. [00:44:24] Speaker E: This is gonna be. It's the same role for biting or disarming, so. [00:44:29] Speaker A: All right, what I'm gonna do in that case is I'm just gonna narrow my eyes. The guy who shot me said, drop the gun, fucker, and traded did dreadgates. [00:44:39] Speaker E: All right. [00:44:42] Speaker A: So that'll be. I just have. Yeah. My charisma plus intimidation with the difficulty of their weight, plus korean. [00:44:57] Speaker E: T. Seven. [00:45:02] Speaker A: Four successes, which would make them, like, run away or in fear or whatever. Or we can apply minus four to the poo. I would like them to run away. Ideally, I'm not performing it as an extended action. This is the way. [00:45:21] Speaker E: This way, they will run away, drop their gun, and start running. [00:45:32] Speaker A: That'll be my turn. [00:45:38] Speaker E: I believe our next person is Margo. What is Margo wanting to do? Wiggle your way out of the grapple? [00:45:59] Speaker D: No, I'm gonna make him drop me. You just have to find the wording for this. [00:46:55] Speaker E: You using dreadgaze or are you doing the doing dreadgaze? [00:47:00] Speaker D: I want this guy away from me. I want him to just drop me and leave me alone. [00:47:07] Speaker E: Charisma, intimidation. Difficulty seven as well? [00:47:18] Speaker D: Well, no, the difficulty is his wits encouraged. [00:47:24] Speaker E: Seven. Oh, damn. Whatever. [00:48:05] Speaker D: Oh, wait, no. I get two extra dice. I forgot. [00:48:09] Speaker E: You do. You can also spend a willpower to reroll that one as well. [00:48:21] Speaker D: Yeah, and I'll spend a reparator with one. [00:48:25] Speaker E: You have three left. [00:48:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:48:29] Speaker E: All right. Yeah. They will also run candy. [00:48:47] Speaker B: So how many guys are left? [00:48:52] Speaker E: Three. One of what? You're holding another. There's one of the bat, and then there's another one with a gun. [00:48:59] Speaker B: Candy is going to use her human battering ram to beat down the other person holding a gun. [00:49:10] Speaker E: All right, brawl. Rank them. Brawl again. Yeah. Roll. Strength and brawl for me or dexameral? Actually, Dex, pretty sure. [00:49:28] Speaker B: Difficulty six. [00:49:30] Speaker E: I. Seven. Still. Really? You're using improvised weaponry? [00:49:35] Speaker B: Okay, technically, two successes. [00:49:42] Speaker E: Wonderful. Yep. Go ahead and roll. Your strength plus your opponents, plus one. [00:49:59] Speaker B: And this difficulty is six. [00:50:02] Speaker C: Yep. [00:50:03] Speaker E: Ones. Don't count on this one for damage. Four points worth of damage. Count. This guy is bad. Yeah, he's still taking two points of fashion. All right, Ren. [00:50:42] Speaker C: Yes. I am still going up against the back eye. Am I correct? [00:50:47] Speaker E: Mm hmm. [00:50:50] Speaker C: All right, let's try this again. Just try to beat him down. Let's see here. That will be 3754 successes. [00:51:19] Speaker E: Wonderful. Go ahead and roll your strength. [00:51:25] Speaker C: And this is. Yep. Strength plus three, plus potence. [00:51:30] Speaker E: And if you haven't been doing so this session, make sure you're using reserves of strength. [00:51:34] Speaker C: I will be using reserves of strength. And do I still minus out for my correct? All right, that's four plus. That's seven. That's. Yep, that's seven. [00:51:57] Speaker E: All right. [00:51:58] Speaker C: Because even if I add two, I will have to subtract two. So that's going to be three successes. [00:52:17] Speaker E: All right. So they take three points worth of ash. All right, well, that guy's gonna hit you back. [00:52:35] Speaker C: Okay. [00:52:36] Speaker E: Oh, wait, no, he gets to soak that too. Sorry. God. [00:52:40] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:52:44] Speaker E: How about dozen? Yay. Um, still at one point, though, because round down. Yeah. Okay. [00:52:53] Speaker C: Vampire. Got it. Right. [00:52:59] Speaker E: But they are going to swing at you. [00:53:02] Speaker C: Okay. [00:53:06] Speaker E: For one. So they're