Episode 9

November 28, 2023


S1 Ep9: Grand Elusion

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S1 Ep9: Grand Elusion
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S1 Ep9: Grand Elusion

Nov 28 2023 | 02:43:30


Show Notes

The sickness is treated, the Hunters are held at bay, and for the briefest moment, the Coterie wonder if they might have a night off. But the Primogen of the Tremere have other plans. The death of a Sabbat agitator who, when tracked down at last, gives the players a choice that will fracture their fraying bonds. Will their choices lead to success, or is someone going to die? Find out on this finale of The Chicago Chronicles.

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Soraya Sharif - Jazzy
Wren - Jimmy
Margot Beaufont - Legacy
Warren Sawyer - GR

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Art Commissioned From https://www.instagram.com/killjoyforhire

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Tonight I'll be playing Jasper Black, the bruja. [00:00:34] Speaker B: I'm gr, and I will be playing Warren Sawyer, the Malkavian. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Hello there. My name is Jimmy, and I'll be playing Ren the gangrul. [00:00:46] Speaker D: And I am legacy, and I will be playing name, Margot, the daughter of cacophony. [00:00:53] Speaker E: And I am your storyteller. Byrons, welcome to another night in Chicago. Previous night ended with an elder going into infringey, but unfortunately, that was the last eventful thing that happened that night. The rest of you went home, did your thing in a week. The rest of the week goes by for the club. That was while the club was closed, and we began this night around 10:00 p.m. With our very lovely Margot finishing off a music set for the succubus club. There are two men sitting at the artist's entrance and exit of the stage looking at Margot, looking at her face very specifically. Each of them have shoulder pistols on them. The rest of the coterie is generally at the front of the stage or in the back and can vaguely see the two men outside waiting for her. Jasper and Warren are the only two other two who notice the pistols. [00:02:05] Speaker A: Are they giving, like, cop, private bodyguard, gangbanger, thug? [00:02:13] Speaker E: They're given thug. But I'm not aggressive thug. [00:02:20] Speaker A: I'm going to go and stand politely and inconspicuously behind them. [00:02:26] Speaker B: Warren is going to follow when he sees Jasper's moving. [00:02:32] Speaker A: I'll drag Ren if he's within touching distance. [00:02:39] Speaker C: Okay. What's going on? [00:02:43] Speaker B: These guys are arms. You're going to whisper kind of. So. [00:02:51] Speaker C: Nods my head, walks. [00:02:57] Speaker E: Margot. Yeah, Margot. As you're walking off stage, the two men begin to kind of sit up a bit, and one of them stands up as well. Stiffen up a little bit. Kind of like putting on the facade of being more macho than they actually are. [00:03:23] Speaker D: May I help you, gentlemen? [00:03:29] Speaker E: Yeah. Now, we're here because someone needs to talk with you. [00:03:41] Speaker D: Oh, it's me. [00:03:43] Speaker E: Yes. [00:03:44] Speaker D: And who would that be? [00:03:50] Speaker E: Can't really say at the moment. Well, no, I can't. Yeah, I can. The kid wants to see you. My orders are to take you to him. He said you'd realize it was a matter of extreme importance. You got a problem, you got to take it over them. [00:04:09] Speaker D: Storyteller. Do I know who the kid is? [00:04:17] Speaker E: You would probably guess it's the premiere primogen. These are two men who are saying the kid. And if men are saying the kid and they're not talking about your tramir primgen, then there's something wrong? [00:04:38] Speaker D: I don't quite know what I have to do with anything, but very well. [00:04:45] Speaker E: The one that's sitting turns behind him and goes like, oh, yeah, you too. All is he'll specifically point at Warren first, and then kind of like wag his finger between the other two then. Oh, okay, sorry. Go ahead. Gr. [00:05:14] Speaker B: Going to knock. [00:05:16] Speaker E: Okay. The one that's sitting down will then stand up as well. And both of them kind of in a pair, step by step, will walk. Start like walking out, expecting you to follow them. [00:05:35] Speaker A: I'll follow. I'm not going to blow the guy off. [00:05:38] Speaker C: I'll. [00:05:41] Speaker B: Follow. [00:05:42] Speaker D: I'll follow. I won't be happy about it, but I'll follow. [00:05:50] Speaker E: Yeah. As you guys get outside the club, they start taking you down a few blocks. You eventually end up at a playground, and it's very empty. Go ahead. [00:06:18] Speaker B: Could I use heightened senses? [00:06:21] Speaker E: Yeah. Still very empty. All three. But all of you. But Ren know both men have pistols. As you arrive at the playground, you step over the gate that leads into the playground. The area is deserted. Swings sway and creak in the wind while the moon glimpse doly off a slide. You suddenly blink as you realize a boy is sitting on one of the previously empty swings. For a moment, you think the child might be a ghost, but he's wearing a very rather inappropriate blue business suit. And three of you immediately recognize that's Nikolai. Tramir, Primagen. All takes a ever so slightly bit longer. Not by much. Just a few seconds for Margot to realize that it's Nikolai and he is exuding a large amount of power. [00:07:41] Speaker A: Good evening, primagent. [00:07:47] Speaker E: He'll not. One of the men will say. Here they are, Nikki. Be right outside. Call us if you need us. They walk out through the gate. [00:08:08] Speaker A: Are we in trouble? [00:08:13] Speaker E: No. Frankly, I wouldn't have asked any of you to do this if I had much of a choice. Moment. You were here by command and it is wise that you choose to come. Perhaps we all need benefit from this as well. You are relative newcomers, sort of to the kindred of the city. Such. Most of you are abuse to me, as you know, leader of the chamir. At least for here's he'll kind of stand up. Well, he'll get off the swing and stand up in front of you. He's delightfully short for someone who's well over 100 years old. It's strange to see someone this old look this young and this small. [00:09:29] Speaker D: Do we owe the pleasure then? [00:09:33] Speaker E: All right, I guess. To business we shall go. Believe it or not, there was a traitor to the Camarilla in Chicago, and they were once a member of my very own clan. He has fallen under influence of the sabot and is now a danger to us all. He is aware of many of the kindred in Chicago, and they are incapable of stopping him. But you four are unknown to him, even with your fame. He'll actually look at Warren. [00:10:11] Speaker B: Warren will nod, kind of understanding where he's coming, where he. [00:10:20] Speaker E: It is my hope that you can catch him unaware, surprise him and kill him. If you do this for me, you'll have my personal gratitude. More importantly, you will have the gratitude of the primjin of the city. And thanks. And the thanks of the leader of Clan Shamir. [00:10:44] Speaker B: So where would we go about finding this traitor? [00:10:55] Speaker E: Well, he'll pull out a. He'll reach into his pocket, inside his coat, and he'll pull out a kind of neatly folded photo. Her target is a kindred known as Eric. He's only in Chicago for a brief period, so you will have to kill him tonight. I know he commonly visits a bar in the rack place known as the cave. You should seek him there. If you arrive early, an ambush might be in order as to how know him well. Again, it's the photo. It only shows his head and shoulders. There's no actual distinguishing body to this. [00:11:53] Speaker B: Warren will pass that around the rest of the codery so they can all get a good. [00:12:00] Speaker A: Look at it. I do have a question. I know that the camarilla and the Sabat don't necessarily get along, but I thought one of the big rules was don't kill each other. I know you said the primagen are cool with it, but is the prince going to show up at our pavens, knocking on our doors? [00:12:24] Speaker E: Do not concern yourselves with him. This is my problem. I'm hiring you, in a sense, to do this. [00:12:41] Speaker A: All right, fair enough. But who else knows about this between us and your guys back there, about us being here to do the job. [00:13:03] Speaker E: Trust me. [00:13:19] Speaker A: All right? This can easily be done. [00:13:29] Speaker B: It we. The cave. Sounds like a good starting place. [00:13:38] Speaker E: Nikolai will settle back into the swing. Add to those of the chamir that know that you will have done us a great service. We'll have the gratitude of the kind elders as well. [00:13:51] Speaker A: It's good to know. Although I am afraid this might violate your command. To be less interesting. [00:14:04] Speaker E: This is the exception to the rule. [00:14:08] Speaker A: Fair enough. Privilege? [00:14:09] Speaker E: Always. There is always an exception to the rule. [00:14:20] Speaker A: Do you know anything about the cave? Is it a kindred joint? [00:14:27] Speaker E: Are you asking Nikolai? [00:14:29] Speaker A: Well, we are alone in the park, right? Or am I crazy? [00:14:36] Speaker E: No, you are. [00:14:38] Speaker A: Okay, yes, I'm asking Nikolai. I know this guy attends the cave. He shows up, but get some more info about what we're doing, if we can. [00:14:51] Speaker E: He'll look at you in a sort of bewilder state. Okay, look at me. Look at yourself. What are the differences? [00:15:05] Speaker A: I understand that the bouncers won't let you in, but there might be some other info. [00:15:10] Speaker E: How would I know? [00:15:13] Speaker A: You're a primogen. You got eyes everywhere. [00:15:15] Speaker E: According to yourself, I do, but not in that bar. [00:15:19] Speaker A: All right, fair enough. [00:15:21] Speaker E: Don't touch the bars. That's other people's jobs, not mine. Look at the rest of you and Warren. In your mind, you hear in the voice of Nikolai. This time, return alone, and you may have power beyond your dreams. We'll make you one of our own and teach you all of the secrets. Magic of. The magic of the vitae and more. [00:16:17] Speaker B: Aaron's gonna kind of gonna do his best to conceal any sort of reaction at hearing his voice in his head, but he is going to nod, sort of glance around the rest of the coterie. Well, I believe the cave is along State street. We better start heading that way. [00:16:57] Speaker A: All right. [00:16:59] Speaker D: Yes. [00:17:02] Speaker A: Let's head our way there. [00:17:03] Speaker E: Now, as quickly as Nikolai was there, as you guys do say those final words, he's instantly gone. [00:17:12] Speaker A: Oh, man. I wanted to push him on the swings. [00:17:18] Speaker D: That small child has the ability to kill you, bring you back to life and kill you again, and you want to. You're telling me on the swings? [00:17:29] Speaker A: You're telling me that when you're on the swings, you don't want someone to push you? [00:17:36] Speaker D: I wouldn't know. I haven't been on the swing since I was a small girl. [00:17:40] Speaker A: Get on the swing right now. [00:17:43] Speaker C: What? [00:17:44] Speaker A: Get on the swing right now. [00:17:47] Speaker D: We really don't have the time to get on the swing. [00:17:50] Speaker A: We have two minutes for you to remember the joys of being pushed on a swing. Margot. [00:17:56] Speaker C: Maybe another tape? [00:17:59] Speaker E: No. [00:18:02] Speaker A: Fine point of being immortal if nobody ever pushes you on the swings. [00:18:08] Speaker E: Fine. [00:18:09] Speaker D: She's going to go and sit on the swing. [00:18:12] Speaker A: Fuck, yeah. [00:18:13] Speaker E: Is wildly uncomfortable on your hips? It is your hips. [00:18:19] Speaker A: I have solarity and potence. This is the best pushing you've ever seen. [00:18:24] Speaker D: She's going to fall off of the swing. [00:18:27] Speaker E: How controlled is her? Potent. [00:18:30] Speaker A: I'm not doing. Trying to, like, hurt or sabotage Margot. Trying to 360 it or anything. [00:18:39] Speaker E: As much as that is every kid's dream. [00:18:42] Speaker D: 360, Margot. These kids got some weird fucking dreams. I got to stay off the Chicago streets from now on. [00:18:51] Speaker A: That's it. [00:18:55] Speaker D: You get mugged by a kid with a knife. [00:18:58] Speaker A: Spin around. [00:18:59] Speaker E: Yeah, don't worry about kids or anything like that. You got to worry about kids with the swings. [00:19:06] Speaker D: Yeah. Start spinning around on the