Episode 1

March 11, 2024


S2 Ep1: Trouble at the Club

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S2 Ep1: Trouble at the Club
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S2 Ep1: Trouble at the Club

Mar 11 2024 | 02:34:00


Show Notes

A year after the events of Annabelle’s club, a group of kindred find themselves back in each other's graces, saying farewell to some, and welcoming in a new. When trouble finds itself at the Succubus Club, the coterie decides to team up for old times sake to find out what is the truth behind a missing vial of blood, why there are werewolves, and uncover the mysteries behind Margot’s revealed secret.

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Wren - Jimmy
Margot Beaufont - Legacy
Candy - Glamour

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Art Commissioned From https://www.instagram.com/killjoyforhire

Viewer Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Hi, my name is Anarcho Lutherist, and I'll be playing Jasper Black, the bruja. [00:00:36] Speaker B: Hi, I'm glamour, and I will be. [00:00:38] Speaker C: Playing candy, the nosferatu. [00:00:41] Speaker D: Hello there. [00:00:42] Speaker E: My name is Jimmy, and I'll be playing rin the gangrel. [00:00:47] Speaker D: My name is legacy, and I will be Margot, the daughter of cacophony. [00:00:53] Speaker F: And I'm Byrons, your storyteller for this evening. Welcome back, everybody. It's been a year since you last all saw each other. Some of you know that Soraya has gone off to Arizona with her childer, and some of you know that Warren was training with the tramire and the chantry over the last year, but he has mysteriously disappeared following what Nikolai calls a web of magic. It's been a month since last Elysium, where Margot had met candy and where Ren and Jasper had retrieved an item and then destroyed the item. It's a new night. As I did mention before we started streaming, please make sure you have spent a blood point to have awoken this evening. And as you all feel that little bit of hunger sitting in the beast in your soul, in your body, you remember. At least some of you remember. It's been a while since you've gone to the club. Been a while since you tried to meet up with your friends. I'm going to start with Jasper. You awake a little bit earlier in the night due to your low generation. It's a very deep purple in the sky right now, and almost black as the sun is setting. Blackjack is kind of just sitting, drinking blood out of a shot glass at your dining room table. Kind of looks at you and nods as he's watching the news. [00:03:05] Speaker A: Anything interesting happening over there? [00:03:11] Speaker F: Nothing on the side of the mortals. Heard. Hearing more rumors about Sabat in our area. And I know what you've said, but it doesn't change the fact that they're coming. It's big. [00:03:37] Speaker A: So while we rally the guys and go on the offensive. Right. [00:03:43] Speaker F: If we rally the guys, then that brings the tower down on us. I don't know about you, but I like my own life at least a little bit. [00:03:53] Speaker A: Sure, but I think they might lay off if they see what we're doing. I've been begrudgingly working with them. They haven't killed me yet. [00:04:08] Speaker F: Well, yeah, they haven't killed you yet because you're useful for them. The minute that we. He kind of just gestures between both of you, start to pose a threat. That's when they'll find us and declare a blood hunt and kill us. Maybe we're not going to amass an army. [00:04:30] Speaker A: I was up there last night. We wouldn't have found that thing for that kid trimier guy. And he said that they wanted to speak with you, give you a seat at the table. I'm not saying join up, but that gives us room to do what we need to. To keep our shit together. [00:04:52] Speaker F: We'll see. He then kind of takes another glass. He takes the shot glass. You see him pour out the bottle that looks like it used to hold whiskey in it. He pours it into the shot glass and throws it back. He'll pour one out for you as well and kind of offer it to you. [00:05:16] Speaker A: Knock it back. [00:05:19] Speaker F: You do feel a little bit buzzed. You do think he went out and got some blood with alcohol in it, probably from someone in the followers set. He made a little bit of a deal to just get it. [00:05:37] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. It's the little things these nights. Does that happen to take off my blood point? [00:05:44] Speaker F: It does. Restore it. [00:05:46] Speaker A: Let's go. [00:05:47] Speaker F: But he looks at you and goes like. Says you haven't working for them. I need you to keep nice. We need to be a little bit careful with what we know and how much they deny. [00:06:02] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:03] Speaker F: So don't mention anything about Sabot. They want to deny it, then they let them deny it. [00:06:11] Speaker A: Yeah. I'll keep you posted on what they say. And you know what everyone says about wuslets. I'm not going to give them anything for free. God knows I do it enough. [00:06:22] Speaker F: Are you going to head to the club, try to meet your friends? [00:06:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:26] Speaker F: All right. Do so. Make sure they're ready. [00:06:32] Speaker A: I'll grab my things and go out the door. [00:06:36] Speaker F: All right. Glamour candy? [00:06:42] Speaker B: Yes. [00:06:43] Speaker F: You awake in the sewers and you plan on going to the club. It's been a while since you've seen Margot, but you also know that the club isn't going to be closed off for mortals this time. It's going to be open to everybody. [00:07:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:03] Speaker F: You do your mask of a thousand faces, and you've spent your couple of blood points, and you do look like a very average looking woman with a nice dress with ginger hair to show that reflection of yourself. That way, in case you do see Margot or the two boys that you had met, they do recognize you, at least a faint bit. You emerge out of the sewers and you hear cars honking, and you get the sense and this feeling of the critters around you being upset about all the noise that goes on. You arrive at the club, takes a little bit, but you do get there and you see Jasper walking in. [00:08:04] Speaker C: Candy will head up to him. She's still socially awkward, but she recognizes that it's better to stick in a group. And she seems to have found a group, so she'll stick with them. [00:08:20] Speaker B: Hi, Jasper. [00:08:23] Speaker A: Hey. Oh, you're that girl from the other night. [00:08:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:31] Speaker A: What a coincidence running into you here then. You said that I still kind of recognize her. Right. But she looks a little bit different from asking for a thousand faces. Is that correct? [00:08:45] Speaker F: She looks, compared to her things and her enlarged pupils and sparsely ginger hair. Her eyes are normal. The things don't really show. Her ears are normal, and she has a full head of hair, but it is still thinish looking. And ginger. [00:09:05] Speaker A: I sort of gesture at my face. You look like you had some work done. [00:09:12] Speaker B: Oh, it's just a thing I can do. Some of my kind. It's convenient. [00:09:19] Speaker A: Yeah. Seems like it must come in handy. [00:09:21] Speaker B: Yeah. So is there any reason you're here tonight? [00:09:32] Speaker A: Well, it's where me and my codery show up when stuff starts to seem like it's going to go wrong. And as always, stuff seems like it's going to start going wrong. Trying to run into them tonight. The other guy I was with last night, he should show up, too. [00:09:52] Speaker F: I should clarify. Not last night. It would have been a few weeks ago. [00:09:57] Speaker A: A few weeks ago. My bad. My bad. [00:10:01] Speaker B: Oh, the coterie. That sounds nice. Things have always been a little too chaotic around me for me to latch onto a coterie. [00:10:13] Speaker A: If you think chaos is the thing stopping a coterie from forming, you should stick around and watch us for a little bit. [00:10:21] Speaker B: Maybe I'll do that. If not me, I'm sure some of my kind will. [00:10:27] Speaker A: Jasper kind of looks around conspiratorially. [00:10:32] Speaker B: We're always watching. [00:10:37] Speaker F: Jasper. Role perception awareness. [00:10:42] Speaker A: Famously my best role. [00:10:46] Speaker F: Better than Marco. [00:10:49] Speaker D: Listen, don't even say that every time you have me roll that. I've rolled nothing but tens. [00:10:53] Speaker F: That's true. [00:10:59] Speaker A: One success. [00:11:02] Speaker F: You do get this upset. There's maybe someone in the. It could be someone who's watching you. You don't know if they're kindred or supernatural of some sort. [00:11:16] Speaker A: I look up at any, like, high. I pick just a random place with a high vantage point, and I look at it as if I'm making eye contact with someone that may or may not be there. [00:11:28] Speaker D: Okay. [00:11:33] Speaker B: The animals like to watch us too, but I don't think there'll be many in this club. [00:11:39] Speaker A: For the health department's sake, I hope you're right. [00:11:45] Speaker F: I will. Then what we're going to do next is we're going to go over to Ren. [00:11:54] Speaker E: Okay. [00:11:58] Speaker F: Describe to us where you wake up. [00:12:02] Speaker E: Most likely I am waking up in my little safe place off in Chicago. [00:12:10] Speaker A: Just. [00:12:13] Speaker E: A pretty bare bones house. Just mostly, like, just a bed, working, utilities, just small stuff. [00:12:26] Speaker F: All right. Like the others, you've woken up and you do feel this gnawing hunger setting inside of you. The ever gnawing hunger. And you do have those feelings. Need to kind of go to the club again. Given the mention of Sabat in the past, you've been trying to go for the past couple weeks and trying to meet your friends, but they haven't always been there. You've been waiting for a night where they've all been there. You feeling tonight might be the night? [00:13:04] Speaker E: All right. I will dress up in, like, my nicest, which is just to say, like, a polo t shirt, some jeans, and just head on over to the. [00:13:18] Speaker F: You wear your non torn clothes. [00:13:20] Speaker E: Yes, my non torn clothes, which recently has been getting fewer and fewer. [00:13:28] Speaker F: Yeah, it really has been. And it takes you even longer to get to the club. And when you get inside, you do have a sense of somewhat comfortable familiarity, as it is the base bumps and people are moshing and dancing and people are drinking. It is a somewhat nice familiarity, but also uncomfortableness, as you are used to being on the fringes of the city where it's a little bit quiet. Can I have you make me your perception alertness and your noises will apply. [00:14:16] Speaker E: Perception alertness. Okay. Three, seven. Difficulty six. [00:14:27] Speaker F: We'll do difficulty seven. [00:14:29] Speaker E: Okay. [00:14:30] Speaker F: It's a loud club. [00:14:31] Speaker E: That's fair. Yeah, that feels about right. [00:14:41] Speaker F: God damn. [00:14:45] Speaker E: This is me we're talking. [00:14:51] Speaker F: Almost. You're. You're trying to listen to see if you hear or maybe even see your friends, but you can't. You don't even recognize if Jasper's there. You do see somebody who does kind of stand out, but only in the sense of that she's kind of average and has that thin hair, but you're not sure. [00:15:08] Speaker E: New person. [00:15:09] Speaker F: Okay. Yeah. And unfortunately, with that role, we're just going to move over to Margot. Margot, you rise. And for once in a very long time, somebody in this house is up for you. That's Deborah. You're no longer fledgling, but neonate. [00:15:42] Speaker D: Morning, dear. Evening. [00:15:45] Speaker F: Evening. I kind of got you a mug of blood. I would have done coffee, but I also know what happens if we have coffee. [00:16:01] Speaker D: Yes. Again, I'm sorry about that. I meant to warn you before you drank it, but you were just so quick. And I am a bit receiving things. [00:16:17] Speaker F: Yeah. It wasn't a pleasant beginning of an evening, but we got through. It was fine. We ended up having. Going on a shopping spree, which was nice. [00:16:30] Speaker