just doing their base amount of damage. [00:53:10] Speaker C: Yay. [00:53:14] Speaker E: Four points worth of bashing. Go ahead and roll your soup. Spend willpower as needed. [00:53:21] Speaker C: Yeah, I am going. I want to spend a willpower so I won't. So I can roll full dice pool. Oh. [00:53:35] Speaker E: Oh, no. Plus one willpower. So that's two successes. [00:53:44] Speaker C: Oh, that is successes. Okay, I thought. Yeah. Okay. [00:53:47] Speaker E: You said you spent a willpower, correct? [00:53:49] Speaker C: Yeah. To get the full dice pool, you can. [00:53:54] Speaker E: Oh, to ignore it. Yeah. Well, you can always spend. No, you can't. [00:54:02] Speaker C: What is it that is best on? [00:54:05] Speaker E: Yeah, you're taking two points worth of. [00:54:08] Speaker C: Wait, am I taking two or am I taking. [00:54:11] Speaker E: They rolled four. Four minus one is three. Down for an even amount is two. [00:54:19] Speaker C: Britney's knocked out. [00:54:21] Speaker E: Yep. [00:54:22] Speaker C: I'm incapacitated. [00:54:25] Speaker E: We'll say. At that point, their bat breaks. Crack it, cross your head, and you go down. [00:54:39] Speaker B: Do any of us need to roll self control for seeing Wren go down? [00:54:47] Speaker E: Jasper definitely does. Candy will as well. [00:55:00] Speaker B: Hey, cake. [00:55:02] Speaker D: Margot's a bit tied up at the moment. [00:55:04] Speaker A: Two sixes. I'm the least frenzied man in history. [00:55:09] Speaker B: What's the difficulty on this six? [00:55:12] Speaker E: Jasper has to roll at eight, though. [00:55:14] Speaker B: Okay, that's a failure. [00:55:17] Speaker A: No. [00:55:20] Speaker E: All right. And Margo is a bit tied up at the moment. Plus it doesn't really fit her nature to worry about the others. [00:55:33] Speaker D: She's the best mom. [00:55:44] Speaker E: Jasper, you're gonna get shot at. Actually, no, it's gonna be candy again. Sorry. Let's see, they are gonna be rolling at. Okay. Oh, shit. Yeah, they really hit you, Candy. [00:56:06] Speaker A: Jesus. [00:56:11] Speaker E: Would you like to dodge? [00:56:13] Speaker B: Uh, yeah, sure, I'll dodge. [00:56:17] Speaker E: You're gonna need to drop the guy to dodge. [00:56:20] Speaker B: It's okay. [00:56:22] Speaker E: Okay. Use the guys roll text. Athletics. [00:56:27] Speaker B: Death athletics is six, and the wolf of difficulty be six. [00:56:32] Speaker E: Mm hmm. Gonna need you to get. Okay for you. It's gonna, uh. I'm gonna. A defender wins, ties. You dodge out of the way. Got you dropped. See? Spends his turn getting up. Tentacle is starting to dissipate. When it comes to your turn, you will be dropped on the ground. So if you're going to do anything else, you're going to need to spend a blood point to roll. Jasper. [00:57:20] Speaker A: Yes. For a moment, my beast tries to get better with me. I sort of shake it off and making sure I know that candy has a guy by his legs and he's using him as a blood. There perhaps was one ran off. One is standing over, ran with the bat. Um, who else is there? There's another one with a gun, like, nearby me, right? [00:57:55] Speaker E: Yep. Two with guns, one with a broken bat. Now, what's your plan? [00:58:13] Speaker A: Yes. Yes, I think I will. Dread gaze one of the gun. Once again, I'm trying to get my eloquent specialty in there. If you guys cannot stop shooting at us and leave us alone, my friend here holding one of your friends, is going to beat the two of you until you are indistinguishable from the concrete. And I'm trying to try and get one of the gun guys to sprint. [00:58:40] Speaker E: All right. [00:58:42] Speaker A: Did that earn my specialty? [00:58:44] Speaker C: Sure. Let's go. [00:58:52] Speaker A: Same difficulties last time? [00:58:54] Speaker E: Yep. [00:59:09] Speaker A: Three successes. [00:59:16] Speaker E: All right. One you were talking to. The one at Candy's feet or the one that's standing on. [00:59:22] Speaker A: Oh, the one that's, like, stood up and. Yeah. [00:59:25] Speaker E: Okay. He'll drop his gun and run off. You have a guy with a broken bat and one at Candy's feet. [00:59:34] Speaker A: It's gonna