swing and you actually hear a small yee. All right, fine. [00:19:19] Speaker E: See? [00:19:19] Speaker A: It's nice. [00:19:21] Speaker D: Think that. Quite relaxing, actually. You tell anybody else that I found joy in this and I will snap your neck in half. [00:19:35] Speaker A: Then who will push you on the swing next time? [00:19:37] Speaker D: Well, I mean, I've got Soraya. [00:19:42] Speaker A: Fair enough. [00:19:43] Speaker E: The PG 13. [00:19:47] Speaker D: Okay. [00:19:52] Speaker A: Worse than handholding. [00:19:56] Speaker E: Jasper, go ahead and take a temporary willpower. [00:19:58] Speaker A: Let's go. [00:20:02] Speaker D: My joy gives you willpower? [00:20:05] Speaker E: Margot does not get one. Does. [00:20:08] Speaker D: No, of course she doesn't. A childhood sense of wonder coming back to Margot gets no reward. [00:20:21] Speaker C: All right. [00:20:26] Speaker E: Okay, you guys make your way down to the cave. It's a bit of a CD bar on the outside. And when you make your way in, can everybody roll me a manipulation and etiquette roll eight for Margot and five for Jasper. [00:20:47] Speaker A: Nice. And I'm good at this. [00:20:50] Speaker E: Everybody else is a standard six. [00:20:56] Speaker C: Standard. [00:20:57] Speaker D: Wait, so my difficulty is eight. We must be in anarch territory. [00:21:06] Speaker E: As everybody's entering bar. Wait for. [00:21:12] Speaker C: I realized I put it in the wrong place. [00:21:15] Speaker E: Where did you put it? [00:21:16] Speaker A: Three successes, buddies. It's in the gin chat for the Chronicle. [00:21:19] Speaker C: Sorry, that's my fault. [00:21:21] Speaker E: No, you're good. You're good. As long as I can see it. Just going to wait for margos. You all are entering this bar. You see that this is very. As much as Margot was previously thinking that this is a anarch bar, it's more of a motorcycle gang bar. There's quite a few bikers here. It does kind of resemble a cave in here. Anarchs do frequent this bar, but there's not any in tonight that you know of or that the three of you know of. But Jasper does notice a anarch in there. His name is Horace Turnbull. He's a malfabian as well. [00:22:30] Speaker A: I give him the nod of recognition. [00:22:33] Speaker E: He gives you one as well. As he picks up a chess piece and knocks over a piece on the board of someone who, on the other side, who is a very burly, very muscular, manly man. And he looks smug and happy while the other guy is a little sad and defeated, but still keeping a pretty happy face. [00:23:09] Speaker A: Not this chest shit again. Does the burly man sort of seem like the back of the head on the picture? [00:23:20] Speaker E: The back of the head. [00:23:23] Speaker A: Looking at the picture we were given. If I had to guess what the back of that guy's head looks like. [00:23:30] Speaker E: No, not at all. This. Yeah, very different. And you, Ren, you vaguely hear the burly, mainly man biker guy say, you win again, horace. And he kind of growls a little bit and says, good game. And then he'll, as door closes behind the rest of you, he turns to all of you and says, so what do you want? Roadkills. [00:24:21] Speaker C: What do you want? [00:24:22] Speaker A: Road kills folks can't get a drink. [00:24:30] Speaker E: Okay, Horace will turn to you, give arch his brow a little bit and then walk behind the bar and start pouring a beer. [00:24:45] Speaker B: We were actually looking for somebody. While he pours the beer, Warren's going to set the picture on the. Have you seen him? [00:25:01] Speaker E: The man's a bit of an associate. Him I know you. I don't. There's nothing like a game of chess to learn about a guy. He'll gesture to the other side of the table for Warren to sit there. [00:25:21] Speaker B: I never say no to a good game with chat. [00:25:35] Speaker E: So this is going to be a extended and resisted action. I like you to roll and this is probably a skill you won't have. And if you do, I will be very impressed. Can you roll me? Intelligence and wits. Sorry, intelligence and chest. That's what I meant. Intelligence and chess. [00:26:08] Speaker B: I do not have chess. [00:26:11] Speaker A: Who could see that coming? [00:26:13] Speaker E: No. It's such a strange. [00:26:15] Speaker D: The chess players. [00:26:22] Speaker E: Difficulty six. [00:26:28] Speaker B: Two success. [00:26:31] Speaker E: So I want you to keep a total of that. I'll have you make the same roll again. We're going to try to get this up to twelve, but we're going to alternate this. You move your pawns, you move your pawns, he moves his pawns and he immediately after a couple of turns, he starts taking a couple of your pieces as well. Taking a couple of your pieces and you make some moves and they don't really come to any fruition until. And he ends up taking some of your some more pieces of yours anyway. And you make your moves again and it's kind of. You take his bishop and his rook. You have very few pieces left. And you leave yourself open for an. Leave yourself open to have your king taken. And he says checkmate, as he has two other chess pieces surrounding your king. [00:28:01] Speaker B: Not my finest performance, but good game, Horace. [00:28:11] Speaker E: How many total successes do you have? Four. It you'll look at the rest of the group. Do any of you want to try? Try and win everyone else's intelligence? [00:28:54] Speaker A: I don't suppose there's a trial by combat option. [00:28:58] Speaker E: Oh, well, we'll kind of stand up. And he's a good few inches taller than you, and he is packing a lot more muscle than you do you want to fight for this? You can also learn quite a lot about how some. From someone, from how they fight. [00:29:30] Speaker A: I'll reach into my pocket, retrieve the knife, assume the position. [00:29:39] Speaker C: No. [00:29:41] Speaker A: Hey, that's how I fight, man. [00:29:44] Speaker C: Then, Jasper, if you don't mind, if you don't feel comfortable without your knife. [00:29:51] Speaker A: Go for it. [00:29:52] Speaker D: Run. [00:29:54] Speaker C: Just. This comes up and just pops his. [00:30:02] Speaker E: His arms are now crossed and he's giving quite angry stare at Jasper now. And he's looking at you, and then he looks at you, and one of his eyebrows arches. Confused? Really? [00:30:21] Speaker C: Really. [00:30:26] Speaker E: He'll look over your shoulder, and behind you is Horace. He'll kind of whisper in your ear, assuming that you know Jasper the same way I do. Watch yourself. [00:30:41] Speaker C: Nod my head and I just start. I just get in a fighting position. [00:30:56] Speaker E: All right. The rest of the men and a couple of women around this bar circle around you. And they've decidedly pushed Jasper out of the circle. Everyone else can be in the circle but Jasper. Now. [00:31:19] Speaker A: Listen, I know what I'm good for. [00:31:25] Speaker C: Ren just chuckles a little bit, just being like, man, it's been a while since I've had this type of fight. [00:31:32] Speaker E: The bigger man will crack his knuckles and he'll move for a swing. I will give you the chance to dodge, if you would like. [00:31:46] Speaker C: I'll just. Do you know what? No, I'll take on the. I won't dodge. [00:31:55] Speaker E: You'll take the dodge? [00:32:00] Speaker C: No, I'm not dodging. [00:32:01] Speaker E: You're not dodging? You're just going to take it on the face? [00:32:04] Speaker C: Yes. [00:32:05] Speaker E: All right. It. All right. Can you roll your soak, please? Are you going to use fortitude? [00:32:20] Speaker C: Yeah. It comes with me. So it's stamina plus fortitude. [00:32:27] Speaker E: I will give you the chance to not use it to make sure that you don't break the masquerade. [00:32:33] Speaker C: Okay. I thought it was just like something that I'm just naturally tougher, not ahead. [00:32:41] Speaker E: You are. But I will allow, for the purposes of the events, for you to turn off solarity and potence and stuff like that. [00:32:50] Speaker C: Okay. If that's the case, then I will definitely turn off potence. And I will turn off my potence and I'm going to leave up my one dot of fortitude. I think it just. [00:33:14] Speaker E: Do you have potence? Because I am seeing protein. [00:33:18] Speaker C: I do. I have a new sheet up. [00:33:23] Speaker E: Yes, you did. I forgot that you sent that. That's on me. [00:33:27] Speaker C: That's okay. [00:33:28] Speaker E: One. [00:33:29] Speaker C: I only have one point of war, too, so it's not like I'm. [00:33:32] Speaker E: No, I see the fortitude, but the potence is two dots. Okay. [00:33:37] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm turning off potence. That's the one part I do not want to break. [00:33:45] Speaker E: All right, roll what you need to. [00:33:48] Speaker C: All right. And that will be four dice and difficulty. Six, one success. Ooh. [00:34:07] Speaker E: He is unfortunately strong. [00:34:10] Speaker C: Yep. [00:34:12] Speaker E: This is gonna hurt. What is bad, though? You're gonna take one point of bashing damage because it gets divided by two. Yes. Okay, so. Sorry. Two points of bashing damage. Failures don't count. [00:34:28] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that's right. Failures don't count. [00:34:30] Speaker E: Two points bashing damage. You can feel your. As he lands this punch in your face, do you feel your jaw, like, ever so slightly crack a bone might have broken in there. Something small, though. [00:34:49] Speaker C: I'm just going to wipe my mouth. I'm just like, my turn. And I'm just going to go straight for a gut shot. For a gut shot, if that's okay. [00:35:12] Speaker E: Yes. Sorry, I didn't realize you're asking for permission or are you actually aiming? I forgot that's the thing. [00:35:25] Speaker C: Yeah, just like full on after I get socked. He's taller than me, so I'm just going to go aim for it straight for his gut. [00:35:37] Speaker E: He is definitely taller than you. [00:35:43] Speaker C: So dexterity brawl, is that correct? [00:35:46] Speaker E: Yes. Dext brawl for a punch. [00:35:49] Speaker C: Okay. Since I'm not hurt at five and six. [00:35:55] Speaker E: What? Your fist lands in his gut and he flinches back slightly and then kind of pushes in a little bit, just like, oh, that's actually not as bad. [00:36:19] Speaker C: Oh. [00:36:24] Speaker A: While the crowd is riled up and we're fighting, can I get a good seat with a vantage point to try and catch Kevin if he walks in? Oh, God. Say, what was the name? [00:36:40] Speaker E: Eric. Eric. [00:36:41] Speaker A: I don't know where I got Kevin. I don't know where I got Kevin. [00:36:44] Speaker D: I did meet Eric, Eric's twin brother, one who's been missing since the great War. What great war? That's for me to know and for you to find out. [00:36:58] Speaker A: Both of them. [00:36:58] Speaker E: Exactly. And he goes to, like, ever. So you're too close. As he kind of tries to comfortably move his arm, but he's not really able to because you're just a little bit too close. He kind of just whips it right past you. [00:37:24] Speaker C: Okay. And if he's down further, I'm just going to aim for another body blow against him. All right. See what happens. Four successes. So will reserves the strength play into this by the way. [00:37:53] Speaker E: Yes. [00:37:53] Speaker C: Or for the damage. Okay, that's going to be what, three plus four? Seven. Oh, man. [00:38:07] Speaker E: Seven dice. And if you have your specialty too. [00:38:10] Speaker C: Yeah, that's three successes. [00:38:27] Speaker E: Two successes tragically as humans. No, three. [00:38:33] Speaker A: The one. [00:38:33] Speaker C: Failures. [00:38:34] Speaker E: Failures, failures don't count. [00:38:35] Speaker A: Oh, sorry. [00:38:36] Speaker E: It's damage. [00:38:41] Speaker A: This time. [00:38:41] Speaker E: He does actually flint that flinch back and we're like, oh, shit, that actually kind of hurt this time. And he'll smirk a little bit. Finally. Good stuff. He is going to try socking you again. Okay, Lance's fist in. [00:39:04] Speaker D: I would like to point out the entire time, Margot is watching, looking very entertained. [00:39:10] Speaker E: Yes. [00:39:15] Speaker C: All right, so defense. [00:39:21] Speaker E: All right. [00:39:23] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:39:26] Speaker E: That is three bashing. So actually, sorry, that's one bashing. [00:39:34] Speaker C: Bashing. Okay. [00:39:38] Speaker E: Round down. All right. Yeah, he lands his fist in right in the kind of in that same spot and you just hear that click go even a bit further and just like, oh, yeah, it's definitely broken now. [00:39:54] Speaker C: Let'S see. I'm going to punch him in the mouth to see how he likes it. [00:40:00] Speaker E: Yeah, he's kind of like leaning over to get this punch in. Definitely exposing his face. [00:40:08] Speaker C: Four successes again. [00:40:12] Speaker E: I realize you can't reclap, but I clap. [00:40:18] Speaker C: Seven. [00:40:24] Speaker E: So that's going to be your seven dice again. [00:40:27] Speaker C: Yes, seven dice. [00:40:28] Speaker E: Your seven dice. [00:40:29] Speaker C: Two successes this time. [00:40:32] Speaker E: Successes. You definitely feel like you, I mean, you might have chipped tooth, but isn't really hurt. Doesn't really hurt him at all. [00:40:54] Speaker C: All right. [00:40:55] Speaker E: He spits out a little bit of like blood in his mouth. Just tiniest fleck. Is anyone low on their blood pool, by the way? [00:41:10] Speaker D: No. [00:41:11] Speaker C: Might have been. No. [00:41:15] Speaker A: I think Jasper has like, most of it. [00:41:17] Speaker E: Okay. All right. Yeah, he's kind of still kind of. This is like, he's still kind of like his side is hurting a little bit from that first body blow and. [00:41:32] Speaker C: I'm going to go straight in again to his face again. Going to take advantage of this. Oh, baby, this time. [00:41:45] Speaker A: Let's go. [00:41:51] Speaker C: This time it's going to be eight size. [00:41:52] Speaker E: It. [00:42:02] Speaker C: Is three successes. Come on. You got to be joking me. [00:42:15] Speaker E: He's a lucky motherfucker, I'll tell you that. [00:42:18] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, he is. He's also lucky. I'm not using potent as well or else he. [00:42:25] Speaker E: Exactly. [00:42:26] Speaker C: He would be dead or not dead, but. [00:42:30] Speaker E: Oh, and as much as you hit him, he hits you and he's going to actually get it. Like he's going to stomp on your foot. [00:42:38] Speaker C: Oh, ow, that hurts. Okay, I it. [00:42:47] Speaker E: And you don't take any bashing damage from that kind of step on it. He steps on it and kind of looks a little confused of like, wait, you're not hurting. [00:43:04] Speaker A: Do a lot of. [00:43:06] Speaker C: Do a lot of running. It hurts. I am going to flinch like it did hurt a little bit, but then I'm just going to go straight in for another gut punch. Same area where I hit him before. Type area. [00:43:28] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [00:43:30] Speaker C: Come on, come on. Three successes again. [00:43:48] Speaker E: It really starting to hope that he doesn't soak this same. This is just say, hey, all right. He's at the same level of entry as you now. [00:44:06] Speaker C: Yes, he is. [00:44:11] Speaker B: Okay. [00:44:15] Speaker E: All right, so he is going to try stomping again on your foot. Only got the one successful. You only need to succeed rough and you feel like part of your bone, part of one of the bones in your foot. Break a little bit. You know, your detail will mend it. But now this guy's a little tougher than you initially expected. So it's becoming to be a lot now. [00:45:02] Speaker C: All right, let's try to end this quickly. [00:45:09] Speaker E: I am potent. [00:45:12] Speaker C: No, I'm just saying that to myself. Just saying like, I want to end this quickly. [00:45:20] Speaker E: And everybody is cheering around you. [00:45:25] Speaker C: All right, this time without four deaths because that hurts. [00:45:30] Speaker A: Can you mend doing your turn and still attack? [00:45:34] Speaker C: I don't want to break the masquerade. That's a problem. [00:45:36] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, good point. Good point. I was thinking it might be internal but. Yeah, that's fair. [00:45:41] Speaker E: It's a bit internal but also a fair thing to be limping about instead of pretending that instead of actually being. [00:45:51] Speaker C: Fine, I might start doing. But we'll get there when we get there. Two successes. [00:46:04] Speaker E: Swirl your five dice six hot. So I make that six? Make that six dice. [00:46:14] Speaker C: Okay. [00:46:24] Speaker E: Wonderful. It. [00:46:28] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:46:30] Speaker E: As you land your punch, he kind of stumbles back into people and he's like, all right, kid, you got good muscle on you. You don't look like it, but you do. [00:46:48] Speaker C: I will like into my shirt, I will spit. Definitely some blood that was most likely pulling up in my mouth. [00:47:00] Speaker E: That'd be more of a blush of health. [00:47:04] Speaker C: Really would be. [00:47:06] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:47:07] Speaker C: Okay, never mind then. [00:47:08] Speaker E: I thought it was, but his mouth is definitely covered of blood. As you've landed a good amount of face it, that last face, it really hit up hard. [00:47:22] Speaker C: Yeah. I will go up to him and then I will shake his hand just to be like, that was a good fight. [00:47:35] Speaker E: He'll kind of like pull you in for the furrow hug and kind of lift you up a little bit. [00:47:43] Speaker C: I'm surprised by it, but it's just. So now that you uphold that end of the bargain here. [00:48:01] Speaker A: Do you know him? [00:48:05] Speaker E: Yeah, Eric was in here earlier this evening about an hour ago. Sprang for a few drinks, did a few tricks, shot the shit for a while and then took off. Said he had to meet a friend. Mean, an old friend of his down in the loop 1130. It's the section of Chicago sometimes known to kindred as the hive. And then he'll add. Then he did that, like, regurgitating razors trick, you know? Damn, the company is good. I never have figured out how he gets all those razors on that barbed wire. He'll kind of like. He'll motion to horse and go like, hey, can you get everybody here drink on this guy and me, but one for this guy, too? [00:49:05] Speaker C: Just raise up my hand and just pump it up a little bit. Yeah. Just sharing with everyone. Basically. [00:49:22] Speaker E: He first, will first give the beer to you. And then he'll start serving to everybody else. Are you going to drink it? [00:49:46] Speaker C: I wish I would, but. But I know I'll just throw back up. That's the only problem, actually. My jaw is pretty much shot, basically. Right. [00:49:58] Speaker E: A little bit. You could roll a self control roll. [00:50:02] Speaker C: Or courage. [00:50:03] Speaker E: I'll accept the courage. [00:50:06] Speaker C: Yeah. I will do the pushing in this game. I'll try to drink it if it's with courage. [00:50:20] Speaker E: Yeah. We'll keep courage for now already. [00:50:25] Speaker C: Okay. All right. Three successes. [00:50:32] Speaker E: You swallow it down and it sits there. You could feel this need to throw it up, but you're able to stuff it down for a little while. [00:50:41] Speaker C: Yep. [00:50:54] Speaker B: What time is it now? [00:50:57] Speaker E: It's around eleven. [00:51:01] Speaker B: Eric was going to be at the loop 1130, correct? [00:51:04] Speaker E: Correct. Thank you. [00:51:07] Speaker C: Do we know how fast it will get to the loop? [00:51:12] Speaker E: It'll take about 30 to 45 minutes. [00:51:20] Speaker C: All right. [00:51:20] Speaker A: You probably need to do a sippy before we go get into any altercations, right? [00:51:30] Speaker C: A little bit, possibly. I am running a not low, but. [00:51:38] Speaker E: We'Ll need check to see how much blood it takes to heal dashing damage. I think it's like probably one to two ratio. [00:51:47] Speaker C: Yeah, possibly. Okay, let me look. [00:51:52] Speaker E: I. Apparently it is one to one for bashing damage. For bashing and legal. [00:52:22] Speaker C: Okay. It's one for one. Ooh, yeah. I would definitely be needing. I will. Yeah. Definitely needing to get something to drink later tonight or before we do anything. Because I'm running a little low. If I heal at least three, especially with us going up against. [00:52:56] Speaker E: Believe you're wounded, correct? [00:52:58] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm wounded right now. [00:53:00] Speaker E: Okay. [00:53:02] Speaker C: So if I want to at least get you bruised. It would take three and I would be at five. [00:53:09] Speaker A: I could give you some vite to hold you over. I don't have like a ton. But you are a brutal right. So we don't want you going and starving. [00:53:23] Speaker C: I would have five. Left them with possible protein. [00:53:30] Speaker D: If you want, you can take some of mine as repayment for giving some of yours to my baby. [00:53:44] Speaker C: You're going to call that in? [00:53:49] Speaker A: You'd be the one calling it in, right? [00:53:52] Speaker C: No. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You know, what do you want? Yes, very much so. [00:54:02] Speaker E: Okay. [00:54:03] Speaker C: I would very much appreciate it. [00:54:05] Speaker D: She's going to roll up her sleeve. [00:54:10] Speaker E: Okay. I'm going to presume this is probably in the back of the. [00:54:16] Speaker C: Alley. No. [00:54:19] Speaker D: Sorry, I don't like to have fun in public. [00:54:25] Speaker A: Not that kind of establishment. [00:54:26] Speaker D: I'm a bit more classy than that. Take me to the back alleys like any good, you know. We're going to stop right there. [00:54:36] Speaker E: Jimmy, can you first regain a blood point? Second, I need you to make a self control roll. [00:54:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:54:47] Speaker E: Depending on how this goes, Margot, I might need you to make a strength roll. [00:54:51] Speaker D: Okay. [00:54:52] Speaker A: Oh, shit. [00:54:53] Speaker C: Okay, let's control. [00:54:58] Speaker E: Delicious. [00:55:00] Speaker D: Mako. Tastes extra yummy. [00:55:04] Speaker E: It's got a special brand of sparkle. [00:55:10] Speaker C: She's a good vintage. Oh, no. [00:55:13] Speaker D: Very good vintage. [00:55:16] Speaker E: Hey, so that strength roll. [00:55:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:55:22] Speaker E: I suggest maybe spending a willpower just being at your sheet. [00:55:27] Speaker A: No. Be bound to Margo. It's only a level one blood bind. It's okay. [00:55:33] Speaker D: I think that the strength check is to make sure that he doesn't diopolarize me. [00:55:40] Speaker E: We can pull him off, take more than necessary. So, Chubby, let's have you regain three. Margo, you were going to lose three. [00:55:48] Speaker D: Okay. [00:55:50] Speaker E: But you do have an easier time of feeding. [00:55:53] Speaker D: Yeah, fair. I'm hot and in a room with desperate people. So, you know. [00:56:02] Speaker E: What do you want. [00:56:03] Speaker D: Me to roll for? Difficulty. [00:56:07] Speaker E: For the strength? Can you roll? [00:56:11] Speaker D: Well, I feel like he should roll to keep latched on and I need to roll whatever to beat that. [00:56:19] Speaker C: That's scary. That's scary for me. That's scary with me. That's a problem. [00:56:25] Speaker E: It is a bit scary. Can you do your strength? Brawl difficulty seven. Not because of the dot that you're missing for brawl. It's just standard difficulty seven at the moment. [00:56:40] Speaker D: Okay. [00:56:41] Speaker C: Standard difficulty. Okay. [00:56:44] Speaker D: For both of us. [00:56:47] Speaker E: For you. I'm not going to have to payroll. [00:56:50] Speaker C: Okay, thank goodness. [00:56:54] Speaker E: That's enough. So it is just going to be the three points as you do. Open your wrist and start beginning to feed. Ren, you do feel him latch at first, and then you feel his teeth sink into your wrist. That's when you know to push him off sharply and strongly with your own hand. [00:57:18] Speaker D: All right, big boy, enough. [00:57:20] Speaker C: I'm sorry. Didn't mean to take that much. [00:57:25] Speaker A: I'm sorry. [00:57:26] Speaker D: Yes, well, now I'm going to go feed before I get bad and she's going to just lick her. Oh, wait, no, wait. Actually, she can't. She's just going to hold her wrist out to him again. Now lick it. [00:57:45] Speaker E: Oh, my God. Noise. I'm sorry. [00:57:52] Speaker D: I can't lick it clean myself. Hold on a minute. [00:58:02] Speaker C: I lick the wounds. [00:58:08] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to go take a cold shower and think about literally anything else now. Thank you. [00:58:17] Speaker E: For the sake of time, we're just going to have you feed immediately after. Can you roll your appearance, performance or subterfuge? Whatever specialty you decide to feel as well? [00:58:31] Speaker D: Yeah, sure. I'll roll my appearance and my subterfuge with my seduction specialty because that's how I. 98% of the