D: It's actually been quite nice getting to spend some time with you instead of having to just throw a bunch of information. Thank you for this. You did not have to. And she'll take the mug and she'll just start sipping. [00:16:48] Speaker F: Yeah. And she'll grab her own. She'll sip a little bit, too. And she said she's going to say, I was thinking about going to the club again. The bags in the fridge are nice and everything, but I do kind of miss the fresh. Yeah. I was wondering if you would perhaps accompany me, know, maybe we'll run into Annabelle there. We can kind know, try to get some stuff done or some stuff from know, you know. [00:17:26] Speaker D: Sure. Let's. Let's go. I know it's been a while since we've gotten a chance to really get out of the house and actually do some proper. [00:17:39] Speaker F: Yeah. That drug case I've been working on, it's been taking up a lot of my time. [00:17:43] Speaker D: And you know what? [00:17:44] Speaker F: It'll be nice to have a break. [00:17:46] Speaker D: You need a break. Exactly. So let's get dressed and we'll make haste. [00:17:57] Speaker F: Takes you both probably. She's actually had a few things laid out for you already. Seems like she was, like, planning this to begin with. So she's laid out your favorite dress, and she has your second favorite dress. After you've gotten dressed yourself, she'll pick out the one that you. Your second favorite one. The one that she wore on her introduction. I got to remember specifically the thing on her presentation to the prince. [00:18:34] Speaker D: Her presentation. [00:18:38] Speaker F: She's got a bit of makeup on, and it's a little bit heavy, but not too much to be, like, to where you want to call it out. [00:18:49] Speaker D: Hey, dear. You look wonderful. She's going to do the mom thing where she's going to lick her thumb and just try to wipe a little bit of loose lipstick off of the side of her lip and just give her like, a once over. Okay. There we go. Wonderful. Now, if you need anything while we're down there, just let me know. I know that we presented you, but you're still technically in your accounting stage, and I just want to make sure that we're good. You're good? [00:19:32] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:19:35] Speaker D: Wonderful. Oh, my God. You got a little bit more of a strut right there. And she does it again. [00:19:45] Speaker F: Yeah. And she'll kind of grab the keys from the hook next to the door. She'll leave the door open for you and kind of. She'll pretend to hold it, even though she doesn't need to. She'll close it. She'll close and lock the door to the house, start the car. And would you like to drive or would she? [00:20:08] Speaker D: Let me see. I'll drive. I forgot I put dots into that for some reason. Just in case. [00:20:17] Speaker F: Just in case. I'm not going to make you roll it. [00:20:19] Speaker D: Thank God. [00:20:22] Speaker F: Yeah. And you two arrive there and you park in the kind of more selective area where Annabelle and Brennan and Lodan and any other very notable kindred go. And mind you, it's a pretty empty parking lot, all things considered, which is why you have your own spot there. [00:20:47] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:20:48] Speaker F: And as you do pull up, you do see the tail end of Ren kind of entering the club, probably in the nicest set of clothes you've ever seen them wear. [00:21:01] Speaker D: Oh, my God, look at them. They're actually wearing clothes with very minimal to no holes. I'm such a proud mom. Whatever. All right, let's go. [00:21:18] Speaker F: I mean, a mom to me, I. [00:21:19] Speaker D: Guess, in a way, yeah, I'm a mom to you. I don't necessarily think that I'm a mom to them. And if I am, we have to have a very long conversation. [00:21:30] Speaker F: Yeah. And you see her kind of get out of the car, close it, and go through the back entrance. And you see him follow. And she will kind of look around the club and she spots and Jasper and someone kind of similar to candy, and she'll point them out to you. [00:21:59] Speaker D: Darling. I am going to go and make introductions and say hi to some people. If you need me, you know where to find me. You know how to get a hold of me. [00:22:14] Speaker F: Yes, I do. And she'll kind of tap her temple a little bit, and she's going to kind of waltz off into the main dance area. [00:22:28] Speaker D: She's going to go approach the game. [00:22:32] Speaker F: Yeah. And you find Ren, who's just looking lost at the moment. First. [00:22:38] Speaker D: Ren, darling? [00:22:41] Speaker E: Margo, is that you? [00:22:44] Speaker D: Yes. Hi. [00:22:50] Speaker E: Man, it's been a while since I've been in here. [00:22:53] Speaker D: Yeah. Not that I am not happy to see you. Why did you decide to come by tonight? [00:23:10] Speaker E: I just felt like coming by. Just stuff happened recently, so I've just been trying to find everyone. Recently? First time I've seen you seen unit a bit. [00:23:30] Speaker D: I know. I'm sorry that I lost contact between getting everything ready for, well, my child's presentation and working the working night shift. And recently started writing my own music again. Things have just been busy. [00:23:57] Speaker E: It's been busy for me as well. [00:24:03] Speaker D: I'm glad to hear that you're keeping busy. You look good, by the way. I like the get up. Very minimal holes in at this time. [00:24:13] Speaker E: Trust me, I'm starting to run out of stuff that doesn't have holes in it. [00:24:18] Speaker D: Well, if you need. Just. Just get a hold of me. [00:24:25] Speaker E: I will. [00:24:28] Speaker D: Come on. I thought I saw Jasper and a potential colleague. Kind of funny that the three of us are here tonight. You wouldn't have happened to have heard from. I'm blanking on his name. [00:24:51] Speaker E: Warren. [00:24:53] Speaker D: Yes, the very quiet one with the eye patch. [00:24:59] Speaker E: I haven't heard from him in eight months. I would say. [00:25:08] Speaker D: Him and I were going to meet up to discuss things, but time just kind of got away, and when I tried to reach out, I didn't hear back, so I figured I'd at least try to ask. Saria's not here anymore, either. [00:25:26] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:25:29] Speaker D: That was. That. That one kind of hurt. [00:25:35] Speaker F: But. [00:25:40] Speaker D: As they say in the biz, shit happens. [00:25:46] Speaker E: Yeah, it does. [00:25:47] Speaker A: Yeah, it's. [00:25:53] Speaker D: Shella. Offer up an arm to run. [00:25:59] Speaker E: Gladly. Take it. And let Marga lead the way. [00:26:03] Speaker D: Yep. And they'll make their way towards Jasper and tall lady with red hair. [00:26:22] Speaker A: So they're just letting anybody in the club these days. [00:26:26] Speaker D: They let your ass in here, so. Yes. [00:26:34] Speaker A: Well, hey, he sort of looks to Warren for a second, he goes, hey, at know the people coming in these days are actually obeying the dress code a little bit. [00:26:44] Speaker D: I know this is the first time I think I've seen you without a hole in your shirt. [00:26:48] Speaker E: Like I said, I think it was pretty much the first night I came here. Since then, it's the first time I dress nice. God damn it. [00:26:57] Speaker F: Okay. [00:26:58] Speaker E: Yes, I respect it. [00:27:01] Speaker A: Fuck the system. Be a contrarian. [00:27:07] Speaker E: You know, this is possibly the nicest thing I own right now. Right? [00:27:11] Speaker A: We have to take you shopping. [00:27:16] Speaker D: I did offer everything aside. I think that it's time for you to get some new clothes. Not that I don't love the holes in your shirts and pants that make me question how well you take care of them. It's fine. It's okay. And then she'll just look to Jasper in mouth. Yeah, we need to take them shopping. And how are you, my dear? [00:27:58] Speaker B: Oh, me? [00:27:59] Speaker D: Yes. [00:28:02] Speaker B: I'm doing well. I mean, I hear lots of stuff down in the sewers and out around the city, but have I heard a storyteller? [00:28:13] Speaker C: Have I heard anything concerning from the Nosferatu information network that exists. [00:28:21] Speaker F: There is an influx of kindred in the area and you can't tell if they are like what faction they specifically are a part of. It could just be kindred from another city as well. You never know. [00:28:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, there's been a recent influx of kindred and we can't quite discern what faction they're a part of. That's what I've been hearing about recently. [00:28:50] Speaker D: That's no good. [00:28:53] Speaker E: Look over at Jasper. You think of what I'm thinking? [00:29:01] Speaker A: I think we should make sure we don't discuss this around unwanted company. But certainly we have something to tell Margot. [00:29:13] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:29:16] Speaker D: Well. [00:29:23] Speaker A: He lowers his voice and leans in and goes. A few weeks ago when we met Candy here, actually, me and Ren were sitting and go grab something from a warehouse saw in the hush hush. We can talk about that later. But the guy we took it from, was he even quieter now? A member of the Sabat? [00:29:50] Speaker D: Are you sure? Not that I don't believe you. I just want you to be extra sure that that is what you are intending. [00:30:02] Speaker A: I would be very surprised to learn otherwise. So I know you have people you report to, but we don't want to get hanged for this. [00:30:14] Speaker D: You are not. Trust me when I say if there are presence of them, our chances of getting in any sort of trouble for having that information are going to be slim. But I'm not going to volunteer information until we have concrete evidence. [00:30:47] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm just saying. You didn't hear from me. [00:30:50] Speaker D: I didn't hear what from you precisely? She'll give him a little wink and look around. If we need. I can go and find us a private room. We can discuss things a bit more openly. [00:31:11] Speaker A: That might be prudent. [00:31:16] Speaker D: Give me one moment then and I will secure us four. And she looks at candy and raises a brow. [00:31:29] Speaker C: Candy looks surprised that she's being included in this. [00:31:33] Speaker B: Oh yeah, sure. [00:31:35] Speaker F: Four. [00:31:35] Speaker B: I mean, if you don't mind. Me. [00:31:37] Speaker D: I don't mind. [00:31:39] Speaker A: I mean, you were there with us, I presume so maybe you saw something we didn't. [00:31:45] Speaker D: Okay, full. I will go find the full of USA room. Please give me one moment. And she's going to go and take off to secure a feeding room? [00:32:01] Speaker F: Basically, yeah. You go up to the third floor, you clear out one of the rooms and you bring up a blood doll up there. [00:32:13] Speaker D: I mean, if I've got a minute. Sure. [00:32:18] Speaker F: And so what everybody else does. Are you all going to try to feed right now or are you going to just wait and make small talk? [00:32:27] Speaker A: I'm full. [00:32:32] Speaker C: Candy will probably try to grab a quick bite. [00:32:36] Speaker F: All right, Ren? [00:32:39] Speaker E: Ren is good. They're fine. [00:32:44] Speaker F: All right, Candy, how are you going to feed? [00:32:49] Speaker C: Since she looks normal, she's just going. [00:32:52] Speaker B: To. [00:32:55] Speaker C: Chat up somebody that she recognizes as a blood. Would she recognize somebody who is a blood doll? Like, do they dress a certain way at the club? [00:33:05] Speaker F: Yeah, they're a bit more gothy right now. The whole blood doll fashion is very much. It's pretty gothy. [00:33:12] Speaker B: Okay. [00:33:13] Speaker C: She will try to pick up somebody that she recognizes as a blood doll, lure them into, like, a secluded spot, like maybe out back behind the club where there aren't. Where she doesn't believe there are any cameras, and she'll feed from them. [00:33:27] Speaker F: All right, I'll have you. Role manipulation and performance. We'll do acting. [00:33:39] Speaker B: What's the difficulty? [00:33:42] Speaker F: Fix. [00:33:47] Speaker D: You it? [00:33:59] Speaker F: Yeah, you're tight. You're all the way back up to full. And as soon as you come back in, you see the other. You see the two boys going up the stairs with Margot leading