be my turn. [00:59:36] Speaker E: All right, margo, you were dropped to the floor. You're crowned. You can either spend your turn getting up, not doing anything, or you can split a blood point and try to attack somebody. [00:59:50] Speaker D: While I'm sitting on the ground. I'm gonna activate my fucking siren scream. [01:00:04] Speaker E: Attempting to deafen the sky. [01:00:06] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:00:07] Speaker E: All right, go ahead and roll. What? You need to check what it is again. Do sirens beckoning? [01:00:18] Speaker D: Yep. [01:00:19] Speaker E: Okay, you're gonna be rolling. Manipulation and performance difficulty seven. Cool, cool, cool. And then they are gonna be rolling out a difficulty of your appearance and performance. So difficulty of eight. As long as you get more than one success, you will have this guy stuck. [01:00:57] Speaker D: Jesus Christ. So I also got one success. [01:01:04] Speaker E: You can spend willpower to re roll those ones. [01:01:20] Speaker D: No, no, I'm good. [01:01:22] Speaker C: Alright. [01:01:23] Speaker E: Yep. They shake it off. Unfortunately for you. All right, handy, you're frenzy. [01:01:35] Speaker B: Yep. [01:01:39] Speaker E: The guy at your feet. [01:01:43] Speaker A: You were. [01:01:43] Speaker E: Gonna brutally stomp his head up. [01:01:46] Speaker B: Sounds good to me. [01:01:48] Speaker E: You're gonna be rolling. This is gonna be difficulty five and you're gonna be rolling. Dex plus brawl. [01:02:05] Speaker B: Oh, that's a failure. [01:02:13] Speaker E: All right, well, you try curb stomping, but you miss slightly incapacitated. Would you like to spend blood and to heal your bashing damage? [01:02:25] Speaker C: Yes, I'll spend one point of blood too, because I can only spend one point of blood to heal my bashing. [01:02:33] Speaker E: All right. [01:02:35] Speaker C: Does that heal one or says that heal two? I'm not for sure. I can't remember. [01:02:40] Speaker E: Heals one. [01:02:41] Speaker C: Okay. Okay. At ten. [01:02:50] Speaker E: Guy on the ground is gonna spend his turn getting up. The guy with the broken bat is actually gonna throw the broken part away and run over to. Yeah, he's gonna run over to Jasper, try to punch you, lance a hit on you. Can I have you roll yours? [01:03:34] Speaker A: What the hell? Yeah. Jess was incapacitated. In fact, I know how this works. In five e, I will. I'm assuming that this is bashing and not lethal. Tell me if I'm wrong there. But because of where I was at, that wraps around. So does that mean the lethal I had now becomes ag or am I just asleep? [01:04:11] Speaker E: Are you okay? You are incapacitated. Your lethal does not become ag. It is still lethal and your bashing is bashing. Okay, the only way for lethal or bashing to become ag is if you take more ag damage. [01:04:25] Speaker A: Got it. Cause and five e, if you have like, superficial gaming reps. So yeah, Jurassic is down. [01:04:32] Speaker C: Okay. [01:04:36] Speaker E: Marco. Well, actually you can spot a blood point to bring yourself back up to crippled, but that's gonna be your turn. But then it does go to Margot next. [01:04:51] Speaker A: Oh, cool. I think I would be forced not to do that. Yeah. Then it's my wrist. [01:05:12] Speaker D: I'm gonna try again. [01:05:14] Speaker E: On the voice overhand. [01:05:31] Speaker D: He's got a b, four. [01:05:33] Speaker A: Sorry, virons. Since I am 9th Gen, can I spend two blood points? [01:05:38] Speaker E: Go ahead. You would be up tomorrow. Bear at your beck and call. [01:05:52] Speaker D: And I only have to roll one more before I give them a derangement. So that's my turn. And I'm still on the ground. Marco likes the floor. It's okay. [01:06:09] Speaker E: If you're dressed dirty. [01:06:12] Speaker D: Whatever. I'm not toreador. I don't give a fuck. [01:06:15] Speaker E: Candy, you're gonna try curb stomping again, actually, well, no, you're just gonna try to knee him. So duck swiss brawl diff. Six. [01:06:29] Speaker B: Three successes. [01:06:31] Speaker E: Wonderful roll. Your strength plus your pots, plus two. [01:06:48] Speaker B: Five successes. [01:06:53] Speaker E: Okay. Take one point of bashing sadly. Let's see. Yep. Ren. [01:07:05] Speaker C: Yes. [01:07:06] Speaker E: You are up ish. You are currently crippled. Yes. [01:07:15] Speaker C: Honestly, I might just take another turn to just heal my bashy. Yep. I'm going to split up. [01:07:24] Speaker E: Do you want to split your blood pool and try to punch him? [01:07:29] Speaker C: Yes, I will. I will try to punch him. So what, that's. [01:07:41] Speaker E: Dex plus brawl? Half that. [01:07:47] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:07:49] Speaker E: Make sure your rune modifiers are on there, too, before you split. [01:07:52] Speaker C: So before I split. Okay, so I'm at two dice. Oh. Oh, man. [01:08:01] Speaker E: I believe in you. [01:08:04] Speaker C: One success. [01:08:05] Speaker E: All right. Roll your strength. [01:08:08] Speaker C: And that's four win penalties. [01:08:12] Speaker A: With that brings it down to one. [01:08:14] Speaker C: Because. [01:08:17] Speaker E: That'S the minimum. [01:08:19] Speaker C: Yep. [01:08:23] Speaker E: Make sure your specialty is in effect, though, so just in case, but it doesn't really matter. Yeah, you land, but you don't really punch. It's more of a late flicking of the nose. Yep. [01:08:39] Speaker C: I'm healing that one, though. I'm definitely healing that one. That's just. Yep, that's my turn. [01:08:50] Speaker E: Oh, they're gonna try to punch you now. Oh, sorry. That's not the right role. [01:09:02] Speaker C: Oh, thank you. [01:09:08] Speaker E: Because the one who is holding a bat stuck. The other guy, though, is the gun. Is just gonna try and punch you now. [01:09:18] Speaker C: Okay. [01:09:32] Speaker E: All right. Just gonna give that to you for free because you have fortitude. He does punch you. You do feel it a little bit, but yeah, does not hurt. [01:09:44] Speaker C: I'm still. I'm still not liking it. I'm still not liking taking all these hits. This is the same fun. [01:09:58] Speaker E: All right, Jasper, spend another blood point or are you going to just attack? [01:10:06] Speaker A: I have an interesting idea. Is there such a thing as holding a turn in e 20? Like, I would like to go lower in the initiative this round or every round, if that's how it works. [01:10:21] Speaker E: Sure. You can go lower this round. [01:10:26] Speaker A: Candy or Ren, hold one of them still. I'm thirsty and I want to go after them. If one of them can get grapple clinched and then try to drink once they have the wrap. [01:10:42] Speaker E: All right, that might be stretching the. [01:10:45] Speaker A: Rules a little bit, so obviously, tell me no if you think you should. [01:10:50] Speaker E: Margo, are you going to roll styrene speckling again? Yep. Go ahead. Yeah, I'm not gonna make you roll actually. [01:11:09] Speaker D: Okay, well, hold on. I gotta see how many. All right, I'm at five now. Total successes. He now gets his derangement and you get a derangement and you get a derangement and everyone gets a derangement. [01:11:25] Speaker E: Vampiric bulimia, agoraphobia. [01:11:29] Speaker D: Let's go. Vampire bulimia. Oh, how cursed. [01:11:35] Speaker E: He just starts vomiting up. [01:11:40] Speaker D: Here you go, Jasper. Eat up. [01:11:43] Speaker E: Um, candy, you are going to go. You're going to bite the person that you've been hitting. You're gonna roll Dex brawl. It's gonna be difficulty five. [01:12:24] Speaker B: Hello? [01:12:26] Speaker E: Yes, hi, yeah, my wife. [01:12:28] Speaker B: I got weird for a second. [01:12:30] Speaker C: Okay. [01:12:35] Speaker E: Um, you should roll a ducks. Plus brawl. You were gonna be biting the person you've been hitting. [01:12:41] Speaker B: Okay, difficulty six. [01:12:50] Speaker E: Five. [01:12:55] Speaker B: Successes. [01:12:57] Speaker E: Beautiful. You are going to restore five blood points. This guy. [01:13:11] Speaker C: Okay. [01:13:22] Speaker E: Can I have you roll self control as well now? [01:13:25] Speaker B: Okay, difficulty six. [01:13:36] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:13:37] Speaker B: Do wound penalties apply to