time. I know. She's so saucy. [00:58:43] Speaker E: I mean, I should also say throw in an extra die as well, because you do have two specialties. [00:58:49] Speaker D: Yeah. Fair. [00:58:55] Speaker E: Margot is just the sexiest lady alive. [00:58:59] Speaker D: Of course. [00:59:03] Speaker E: Next to Annabelle. At least that's what Annabelle wants to believe. Oh, God. Hold on. You put difficulty seven, it should be difficulty six, first off. [00:59:20] Speaker D: Okay, never mind. Okay, I'm dumped. So that's 1234. That's four successes. That's a lot better. [00:59:27] Speaker E: That made me panic. [00:59:29] Speaker D: That made me cry. I keep forgetting that. Standard difficulty for vampires. Six. And it's seven for scion. [00:59:39] Speaker E: Yes. Seven for scion. Six for every other world of. Could get your. You can get four blood points back, which should be all that was taken, plus one. [00:59:56] Speaker D: Yes. Yummy. Snack time. [01:00:02] Speaker E: This is why we make sure to check our roles. [01:00:07] Speaker D: What do I know? What do I know? [01:00:11] Speaker E: Not a lot. You can't see a lot either from. [01:00:15] Speaker D: Blind, dumb and hot. [01:00:20] Speaker E: That's like all the best quality. [01:00:22] Speaker D: I'm like every frat boy's wet dream. [01:00:28] Speaker E: Oh, Lord. Okay, presuming that you guys go back in or to mingle a little bit more. To mingle a little bit more and feed a little bit. Can people make wits, investigation or a cult. Or a cult. Ren, I want you to do this at difficulty five, as you know Chicago. Actually, everyone make this at difficulty five, as you all know, Chicago. I'm so sorry. The only person who wouldn't is soraya. [01:01:23] Speaker A: Mine'S one higher because I don't have any investigation. [01:01:25] Speaker E: But that's two successes or occult. [01:01:42] Speaker D: Wow. All of us are collectively sharing the same one brain cell. Yeah. Warren's in another field. [01:01:49] Speaker E: Warren has to the brain cell and it is working so freaking hard. [01:01:53] Speaker D: God, Warren, share it, please. I'm begging. We're struggling in the street. [01:01:59] Speaker C: I might have a vampire concussion. That might be what's happening. [01:02:04] Speaker E: Um, so you got, you remember that the person you were hunting was a tramir. You would also gather the fact that they, since they are tremere, that they are interested in magic or cult stuff. And there is a place in the loop known as ye old magic shop with an e at the end. So shop E. [01:02:43] Speaker B: Warren's kind of going to try to gather the codery around. Come on, come on, come on, this way. I think I have a good idea. [01:02:52] Speaker E: You also know that you also remember that there are some very strange occult stories from this shop and that the owner might be affiliated with mysterious Magi. [01:03:14] Speaker B: Will just very hurriedly try to kind of lead everybody along as best he can. [01:03:25] Speaker D: Okay. [01:03:31] Speaker B: We haven't got all night. Let's go. [01:03:36] Speaker D: E old magic shop. We're really lacking on the creativity when it comes to the names of these places. [01:03:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:03:47] Speaker B: Where else would you find a tramier? [01:03:50] Speaker D: The library at their house. Did premiere go out? [01:03:57] Speaker C: Obviously the old bookshop that is like two blocks down. [01:04:04] Speaker A: They do go to. [01:04:05] Speaker D: Yes, right next to ye old bodega right there. [01:04:10] Speaker E: As you make that joke, you arrive, it's across the river, and you arrive at the shop. And it's a battered old storefront. It has antique woodwork decorating the outside. And it honestly kind of looks like it's out of the late 18 hundreds. And it's open and the lights are a bit dim, which is a bit strange. It is about midnight now. Little passed. [01:05:00] Speaker C: Could we tell that? Does it say, like closed or anything like that, or does it still say open? [01:05:08] Speaker E: The sign on the door says open. The lights are still on inside. You can see like the shadow of a man in a curtain. [01:05:22] Speaker B: Warren will step inside. [01:05:37] Speaker C: Anyone else? [01:05:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I go in. [01:05:43] Speaker C: Is it okay if I delph in using office gate to? [01:05:52] Speaker E: Yes, but I'm actually going to have your role for this. [01:05:55] Speaker C: Yeah, that's fair. That is fair. [01:05:58] Speaker E: Is going to be your decks and stealth with your specialty, difficulty eight. [01:06:07] Speaker C: Okay. Will daredevil play part of this? Making sure? All right, that's edge. Okay. [01:06:33] Speaker E: You get the feeling that there is a mystical. Something mystical is blocking your ability to activate a somewhat mystic power. Of the VTA. You get the sense that any attempts of using disciplines might be a little bit more difficult. [01:06:55] Speaker C: Okay, that's good to know. [01:07:03] Speaker E: And everyone else is going in, though, swinging on Confirmation from our lovely Margot. [01:07:15] Speaker D: Yes, I'm with them. [01:07:18] Speaker E: Okay. The inside is a dust filled relic of a bike on age. All kinds of magic props sit on shelves. They're colorful paint just penetrating the hue of time. It's a maze of head high shelves and bins filled with close up tricks and old books of magic. There's a counter towards the back with an antique cash register on it and a curtain and a curtained doorway behind it, and as you enter, a man looks up from where he was, apparently where he has been, apparently browsing through a book bin. He's wearing a rumpled white suit, blue shirt, and, odly enough, a battered pair of tennis shoes. He has straw fedoria perched on his head and camera and tape recorder slung around his neck. He looks all of you over, and before either of you can do anything, there's a muffled womp behind the curtain. A thick billow of smoke then pours out and you hear coughing and wheezing. A withered old man staggers out, thumping his chest and still coughing, and he looks up and sees you and smiles sheeplessly. Sorry for the noise, spoke folks, he wheezes. And at my age you tend to forget things. I'll have to remember to use a little less flashpatter, but I am the proprietor of this lovely establishment, Walter Dent, Esquire. What can I do for you folks? The guy by the book bin kind of mumbles something and then begins dicking again, and he looks at all of you, kind of expectingly waiting. [01:09:18] Speaker B: Good evening, Mr. Dent. We were actually just here. We heard a friend of ours named Eric was maybe going to be dropping by. We were just wondering. He's going to pull the picture from his jacket and show that as well. [01:09:38] Speaker E: Eric? Eric. Me. [01:10:02] Speaker A: I'll follow him. [01:10:02] Speaker B: Yes. [01:10:03] Speaker E: Sorry. Okay. [01:10:06] Speaker B: Hesitantly follow. [01:10:08] Speaker E: Hesitantly follow, yes. As you guys walk back past the curtain, you find yourselves in a small hallway of two doors, the low hazel smoke stove filling the corridor. Old man takes out a key and unlocks a door on the left and ushers you in. This is a very large back room. It's empty except for two items, a circle on the floor and a brazier in the middle of it. So in any case, gentlemen and ladies, to business. Let's be honest with each other. I'm no novice, and I know you will point to each and every one of you what you are. You're creatures of the night. And I am an expert in the magic. And it doesn't matter what the nature of. Doesn't matter what's the nature of my clientele? Maybe you've heard of me and maybe want some research done. Maybe you're a curious gawker. What's the story? [01:11:20] Speaker A: We have some business with the man we're asking after. Seems like the sort of place you might frequent. Seems like an interesting place in general. Well, with the old timey spelling. [01:11:36] Speaker E: Well, yes, it's. It's a bit of an old store. Such. And Ren. He's not going to say your name, but. Ren, I need you to roll your perception alertness with your specialty. Difficulty six. [01:12:00] Speaker C: Perception difficulty 16. Success. Man, I'm not doing hot on the. I'm not doing hot on the perception stuff tonight. [01:12:26] Speaker E: That's okay. You hear the rewinding of tape and slight squeal that it makes you look outside. You see the man who was previously by the book bin is now outside, kind of like smacking the side of his tape recorder. Just kind of going like, shit, shit, shit. [01:13:05] Speaker A: What's going on? Oh, sorry. It's not me. [01:13:12] Speaker C: I'm going to head towards that noise, to the sound of the. [01:13:24] Speaker E: He'll kind of like, look up at you very sheepishly. And you see him fumbling and trying to put it back to where it was letting go of. And it's kind of hitting his chest and it's just going, no, I was about to record some thoughts, my own thoughts. Out loud. Yes. [01:13:56] Speaker C: Are you now? [01:14:01] Speaker E: His eyes bulge a bit as they kind of do the whale eyed thing that dogs do. Yeah. Yes. I am a private detective and I am just making some casual observation notes about this place, as I had a. Yes, a client. I had a client. Their partner. Yes, their husband. Yes, their husband. Their husband comes here quite a lot. So I was making some notes about this place. [01:14:53] Speaker C: And this is 1991, so I can't just look back at what he took or anything like that. Like Actual or is this like. [01:15:05] Speaker E: No, it's a tape recorder. [01:15:14] Speaker C: May I see? May I see? We're trying to look for someone here. Did you see anyone come in or. [01:15:24] Speaker E: No, only been here about 15 minutes. Yeah, 15. And no, you may not. This thing, Nicole, kind of like, hold it against his chest. [01:15:40] Speaker C: Now, can I tell that he's possibly lying? [01:15:46] Speaker E: Oh, he definitely is, without a doubt. Well. [01:15:57] Speaker C: I'm not for sure here, because it sounds like to me, you are not being cooperative at all here. And we would very much like to help, but at the same time, what would you like to know here, so we can be able to get this issue resolved so we can find our person. So may I please see that tape recorder? [01:16:26] Speaker E: No, I will just leave. [01:16:38] Speaker D: Reggie, please. [01:16:46] Speaker E: I'm assuming you're using your bosoms. [01:16:49] Speaker D: Yeah. Kane might have given me the supernatural powers, but the one thing that he couldn't give me, the one thing that God did, was the power of good looks and persuasion. [01:17:11] Speaker E: Kane will remember this. [01:17:14] Speaker D: I'm sure he will. [01:17:19] Speaker E: He's just gonna. He's gonna look at Margot. I'd rather not. [01:17:29] Speaker D: Bit to me. [01:17:34] Speaker E: Can you. This is a new one for you. Can you roll your appearance and intimidation? [01:17:42] Speaker D: Yeah, I can. [01:17:44] Speaker E: Not that you don't have dots in intimidation. It's just saying I don't think you've rolled intimidation so far. [01:17:50] Speaker D: Right, yeah. [01:17:54] Speaker E: Don't think anyone has rolled intimidation so far. [01:17:58] Speaker A: I did it once. [01:18:00] Speaker E: Oh, I have bad memory. That's okay. [01:18:04] Speaker A: Like against the guy where I said a bad word and you said that bad consequences are going to happen because of it. [01:18:14] Speaker D: I am going to spend one. Oh, wait, no, never mind, never mind, never mind. I can't do that. [01:18:21] Speaker E: Really? Hoping a willpower to. [01:18:24] Speaker D: Yeah, no, I can't rouse to add dice. [01:18:31] Speaker E: But you can get an extra success if you spend a little power, though. [01:18:34] Speaker D: Yeah, that's not happening. [01:18:38] Speaker E: I can hope one day we'll be able to get you down to zero. [01:18:42] Speaker D: Yeah. Until then. [01:18:52] Speaker E: It. Three successes, not that you needed it. He's gonna very. He's very scared. And he'll kind of, like, very quickly take it off, and you kind of, like, see a. Like a business card kind of, like, fall out of his sleeve. It says, like a wire service Reporter on it. Everybody can see that. As he hands a tape recorder to Margo. See? [01:19:28] Speaker D: Isn't it fun when you're cooperative in a group effort? You can leave now, but you can leave now. [01:19:45] Speaker E: He'll scurry out of there. [01:19:51] Speaker D: Ego boys. [01:19:54] Speaker C: Give it to Warren. [01:20:04] Speaker E: For once, Ren is a little flustered again. I mean, for once. [01:20:12] Speaker D: For once, multiple