them. [00:34:20] Speaker B: Candy will follow. [00:34:24] Speaker F: And the four of you are, from what the three of you can remember, specifically about Annabelle's party about a year ago. You guys are in that bedroom that the couple were in. The couple that the ones they made the kindred, almost pornographic display of art. [00:34:59] Speaker A: Scandalous. What are your intentions with us, Margot? [00:35:09] Speaker D: Let me put this in a way that my. That not to. Not that I wouldn't be honored, but even if that were the case, you can't afford me. She cracks a smirk. And I only give it up for free once. And then you saw Owen. Me favors. [00:35:39] Speaker A: First one free is insane. Sorry, this is maybe out of character. [00:35:43] Speaker D: The idea of doing first one free. [00:35:45] Speaker A: For sex work is absolutely fucking bonkers. [00:35:50] Speaker F: Beautiful. Those of you with common sense would realize that this is kind of the only room that doesn't have a person in it, or is, like, far too big, because the only other room is bathroom. Two offices. [00:36:06] Speaker E: Me. [00:36:09] Speaker F: The two offices. And then the ballroom. And then there's the bedroom. So this is kind of like the only room that would make sense. [00:36:23] Speaker E: Ren understands, but he's just enjoying conversation. [00:36:28] Speaker D: Ren's already had their first one free. [00:36:33] Speaker A: Jesus Christ. [00:36:36] Speaker C: Candy kind of sighs wistfully, a bit as though the direction of this conversation is making her remember. [00:36:47] Speaker D: Okay, all jokes aside. All jokes aside. And she'll close the door. All right, what the fuck is going on? [00:37:00] Speaker B: You said the sabot. Those are the people responsible for that blood file that you went after. [00:37:09] Speaker E: Yeah, that is correct. We believe at least it was some. [00:37:14] Speaker A: Kind of gnarly gross black blood. We weren't allowed to look it out. And his name is Nikolai, right? Yes, and Nikolai sent it to hell, or whatever the trimier do. But the guy we took it from was for sure Sabat. And it scared the hell out of the primogen. So whatever's going on, it's pretty. You know. Again, don't go telling anybody, but my sire has heard some stuff from his people of some sabbat showing up, so we might have a bit of a problem on our hands. [00:37:55] Speaker B: That is very not good. If that lines up with the influx. [00:38:00] Speaker D: Yes, and I mean, it seems almost too mean. Mole kindred showing up in the city. And I would be careful about feeding supplies. It's bad enough that more kindred are showing up in the city. We don't have that much in the wave pickings in the first place. And the sabot aren't really known for taking care of the people that they feed from. [00:38:34] Speaker A: Not to mention, we've already had hunters on our backs on specifically our backs that we don't know need any more attention being drawn to us. [00:38:44] Speaker D: No. [00:38:48] Speaker B: Go ahead. [00:38:51] Speaker D: Might be worth it if we are going to look into this, to kind of do it. I know that it's kind of hard for the three of us, but it might be worth it to do it a bit discreetly. [00:39:02] Speaker B: I'm good at being discreet. I mean, that's kind of my whole thing. [00:39:06] Speaker E: Yeah, same here. [00:39:09] Speaker D: She'll just cock an eyebrow at Wren and then instantly flash back to the window. All the times that he ripped, torn to people and just be like, yeah. Subtlety is your specialty. [00:39:26] Speaker E: Lexi. [00:39:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:39:31] Speaker F: The fuke. [00:39:32] Speaker D: Oh, lord, yes. [00:39:35] Speaker F: What would you like to roll? It's going to be perception, but I'm going to let you choose the ability. [00:39:40] Speaker D: Goddamn. [00:39:41] Speaker F: What would you like to roll? To kind of tap into that? [00:39:48] Speaker D: If you're talking about the merit. I don't roll anything. I just take a turn to tap into it. [00:39:54] Speaker F: No, I know it's related to the merit. I'm going to let you choose. I'm thinking empathy. [00:40:00] Speaker D: All right. I would say either empathy or performance. [00:40:06] Speaker F: We'll do performance. No specialty. [00:40:09] Speaker D: No specialty. Yeah. All right. Difficulty five. [00:40:24] Speaker F: Right. Now, the fugue is currently before. This role is currently its normal. Very jazzy, almost slightly upbeat. It's good. It's normal. It's relaxed. [00:40:42] Speaker D: Okay. Four. [00:40:46] Speaker F: You feel it changing. It's getting blues. It's turning darker. There might be something coming. [00:40:59] Speaker D: That's not good. [00:41:02] Speaker E: You okay? [00:41:07] Speaker D: Yeah. Sometimes I just get these visions of when things start to go wrong. And I was just getting that gut feeling, that little voice in the back of my head. [00:41:32] Speaker F: Friend. Reception, alertness, difficulty. Five noises. [00:41:40] Speaker E: I did check on this. I do have acute senses. That does reduce my difficulty by two. It's already reduced. Okay. Yeah, I was checking because I was seeing if that would have helped. [00:41:58] Speaker F: It still wouldn't have helped, but it's. [00:42:01] Speaker E: Still good to know. Anyway, so that's seven. [00:42:04] Speaker F: Three. [00:42:08] Speaker E: Seven successes. [00:42:10] Speaker F: Beautiful. You hear people screaming. Something is going wrong downstairs, and there's stuff being thrown. You're the target's clothes. [00:42:27] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. [00:42:30] Speaker F: And that's when, for Margot, you start getting this very panicked feeling in your head as well. With Fuchstate, you could almost feel like she's trying to communicate with you, that something is incredibly wrong. [00:42:47] Speaker D: And she's going to run to the door and rip it open. [00:42:52] Speaker F: Beautiful. They're going to see seven werewolves. [00:42:59] Speaker D: Jesus. And she's going to slam the door shut. No, absolutely not. Absolutely not. [00:43:09] Speaker F: Roll your conscious then. [00:43:15] Speaker D: Okay. Standard, I assume. [00:43:17] Speaker F: Yeah, it. [00:43:35] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:43:38] Speaker D: Yeah. Baby bot stroll on my conscious. [00:43:45] Speaker F: You feel incredibly guilty and feel the need this drive in your beast to go save your child. [00:43:57] Speaker D: What's happening? And she takes off her heels and runs towards the door with one of her stilettos in hand. [00:44:12] Speaker E: I'm going to rush out there as well, just confirming my suspicions. [00:44:18] Speaker F: Everybody sees the werewolves. [00:44:20] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [00:44:21] Speaker A: Gotta be fucking kidding me. I hate coming to this club. [00:44:26] Speaker F: Jesus Christ of Nazareth in everyone's journals. I did put in what you need, the exact syntax. You need to roll for initiative. So I want everyone to do the slash in it, add, and then for your modifier, put in that number that's there. Wonderful. [00:44:49] Speaker A: I'm not going to need that. Ten later, I bet. [00:44:52] Speaker D: No, probably not. [00:44:59] Speaker E: All right. [00:45:01] Speaker F: Would you like me to roll yours for you? [00:45:03] Speaker D: I got it. Sweet. [00:45:06] Speaker F: We're going to do this in a batch. All right. Chasper. [00:45:31] Speaker A: Yes. [00:45:32] Speaker F: You run out and you see seven werewolves and a crowd full of people running away. You see a select few people, kind of like standing there panicked, and a couple people hiding. [00:45:45] Speaker A: Are the werewolves, like, tearing people in half? [00:45:50] Speaker F: Yes, some of them are. [00:45:52] Speaker A: Now, does Jasper know about the effect werewolves have on people's brains? Where they won't remember any of it because he'll break the masquerade if he knows, everybody isn't going to remember this is happening. [00:46:13] Speaker F: I'm just going to say no, just based off your intelligence and the Nova cult. So, no. [00:46:19] Speaker A: I wanted to ask. Jasper is going to look around and he's not going to try and take on a werewolf. He's heard of nines doing it, and the fact that he's heard of it means it's a bit out of his league. What he will do is depending on the. He wants to find the people that aren't moving and start ushering them out of the room, maybe even activating dread gaze to know they're already scared. But just like literally pushing people to get them running and leaving. [00:46:50] Speaker F: Yeah, you've used your solarity and start kind of getting some people closer to the door and I'll see do you spend your turn that way? [00:46:59] Speaker A: Move. Get the fuck out of the club. Run. [00:47:06] Speaker F: As you do that, though. These werewolves, they do not look clean. They do not look traditional in what you've had in your head. These are trashy werewolves. Only two of them look, like, really oily, and they're this, like, pitch black fur. The others are just a bit like, they have ragged, patchy, matted fur. But two of them are just oily and pitch black. The two that are oily and pitch black, they're going to run after you. One of them is going to try and hit you. [00:47:45] Speaker A: Hey, look, it's okay. We don't have to do this. [00:47:53] Speaker F: Unfortunately, that's not for you side. That's rough. [00:48:04] Speaker A: Jesus. [00:48:08] Speaker F: If you want to forfeit doing anything else on your next turn, I will allow you to roll your dexterity with your celerity to dodge this. [00:48:17] Speaker A: Listen, I am not God's toughest vampire. I think I'm going to have to. [00:48:23] Speaker E: True. [00:48:24] Speaker F: As one of them raises their claw and begins to kind of almost strike to slash at you. [00:48:33] Speaker A: Do I get my athletics on this dodge? [00:48:36] Speaker F: Yeah, let's do Dexter athletics. Plus your solarity. [00:48:39] Speaker A: Awesome. [00:48:41] Speaker F: Should be six dice in total. [00:48:43] Speaker A: Yeah, this might be. No, I got a thing of pone, so never mind. Yeah. Four, five, six dice. [00:48:52] Speaker F: Yeah. You were four successes and you barely managed to dodge out of the way. As you do feel it, feel one of the claws lightly graze and scratch your arm. This thing is hulking and massive. Its eyes are green and it looks pissed. More pissed than you have ever seen any vampire who's gone into a frenzy. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Can we pay you to leave? [00:49:35] Speaker F: Next is Jimmy. [00:49:38] Speaker E: Shit. [00:49:43] Speaker F: Ren, you see Jasper get attacked by a werewolf as he's trying to help others out. You do see six other werewolves. Well, you see four other werewolves tearing shit up. Sorry, five tearing shit up. And where two of them are kind of beginning to gang on. Jasper. [00:50:07] Speaker E: Damn. I feel like I'm the most equipped to take on a werewolf. So I'm going to spend a blood point to go ahead and pop my claws. [00:50:26] Speaker F: You don't need a roll for that. [00:50:28] Speaker E: No, I just spend one blood point. It takes a single turn to complete, though. [00:50:34] Speaker F: So you just pop your claws and that's all you can do for now. [00:50:37] Speaker E: I believe that's all I can do. But I am just going to go up there and with my experience with being gangroll and recently, any knowledge I have or anything like that. [00:50:58] Speaker F: Roll your intelligence in a cult. [00:51:01] Speaker E: Okay. That is going to be a big ol five dice. [00:51:11] Speaker F: Standard difficulty. [00:51:19] Speaker E: One success. [00:51:25] Speaker F: As you look out over them, you do notice that the five kind of matted, ratty looking werewolves, they do have glossy eyes over them. You're not sure if that's just like a werewolf thing or if they could be dominated. There's a chance that they could be dominated, though. [00:51:56] Speaker E: Okay. [00:52:00] Speaker F: Next is Margot. Okay, you see Deborah hiding behind a lounging couch. As you're making your way down the stairs, you see five matted werewolves tearing shit up, raking furniture, killing some people, and you see two black and oily werewolves going after Jasper. [00:52:28] Speaker D: Louise. Okay. [00:52:34] Speaker F: Your drive right now is to kind of save