these or. [01:13:39] Speaker E: No, not for this. [01:13:41] Speaker B: Okay, one success. [01:13:47] Speaker E: Okay, it's enough to not bleed him dry, but he's definitely torper now. [01:14:01] Speaker B: I think candy, like. So does she come out of frenzy or is she still frenzying at this point? [01:14:07] Speaker C: You would come out now. [01:14:09] Speaker B: I think candy, when she comes out of frenzy, just looks around, looks down at the person that she just bit and is like, you deserved it. [01:14:24] Speaker E: Jasper. You're gonna feed on the other one. [01:14:28] Speaker A: Yes. [01:14:29] Speaker E: All right. He's still kind of stuck in the one position. He's vomiting up blood. But I'll have you roll your strength plus your potence. So two dice actually. Well, because you have your penalties. Just the one and we'll see if you successfully get a point blood. [01:14:51] Speaker A: Oh, well. [01:14:54] Speaker E: How many blood points do you have left, by the way? [01:14:58] Speaker A: I'm currently at eight of 14. Hang on. I'm seeing, I'm trying to remember if. So this is a weird thing because I have the minus two. Can I spend my potence to get an automatic system and I still get to roll one? Die. [01:15:25] Speaker E: You will be spending a blood point to use opponents to get an automatic success. [01:15:30] Speaker A: I guess it's a wash. I guess that doesn't matter. [01:15:33] Speaker E: You can also spend a willpower to ignore your wound. Bonifires. [01:15:39] Speaker A: Lol. I wish I could spend a willpower. Oh, I didn't interrupt you, but it's okay. Nine. I get to swing one. Hunger. [01:15:51] Speaker E: Okay, you get one point of blood. I have you roll your self control, Jasper. [01:16:06] Speaker A: Sorry. Yep, one success. [01:16:09] Speaker E: You also don't believe them. Try. But damn, does it taste good. As the fight ends. You do see a building with a golden ankh on it for Jasper. You do recognize that as the signal for where Kevin Jackson is? [01:16:34] Speaker A: I think we're coming up on the place, guys, as he's saying that, I'll go. I'll spend the bullpoint and close up some more of my wounds. Um, after that, I don't know if that was his guys or just some assholes, but I guess be ready for some new shit once you get it. [01:16:57] Speaker B: All right, more. [01:17:03] Speaker A: I'll park wherever. We won't get towed. No fucking it's not my man. I'll double park it into the sheriff. Petey, get it out of impound, and I'll do it all. Knock on the door. [01:17:17] Speaker E: Um, yeah, you guys knock on the door. We have a little slider open up where head height is. Password. [01:17:30] Speaker A: Daddy pop. [01:17:32] Speaker E: All right. He opens the door, let you guys in. [01:17:40] Speaker A: Yeah. I walk in, assuming there's no guys waiting to jump in on the other side. [01:17:48] Speaker E: Pretty much. [01:17:51] Speaker C: Right? [01:17:56] Speaker B: Handy Watson. Still kind of shaking a little, coming down from frenzy. [01:18:04] Speaker E: The guard leads you downstairs, down another set of stairs. You see a person kind of standing, somewhat delegating, but not using many words. Jasper, you recognize this as Kevin Jackson. [01:18:27] Speaker A: I'll approach. I'll wait until there's a wall where he's like, where do people around? And I'll walk up. [01:18:37] Speaker E: Yeah, some disperse, and there's two guards on his flank. [01:18:45] Speaker A: Hey, Kevin. We were sitting here by Logan to collect some stuff. [01:18:53] Speaker E: He's gonna turn to one of his guards, go get the prisoners, wait there for a couple minutes. If you guys do attempt to make conversation with him, he does not return it. [01:19:10] Speaker B: Andy would not attempt. [01:19:12] Speaker C: Yeah, Ren doesn't want to embarrass themselves even even further. Right now. [01:19:22] Speaker D: I'm too hot to make conversation with him. [01:19:24] Speaker E: I. True. You're too hot to make conversations with those people and wait a few more minutes, and you hear some shots get fired. Jackson turns around, you see one of his guards follow him. You see a few more come out some other