times a night. [01:20:16] Speaker E: Okay. After you dealt with the reporter, you headed back. You went back into the room, and Mr. Dent says, well, now that we're done with that distraction, what would you like to know? [01:20:45] Speaker B: We're really just looking for our friend. [01:20:51] Speaker E: Friend now? Really? Previously, he was not. So when you were looking, he was not your friend. [01:21:10] Speaker B: Go ahead. [01:21:11] Speaker E: Do you have a picture of your friend? [01:21:16] Speaker B: Nod and pull the picture from his jacket. [01:21:23] Speaker E: No, I am sorry. I do not know anything about this fine person. [01:21:29] Speaker B: It seemed like he's fine. [01:21:33] Speaker E: His tone of voice did change. [01:21:40] Speaker B: I'll sort of narrow his eye. Are you sure you've never seen him? There's nothing we could do to maybe help you remember. [01:22:03] Speaker E: He'll look at you. What do you think could apply me. [01:22:10] Speaker B: Warren's turn to seduce people? [01:22:15] Speaker D: Yeah. That's my boy. [01:22:22] Speaker B: Well, I can't say I know you, but name your price and I'd be happy to do what I can to help you. [01:22:30] Speaker E: That's not how this is going to work. [01:22:35] Speaker B: I didn't think it would be that easy. Well, we all have a degree of respect in the circles we run. With which I know. You have mentioned you have some knowledge of. [01:22:54] Speaker E: Yes. You're kindred, right? Kindred. [01:23:01] Speaker B: I'm just kind of going to look at the rest of the code. [01:23:06] Speaker A: Depends on who's asking. [01:23:12] Speaker E: Well, your kindred politics do not impress me. And you trying to, I don't know, Lord over whatever respect you have with the other kindred is not going to work for me, with me or by me. Next. [01:23:38] Speaker B: You come up with money. If that's your alley, I'm not thinking it is. But sometimes the obvious answer is the correction. [01:24:00] Speaker E: Can you roll and try to give you a not terrible dice pool? Oh, I really don't even have to. Okay. Actually, I'll do that first. He shakes his head at the idea of money, and he'll. Where his jacket is, like, looking very flat and tight against his check. He'll reach in, you see his hand, and you'll see him start pulling out what might be a deck of cards at first. And you see it's kind of longer and longer than. It's a little bit longer than a deck of cards. And you see him pull money out of his jacket. Money. He'll fan it out, and, you see, become quite large is not an issue for me. Do you have knowledge? If you have something to tell me, that I can tell this person. Yes, I do know him, and I know where he is. If you have something to tell me, I will let him know. [01:25:19] Speaker B: Warren, can we take a moment to think on a message for him? [01:25:28] Speaker E: It depends. Is this going to be a message of warning, or is this going to be a message of caution? [01:25:41] Speaker B: I'm not aware of anything he has to be cautious about. [01:25:46] Speaker E: Can you roll me? Manipulation. Subterfuge. Difficulty 17. Okay, well, if it is word of caution, I will just tell you where to go. It's not that far. And he's currently where you all often hang out. [01:26:33] Speaker B: Where am I going to nod? Well, that it is. A word of cock. We have reason to believe that this city has recently become unsafe for our friend. [01:26:58] Speaker E: Well, he's down at your club where you all gather so often. So much. [01:27:14] Speaker A: Succubus club. This guy's just running us all around the city. [01:27:25] Speaker E: If you were quicker, you would already be there. [01:27:31] Speaker A: Yeah, well, sorry that we still enjoy some playgrounds. [01:27:36] Speaker E: I'm sorry, what? [01:27:38] Speaker A: Don't worry about it. [01:27:52] Speaker B: Thank you very much for your time. Warren's going to start heading. [01:28:00] Speaker D: Let's get out of here. [01:28:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:28:08] Speaker E: As you guys do go into the front section of the building, you do see the front door open up for you. Much like what happened at the premiere house, it is happening here. Boom. Takes you about half an hour to get to the club. It's about 01:00 a.m.. Now, the club is more raucous than when you left a few hours ago. And there's a new band on stage now, not as beautiful sounding as Margot's music, but they're playing full blast. And there are now dancers all over the floor. Warren and about to say Margot. But Margot won't be able to succeed. The role. [01:29:25] Speaker D: Margo, the special type of blind. [01:29:29] Speaker E: I'd like that. You know what? I'm already about to ask. [01:29:32] Speaker D: Of course I do. [01:29:34] Speaker E: Can Warren and Jasper and to. We're just going to leave Margar out of this role. Can I have you guys roll? Perception and awareness. [01:29:44] Speaker D: You can already see it in Margo's eyes. The elevator music's playing quite literally. [01:29:50] Speaker C: Perception. Awareness. [01:29:53] Speaker E: Yes. No specialty. This is based on sight, okay? [01:29:57] Speaker C: Oh. Not alertness, just awareness. Okay. [01:30:00] Speaker E: Awareness. All right. [01:30:03] Speaker B: Difficult time. [01:30:04] Speaker A: Four successes. [01:30:08] Speaker E: Shit. [01:30:08] Speaker B: Two success. [01:30:21] Speaker C: Two successes. [01:30:22] Speaker E: Wonderful, wonderful. All but Margot. Yeah. [01:30:34] Speaker D: Make fun of the blind chick. Yep. Very fun. [01:30:39] Speaker E: It barely takes much. It doesn't take but a second for Jasper to notice that one of the people on the dance floor is the man from the photo. The other two takes you a couple of seconds. And as all of you lock your eyes on him, he locks his eyes on. Oh, shit. [01:31:11] Speaker A: I want to try and dance through the crowd to get closer to them without making a scene. [01:31:20] Speaker E: I'm going to love this role. Can you make appearance and performance difficulty? Six. [01:31:28] Speaker A: You got it, hot boy. Summer. Incoming. Three successes. Damn, you botch. Or one, rather. [01:31:46] Speaker E: You start making your way over. You start dancing over and he's looking at you, giving you a strange look but somewhat understanding. Is anybody else making their way over and are they dancing? [01:32:04] Speaker C: I would actually like to just stay on the outskirts, but use officecape to just keep a tracking eye on him in case he decides to book it. [01:32:16] Speaker E: And you're using the second level, correct? [01:32:19] Speaker C: Yes. [01:32:21] Speaker E: So you end up finding a bit of a. You struggle to find an empty corner, but you do find one in the end. And you're kind of like sitting there waiting and watching and kind of sticking to the edges, avoiding people. Um, whenever it comes to another perception awareness, to see, I'm going to have you roll at a higher difficulty. [01:32:55] Speaker C: That's fair. [01:32:58] Speaker E: Margot, you see Jasper dance off into the crowd, over to what you think maybe looks like the guy from the photo, but you just can't really be certain at all. [01:33:13] Speaker D: I'm just here for the vibes. [01:33:16] Speaker E: Good Vibes, man. Yeah, they're rock vibes. You're dancing spectacularly. Not going to have you roll because your role is stupid high. [01:33:31] Speaker D: To me. [01:33:36] Speaker E: And then Warren, what are you going to do? [01:33:40] Speaker B: Warren is going to wait a little bit until after the others disperse and maybe even go over to the bar or something. They'll keeping an eye on him before eventually going and trying to dance towards. [01:33:57] Speaker E: All right, so Jasper, you make your way up to Eric. [01:34:06] Speaker A: Sort of moving along, and I want to talk in a loud enough that he can hear me, but the people around us won't. Hey, man, do you mind if we could go have a conversation elsewhere? [01:34:25] Speaker E: He sort of perks up at you and he studies you intently for a moment. Then he gestures for you to sit at the table with him as he is kind of right by a table, but still near the dancing crowd. [01:34:46] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll sit down with him. We're like. We aren't. I'm not right next to Nikota members, right? [01:34:58] Speaker E: No, not at the moment. [01:35:01] Speaker A: Hey, so your reputation precedes you a bit. Anybody warn you about us coming? [01:35:12] Speaker E: He kind of ignores you for a second and reaches into the air and produces a half dollar, twirls it through his fingers and looks you over. And eventually he says, greetings, fellow kindred. Friend of mine has called from a business you visited earlier this evening. Sure you know the one said you were looking for me. Give me your description. You are quite a unique character and well, you have found me. Perhaps you seek me at the of boy mage Nikolai. You do realize you will be ill used. He seeks to see me destroyed. The threat he believes I pose to the tramir clan as tools. He will discard you after you have served your purpose. However, you have no doubt chosen your own fate. What is the fate that you wish for me? [01:36:25] Speaker A: My fate that I wish for you is to talk a little bit. Fact is, I've been doing a lot of dirty work for these Camaria pricks and I'm not a friend. Are mortals hearing us virons? I'm not trying to breach the masquerade for this company. Okay, cool. I'm not a friend to the sabot. And if you can tell me honestly that that isn't really what you are, we can make it look good, right? I'm not trying to do the dirty work for the privaggen for no good reason. I'm tired of it. They disrespect me, they don't pay me what I'm fucking worth. So if you can be honest with me and tell me that you aren't going to cause any problems in my city, that you aren't going to murder anybody, make any messes, breach the masquerade. It doesn't have to go down like that. [01:37:18] Speaker E: I'm just going to make sure. Warren, you did say you were going to grab a drink at the bar and then walk up to him, to Eric? [01:37:25] Speaker B: Yeah, just to kind of get him to look away. [01:37:27] Speaker E: And at this point, now, as Jasper finished up what he was saying, you walk up, hello, friend. Other friend. This friend. A friend. [01:37:45] Speaker A: I trust. Warren. [01:37:52] Speaker B: We'Re kind of look confused between the two of them. [01:37:59] Speaker E: I am not a spot. [01:38:03] Speaker A: Why does he want you dead? [01:38:08] Speaker E: I defy the elders. [01:38:12] Speaker A: When he says he's not sabot. Do I believe him? [01:38:22] Speaker E: Unique role. Can you roll your perception and empathy? [01:38:31] Speaker A: You got it. I'm decent at that. [01:38:32] Speaker E: I believe should be. [01:38:39] Speaker A: I'm going to spend my temporary willpower on that. [01:38:43] Speaker E: All right, remind me, what is your current willpower at? After the expenditure? [01:38:51] Speaker A: I'll be three out of six. [01:38:53] Speaker E: Three out of six. Okay, go ahead and roll. Difficulty is seven. I'm so sorry. That's so sad, though. We'll keep it. You press enter, we can keep it to six. [01:39:10] Speaker A: Thank you. Thank you. [01:39:13] Speaker E: He's being very honest. [01:39:16] Speaker B: Not spot. [01:39:19] Speaker E: He's being honest about not being a spot. He's being honest about defying the clan elders. Well, I mean, you could assume all you. You see all this. You. You see that he's not giving any indicators about lying, though if he is tremere, he could be. [01:39:46] Speaker A: Yeah. He doesn't seem like he's telling the whole. [01:39:50] Speaker E: Oh, that's kind of the difficult nature of being tremir. No one will ever fully trust you. [01:39:57] Speaker A: I want to be your friend. I don't want to work for these guys. But I do have to say something to my coterie once this is over. What do you mean? You defied the elders. I think I need more information before I piss off a primigen. [01:40:21] Speaker E: He'll look to Warren. What are you thinking? [01:40:34] Speaker B: I'm thinking you have my attention, but I'm skeptical. [01:40:55] Speaker E: Gather your codery here. Bring them all here. One of you must stay, though. But bring them all here. [01:41:01] Speaker A: Don't get Margot. Sorry. Margot. [01:41:07] Speaker D: Margot. Remember that. [01:41:11] Speaker A: Margot can be reasoned with. But she has a bit more obligation to the tower. [01:41:18] Speaker B: It's a decision between all of us. I'm bringing Margot. She has more obligation to the tower. But you have more obligation to the anarchs, so you'll balance