Deborah. [00:52:37] Speaker D: Yeah. So I'm going to grab Deborah and throw her into one of the feeding rooms unceremoniously. [00:52:45] Speaker F: Yeah, not really going to make you roll for of she's hiding, but still a little bit stiff with fear. And you just kind of grab her and just shove her into a closet for now and close the door, unfortunately, making yourself known, which we will get to later. [00:53:04] Speaker D: Okay. [00:53:06] Speaker F: We will move on to candy. Unless there's anything else you would like to do that's small. [00:53:14] Speaker D: No. [00:53:15] Speaker F: Okay. Candy. [00:53:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I think candy is going to. [00:53:23] Speaker C: Can I have unseen presence and mask of a thousand faces active at the same time, or would one like. I mean, I don't think mask of a thousand faces really matters at the moment, so I'm willing to give that up for unseen presence. [00:53:36] Speaker F: I'll let you give that up for unseen presence. [00:53:40] Speaker C: Okay, she will activate that. And as she's looking down, like they're on the floor above where the werewolves are attacking, right? [00:53:50] Speaker F: Yes, you are currently above where the werewolves are attacking. Everybody else, though, is down on the main floor. [00:53:56] Speaker C: I think she's going to start moving downstairs, but she's also going to try to discern if there's something in particular these werewolves are going after or looking for, or if this attack is just completely erratic in nature. [00:54:14] Speaker F: Roll your wits and alertness. You can throw ambushes in there, too, as this is kind of an ambush. [00:54:33] Speaker B: What difficulty will this be? [00:54:36] Speaker F: Seven. [00:54:37] Speaker B: Okay. [00:54:55] Speaker F: And a willpower. How many willpower do you have left? How much willpower? [00:55:02] Speaker C: Five. [00:55:03] Speaker F: You have five left. Okay. [00:55:04] Speaker B: Yep. [00:55:05] Speaker F: So this attack, it feels random. It feels like it's there to cause chaos, maybe as a distraction for something else, but you're not certain. [00:55:19] Speaker B: Okay. [00:55:21] Speaker C: With that discerned, the last thing candy will do is just try to start getting. Do what Jasper did and try to start getting people out of the club. [00:55:32] Speaker F: So I'll need you to make the roll for that then. [00:55:36] Speaker B: Okay. [00:55:38] Speaker F: With stealth. And this is going to be difficulty, probably seven or eight. Actually, I'll do eight. You're touching and moving people and. Yeah. [00:56:03] Speaker B: It eight. [00:56:24] Speaker F: You do maintain it fairbut. [00:56:29] Speaker D: You. [00:56:31] Speaker F: All right, Casper, it's back to you. [00:56:34] Speaker A: And then it's not back to me because I just get my turn. [00:56:37] Speaker F: Oh, yes, that is true. [00:56:39] Speaker A: Big sad. [00:56:42] Speaker F: The werewolf who attacked you is going to attack you again, sadly. [00:56:46] Speaker A: Come on, man. [00:56:48] Speaker F: Standing there as a target, going to try dodging again or are you going to try to soak it? [00:56:57] Speaker A: Try and soak it. This time I roll my stamina. Success. That's not too bad. All right, so that puts me up to hurt, right? [00:57:19] Speaker F: Oh, no, we haven't done damage yet. [00:57:22] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Oh, that's right. I forgot. That's the second role. I'm two fifth edition pilled. I'm about to get cut in half. [00:57:31] Speaker F: Hold on. No. [00:57:39] Speaker A: Wait. Ones don't count on damage, right? [00:57:42] Speaker F: No, that's bad. [00:57:43] Speaker A: That's pretty bad. [00:57:46] Speaker F: Jasper, that is four. Aggravated. [00:57:52] Speaker E: Wouldn'T it be three? [00:57:53] Speaker A: Aggravated with. [00:57:57] Speaker F: Yes, I would be three. All right, but a flesh wound. [00:58:07] Speaker A: All right, I am losing a kidney or three. [00:58:10] Speaker F: Yeah, Ren, you see Jasper, just see, you see this claw of this werewolf just gash into Jasper really freaking hard. [00:58:28] Speaker E: Oh, so, Micah, or is it. [00:58:36] Speaker F: It would be your go. [00:58:38] Speaker E: I'm going to go up to that werewolf that just attacked and I am going to run up, jump at it and just claw its face. [00:58:50] Speaker F: All right, go ahead and make your roll. [00:58:53] Speaker E: Remind me, that is going to be my strength plus. What is it? [00:58:59] Speaker F: It's deck plus brawl. [00:59:00] Speaker E: Decks plus brawl. Yeah. All right, that is going to be six dice. All right. Oh, my God. I am spending a willpower to reroll those two dice. [00:59:25] Speaker A: All right, let's go tense it. [00:59:29] Speaker F: But that's fine. [00:59:39] Speaker D: It. [00:59:40] Speaker E: Okay, that's three successes. [00:59:44] Speaker D: That's. [00:59:49] Speaker F: All right. So with your three successes, go ahead and roll your strength plus one. [00:59:57] Speaker E: Yes, that is going to be five, I believe. Yes, difficulty six. And they will not be able to soak this damage. Unless they have something like fortitude, which is two. [01:00:22] Speaker F: They take two damage. [01:00:24] Speaker E: Take two damage. Unless they have something, they take one. They have something like fortitude. [01:00:33] Speaker F: Werewolf shit. [01:00:36] Speaker E: All right, I thought I was doing good by being able to bypass that, but no. [01:00:42] Speaker D: Okay. [01:00:43] Speaker F: You do do one point of aggravated, though? [01:00:46] Speaker E: Yes, I do do one point of aggravated. [01:00:48] Speaker F: You see blood start leaking out of them. Next, I'm also going to go, yes. [01:01:00] Speaker E: And I would also like to growl at them, basically. Just try to match their. Just try to match their. Just the gangle side is coming out pretty good right now. [01:01:10] Speaker F: All right, Marco. [01:01:13] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:01:15] Speaker F: Debbie is safe. Deborah is safe now. [01:01:18] Speaker D: Debbie's safe. My friends are getting absolutely fucking wrecked. I don't like that. I don't like that whatsoever. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to distract one of them. I'm going to distract the one that's really fucking up Jasper right now, actually. [01:01:37] Speaker F: All right. [01:01:41] Speaker D: Margot clears her throat and will perch herself up to get a little bit of height over these things. And she is going to do her sirens beckoning. [01:02:02] Speaker F: Your new ability. [01:02:07] Speaker D: All right, so I have to rule a manipulation in performance. The difficulty is equal to that creature's willpower, and for it to resist me, it has to make a willpower role difficulty. My appearance and my performance, which is eight. [01:02:30] Speaker F: All right, so your difficulty is going to be five cool. [01:02:37] Speaker D: Performance, two successes. And did you say that we can spend willpower to reroll? Did I hear that correctly? [01:02:48] Speaker A: Yes, I will send one specifically, I believe. I'm sorry. [01:02:56] Speaker D: Okay, what do you say? [01:02:58] Speaker F: They get to roll. [01:02:58] Speaker D: To resist, they have to roll their willpower difficulty. [01:03:02] Speaker C: Eight. [01:03:06] Speaker E: Mon Margot. [01:03:19] Speaker D: They got one success. I beat them. [01:03:22] Speaker F: You do beat them by you, essentially. [01:03:27] Speaker D: That one in particular is enthralled by me. And as long as I keep it up, once I accumulate five successes, he gets a derangement. [01:03:41] Speaker F: Perfect. You all are starting to hear the sounds of footsteps coming from above you, but not before candy gets to act. [01:03:58] Speaker C: Do I currently hear the footsteps? [01:04:01] Speaker F: Yeah, everyone does. [01:04:03] Speaker D: Okay. [01:04:04] Speaker C: Candy will go see what that's about. She doesn't really particularly fancy fighting a werewolf, and Margo seems to be distracting the one that was attacking Jasper, so she's going to go investigate that. [01:04:17] Speaker F: All right? Yeah. You see, Fam Hong and Genghis venture and a bruha start running downstairs. They seem like they were in one of the offices on the third floor, and they're coming down to meet you now. [01:04:34] Speaker C: Okay, well, that's good. She will be a bit relieved that it seems like there's help coming in, and I think what she's going to do is she's going to run over to help. She's going to run over and try to see if she can help Ren and Jasper. She's not going to actively attack the werewolf since it's focused on Margo, but she's just going to position herself in case more come at. [01:05:00] Speaker F: It's focused. One of them is focused on Ren. [01:05:04] Speaker C: Okay. [01:05:04] Speaker F: Another one's focused on Margot. And then there are five others. [01:05:09] Speaker C: One of them's focused on Ren. She will see if there's a way for her to create a distraction. [01:05:19] Speaker F: Not unless you drop unseen presence. [01:05:25] Speaker C: Don't really want to do that. Does it look like there are still mortals in the club or does it look like the club is mostly evacuated at this point? [01:05:34] Speaker F: Mostly evacuated. Some of them are still leaving after the guidance of you and Jasper. Then any you guys didn't get to are currently being turned into red mist. [01:05:47] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah, she'll. [01:05:50] Speaker C: I think it's fine to drop unseen presence. She's going to try to distract the one that's going after Ren, try to give him an opening. [01:05:58] Speaker F: All right, I'm going to make a note of that. You will get there when you get there. Now. Bam. Hong makes his way down the steps and sees what's happening. And he sees the five others. Five other werewolves that you guys are not intermingled with that are turning the patrons into red mist. And he's going to go run over and try to punch one of them really freaking hard. [01:06:43] Speaker E: Hold on. [01:06:43] Speaker F: I can remember everything. I can mostly remember everything. Five against their five. Yeah. And you see him just eat the shit out of one of them. You see him just kind of just uppercut one in the stomach, and you see the werewolf actually slide a few feet back. Jasper, is your turn next. [01:07:18] Speaker A: I'm going to look down at my bloodied side and look up at the vampire, the werewolf, and start trying to mitigate this a little more strongly because neither I nor Jasper know what werewolves think about vampire mind control powers. I want to try and entrance. Since Margot's working on one, I'll entrance another one that I see ripping somebody else open. So that's going to be difficulty of the victim's current willpower, but I can just roll the dice if you don't want to tell me that. And if I succeed, they'll be entranced for an hour that I can thrall it by me. [01:07:55] Speaker F: Difficulty five. [01:07:59] Speaker A: And I will be willpowering this. [01:08:01] Speaker F: Go ahead. [01:08:18] Speaker A: Holy. Six successes so if there's nothing special, that means I have them entranced for longer than a year, per the chart in the book. [01:08:29] Speaker F: Correct. You do get the connection, but it doesn't show. [01:08:40] Speaker A: Oh, it's like still trying to kill people. [01:08:42] Speaker F: Yes. You get the sense that it's resisting by spending its own willpower now. [01:08:50] Speaker A: Just going to yell at it. Stop. Come get your boy. Stop it. That'll be my turn. Bad dog. [01:08:59] Speaker F: It kind of smiles and snickers and then just the two of them run away but do kind of give out like before they do. They do let out a little bit of like a howl and bark almost feels tonight. It sounds strange and wrong, but you do see the five other ones, except the four other ones turn to look at all of you start to move. One of them does make their way up to Ren, another one makes its way past you guys up to Genghis. One of them goes over to Margo and yeah, one of them goes over to you, Jasper leaving candy. I believe the only one who isn't. [01:10:00] Speaker D: If one of them is the one that I'm focusing on, I don't believe that they are allowed to move because. [01:10:05] Speaker F: They'Re Entrance you right, you're right. Yeah, sorry. I should say so. The one that Jasper tried to did