doors, and he looks back at you guys and goes, go upstairs and deal with the problem. Or don't. Don't care. And then he'll point out. He'll look at his other guards like, go deal with the problem upstairs. And he leaps. He goes down another set of stairs. What is the group doing? Fleeing. Running. Most of you are pretty damn injured, so I'm assuming that's what you're gonna do. [01:20:27] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm fleeing. [01:20:28] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [01:20:30] Speaker A: The prince is just. I mean, we're gonna get yelled at by the prince. But we showed up. Everyone was full of bullet holes. We leave. [01:20:39] Speaker E: All right. Yeah, you guys leave. [01:20:44] Speaker D: I'll drive the getaway car this time. [01:20:49] Speaker A: Good call. [01:20:50] Speaker E: As you guys begin walking, you do hear sounds of werewolves. And then a tearing of clothes and gnashing of teeth. It's guys leave. You see a. You see a black limousine with a golden ankh painted on the doors. You see it open and you see Kevin Jackson again. It says get in. All four of you. [01:21:17] Speaker B: Again, candy does. [01:21:20] Speaker A: So, yeah, I'll get in. [01:21:24] Speaker D: I'll get in too. [01:21:28] Speaker E: Everyone's jumping off the cliff, I guess. Might as well go to, um. [01:21:33] Speaker C: Fine. [01:21:34] Speaker D: It's fine. [01:21:35] Speaker E: It's fine. Yeah, you guys, uh. Get in. He looks at all four of you. [01:21:43] Speaker A: Oh, no. They're pulling guns. Yeah, I wanted to take my knife. [01:21:47] Speaker E: Sending prisoners here. How you guys pick them up? Do you know why he picked. How do you guys pick them up? [01:21:56] Speaker A: Sounds like he wanted us killed. [01:22:00] Speaker E: Partial. He looks at Ren. Can do. Go on, you two. Tell me. Why do you think he sent you. [01:22:21] Speaker C: More? [01:22:25] Speaker B: Because we're disposable. And convenient. [01:22:32] Speaker E: Closer. [01:22:35] Speaker C: You were disposable. [01:22:36] Speaker A: Hit. [01:22:37] Speaker E: You are disposable, convenient and a threat. You all survived a attack on almost all the havens across the the whole city. On our kind. Your havens were intact and you lived. No casualties. Except for your ghouls. He gestures to Jasper, but he's still looking at the other three. This isn't the first time he's done this before. Alright? This is the first time he's done this. [01:23:21] Speaker B: I think candy just kind of starts hyperventilating and like she's just like. Her hands are like pulling at like the strands of hair that she has because she spent her entire time in the Camarilla just following orders and trying to not be perceived as a threat to anyone. [01:23:44] Speaker C: I'll get close to candy. Just. Just for reassurance. [01:23:58] Speaker A: I mean, if this is how he's trying to take me out, I guess we're playing this on easy mode. [01:24:07] Speaker E: While werewolves have attacked the facility. He expected you to die. There's a reason why he had balthasars and you lot instead of just Balthazar. So Balthazar is an asset? One that he likes. I am the red headed stepchild. I'm the only black one of his brood in the late sixties. 68. Specifically. Loden manipulated a justicar into approving his attacks on all canterate he considered to be a threat because he wanted to be secure in his city. And now that there's a war on with the lupine that if they decide that they want to attack and kill any of us in, as long as the werewolves are in a group, they will absolutely eviscerate us. [01:25:01] Speaker D: Oh, that's why he called the blood hunt on the lupines. He's afraid that the younger ones are going to rip and tear into all of his shit. [01:25:16] Speaker C: Typical. [01:25:17] Speaker E: Really? And dispose him as prince. Very typical. Listen, I intend to wipe out my enemies like a good, proper ventrue via social manipulation and pure bloody murder if need be. My gang has already focused some attempts on getting rid of some others. But I have a favor to ask of all of you. And if you choose to accept it, follow through on it, reward