each other out. Warren will head off to grab the rest of the coterie. [01:41:33] Speaker A: Pishbosh. [01:41:41] Speaker E: Warren, you hear over the speakers and it's coming through very distorted just because of the music. Remember, your deal. [01:41:52] Speaker B: Knows what he's got to do, but it's going to be a bitch to pull it off. Yeah, he's just going to kind of make his rounds through the dance floor to grab Margot. [01:42:09] Speaker E: Can you, Jimmy, or. Sorry. Ren, do you have the current page for obfuscation up for your second level? [01:42:25] Speaker C: I do not right now. I can easily pull it up here fast. [01:42:33] Speaker E: I believe it is difficult to use seven. I'm just trying to. And it's perception. Something. [01:42:40] Speaker C: I'm pulling up here right now. A vampire tries to use second level. There we go. [01:43:16] Speaker E: It. [01:43:37] Speaker C: Some things like your slow spice, and you can make a width aware. Oh, wait, no, that's only for here. [01:43:52] Speaker E: We'll stick with that for now. Can you. Can you roll with an awareness difficulty? Seven gr. [01:44:16] Speaker B: Successes. [01:44:17] Speaker E: Wonderful. Yeah. You have this ever so slight hazy memory of when Ren first went to obfuscate around the dance floor, but then it kind of clears up and you remember where they were hiding originally, and you are very easily able to find them. And then presumably, you drag them over, both Margot and Ren, to where Eric is. [01:44:47] Speaker B: Do I find Ren first? [01:44:49] Speaker E: If you would like, yeah. [01:44:52] Speaker B: So before he takes Ren over, he's going to kind of pull him aside. Hey, listen, I think there's something bad happening here. This guy, he has Jasper convinced that he is not sabot, but I'm not really sure that's the case. I think, regardless, it'd be a bad idea to let him go off alone. But I don't think Jasper is going to let us kill him. So I think we might need to let it look like we're letting him go. [01:45:38] Speaker C: Maybe to silently follow him later. [01:45:40] Speaker B: Okay, with silently follow him later. [01:45:43] Speaker C: That's fine with me. [01:45:51] Speaker B: I owe you one, friend. [01:45:56] Speaker C: Yeah, like this about that much, so wouldn't be surprised. He was trying to make some shit up. [01:46:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:46:13] Speaker B: Let's go find Margo. [01:46:15] Speaker E: Yep, you very easily do. And you see her dancing around with glow sticks and with the music being sort of blocky in itself. Margot is doing, like, blocky dance, like, very stiff dance moves. [01:46:39] Speaker D: Does she have a whistle in her mouth? God damn it. [01:46:48] Speaker E: Yes. We'll make it even closer to that. [01:46:57] Speaker D: Perfect. Wow, Margot looks really different. [01:47:02] Speaker E: Yeah, her dress suddenly changed into something, like, very drapey and very sheer. In all the areas where it can be sheer. [01:47:12] Speaker C: I'm just like, okay. [01:47:18] Speaker E: She'S. [01:47:18] Speaker D: Having a great time right now. [01:47:22] Speaker E: Yeah, she's having the time of her life. [01:47:30] Speaker B: Hey, we found the guy. [01:47:35] Speaker D: Oh, that's lovely, darling. Okay, enough. Okay. And she'll probably push the couple of people who are, like, dancing next to her way. Shall we go? She'll put the glow sticks in the whistle away. [01:48:00] Speaker B: We shall. We better hurry. Jasper's alone with. [01:48:08] Speaker D: Yeah, we should go. [01:48:12] Speaker E: Oh, I'm dying over here. You all very swiftly make your way back to Jasper and Eric. And two of you, Ren and Marco. Do see an old man next to Jasper as they are talking? He's finishing saying up something along the lines of. In any case, I promise you that once you have made a deal with that devil Nikolai, you will find yourselves ensnared in his web of evil. [01:48:51] Speaker D: Can I vibe check this guy? [01:48:54] Speaker E: Oh, yes. Perception. Empathy. And can you wits. [01:48:59] Speaker D: Empathy. [01:49:02] Speaker E: Yes. We could do wit, sympathy for you. [01:49:04] Speaker D: Okay. [01:49:14] Speaker E: And then Ren, can you do perception? Same role. Either way, difficulty six for everybody except for Ren, who's going to be difficulty seven. Yeah. [01:49:30] Speaker C: Three. Yeah. [01:49:33] Speaker D: Mother. [01:49:35] Speaker E: At least you didn't botch. [01:49:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:49:44] Speaker E: Was that your role, Marco? Yes, it was. Okay. You get the feeling this guy has been okay? He seems like a good guy. But then again, since this is a guy who, like Nikolai said, was a tramir, it's kind of hard to trust tremere, even if your gut instinct is telling you that they're okay. [01:50:08] Speaker D: I was going to say, can Margo's thing of she doesn't really trust tremere, no matter where their allegiances lie, come into play? [01:50:18] Speaker E: Oh, yeah? [01:50:21] Speaker D: Why? Because it's the tremere, that's why. [01:50:24] Speaker E: They don't have friends unless they're other Tramir. [01:50:29] Speaker D: And even then, no. [01:50:36] Speaker E: And he looks at the rest of you. So. [01:50:45] Speaker A: We'Re not killing this guy for Nikolai. We're not going to get shit out of it. We can cure the whole goddamn tower of a disease, and we don't get shit out of it? He's not Sabot. We're not playing the kids game. We say he got away from us, did some magic shit, whatever, but it ain't worth. [01:51:11] Speaker D: Jasper, let me ask you a question. Are you aware of what the chamir can do, like, as a whole? [01:51:24] Speaker A: Nah. [01:51:25] Speaker D: Okay, so I was really close with the Tramir back when I was starting out in this, a new life of mine. She had a partner who was a toriodor. And you know how our kind can be a bit too quick to love many people at once. [01:51:58] Speaker A: She cheated. [01:52:00] Speaker D: He cheated. [01:52:02] Speaker A: My mistake. [01:52:06] Speaker D: Um, from what little I know about their sorcery, I believe how she explained it was. I got so mad, his blood began to boil from the inside. [01:52:29] Speaker A: So he's going to wipe out the whole coterie. One of the big things we're not supposed to do is dust kindred the destruction or whatever. He can get mad at us, but we aren't breaking the rules. We're maintaining the traditions. [01:52:47] Speaker D: I'm not saying that he's going to wipe out Codri. He can do a lot to us without killing us. If this guy's a Tramiya, so can he. [01:53:03] Speaker A: So we'll say he did a lot to us. [01:53:06] Speaker D: I'm not lying to my. I can't lie to my. [01:53:15] Speaker A: You know she didn't send you on this. [01:53:20] Speaker D: No, but the. There's a different. Would you lie to your anox? [01:53:28] Speaker A: Nikolai did. [01:53:30] Speaker D: Nikolai is a part of the Camarilla. [01:53:33] Speaker A: He's the boss of the Tramir. You ain't a tramir. [01:53:37] Speaker D: As far as you know. [01:53:39] Speaker A: Well, you're keeping some crazy secrets. Look, all I'm saying is how long. [01:53:51] Speaker D: Have you known this guy? [01:53:53] Speaker A: About as long as I've known Nikolai. [01:53:55] Speaker D: Okay, and so you're willing to put your full 100% trust. And I'm not saying that you can't. That's your given right. But you're going to put your full trust into a tremere. [01:54:12] Speaker A: We're stuck between that rock and that particular hard place. Look, I got to choose. Do I kill this guy for someone else's reasons, or do I let him walk? As far as I'm concerned, he hasn't harmed me none. [01:54:31] Speaker D: I mean, if you want to let him walk, that's your prerogative. But just remember, the sabat aren't nice to any of us. [01:54:48] Speaker A: I think he's telling me the truth, that he ain't one of them. Listen, I told him straight up, I'm not friends with the sword. If I found out he's lying to me, I'll put the stake in his heart myself. I don't think he is. I think he pissed off Nikolai and his goons and he's having us do his own dirty work. I'm tired of being somebody else's fucking janitor. I need good reasons. I don't even get paid for half of this shit. [01:55:28] Speaker D: Then that's your prerogative. [01:55:31] Speaker A: Look, if you all want to say it was my decision, I ain't going to tell a lie about it. It's best, I think, if we all keep our mouth shut. But I'm not your dad. What does Eric look like? [01:55:56] Speaker E: He is a old man. Ever so slightly. Ever so slightly muscular. Thin, though. He's thin, and he has fairly old hair in the way of. It hasn't. It's not modern. It's. It's not modern. It's not modern for the last 20 or 30 years. [01:56:39] Speaker A: If we let you walk out of here, Eric, what are you going to do? Leave the city? Go home? Blow down the doors to the chantry? [01:56:50] Speaker E: Why would I do that? [01:56:53] Speaker A: I don't know what your beef is, man. [01:56:56] Speaker E: I don't have any. [01:57:06] Speaker B: Well, Eric, I think if you have anything to say that would convince the rest of us, now would be the time to say it. Because just Jasper's word, because you told him so, isn't exactly cutting it for me. [01:57:28] Speaker D: Well, neither is it for me. [01:57:32] Speaker E: I have nothing else to say. So. So be it, then. I trust you place very little value on your souls, for they shall be forfeit if you carry out this evil deed. But shall we go outside? I have no reason to endanger the masquerade by which we live by. This place is far too crowded to resolve the business which lies between us. [01:58:09] Speaker B: Going outside might be best. [01:58:14] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:58:17] Speaker E: Han Ren? [01:58:22] Speaker C: Yes. [01:58:23] Speaker E: Sorry. Okay, everyone but Margot. Because actually, you know what? No. We're going to have Margot. Can everyone roll me? Perception alertness. Difficulty. No? Okay, everybody does hear. There is a commotion. [01:58:46] Speaker C: What is a commotion? Yeah. [01:58:53] Speaker A: One, success. Let's go. [01:58:55] Speaker B: Four, three, success. [01:58:57] Speaker E: No, Marco, that's everybody else. [01:59:01] Speaker D: Whatever. Yeah, everybody laugh. It's okay. When you actually need somebody who can step up and scare people, that's when I shine. [01:59:13] Speaker A: My dread gaze gets no respect, you see? [01:59:19] Speaker E: All but Margot. See two women start running from the crowd and they have switchblades in their hands. And they are running up to Eric. [01:59:33] Speaker A: Can I get my arm around Eric and do a dash with my solarity potence combo? Pull him along with me and run away, basically. [01:59:46] Speaker E: You risk breaking the masquerade. [01:59:49] Speaker A: Well, so I move at normal human rate while pulling them with me. I suppose then. [01:59:57] Speaker E: Okay, that's your plan. I'm going to let everybody else say what they want to do first before we actually go on everything. [02:00:13] Speaker B: Warren is going to go the same direction. Yeah, he's going to stick to Eric as much as he can. [02:00:27] Speaker A: But he's my old man wizard boyfriend. [02:00:31] Speaker D: No boyfriends for. [02:00:32] Speaker E: You're. [02:00:44] Speaker C: Running up with switchblades, right? [02:00:48] Speaker E: Yes. Um, they have glossy eyes. They are smiling, but their eyes are glossy. [02:01:01] Speaker C: Okay, I am going to stick. I'm just going to let him pass. [02:01:15] Speaker E: Me. [02:01:20] Speaker C: And let him go after Eric. [02:01:25] Speaker E: Warren, she say what you were going to do? Sorry, what is Warren going to do? [02:01:36] Speaker B: He's going to stick to Eric as much as possible. So go the same direction as Jasper took him. [02:01:43] Speaker E: Okay. And then Marco. [02:02:07] Speaker D: Margot's pretty much given up on this situation. In her opinion. No matter how many warnings she'll give to Jasper, he'll never listen. So she's wiping her hands clean of that situation and is instead opting to deal with the women with switchblades. [02:02:32] Speaker E: With the help of Warren, Chasper and Warren will begin, like, moving Eric out of the way. Marco stays to deal with the women. And Ren, I'm presuming probably helps with that. [02:02:52] Speaker C: Yes, I will be helping out with that. [02:02:55] Speaker E: Okay. Aren't really going to have you roll. These women are very easily dispatched by both of you. Like, each one on one, very quickly, very easily. They do seem a bit anemic, which has probably made it easier. They're dressed in the standard blood doll attire, so they probably