enthrall, spent willpower to run away. The other one stuck there, not able to move. Thank you for the correction. Do they get to do that though? No. All right, Ren? [01:10:38] Speaker E: Yes. [01:10:40] Speaker F: So everyone in your group is currently surrounded by a werewolf or has a werewolf attached to them. Essentially you have your own. There's only one of them who is only one werewolf is still in the black. That's black and oily. Of the two, only one of them is still there and they look stuck and panicking inside their own head. No, four. That was right. You have four matted werewolves in front of each and every single one of you except for Marga who has the black and oily one. So you have your own if you would like to attack them? [01:11:19] Speaker E: Yes, I would. I realized I've got to do some stuff, extra stuff on the last damage, but it's all good. So I will just hit this guy. [01:11:29] Speaker F: All right, go ahead and claw at them. [01:11:33] Speaker E: Yeah. That's going to be four successes. [01:11:38] Speaker F: Wonderful. [01:11:40] Speaker E: So reason why I said I forgot some stuff was I forgot to add my potent plus the extra dice for overheading. [01:11:49] Speaker F: All right, so we got take one point off your damage roll. Five. [01:11:59] Speaker E: Six, seven. Man, that's going to be eleven days. Oh, Billy, here we go. Six successes. [01:12:21] Speaker F: That'S five in total. Because. [01:12:28] Speaker E: This is what, when Ren hits something, they're either going to be very bloodied or they're going down. [01:12:37] Speaker F: Yeah. This guy is bloody. You shove your claws into him and you just rake through the fur, the layer of fur and skin, and it feels good. It's a long time since you had the chance to do this. All right, Genghis finishes. No, he has one as well. It is 12345. Yep, he has his own. And he is also going to just do his best to do a punch. He's a little bit weaker. For fuck's sake. Oh, my God, he is mean. So that's his damage. That's the werewolves. Oh, hold on. Getting six other dice again. [01:13:56] Speaker E: Yes. [01:13:59] Speaker F: That's seven damage for him. The werewolf gets to soak it. Now. [01:14:09] Speaker E: That'S five. [01:14:12] Speaker F: Yeah. The werewolf in front of him, it has a visible kind of broken bone inside of him. Margot, you have a enthralled werewolf. Not enthralled, a stuck, mentally going crazy werewolf in front of you. [01:14:35] Speaker D: We are going to do it again. All right, I'm going to keep that up and it's just going to be an extended roll. So again, I'm going to roll my manipulation and performance, the difficulty being five, and he is going to roll. His willpower being a difficulty. Eight. [01:14:58] Speaker F: All right, go ahead and roll. [01:15:12] Speaker D: Another two successes and another one for him. [01:15:15] Speaker F: Failure. [01:15:18] Speaker D: Perfect. Yeah. Cool. [01:15:20] Speaker F: Four successes in total now. [01:15:22] Speaker D: Yes. So one more success on my end. Oh, actually, I'm going to spend a willpower to reroll that one. [01:15:29] Speaker F: Go ahead. [01:15:31] Speaker E: Come on. [01:15:33] Speaker D: I just want to see. [01:15:38] Speaker F: Don't jinx it, Jimmy. [01:15:42] Speaker D: There we go. [01:15:43] Speaker E: It's one dice for Margo. Come on. [01:15:45] Speaker A: Wait, do you have a specialty on this? [01:15:48] Speaker F: You don't need one. [01:15:49] Speaker D: I don't need one. [01:15:50] Speaker A: Extra success. [01:15:51] Speaker D: Yeah, but that puts him at five, which means that he gains a derangement. [01:15:57] Speaker F: What derangement do you want them to have? [01:15:59] Speaker D: Oh, God, I'd have to look at the book. [01:16:01] Speaker A: Xampphobia. [01:16:07] Speaker F: Do you want to give them agoraphobia? [01:16:09] Speaker D: Yeah, agoraphobia could work. [01:16:12] Speaker F: Yeah. This guy looks panic, panicked and stuck, and they look like they're just trying to desperately move their body out of the way. They're still stuck looking at you, trying to resist, but they can't. [01:16:33] Speaker D: Over the time, if I get up to 20, so every time that I roll that, it's an extra night of that derangement. If I get 20 successes over this band, of this combat, it's permanent. [01:16:46] Speaker F: All right, candy. [01:16:54] Speaker C: Okay, so out of everyone who is currently fighting a werewolf. Jasper looks the most hurt, so I'm going to try to help him. Might not be the smartest thing to do, but I'm going to be helpful. [01:17:08] Speaker A: Very polite of you. [01:17:09] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:17:11] Speaker C: She's going to go over to the werewolf that's focused on Jasper and just try to clock it in the head. She's probably going to have to jump to punch it because he's so short that she'll try. [01:17:23] Speaker A: Awesome. [01:17:23] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:17:24] Speaker F: Or at least hit it in the back of the knee to make a buckle. [01:17:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:17:30] Speaker F: All right, Dex plus brawl, difficulty 16. [01:17:44] Speaker C: Success is wonderful. [01:17:47] Speaker F: So go ahead and roll your strength, plus your potence. Plus four. [01:18:06] Speaker C: Successes. [01:18:08] Speaker F: So they take two points of bashing damage. Then we're going to move over to fam. Is going to just try to beat their shit out of another werewolf. Of the same werewolf, I should say. How much did they do last time? It's enough. Seven. Oh, yeah. Not great, though. He does knock it out. As it lays on the floor, its form starts to go back to that of a human bringing very torn up, tattered clothes. Next we go over to Jasper again. [01:19:17] Speaker A: Well, my plan to become a Pokemon trainer ran away from me, so I'm going to find one that's like engager. I'm going to point at one. I'm going to try and scare it away because I don't want to have a whole cadre of werewolves. One is enough for Jasper, so I want to try and dread gaze one. Speaking of, I should spin my blood points. There we go. Don't be a cheater. So I'm going to roll charisma plus intimidation, difficulty there. Widths plus courage. And I'm going to try and do it as an extended test where I make his dice pool smaller and smaller on if they ever get to zero. He's basically stumped. [01:20:08] Speaker F: Okay, give me 1 second. Got to make sure. All right, so your difficulty is going to be six. [01:20:35] Speaker A: Five successes. Holy. [01:20:38] Speaker F: All right. [01:20:40] Speaker A: Minus five on his pools, at least for now. [01:20:43] Speaker F: All right, it's fine. [01:20:49] Speaker A: I like, bear my fangs and I bark at them like a mean dog. [01:20:55] Speaker F: All right. Yeah. All right. Ren. Actually, no, it'd be the werewolf turns. [01:21:06] Speaker E: Yep. [01:21:08] Speaker F: We're just going to roll it all as a collective damage against everybody except for Margo and Jasper. We're not going to do Jaspers. [01:21:27] Speaker D: God damn it. [01:21:28] Speaker F: Got to remember, I'm not doing using a different bot. All right? I'm going to have everyone roll their stamina. [01:21:36] Speaker E: All right, that's going to be four dice for me because I get plus one for fortitude. [01:21:42] Speaker C: I get one extra die for soak rolls from tough hide. [01:21:47] Speaker F: All right, that's all good. [01:21:49] Speaker A: I don't. Three successes, one success. [01:21:59] Speaker B: Failure. [01:22:02] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:22:07] Speaker F: Except for Margo. [01:22:09] Speaker D: Okay, never mind, Jasper. [01:22:11] Speaker F: You two are fine. [01:22:12] Speaker D: Leave me alone. [01:22:15] Speaker A: With the idea of getting. [01:22:18] Speaker D: No. Jasper and Margot are on hot girl shit right now. [01:22:23] Speaker A: Yeah, we're just flexing. [01:22:25] Speaker F: Candy takes one point of aggravated damage. And, Ren, you take one. None. One. [01:22:37] Speaker E: One. Even after soaking three with fortitude, someone's. [01:22:42] Speaker F: Claws do gleam and glimmer. [01:22:45] Speaker E: Oh, fuck. All right, got it marked. I was just making sure. [01:22:56] Speaker D: Oh, God. [01:22:57] Speaker F: And for the sake of time, we'll say that you do eventually kill them all. Or at least knock them out. The ones that had been the two of you, that can only do bashing damage, did your bashing damage. And knocked out a werewolf together. Ren, you definitely killed one of them. And, Margo, you broke one's mind so bad, and you kept up with it as you watched Ren, Thom and Genghis eviscerated. And after the fight, after everything's settled, you see their bodies revert back into a human form. All five of them. Body. The floor. The main floor is covered in bodies blood. Tom and Genghis send four of you, five of you on your way. After you collect Deborah from the closet, you spend the rest of your night recovering those of you who took damage. Jasper, if you want to heal your aggravated. Anyone who took aggravated damage, we are allowed to spend blood points to heal that back up. [01:24:24] Speaker A: Is it one to one? [01:24:26] Speaker F: One to one. [01:24:27] Speaker A: I gotta eat. [01:24:30] Speaker D: Margot, she's filing her nails. [01:24:33] Speaker F: And you all spend your blood points to wake up for the night. And starting with Margo, you get a call. Deborah picks up the phone, and as soon as she hear. You can almost hear one word, she immediately hands it to you. [01:25:02] Speaker D: Hello? [01:25:05] Speaker F: Hello, is this Marco Beaufant? [01:25:11] Speaker D: Depends on who's asking. [01:25:16] Speaker F: The prince. [01:25:19] Speaker D: Yes. Very well. This is her. [01:25:26] Speaker F: I heard you and your codery were at the club last night. [01:25:33] Speaker D: We were. [01:25:34] Speaker F: Good. Come here. And he immediately hangs up the phone. [01:25:42] Speaker D: Oh, boy. Okay, that's either really good or really bad. And she's going to go on and put on her other fancy dress this time. It's black with red ruffles underneath and a pair of red heels to match. [01:26:01] Speaker F: Ren? [01:26:02] Speaker E: Yes? [01:26:05] Speaker F: You also get a phone call. You hear your landline ringing. [01:26:12] Speaker E: Okay, I picked it up. Ran speaking. [01:26:17] Speaker F: Good. This is loading. You were at the club last night, correct? [01:26:24] Speaker E: I was. [01:26:27] Speaker F: Good. Come in. Load him when he hangs up. [01:26:33] Speaker E: I'll hang up. I'll just start. I'll dust off. I look at my outfit that my nice half was like, God damn it, that was my only nice outfit. And I just find the second nicest one. [01:26:53] Speaker F: It has some holes in it. Not overly big holes, like your previously nicest outfit, which now has a lot of holes. Big holes in it. [01:27:01] Speaker E: Yep. Picker would have to take Margot and Jeff. Margot up on that offer. Okay, let's just go. [01:27:11] Speaker F: Candy? [01:27:13] Speaker B: Yes? [01:27:16] Speaker F: You hear your cell phone ringing? Your big old cell phone. [01:27:25] Speaker C: You will pick up. [01:27:27] Speaker B: Hello? [01:27:32] Speaker F: Candy? [01:27:36] Speaker B: Yes? [01:27:39] Speaker F: Were you at the club last night? [01:27:42] Speaker B: Who is this Loda? [01:27:48] Speaker C: Candy, like, literally pulls the phone away from her ear and stifles a scream. And then she puts the phone back. [01:27:59] Speaker B: To her ear and goes, yeah, I was there. [01:28:05] Speaker F: I heard that. [01:28:09] Speaker B: Okay, I'm sorry. [01:28:14] Speaker F: Come in club tonight. [01:28:18] Speaker B: Okay. [01:28:22] Speaker F: You hear him hang up first. [01:28:26] Speaker C: Candy screams into her hands, but she will put on again, like, one of her nice looking outfits again from back when she was human. And she will check her hair, even though it doesn't really matter because most of it has fallen out. But she'll try to look presentable. She'll activate mask of a thousand faces again and then head over to the club. [01:28:58] Speaker F: All right, go ahead and make your roles, your role for it, and spend your blood for it as much as you would like. Okay, we'll move on to Jasper. Jasper, you wake up later in the night for you. Do you feel tired? Do you send all of your blood to heal all of your aggravated damage? [01:29:22] Speaker