you greatly. You will be my lieutenants. [01:26:00] Speaker D: You sure you want the group of us to be a lieutenant? [01:26:08] Speaker A: That seems an interesting prospect. Speaking of your gang, though, is there going to be Heidi, hard feelings? If those are the guys that we had to, we'll say, move out of the way on the way here tonight. [01:26:22] Speaker E: They are ghouls. It does not matter. [01:26:25] Speaker A: Fair enough. I'm on to see where this takes me. [01:26:32] Speaker E: Do you want to go down in blaze of glory? Or actually, sorry, do you want to die as worthless whelps? Or do you want to be kings? Queens? Do you want to be my perme? Do you want to rule over the city? [01:27:02] Speaker A: I mean, if I get to say fuck you to load, let's do it. [01:27:09] Speaker B: It's just. I just want it. I just want to live. I don't. And Andy's not, like, hyperventilating anymore, but I think she's gone, like, eerily quiet and, like, eerily still. [01:27:26] Speaker E: You will be respected, and you will no longer have to fear the prince or others like myself in higher positions than you. You will be the one in the higher position. [01:27:39] Speaker D: Could I. Could I incite this guy and see if he's feeling true to his word? [01:27:51] Speaker E: Yeah, okay. Perception. Expression. [01:27:54] Speaker D: Uh, could I. Could I opt for wits instead? [01:27:59] Speaker E: Sure. [01:28:00] Speaker D: Okay. [01:28:03] Speaker E: You know the political game. [01:28:04] Speaker D: Yeah. What's an expression? [01:28:08] Speaker C: You said. [01:28:08] Speaker E: Yep. [01:28:09] Speaker D: Okay. Standard. Difficulty. [01:28:14] Speaker E: Difficulty. Five. Five. Okay. [01:28:29] Speaker D: Five successes. [01:28:31] Speaker E: Beautiful. Yeah, he's. I mean, with all of your experience of seeing the others of your, uh. Um. It is brought to my attention that we are all muted. Except for you, my dear. [01:28:48] Speaker D: That's weird, because I have you guys unmuted. Hey, I have you guys unmuted on my thing. [01:29:01] Speaker E: Okay, we'll continue. Anyway, um, yeah, through your time in court, having watched Annabelle and the other primogen and sheriff, he seems to be true. He wants to take. Download him and any of his enemies. Now he's gonna say to all you now, do you want to join me taking down the prince? [01:29:45] Speaker A: Let's fucking get him. [01:29:55] Speaker E: All of you must agree. Unless you want to get, uh, outside. Do you want to be outside? Possibly attacked by werewolves or any spot licks that they want to send after you for having killed a pack. He's looking at the other. The other three of you. Candy Wren. Margot. [01:30:32] Speaker C: Ren is contemplating. Everything does not like loading, especially after what just happened. But it doesn't want to be a part of this, basically doesn't want to be part of it. [01:30:55] Speaker E: So you shake your head now? [01:30:57] Speaker C: I'm shaking my head. No, I'm. I'm good. I want to try to remain neutral as possible. [01:31:11] Speaker E: Do you say that part out loud? [01:31:15] Speaker C: Yes. [01:31:21] Speaker E: My child. It is just against Lodin, you know he doesn't respect you. Or in. Or in Yaga. Help me take him down. Tells me respect any of you. Gangrel. This is not against the werewolves or anybody else. Just us. Kindred. [01:31:52] Speaker C: Fine. I'm in. [01:31:57] Speaker E: A smile creeps up on his lips. Margot. Annabelle's child. Do you want to see her go down? Do you want to rule over the succubus club and all matters of beauty and art in this city? [01:32:21] Speaker A: I. [01:32:41] Speaker D: Can. [01:32:46] Speaker E: You know how the party went. You know she's already faltering. [01:33:05] Speaker D: I don't know if I can. [01:33:13] Speaker A: We can protect you from him, Marco. [01:33:19] Speaker E: Are you controlled by another? Give me their name. [01:33:30] Speaker D: Sorry about that. Everybody think we're gonna pick it up next week due to some major technical difficulties. So everybody have a wonderful rest of their evening and stay safe.

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