were even fed on tonight as well. About halfway across the floor. Jasper, Warren. Eric, you see a man approach who approach you, all three of you, and he's looking aggressive and threatening. And he'll pull out a knife of his own and said, give me the fucking old man. [02:03:52] Speaker A: Are we still people around? [02:03:55] Speaker D: Probably. [02:03:58] Speaker A: Sorry, bud, can't do that. I'm just going to try and keep booking it. [02:04:06] Speaker B: Yeah, Warren, we're going to help him. [02:04:09] Speaker A: I appreciate you, Warren. [02:04:11] Speaker B: Thank you, Jess. [02:04:13] Speaker E: He'll start. You guys kind of like, push past him quick enough. And as you three are running now, he starts running after you, struggling to keep up. He's lagging behind a little bit. You do eventually make your way outside it. [02:04:36] Speaker A: Going to keep my head on my sliver. On a sliver. And I think I'm going to try and beat feet to my haven. [02:04:52] Speaker E: Sorry, can you say that again? [02:04:55] Speaker A: I'm keeping my head on a swivel, looking out for any more ghouls, blood dolls, thralls, whatever. Try and beat V. Run to my haven. Give Eric somewhere safe. Safer, anyway. [02:05:07] Speaker E: As you round a corner, you see a couple of men start now walking up towards you. They are again beefy, almost like the motorcyclist that you saw earlier. [02:05:21] Speaker A: Eric, what the fuck did you do? It's every goon in the city. [02:05:27] Speaker E: I don't know. It's just my childer. He'll turn around and see that his childer is like. Is falling behind still, presumably like one of you is actually carrying him now as he is light. [02:05:53] Speaker A: It's just your childer? [02:05:58] Speaker E: I mean, yes. Who else would it be? This shouldn't matter. [02:06:06] Speaker A: All right. You got to tell me some more information now that I'm saving your life. Do I have a clear path around these new bruisers or am I going to have to put them down? [02:06:20] Speaker E: The streets are now fairly empty, so you could probably start. But you do leave Warren behind. [02:06:28] Speaker A: Warren. Thanks. I'm starting to think you don't want to get mixed up in this, though. [02:06:33] Speaker B: You fucker. You gonna just curse at them as you leave them behind? [02:06:42] Speaker A: I owe you one. I'm gone. [02:06:49] Speaker E: You do know he's heading to his haven. A little hand wave that he actually gets there. Blackjack is not home. And if he were, he would be wearing at you so hard. But he is. Sorry. I'm assuming, Warren, you do tell everybody else where he is now? [02:07:18] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [02:07:20] Speaker A: Point of order. Did they ever know where. I mean, they know I went to my haven. Okay, Warren, that makes sense to me. [02:07:27] Speaker E: Warren knows where you live and that you went to your haven as you did. Say that out loud, I believe. [02:07:35] Speaker A: Yeah, I buy that. [02:07:37] Speaker E: Okay. [02:07:41] Speaker B: Yeah. Warren will gather the rest of the codery and tell him what happened. [02:07:48] Speaker D: Okay? [02:07:51] Speaker B: But I know where he stays. If he's where he was at last time we met up, then he should be. [02:08:02] Speaker D: Okay. At the risk of sounding a bitchy, why should I care? I've tried explaining to him that Sabata are not good people. Obviously they're gonna lie to you out of their teeth. Shamir aren't good people. And he still decided to pick a fight and run off. [02:08:34] Speaker B: I don't want to go there to convince Jasper we need to kill him. I want to go there and just get over killing him. [02:08:50] Speaker D: You can definitely tell that he's a bruha. He's so set in his own ways, he's almost as bad as the people he despises. The most. But define if it means just getting this job done and over with. Need a break after this. [02:09:11] Speaker B: That makes two of it. [02:09:21] Speaker D: All right. [02:09:25] Speaker B: We probably need to get a taxi or some form of vehicle to get to Jasper's in a timely manner. [02:09:35] Speaker E: Yes, you would. It's not hard to get a taxi. I mean, you're now outside the club again, so taxis do come there quite often. Takes about ten minutes to get there. But Jasper, you would have had 25 to 30 minutes to prepare. [02:10:11] Speaker A: All right, Eric, what did your childer do? [02:10:19] Speaker E: Ah, presuming they don't kill me, and thus you. After saying this, I honestly don't know how much they'll be able to hear. The Trumir bind their childhood to them through ritual. Stronger than any other one that you have, ever. Stronger than any other bond you've ever felt, to another kindred. Needless to say, I honestly wasn't that fond of it, so I left. Seems that my childer is also not fond of it, so they're trying to leave. And one of the ways that can try doesn't always work. Honestly, I have my own ways of stopping as well. Is him trying to kill me. There is nobody to be bound to. Then there are no powers. He must think killing me is his only way out, rather than just through the sea of time. [02:11:30] Speaker A: Wait, are you saying that the primogen is your child? [02:11:35] Speaker E: No. [02:11:36] Speaker A: Okay. [02:11:37] Speaker E: Person who is trying to kill me, with all the goons and such as he put it, is trying to kill me. [02:11:46] Speaker A: Who is your child? [02:11:52] Speaker E: His name is. Got to get to the right part because the scroll past it. His name is Orloff. After I've spent my time here. Well, spent a bit of time here post death. Well, second death, I guess, and didn't exactly treat him the kindest in the first place. [02:12:34] Speaker A: Okay. Orloff wants you dead. The primagin asked us to do it. Is Orloff a big deal? I got to know. [02:12:41] Speaker E: Absolutely not. [02:12:43] Speaker A: Absolutely not. [02:12:46] Speaker E: He chuckles at the idea of his childhood being important. [02:12:54] Speaker A: You got to give me something. Why does Nikolai care, then? [02:13:03] Speaker E: Because I'm not bound to the church. Sorry, not church. I'm not bound to the clan anymore. Be ritual. Make sure that you're bound to the clan and its elders forever. I found a way out. Wasn't easy. I doubt I could replicate it, but I found it. It worked. And I'm finally free. Except for the fact that they want me dead. [02:13:44] Speaker A: Well, I don't think I can keep all of Chicago thugs out of my apartment, so. Like, you got a body bag and a midnight train I can stick you on. Or a hiding place nearby. [02:13:58] Speaker E: Trains won't do in a hiding place. Well, tank of water. [02:14:09] Speaker A: I got a bathtub. [02:14:10] Speaker E: Man, that won't do. [02:14:14] Speaker A: The river. The lake. [02:14:18] Speaker E: Potentially. Potentially could work. The lake specifically, but yes. [02:14:27] Speaker A: All right, so let's do a little mob violence to you and just hide out down there till the smoke clears, I guess. But you can't stay here forever. I'm sure they're already coming. [02:14:45] Speaker E: Well, what do you need to prepare then, for this? To make it actually look like a mob hit? [02:14:51] Speaker A: Oh, no, I'm just saying we weigh you down and drop you in the lake and I'll come get you. [02:14:57] Speaker E: And everyone seems to have forgotten we don't have air. We don't need cinder blocks. We just walk and sink. [02:15:04] Speaker A: Oh, hey, if you think you're going to float during the day, I'm not a big swimmer. [02:15:12] Speaker E: Water fills our lungs, fills everything. It weighs us down. Water is heavy. We're not buoyant without the air. [02:15:25] Speaker A: Cool. I assume Jasper jogging them would be faster than catching a train or whatever. [02:15:36] Speaker E: Yes, but that would still take about 20. That would take another 30 to an hour. [02:15:42] Speaker A: He's going to go ahead and get back out of the haven and start getting this guy to Lake Michigan. [02:15:55] Speaker E: Now. Probably been about five. It's getting close to around the time that the rest of the codery shows up to your apartment. And as you do arrive, you see them kind of running down the street in the direction you guys were cut. Like in the opposite of direction of where you guys were coming from towards the lake. The rest of the group Css. [02:16:38] Speaker B: Are there any mortals nearby? [02:16:45] Speaker E: Roll me a d ton. It's not like the largest group ever, but there are definitely a few that nearby that if you do try anything in an overly mystic way, in the sense of where it actually looks like you're doing literal magic, then you'll have a problem. But if you try something non too obvious, then you'll be able to get there. What are you thinking of doing? [02:17:36] Speaker B: I was thinking of having Warren draw his light pistol and take a few shots at the old man, Eric. But I didn't know how dumb that would be because. [02:17:51] Speaker E: I'll let the rest of the group decide. Would it be dumb if he were to draw his pistol? It's Chicago. It's around 130 to 02:00 a.m. [02:18:09] Speaker C: I mean, it wouldn't be surprising, but at the same time. [02:18:18] Speaker D: It'S Chicago. And that's all I'm gonna say. I feel like that in itself is my answer. [02:18:30] Speaker C: Yeah, it's fine. Where the gun? [02:18:33] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [02:18:39] Speaker E: It. Check this. All right, so it's going to be dexterity, firearms, um, it's not exactly a straight street, so it's not to be something you can directly aim on if they're following the sidewalks. Even while running fastly. Running fast? It. [02:19:07] Speaker B: The difficulty. [02:19:11] Speaker E: Stick with standard. [02:19:17] Speaker B: One success. [02:19:28] Speaker E: You land your shot. You said it is just a. [02:19:35] Speaker B: Light pistol? [02:19:36] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:19:37] Speaker B: Let me look up the weapon. [02:19:39] Speaker E: I gotta find the weapon. [02:19:41] Speaker C: A light pistol. [02:19:47] Speaker E: Four damage. So you're going to roll four dice. There we go. Sorry, Jasper, you hear a gunshot go off and about half a second later, you see Eric's shoulder just kind of jut forward and he winces. [02:20:46] Speaker A: I'm going to keep running, but, hey. I slap his face. Don't go into torpora on me, man. We don't have time for that. [02:20:54] Speaker E: Not that hurt. You damn fool. [02:20:56] Speaker C: Hey, hey. [02:20:57] Speaker E: You're old. [02:20:57] Speaker A: You're trumier. I don't know what you've got going on. [02:21:04] Speaker E: Presuming this is a bit of a chase, is anyone spending blood points into upping their dexterity to run faster? [02:21:19] Speaker D: I think I will. [02:21:20] Speaker B: I also will. [02:21:25] Speaker A: Is it just going to be, for me, dexterity and celerity? [02:21:33] Speaker E: Yeah, I mean, it's going to be your dexterity plus your celerity. Yeah. I'm going to be honest, I'm actually a little surprised by that. The. Yeah. The only people who are going to be rolling athletics, as this is going to be like running and chasing, is going to be Ren and Margot. So it's going to be dexterity and athletics. [02:22:03] Speaker A: Can I spend. [02:22:07] Speaker E: Willpower, blood buff all? If you like. [02:22:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm going to spend a blood point for celerity to get an extra turn. [02:22:15] Speaker E: All right, so we'll have you roll twice then. Just your dexterity, because you don't have athletics. [02:22:21] Speaker A: Oh, I do. You might be on an older sheet. [02:22:24] Speaker E: I am. Oh, I guess I am. Well, it's going to be your dexterity and athletics, then. [02:22:29] Speaker A: I spent a solarity point, so I'm going to have five dice for these. [02:22:35] Speaker D: How much does the blood buff bump? Are up by one. Okay. [02:22:44] Speaker E: Margo, you can do it. How many point. No, I think you can only do one per turn at 11th gen. [02:22:53] Speaker C: Yes, that is correct. It's when you start getting it to, like, 8th generation. That's when you can start. Oh, Jedi. [02:23:08] Speaker A: Yeah, I think me and Sarai can do, too. I'm going to spend a willpower too. [02:23:16] Speaker E: Spend all you like. I mean, you can only do one blood buff for the scene, but spend all the willpower you like. I encourage it. [02:23:23] Speaker A: Wait, does the blood buff last the whole scene? [02:23:25] Speaker E: Last the whole scene? [02:23:26] Speaker A: Oh, I'm spending that shit. That would be a waste not to. [02:23:30] Speaker E: All right, so make sure you send your two blood points. [02:23:34] Speaker