A: Yeah, and I'm starving. Not dangerously so, but my tummy's a rumble. [01:29:29] Speaker F: Tummy is a rumble. And you see blackjack? Kind of. Actually, he's sitting kind of outside your room, just waiting for you. [01:29:45] Speaker A: Are we good? [01:29:49] Speaker F: Well, I see you've healed yourself while you slept, so technically, yes. Now, what the fuck is it that I hear about you being at the club last night? Not just, I don't know, you killed werewolves? [01:30:04] Speaker A: No. Killed. Well, opines are killed. They certainly tried to kill me. I gave one my like. I'm pretty sure one of them likes me a lot. But he ran away. Some of them definitely got gutted. After they were subdued, Margot drove one of them crazy. I don't know, but there was an attack. A few of them got put down. Yeah. [01:30:36] Speaker F: You hear the phone ring. Just goes. God fucking damn it. This is why I don't like tension. [01:30:46] Speaker A: I'll cross and go answer the phone since. Well, is he crashing with me, or am I at his place? [01:30:53] Speaker F: You're at his place, but it's shared between the two of you? [01:30:58] Speaker A: Sure. Just a couple of dudes. Bachelor's. I'll go answer the phone. [01:31:04] Speaker F: He is your sire. [01:31:05] Speaker D: History will call them roommates. [01:31:08] Speaker A: It's weirder than that. [01:31:17] Speaker F: Turned into a meme. Yes. And he's going to say, Jasper Black. [01:31:26] Speaker A: Supposed to talk. Speaking. [01:31:31] Speaker F: You and your cuttery were at the club last night. Am I wrong? Unfortunately, you were not at the club last night. [01:31:42] Speaker A: No, we were. I just regret it. I was at the club. [01:31:50] Speaker F: Good. That's the answer I'm looking to hear. Come down. Don't let blackjack to the club. Do not let blackjack know that you were coming here. [01:32:01] Speaker A: Who's speaking? [01:32:05] Speaker F: He's actually just going to hang up. [01:32:08] Speaker A: I look at blackjack, I look within myself. Someone's calling me and asking me to come to the club. [01:32:24] Speaker F: Go. [01:32:26] Speaker A: All right, listen. I got a scheme to run by you later. He's, like, grabbing his coat to leave, but they seem pretty serious. So later. Head to the club. [01:32:41] Speaker C: All right, I am going to use a willpower to reroll those ones because that is a horrible roll. [01:32:48] Speaker F: That is horrible. [01:32:50] Speaker A: Any chance I can snag a bite on the way in? [01:32:56] Speaker F: How are you going to do that? [01:33:00] Speaker A: Maybe I go to some cutie little dive bar, find someone who might be into me and go make out behind the bar or something and get some. [01:33:14] Speaker F: Blood in the meantime, appearance, subterfuge, difficulty six. And, Candy, that a total of two successes. [01:33:26] Speaker C: I can live with that. [01:33:28] Speaker F: How many blood points did you spend? [01:33:30] Speaker B: Two. [01:33:33] Speaker A: Three successes. [01:33:35] Speaker F: All right, I'll get three points of blood back. [01:33:41] Speaker A: Safer. Thank you. [01:33:47] Speaker F: All right, then. Anybody else needing to feed or do anything else before they get there? [01:33:53] Speaker E: I think I will be needing to feed. [01:33:55] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm going to feed you. Okay, same. [01:33:59] Speaker F: So, candy, roll. Dexless stealth, if you're being Stealthy about it, or appearance. And subterfuge, if you're going to try to be flirtatious. Ren, how are you feeding? [01:34:13] Speaker E: Most likely just taking off on the homeless, basically. [01:34:16] Speaker F: All right, Dex, plus stealth, difficulty five. Candy, six, whichever route you choose. Margot. Seduction. [01:34:25] Speaker D: Yes. [01:34:26] Speaker F: All right. [01:34:27] Speaker E: And by the way, do I get silent movements or no? [01:34:31] Speaker F: Okay. Yes. Add your specialties as you want. [01:34:38] Speaker D: Standard difficulty for me. [01:34:40] Speaker F: Yes. So you get four points. Bloodback. Candy, you get your five. [01:34:52] Speaker E: Yay. [01:35:04] Speaker F: And six from margot. You all make your way to the club, somehow magically arriving together, and you notice that club is quiet from the outside and security is ramped the fuck up. They look at the three of you, plus candy, they nod at you, they look kind of questioningly at candy still allow you to pass. The club is acting semi normally. On the inside, it is definitely smaller. Smaller crowd tonight. There's still the scent of iron in the air, all the blood that was spilt. You make your way up the stairs, past the second floor, up to the third, the one that looks over everything in the club. You see a guard. See a guard standing outside of the ballroom, the one where the party was once held. He looks at you and opens the door, motioning for you all to go in. [01:36:48] Speaker A: I go in. [01:36:50] Speaker B: I go in. [01:36:51] Speaker D: I go in. All right. [01:36:55] Speaker F: There are six chairs set out for you. Do you all sit clumped together or spaced out? How do you do it? [01:37:13] Speaker A: I'll sit in the middle. Let's take an encouraging first step. [01:37:21] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. I'm just going to say they clump together. [01:37:26] Speaker D: Just clump together like a bunch of little penguins. [01:37:29] Speaker B: Yep. [01:37:40] Speaker F: And you see Loden with his back turned. He's holding something in one arm. And there are four other people around the room. Sorry. There are four people around the room that just seem to be ghouls or kind of regular people. They still breathe, as you all notice. You do see fam and you see Balthasar and Brennan Thornhill. And in front of Lodan, you see five bodies. All of them are in their humor, are in their human forms, and in what would have been good a club attire. But it's now in shreds. He turns around, as do the other three kindred. Lodin motions for you all to sit, and then he looks at Brennan and Balhazar. He also nods for them to go over. They sit wherever you guys don't sit. Sam Hong is standing right next to him. So, as I have already asked you for, Mr. Hong, were the club last night during the incident? [01:39:22] Speaker E: Yes, that is correct. [01:39:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I was here. [01:39:33] Speaker F: He looks at Margo. When you fought them. He's looking directly at you and seemingly only questioning you. [01:39:49] Speaker D: I mean, I didn't personally get into hand to hand combat with them. I just did what I could do to subdue one. Make it behave. [01:40:13] Speaker F: How did you do that? I thought you were a toriador. [01:40:20] Speaker D: The power of persuasion. [01:40:25] Speaker F: Yes. The one that we commonly call presence definitely does that. In all the years and decades I have seen. He looks to the other three. I heard that three of you all fought. And he looks at Ren. Then you did some real damage. [01:40:51] Speaker E: Yes, that is correct. [01:40:56] Speaker F: He'll offer out a hand to you and offers a actually kind of warm smile. [01:41:05] Speaker E: This is the most thinking to themselves. This is possibly the most gangrel that's ever been respected around here. So I'm just going to shake his hand. [01:41:22] Speaker F: Don't be afraid. It's fine. He looks to the other two. I congratulate you too, as well. You did what you could. Thumb. And he looked over his shoulder at him, said you two did your best to attack. And you eventually took one down though through combined efforts. And you used mind magic. Now, what were you all doing before the incident occurred? [01:42:05] Speaker A: Getting ready to have a little chat. You reconnected after a little while, updating everybody on what we've been up to, what's going on in the city. Unfortunately, we didn't really get there. [01:42:20] Speaker F: Well, perhaps you wouldn't have needed to reconnect if the two of you. He looks at you. Jasper, and you, Ren. The two of you had actually been there at glysium almost a little over a month ago now. You two had actually been there. [01:42:43] Speaker A: He's like pretty personally frustrated we weren't there then. That's the vibe I'm getting. [01:42:52] Speaker F: Go ahead and make like a wits empathy check. [01:42:56] Speaker A: Oh, I'm incredible at this. Three successes. [01:43:12] Speaker F: Yeah, he's pissed that you weren't out of elysium. It's standard. Even though you're still considered an anarch, he does know people have been trying to gather some favor for you among the Camarilla. So he's upset that you weren't there, that you were undermining their efforts. [01:43:32] Speaker A: Is there anybody in the room that I know is an associate of Nikolai's? [01:43:41] Speaker F: Other than the fact that Nikolai's primagen would know Loden through working with him? No. [01:43:51] Speaker A: I look over and I meet Ren's eyes and I look at the prince. And you know, Jasper's an asshole, but he wants to live. I apologize for the lack of discretion, prince, but we were actually called on orders from one of your primagen away from the elysium. [01:44:14] Speaker F: He looks at Ren. That is goo other than your boss told you to go do something. Who gave the order other than me through her told you to do something on the night of an Elysium, where it is important for every kindred, the tower, and even some of your own kind. And he's staring at rand, but points at Jasper. Those of your kind, it is important and imperative for them to show up. To make sure that the status quo is maintained. That the masquerade is upheld, that everybody knows what's going on within the city. So who the fuck gave the order? [01:45:12] Speaker A: Well, you're his boss. It was primage and Nikolai. Sir. I was under the impression it was official business. [01:45:28] Speaker F: Good to know. [01:45:32] Speaker A: So was Ren. For the record, we met up there. Apologies if it caused you any trouble. [01:45:43] Speaker F: None taken. Other than the fact of you wouldn't have had to meet with anybody in your coterie last night if you had actually shown up. So you went into another room to talk and catch up about what? He looks over to the Nosferatu. [01:46:11] Speaker C: Handy looks away. Handy does not make eye contact with this man. [01:46:17] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I forgot you were there. Now I'm a little scared. [01:46:22] Speaker F: Candy. [01:46:25] Speaker B: Yes, sir, prince. Your grace. [01:46:30] Speaker F: What were you all talking about? Do not make this harder than it has to be. [01:46:41] Speaker B: Yes, your grace. We were talking about how. Well, the mission that primage and Nikolai and the gang and sent them on. It's kind of my fault. Not what happened is my fault. It's that I'm the person who noticed the thing that made primage and Nikolai concerned. There was the school or someone who was wandering around talking about how they had this strange feeling. And there was a blood vial in the area that they were talking about. And a rat came to me. Because rats talk to me sometimes. And they said that they had this strange concern about like a bloody worm in them. So I told my primogen and then he told me to tell the tramir primogen. And so that's why they went out. And we were just kind of talking about that. [01:47:46] Speaker F: Margo, can I have you roll? Intelligence and occult. Intelligence and occult at difficulty eight. [01:47:56] Speaker D: Okay. I would like to spend a willpower to gain auto success Bundaba. One success botch. And I still got the success. [01:48:23] Speaker F: You hear bloody worm come out of Candy's mouth and your brain and the fugue inside of you has a sharp note and you panic. Bloody worm. Bloody worm. Blood, worm. [01:48:42] Speaker B: Blood. [01:48:44] Speaker F: That's something bad. As far as you know, that is something incredibly bad for everybody on every single side. [01:48:50] Speaker D: Blood. [01:48:51] Speaker A: Blood. [01:48:51] Speaker D: Worm. Where is this worm? We never had the chance to get into it. Where did you see this bloody worm? Where is this bloody worm? [01:49:10] Speaker F: He looks over to. [01:49:16] Speaker A: Didn'T find there was some kind of vials. Black blood. I don't know. I didn't open it. It was above my pay grade. Nikolai did some premiere shit and exploded it or