C: And may I as well? I mean, since I'm going after him, will this count as daredevil or will this not trying to go after him? Okay. [02:23:44] Speaker E: Given the circumstances of this now. Yes. [02:23:48] Speaker C: All right. [02:23:48] Speaker A: And the blood buff is one die. Sorry. [02:23:51] Speaker E: It's one extra dot of dexterity. [02:23:54] Speaker A: Got you. Except six dice for me. [02:24:03] Speaker C: Um. [02:24:05] Speaker E: Wow. [02:24:10] Speaker C: Storyteller may actually be obfuscated while running after him. Or that. Too much. [02:24:17] Speaker E: I would say that's too much. [02:24:19] Speaker C: Okay. I kind of figured. I thought about that as myself. All right. [02:24:24] Speaker E: Oh, my. Sorry, Margo. O God. Oh, my God. Hold on. I'm assuming you're wearing heels. And as you begin to run, one of your heels breaks and you eat. [02:24:48] Speaker D: Done. I'm done. I'm done. I'm out of this coterie. I'm out. I'm out. And then she's going to leave. She's walking the other way. I'm done. I'm absolutely done. He's not worth it. He's not worth it. I'm out. [02:25:00] Speaker A: I love you too, Margot. [02:25:03] Speaker E: She screams, you take off both your shoes. [02:25:08] Speaker D: Yes. And she's done. She's out for the night. [02:25:12] Speaker E: Head up with this shit. For the night. So. Oh, God. Okay, so Jasper rolled twice for both rounds. [02:25:33] Speaker A: Yeah, because it happens, like, within my turn, so to speak. [02:25:38] Speaker E: So total of seven. [02:25:42] Speaker C: Right on the heels, though. [02:25:45] Speaker E: As you begin running, so does Ren and Warren. And Ren and Jasper just are in a different league than Warren. And both of them just leave Warren in the dust, as well as Margot. Warren is still running. And Ren, you realize you're running towards the fuck. [02:26:20] Speaker C: That's right. [02:26:21] Speaker E: I didn't even think about that. [02:26:22] Speaker A: I'm an evil genius. [02:26:24] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:26:28] Speaker E: Now we're going to have that difficulty in post as well. But you were right on the heels. Do this one more time before I. [02:26:35] Speaker C: Start possibly incurring penalties. Or am I now going to have a penalty? [02:26:40] Speaker E: You're going to have penalty now. [02:26:42] Speaker C: Okay. [02:26:44] Speaker E: Believe it's just the one. Just one down. [02:26:50] Speaker A: Ren, this doesn't have to be a problem. It's not you. You didn't order this hit. [02:26:58] Speaker E: Orin. You feel everything in your soul screaming at you to go faster. Get the blood, get the score, and get the power. [02:27:12] Speaker A: I'm going to spend another blood point for solarity. I'm at seven out of 14. Hunger. So I think I'm right on the edge of frenzy, right? [02:27:20] Speaker E: Yes. Can you roll your self control after? [02:27:24] Speaker A: Awesome. Yeah. [02:27:34] Speaker E: Jimmy. [02:27:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:27:38] Speaker E: I'm going to remind you. Pretty sure you have it. You have. [02:27:46] Speaker C: Yes, I do. One more. [02:27:50] Speaker E: Not that this is going to be important for this role, but for the next one. [02:27:54] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. This is one. [02:27:59] Speaker A: I get two rolls. I almost forget. [02:28:01] Speaker E: You get two. You're running really quick now. You realize what's going on, Warren. I'll have you run and if you want, you can also take a shot. But your shooting is going to be at seven. [02:28:25] Speaker B: I will take a shot and if I could spend a wheelpower. [02:28:31] Speaker E: Go ahead. So let's roll the shot first and then we can roll your running. [02:28:44] Speaker A: My self control would be a difficulty six because I'm a bruja, right? [02:28:48] Speaker C: No, it's no difficulty. [02:28:50] Speaker D: Yours is difficulty eight. [02:28:52] Speaker A: Sorry, I meant to say eight and then I was thinking six plus two. [02:28:55] Speaker E: Eight. [02:28:56] Speaker A: That's right. My mistake. [02:28:58] Speaker B: Okay, one success. [02:29:00] Speaker E: One success. Can you roll your four damage dice now with your coterie fighting against you on this? Presuming you were carrying Eric, you drop him as Warren fires. Right? After Warren fires his shot and hits Eric, you drop him and you see Ren and you feel this need to attack him. He's defying what you know is right, that this guy is okay. [02:30:09] Speaker A: Lol. I'm going to die. [02:30:15] Speaker E: You can use presence, you can use potence. [02:30:23] Speaker A: I guess I'm going to try and sweet talk my way into his blit. Into his veins. [02:30:29] Speaker D: I thought that because if he failed to self control, wouldn't that mean that he's in a frenzy and can't use his presence. [02:30:39] Speaker E: Frenzy takes up presence. Okay. Yeah. [02:30:42] Speaker D: He can only use his physical stuff. None of his mental. [02:30:45] Speaker E: All right, you got your potence. So on that second roll he did, it wasn't to run away, to run torch. And you're there. [02:31:05] Speaker A: Well, at least Eric has some distance. Lol. I think that the way this works is I try to bite him, right? [02:31:19] Speaker E: Bite and punch, because it's hunger frenzy. [02:31:23] Speaker A: So I'm trying to get some slurp maybe. I think I roll all of one die for this. [02:31:32] Speaker D: So don't worry, the coterie is going to accidentally become a sabot pack. With the amount of times we've all fed off of each other. [02:31:40] Speaker E: Not yet. [02:31:43] Speaker A: You look a little longer. [02:31:46] Speaker D: We're two steps away from just doing a voldari. [02:31:50] Speaker E: Yeah, you are. You're not wrong about that. [02:31:54] Speaker D: No. [02:31:56] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:31:57] Speaker E: Everything's fine. [02:32:03] Speaker A: So that's my strength plus brawl. [02:32:05] Speaker D: Yeah, brother. [02:32:08] Speaker A: Oh, it gets to be Dex plus brawl. [02:32:12] Speaker E: So you need to be rolling. [02:32:15] Speaker A: So that's five dice. [02:32:17] Speaker E: Five dice plus your solarity. [02:32:20] Speaker A: That's counting celerity. [02:32:23] Speaker E: You also blood buffed your decks. [02:32:26] Speaker A: Oh, good call. Six dice, four successes. [02:32:35] Speaker C: All right. [02:32:40] Speaker E: You'Re soaking lethal, so you need to roll. Chasper needs to roll his strength, and then Ren needs to roll his stamina. Plus two. [02:32:52] Speaker C: Important two. [02:32:54] Speaker E: Their stamina and their. [02:32:55] Speaker A: Oh, that should have been. Whoops. I looked at the wrong. That should be. I gotta reroll that because I have one potence, so it's two dice. As much as I'd love to keep it. [02:33:05] Speaker E: So you have two plus three. [02:33:10] Speaker A: No, I have one strength and one potence. Oh. Plus three. Because I don't know how to play this game. I'm very sorry. So five dice. [02:33:20] Speaker D: Yeah, well, did Ren is sorry for. Just asking for clarifications. Is Ren trying to dodge? Because they have that opportunity. [02:33:34] Speaker E: You have the opportunity to dodge. [02:33:37] Speaker D: Believe it. But you can dodge. [02:33:44] Speaker C: I'm not going to dodge. I can sip. [02:33:48] Speaker A: I'm sorry, friend. [02:33:49] Speaker C: I think I could roll it. [02:33:51] Speaker E: I was taking on the value of. Yeah, I was going to say, you often just take shit on face value. Okay. Very luckily is that your bruised does become lethal. But that also means you have four lethal total. Now, it's doing this quicker and not. And not having a lot of player versus player combat. Your quarry is on the ground, still trying to recover. Ren and Warren, we're gonna let you both go before Jasper. [02:34:48] Speaker B: Warren is just gonna shoot the rest of his bullets or try to shoot the rest of those into error. All right, single mind. [02:35:06] Speaker E: I'll let you do the one roll. He's hurting. [02:35:13] Speaker B: I will use another willpower. [02:35:18] Speaker E: What's your willpower up. [02:35:22] Speaker B: After this? It will be 12345. [02:35:30] Speaker E: Um. [02:35:33] Speaker B: What difficulty is this shot taken at? [02:35:36] Speaker E: It's still difficulty six. Standard. Ren, your friend beat the crap out. [02:35:46] Speaker B: Of you or success. [02:35:50] Speaker A: Oh, God. [02:35:51] Speaker C: I'm tearing up a little bit. Okay. [02:35:58] Speaker E: Margo, you do hear more gunfire coming from the direction of where the boys are? You did bloodbuff, if I remember rightly. [02:36:11] Speaker D: Yes. [02:36:14] Speaker E: After this round, I will let you be there. But you're going to put around running on your feet, all right? [02:36:21] Speaker D: Yeah. She threw her heels in the trash, and she starts running barefoot. And all she does is whisper to herself, these boys either better all be dead or ready to be dead. She starts running. More gunfire. Fantastic. [02:36:43] Speaker C: I hate to ask this. I'm fighting for my life against Jasper because he's frenzy, isn't he? [02:36:51] Speaker E: You're going to pop a claws. [02:36:54] Speaker C: I have to pop the claws. [02:36:56] Speaker A: Good night, sweet prince. [02:36:58] Speaker C: I'm so sorry, Jasper. [02:37:00] Speaker A: No, it's fully my fault for not eating. [02:37:03] Speaker E: It's okay. I'm not going to let you guys die. Lauren, roll your four dice. Yes, sorry. Seven. Because you have extra successes. [02:37:26] Speaker B: Roll seven. [02:37:27] Speaker D: There. [02:37:28] Speaker E: I'm just going to hand wave. [02:37:34] Speaker D: Just for now. Okay. [02:37:48] Speaker E: You hear three gunshots go off again as you're right there, Margot. And you see Jimmy or no, sorry. You see Ren defending themselves from Jasper. And you see a dead body of your quarry on the ground. [02:38:15] Speaker D: I am going to tap into my instincts. And then would I have been allowed to do that while I'm running towards them? [02:38:30] Speaker E: Yes, you can make a roll. [02:38:33] Speaker D: It just happens. It just allows me plus two dice to the role that I'm going to make next. So I allow myself to become one with the fugue. And I am going to activate Madriga elk on Jasper to kind of calm him down. [02:39:01] Speaker E: I thought you were talking about that at first. Yes, the fuchsia is definitely plays. But also this is what I would like you to roll for. [02:39:08] Speaker D: Yeah. So I'm going to spend the blood point. And what's that? Roll for it again. I believe it's. [02:39:24] Speaker E: It is in your journal. That is not the right journal. Oh, I did not put the roll in there. [02:39:38] Speaker D: That's okay. Let me look at that for 1 second. [02:39:44] Speaker E: The discipline that neither of us can pronounce. [02:39:48] Speaker D: Good luck. I'll never pronounce it. You can take that pronunciation over my cold dead boss. [02:39:56] Speaker E: Mellapon. Fuck. [02:39:59] Speaker D: Yes. [02:39:59] Speaker E: There it is. Fuck. [02:40:00] Speaker D: Mellafuck. That's the new name of the power. [02:40:05] Speaker E: Performance difficulty seven. [02:40:07] Speaker D: Okay, can I add my performance specialty? Okay. [02:40:17] Speaker E: Power is often done with singing or instruments. [02:40:19] Speaker D: Yes. And can I use my enchanted voice which gives me an extra two dice? [02:40:25] Speaker E: I will give you your extra two dice as well. [02:40:27] Speaker D: Cool. I need to calm this boy down. So performance. [02:40:38] Speaker E: Mmhmm. [02:40:43] Speaker D: Yes. I'll spend one. Because it's either we do this or we all die. Because once in fen frenzy it's a little hard to maintain. So I'll spend the willpower. Three seven ball. [02:41:02] Speaker E: Yeah, coolpower. Long as you get a success. True specialty. Sex magnificent begins singing and their voice is heard behind and almost through wren a bit. But behind Jasper in a certain fashion as well. [02:41:49] Speaker D: It's just with that many successes, I believe all of them can kind of have the effect of the song too. But I'm hitting it directly behind Jasper. So he's the first one that's hit with it. [02:42:05] Speaker E: And everyone feels a sense of calm. It's unnatural, slightly unnerving to war in the voices. This fear and phobia that you have of the general world and such police officers and government subsides. The job is done. We're out of frenzy. We're out of defense. Tramir is dead. That we're going to end for tonight. We will see you next time. Season two Chicago Chronicle.

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