something. He knew. [01:49:33] Speaker F: I don't you actually see Lodin relax a slight bit. Candy. Next time you see this sort of thing, please bring it up with tell your that. And tell them to tell me next time. [01:49:54] Speaker B: Yes, your grace. [01:50:00] Speaker F: So you were talking about your mission or you were about to. Then what happened? [01:50:11] Speaker A: Margaret took her shoes off and ran out the door and I heard the. [01:50:17] Speaker E: Screaming and ripping of clothing. [01:50:21] Speaker F: You see him look over at the bodies? Them? Most likely. [01:50:24] Speaker E: Most likely. [01:50:36] Speaker F: So Margot, how did you know to take off your shoes and start running? [01:50:48] Speaker D: Rose's intuition. [01:50:59] Speaker F: Now I gotta roll specs is the thing. [01:51:08] Speaker D: Can I roll something to keep a straight face? [01:51:12] Speaker F: Yeah. Let me get to the specific aspects. Power. I'm going to be kind to you and give you wits and not intelligence. And I'm going to have you roll wits and empathy. In the sense of you are being a little bit wise about covering up how you feel. [01:51:38] Speaker D: Okay. [01:51:44] Speaker F: In the sense that this is going to change your aura. [01:51:49] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [01:51:56] Speaker D: Difficulty. Standard, I assume. [01:51:58] Speaker F: Standard. [01:52:04] Speaker D: You. You. I. [01:52:20] Speaker F: Am going to spend a will. [01:52:21] Speaker D: Of power to reroll that. That one. Yeah. [01:52:24] Speaker F: All right. How many willpower do you have left. [01:52:29] Speaker D: After this? I'll have five. [01:52:33] Speaker F: Want to make sure. [01:52:41] Speaker D: It. Because even if I fail, that's still three successes. Just mitigate the one. [01:52:51] Speaker F: That is four successes do successfully kind of hide and change your aura. And he see him kind of try to look at you? Yes. Rose's intuition. Very generous, isn't it? You see his eyes kind of just shift back over into a more normal state. So had the intuition to run after something. Possibly. Maybe you did hear the tearing, screaming. You take your shoes off and you run. What did you see next? [01:53:55] Speaker D: Bodies being ripped apart. Bunch of lupine. How many? There were five, right? [01:54:10] Speaker F: Seven. [01:54:14] Speaker D: Seven. Some of them with fur like oil. Some of them dirty. Ripping people apart. The only thing that I was thinking about was my Deborah. [01:54:44] Speaker F: She is a good one, isn't she? [01:54:46] Speaker D: Very. [01:54:49] Speaker F: He turns around. Counts out loud. 12345. Why am I missing two? [01:55:12] Speaker A: They got away, sir. They won. I tried to put my own mind control on, but I guess he striked it off. The other one ran out with him. [01:55:41] Speaker F: That it be known to all of you that the masquerade was upheld last night. Whether it be some sort of ability that the Lupine have or by sheer fucking lucky. Now all of you. And he motions to everyone in the room. Let it be known through all channels that you can. That it is a open blood hunt on all Lupi. [01:56:20] Speaker E: I'll relay that. [01:56:22] Speaker F: I want them all dead and gone. Find them. Kill them. [01:56:39] Speaker A: Will do. [01:56:44] Speaker F: You see Balthazar stand up. And so does Brennan. Brennan leaves the room. Balthazar looks to Lodan. Lodan looks at Thom and Balthazar kind of gives a nod and a little bit of a nod towards the door. And Balthasar goes over to chaster and Ren where faum goes over to Margot. Leaving kind of candy alone. But the two of them start escorting all of you out. But again, keeping their distance from candy. What would you all like to do? [01:57:48] Speaker A: I want to try and call in my boo with Nikolai as soon as possible. But my plans take time, so I. [01:58:00] Speaker E: Got to do my job. So I'm going to contact my primagen. [01:58:11] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm gonna have to have a sit down with blackjack about what was just said or otherwise woden's going to blame me for nobody finding out. But that might be able to wait until we settle stuff between us. Speaking of, I want to speak to candy here. What were you doing? You learned about this first? I sort of try to put my hand on her shoulder amicably, like, is there anything you're holding out on us with? It seems like we might be in for trouble. [01:58:54] Speaker C: Candy jumps when Jasper touches. [01:58:58] Speaker A: Sorry, sorry. He'll put his hand in his pocket. [01:59:03] Speaker B: It's okay. He makes me kind of nervous about talk. [01:59:11] Speaker A: He sort of takes a deep breath and raises Albrecht to tell me about it. I wasn't sure he was going to let me walk out of there. I don't know. But me and Ren, we've had some dealings with the primagen before. But you saw this first. Is there anything else that hasn't come up? [01:59:35] Speaker B: No, I don't think so. I keep my ear to the ground. We noss, we keep in touch with each other and we know things. Like I said, a rat came to me, and I heard a ghoul talking about how they had this strange feeling about a blood vial. I watch people sometimes. It's just kind of part of my job. [02:00:04] Speaker A: Okay. And thank you for coming to my rescue with that werewolf. He was absolutely going to, like, rip my lungs out. [02:00:14] Speaker B: It's no trouble. I figured I should do something. [02:00:26] Speaker A: Is Margot going to go talk to, like, Annabelle or anyone else? [02:00:30] Speaker D: No. Margot looks like she's having a whole ass mini mentee. [02:00:37] Speaker A: Bee real. Go ahead. [02:00:47] Speaker E: Yeah, I would like to think that as everyone is having their conversations, or Margot and Zepord, like, look away or anything like that, I'm already gone. Unseen presence. And I'm gone to try to find my premogen. [02:01:02] Speaker B: Candy will try to find her primogen as well. [02:01:07] Speaker F: All right, Margot. Your mentee. [02:01:15] Speaker D: Be your mental breakdown, my little mentee. Real. [02:01:23] Speaker F: What's going on there? [02:01:27] Speaker D: Between the constant music and her head, the thought of her possibly getting found out by the prince of what she is. And having to work a little bit extra hard to conceal a lot of stuff. She's having a bit of a spiral moment right now she's probably okay. Hyper specific moment thing. You all know those pictures of the guys that are like midlife crisis with the cigarette in their hands sitting on the curb of a. [02:02:11] Speaker A: Flack getting donuts. [02:02:13] Speaker D: Yes, exactly. She is Ben Affleck getting Dunkin donuts right now. Like full on having like a moment. She knows that she needs to reach out to Annabelle at some point, but the music in her head's not stopping. And for the first time in a long time she lets out a cry and smacks her head and just silently begging for it to stop for a minute. 1 minute. [02:02:56] Speaker F: Can you roll me a willpower check of your temporary. [02:03:20] Speaker D: Nine? Breathe. [02:03:27] Speaker F: For a blissful 30 seconds. It's gone. It's short lived though, because after that 30 seconds, it's back and it's loud. It almost feels louder. [02:04:04] Speaker D: The music can't ever stop. And the fugue, it'll never stop and it's never going to stop and it's never going to stop. And she gets up and just screams. A loud scream. It doesn't do anything, but it makes her feel better for a moment. But her voice just gets pitched out. That scream. Anybody who might be still within a slight walking distance hears it because she is unintentionally going to activate the. [02:04:55] Speaker F: Ren. [02:04:56] Speaker E: Yeah, even if I'm more than walking distance, I would still hear. [02:05:05] Speaker D: She as she unintentionally activates phantom speaker to just throw her voice. [02:05:12] Speaker F: Yeah, you throw it high so it actually gets even louder. And everybody else. Actually not everybody else. Can I have Jasper and Candy roll me a perception alertness and if you have anything related to noise, definitely hear it. [02:05:40] Speaker A: So it took me a second because my cat was trying to step on the keyboard. [02:05:44] Speaker F: Yeah, you're good. [02:05:45] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:05:46] Speaker F: If you can roll a perception alertness. [02:05:51] Speaker C: Two successes. [02:05:53] Speaker F: You guys hear this very loud scream? Jasper, the voice does sound a bit familiar to you. As you know Margot's scream. You've heard her at least scream once before. Maybe not in this sense. It does sound loud and maybe not even from the specific point. You're not really sure. But Candy, you do hear a woman. [02:06:17] Speaker C: Candy will activate unseen presence and then head towards the source. [02:06:25] Speaker A: Oh shit, that's Margot. I'll sprint back to where I hear it. [02:06:30] Speaker D: Margot's lifting up trash cans and kicking them around. And this is probably the most once you actually get to her. She's not even paying attention. She is in a full on mental break. [02:06:46] Speaker A: Hey, Margo. Hey, are you okay? What's wrong? Something happened. [02:06:52] Speaker D: It won't stop. [02:06:58] Speaker A: It's gonna sort of. I'm gonna close the gap a little bit to be closer. Hey, what won't stop? Margo? Is there anyone else around? Firearms. [02:07:24] Speaker F: Ren, do you show up? Do you deactivate unseen presence? Same goes to you. Candy. [02:07:30] Speaker B: Candy wool. [02:07:31] Speaker C: Is this, like, happening in a secluded spot or just out in the. [02:07:40] Speaker F: Is kind of in the alley. Okay. [02:07:43] Speaker C: If it's in an alley, she'll deactivate unseen presence. [02:07:49] Speaker E: I think Rin was, like, thinking halfway of just ignoring it, but after everything, I just can't. I do run back and I do activate unseen presence. [02:08:06] Speaker F: You see your two other friends. [02:08:12] Speaker E: I'm just gonna. I'm just gonna approach Margot. What won't stop. Margot. What's wrong? [02:08:28] Speaker D: It doesn't ever go away. And I'm so sick of it constantly playing in my head every waking moment, and I just subjected to. [02:08:51] Speaker E: I am just going to. Is there a way we can make it better? I am just getting closer and closer to Margot. Just. [02:09:08] Speaker D: No, I need to be honest with you. I'm. I'm. I'm not. I'm. I'm not a toridor. Surprise. [02:09:51] Speaker A: That's certainly some pretty big news. He thinks better of it and stops. I won't ask anything until we're somewhere. Definitely you in a more private. Is that related? [02:10:08] Speaker D: Yes, to everything. [02:10:13] Speaker E: Should we head over to where's. [02:10:24] Speaker A: Think you cut out. [02:10:25] Speaker E: No, I'm just trying to think here. Are we close to your place, or is there a better place where we can have this discussion? [02:10:39] Speaker D: Somewhere silent. Somewhere. Somewhere quiet. I need quiet for a minute. [02:10:46] Speaker E: Let's head out to. Let's go out. I know it's a little bit out, but let's go over to my place. That's on the outskirts. It's away from the hustle and bustle, and I'm going to lead everyone to my place. [02:11:14] Speaker D: I have lupines at your house. [02:11:20] Speaker F: You're doing this by a car? Train, most likely. [02:11:28] Speaker E: Train. Or. I normally just use public transportation. [02:11:35] Speaker F: So can I have people roll me reception awareness? [02:11:45] Speaker D: No. [02:11:48] Speaker F: Margo is down to just take zero. [02:11:53] Speaker D: Margot is not. Even if I had a dice pool, not in a good place right now. She's not paying attention. [02:12:01] Speaker E: Five dice. I mean, so it's like all. Everyone's perception awareness. Would this stamp beat this down to. Okay, would it be difficulty four for me with acute. [02:12:16] Speaker F: No. Okay. Just making sure alertness is. That would be more. Go towards alertness. Awareness is more supernatural. [02:12:26] Speaker E: Okay. I am going to spend a willpower to reroll those two dice. I don't like that. [02:12:39] Speaker F: So nothing from candy, two from Jasper. Just one. Ren gets one. [02:12:56] Speaker D: Jasper there. [02:12:57] Speaker F: As you guys are kind of moving your way towards the nearest train station to get moving towards the outskirts of the city, you have a feeling of dread coming from somewhere nearby. You're not really sure where. You feel like it's coming from somewhere on your right, but all you see is kind of two normal looking people, but there's like, eminating rage. [02:13:26] Speaker A: Hey, heads up. And I'm going to turn to look at the two. Any recognition at all. [02:13:37] Speaker F: You go, hey, what's up? [02:13:39] Speaker A: No, I say to the codery, hey, heads up, something is wrong. And then I look at the two people to see if I can recognize them or see anything on them that indicates anything to me. [02:13:55] Speaker F: They look human ish. They do look a little bit stronger than a normal human. Not even like. But like you would almost think bodybuilder. But they're not bodybuilders. They can't be. [02:14:11] Speaker A: Are they paying attention to us? [02:14:17] Speaker F: They do seem to be sniffing the air quite a lot. And they do seem to be looking towards your direction now. [02:14:22] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [02:14:24] Speaker A: Guys, we got to go. Is Margot. How much is she walking and how much are we sort of carrying her at this point? [02:14:35] Speaker D: Yes. [02:14:37] Speaker A: All right. I am going to use my brouha powers to pick her up like I'm holding a disobedient cat and start running away. We got to go. [02:14:52] Speaker C: Candy will also start running. She just assumes something bad is happening. [02:14:59] Speaker F: Okay. I'm assuming at this point she would have had her mask on. I'm not going to make a role for that. [02:15:05] Speaker C: Yeah, unseen presence, at least. [02:15:07] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:15:12] Speaker E: I'm going to keep pace with him because I know where I'm going, so I can't just unseen presence away and leave everyone blind. [02:15:22] Speaker D: Meet me at my house, guys. Fucking advantages. [02:15:29] Speaker F: As you all start running away, you do hear the sounds of ripping skin and cracking bone and tearing cloth. [02:15:39] Speaker E: As soon as I hear that, I will howl. As soon as I start hearing the ripping of clothing, I will go ahead and immediately start popping my claws. [02:15:51] Speaker F: You're still running them? [02:15:53] Speaker E: Yes, I'm just. Yep. [02:16:01] Speaker F: Jasper. Candy Ren, actually. Yeah. Can I have you roll me your Dex plus athletics, Jasper? Add one die of celerity. [02:16:21] Speaker A: Why don't I get all of it? That's so sad. [02:16:24] Speaker F: You are carrying somebody. [02:16:27] Speaker A: But Potence. [02:16:29] Speaker E: Potence does not. [02:16:31] Speaker F: Potence is for the carry. [02:16:33] Speaker A: Worth your shot. [02:16:35] Speaker D: Marco is not that fat. [02:16:37] Speaker F: No, she is not. She is not the weight. [02:16:43] Speaker D: All of the. Potence is still going towards carrying all. [02:16:50] Speaker F: The potents going towards carrying Margo, because Jasper has one dot of strength. [02:16:59] Speaker A: It would have been better. [02:17:00] Speaker E: Well, then again, I'm the tank and the damage dealer if we're dealing with coupon, so it would be inconvenient. No offense. [02:17:08] Speaker A: No, this is the proper course of action. [02:17:11] Speaker F: Yeah, it is. So, yes. You don't weigh like a paper. You just weigh. [02:17:18] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [02:17:21] Speaker A: Oh, God, they're going to eat the nose. [02:17:25] Speaker D: No. [02:17:29] Speaker C: I will spend willpower to reroll the one. [02:17:33] Speaker F: All right? [02:17:41] Speaker C: That is pretty successful. [02:17:47] Speaker F: I'm on a fucking roll tonight. All right, for the sake of brevity, I will say that Jasper and Margo make it out of the way. Candy, I will give you the opportunity to use. And, Ren, I will give both of you the opportunity to use, obfuscate, and duck off into an alley for a few minutes. [02:18:11] Speaker C: Yep, we will definitely do. [02:18:17] Speaker F: I will have you both roll wits plus stealth at difficulty six. [02:18:26] Speaker E: Okay, do I get my specialty of. [02:18:28] Speaker F: Silent movements and daredevil? [02:18:31] Speaker E: Oh, shit, yes, that's good to know. Difficulty six. [02:18:43] Speaker F: And he's fine. [02:18:54] Speaker E: Oh, no. Two successes for Ren. [02:19:00] Speaker F: How do we give you better luck? [02:19:04] Speaker E: I don't know. [02:19:07] Speaker F: On a pool of ten dice, you got two. [02:19:14] Speaker E: All right, it's me, Myron. I don't understand my own luck. [02:19:22] Speaker F: All right, so Jasper and Margot do kind of make their way towards the train station and duck off and hide and, well, Ren and candy do hide off in an alley for a few minutes and make their way up to the train station, doing their best and successfully avoiding the lupine. You see your two other cuttery mates. [02:20:01] Speaker A: Are they following? [02:20:06] Speaker B: I think we lost them. [02:20:08] Speaker E: Yeah, let's go in. [02:20:12] Speaker A: You'll get on the first train out of there. I don't care where it's going. [02:20:17] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm just going in. Just going in. I'm not saying anything. [02:20:20] Speaker D: Take the midnight train going anywhere. [02:20:22] Speaker A: We can connect on the next one to your house, but I'm not getting eaten by a werewolf because I didn't want to miss my train. [02:20:28] Speaker F: Did you know it's going to Georgia? No. It is. Luckily enough, going over to Ren's side of the city or on the north side takes you all about 20 minutes with the stops. Actually, I should say 30 stops to get to Jasper's place. It's a run down looking place, isn't it? [02:20:57] Speaker E: Rent? [02:20:58] Speaker F: Yes. [02:20:59] Speaker E: Yeah, it is. [02:21:01] Speaker F: Did I say Jasper's? [02:21:02] Speaker E: Yeah, he did. [02:21:03] Speaker D: I was like, hey, I don't want to meet blackjack. [02:21:09] Speaker F: Yes, you are. Friend's place. [02:21:12] Speaker E: No, I don't a little rundown. It does. It does its job. [02:21:21] Speaker F: Place, read, sleep. [02:21:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:21:29] Speaker D: Are we safe? [02:21:33] Speaker E: We should be. I'll keep an eye out, but. [02:21:42] Speaker D: Okay. I believe I owe some of you an explanation. So not a toridor, not a malkavian. I'm what they call one of the daughters, the daughters of cacophony. We are like many of those who know what we are. Say if a toriodor and amalkavian had a baby. That's what we are. That thing that I was doing to those wolves is a special gift that I possess. It's not quite like what a Malkavian can do. It's not quite like what a toridor can do. It's a mix of both. And one of the downsides is I constantly have music in my head that I cannot turn off. And if I try, it comes back louder, which makes me go just a little. Well, you heard. [02:23:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:23:49] Speaker D: The reason why I ran out without my shoes on is because I am connected in a weird way with an almost unnatural instinct, where instead of it being whispers in my head, it is music, sound. It makes it very hard to keep focus. And if I don't, and if I expend too much of myself, I get dangerous. And that is what you saw. I expended a little bit too much of myself, and it needed to blow off a little bit of steam. Um, they call us sirens and banshees and songbirds. Many of us are very gifted with talking and performance. Um, we are also prone to people keeping us captive and using us whenever they need their own twisted form of entertainment. [02:25:39] Speaker A: Is that your situation with Annabelle? [02:25:45] Speaker D: No. Quite the opposite, actually. [02:25:47] Speaker A: That's good to hear. Sorry. [02:25:55] Speaker D: It is that situation with a member of the Ventru clan. I am held captive, and nobody quite knows what I am except for a small handful of people, prince included. He does not know who I am. He does not know what I am. Because if he did know, would you really want to be owned by a prince? [02:26:38] Speaker B: No, I wouldn't. [02:26:43] Speaker D: I am a part of the camarilla because they offered me a protection that I could not refuse. I have a freedom that the Anox cannot provide for me, which I know might sound a bit ironic to some of you. [02:27:14] Speaker A: Listen, even I have the sense to be polite to the prince. I can't begrudge you for looking out for your own safety. Is there anything we can do to help with the music? I know it doesn't stop, but I don't know. Play our own music loudly. Act predictably. [02:27:37] Speaker D: Unfortunately, unless you have a way to make it stop. It is doomed to forever live inside of me. That's why sometimes you'll see me slightly distracted or maybe not paying attention to my surroundings. It's very difficult to do so when you constantly, constantly have jazz music in your head. Saxophone. Could have been anything else. Could have been a pop ballad. [02:28:17] Speaker F: Could. [02:28:17] Speaker D: Have been rap song. I used to be a jazz singer. So that's what made itself a live rent free in my head for the rest of my damned life. And it's going to. And I just want to make you all aware of that. So in case somebody. In case I go missing. [02:28:57] Speaker A: Who does the person, is he around? I'm sure we can do something about him if needed. [02:29:07] Speaker D: Every now and again, he makes himself known. I. I can't quite give you all details. It's. It's. If I say too much, it'll come back. [02:29:31] Speaker B: Are you bloodbound to him? [02:29:33] Speaker A: Understood. [02:29:37] Speaker D: Yes. [02:29:40] Speaker B: I'm sorry. [02:29:45] Speaker D: He calls me his little songbird. And every. Every night I must sing to him. Whether that be on a phone call or I go to his home. It's. I'm not. I'm not ever going to be free. So I am doing this for your sake and for mine. If I go missing. It wasn't on purpose. [02:30:34] Speaker A: We'll come and get you back. I found you last time, right? [02:30:38] Speaker E: Yeah, we found you last time. We can easily. [02:30:42] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:30:45] Speaker E: I'm stuck with you, Margo. You know that. [02:30:48] Speaker D: Yeah, you and a. We've got a special bond, don't we? Gently pat them on the shoulder. [02:31:01] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:31:05] Speaker D: Thank you, guys, for being understanding. I know that in other circumstances, this would be less than ideal, but I can't keep it back. Not from you three. Especially now with. [02:31:28] Speaker E: An open hunt on our head, on our hands. I am not looking forward to delivering the news to my perchant. That's going to be fun. [02:31:43] Speaker D: I'm not really looking forward to delivering the news to annabelle. Although I feel like if I deliver the news to Annabelle first, none of us are going to have to worry about delivering the news to any of our other primagens. [02:31:56] Speaker E: We'll see. [02:32:00] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't think the other nos will take very kindly to this. [02:32:07] Speaker D: It's his open season. [02:32:11] Speaker E: I have no idea what's going to happen with the gang girls. [02:32:17] Speaker F: But. [02:32:21] Speaker E: I have a feeling the prince wants to cure a favor. Because if. I don't know, I just feel like the gang rules might be used. [02:32:33] Speaker D: Definitely. If they have even half of the fighting capabilities that, you. [02:32:46] Speaker A: Know, if Nikolai still owes you anything, you better call that in because I have a feeling he isn't going to be so polite with us after we spilled his weird little secret tonight. Yeah, I don't know. [02:33:01] Speaker E: And I'm sorry for the construction in the background. It's an ape neighborhood up and coming. [02:33:09] Speaker D: I can't believe that they have midnight construction. [02:33:15] Speaker A: My family is insane and they're vacuuming. I had no idea this would happen. I'm sorry. [02:33:24] Speaker D: Midnight vacuuming construction at 01:00 a.m. Every. [02:33:29] Speaker A: Day I get closer to doing it. [02:33:33] Speaker F: I think with this very touching, beautiful scene, we're going to end for the night. Thank you all for joining us. Stay safe out. There's.

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