Episode 6

April 22, 2024


S2 Ep6: House of Mirrors

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S2 Ep6: House of Mirrors
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S2 Ep6: House of Mirrors

Apr 22 2024 | 02:06:15


Show Notes

After an invite they cannot refuse, The Coterie find themselves in a unique and precarious place; a run down amusement park and with two Lupines watching from the shadows. There are highs and lows between the two factions but they both have the same goal: Capone. Luckily the saying holds true; The enemy of my enemy is my ally.

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Wren - Jimmy
Margot Beaufont - Legacy
Candy - Glamour

Eyes-In-The-Dark: Gavin Cash
Tiye/Shadow-Sprinter: Psycheshire

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Art Commissioned From https://www.instagram.com/killjoyforhire

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: My name is Anarcho Uzi, and I'll be playing Jasper Black to Brujah. [00:00:35] Speaker B: Hi, I'm glamour. [00:00:36] Speaker C: I play candy the Nosferatu. [00:00:40] Speaker D: Hello. [00:00:40] Speaker E: My name is Jimmy, and I play Wren the gangrul. [00:00:48] Speaker D: And my name is legacy, and I'll be playing Margo Buffant, the daughter cacophony. [00:01:01] Speaker F: Hi, I'm Gavin, and I'm playing eyes in the dark and Arun shadow lord. [00:01:07] Speaker G: Hi. And I am Syke Shire, and I am going to be playing silence striders, a ragabash. [00:01:16] Speaker H: And I am your storyteller, Byrons. So, in the last night, you all finished your conversation with Kevin Jackson after a pickup of some now realized Kinfolk had gone awry, you then went to the club, after instruction from a messenger from Brennan Thornhill to meet him there to identify another body, which none of you recognized. Then the club was attacked, causing a sudden strike of deja vu. There were two werewolves who attacked and killed Brennan Thornhill and all of his ghouls in the club. They then gave a warning to Wren and candy that they needed to get the kenfolk out of Caprini Green. After the two had. After, Candy and Jasper went back to see if there were kinfolk there, they saw a bloody mess. The aftermath of some sort of attack where people had left, possibly. Most likely werewolves. Wren, at his own home, had a one on one. Well, one on two on one conversation with the two werewolves who killed Thornhill and his ghouls, and his new boss, Nyaga. He was instructed that he should stay away from his home and keep his distance from it. And stayed the night with Jasper. Or stayed the day with Jasper, I should say. And it's come to the next morning or next sunrise. Fucking sunset. Goddamn it. Tripping all over my words. Comes to next sunset, you heal. Some of you feed. You spend your blood points to get up for the evening, heal and feed. Where are you all gonna meet? [00:03:35] Speaker A: Not at the club. [00:03:39] Speaker H: That shit's burned down, right? [00:03:44] Speaker A: I mean, I guess we can all meet in my haven. I'll call Candy, tell her to come on. [00:03:51] Speaker B: Andy will agree to go meet at Jasper's Haven. [00:03:57] Speaker C: She might suggest over text that they. Towards getting that base that they were talking about. [00:04:05] Speaker H: No text. [00:04:06] Speaker C: Oh, no text. Yeah. [00:04:08] Speaker H: 93. [00:04:09] Speaker C: 93. [00:04:11] Speaker H: Um, Margo, do you call Jasper's place from the new safe house after you had gotten it set up? [00:04:23] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:04:24] Speaker H: Okay. [00:04:25] Speaker G: Jasper. [00:04:26] Speaker H: You get a call from an unknown number. You're not really sure, uh, who's calling, anyway, most people don't call this. [00:04:32] Speaker A: I answer because I don't have any caller id. [00:04:37] Speaker E: That's fair. [00:04:39] Speaker H: Um, yeah, you pick it up, Margo. [00:04:44] Speaker D: Hello? Hey. [00:04:47] Speaker A: Hey, Margo. You doing okay? [00:04:49] Speaker D: Uh, yeah, yeah, no, I'm. I'm okay. I've just been busy. [00:04:57] Speaker A: Busy? [00:04:59] Speaker D: Yes. [00:05:02] Speaker A: Sounds like what should be talked about in person, probably. [00:05:06] Speaker D: Yes. Um, yeah, if you could just gather up the others. Um, I will, um. I'll page you with an address. [00:05:18] Speaker A: Oh, all right. [00:05:20] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:05:20] Speaker A: You hear about the club? [00:05:22] Speaker D: No, wait, what happened with the club? [00:05:24] Speaker F: Ooh. [00:05:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll tell you when I get there. [00:05:29] Speaker D: Oh, dear. [00:05:31] Speaker A: Okay, we'll be over in a bit. [00:05:36] Speaker D: Sure thing. [00:05:43] Speaker A: And then Margo spends ten minutes trying to page me a full address and directions to get there because we don't have MapQuest or Google maps yet. [00:05:50] Speaker H: Yep. Yeah, we're just gonna skip past that. Mark. You guys are meeting at Jasper's place, correct? [00:06:01] Speaker A: Margo, I think, was safe house. Yeah, I guess everybody's coming to my place, and then we're going from there to the safe house. [00:06:07] Speaker H: Okay, all three of you just go to the safe house and we're gonna go past that. [00:06:12] Speaker E: All right. [00:06:18] Speaker H: Uh, and then, yeah, you three arrive, knocking out the door or whatever you like to do to enter the place. [00:06:27] Speaker D: Sorry, I'm naked. Getting choked in the door. [00:06:31] Speaker A: Still naked, though. [00:06:32] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:06:36] Speaker A: This is a new place. [00:06:39] Speaker D: Uh, yeah. Um, when we had decided to. [00:06:45] Speaker H: You. [00:06:46] Speaker D: Know, not live in our houses anymore, I decided to go off and buy some property. Welcome home. [00:06:53] Speaker A: Seems astute this works out. Great timing for end here, Jeff. [00:07:02] Speaker E: What did you do? We'll get to it. [00:07:11] Speaker H: So I guess, go ahead. [00:07:15] Speaker A: First order of business, maybe you should be sitting down for this one. The lupines blew up the club last night. Like, boom, explosion. Blew up? [00:07:24] Speaker D: They what? [00:07:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I let them kill Brennan Thornhill, and then when we left, they blew up the club. [00:07:30] Speaker D: They blew up the club and you let them blow up my. [00:07:39] Speaker A: No, no, they didn't tell us they were gonna explode it. [00:07:45] Speaker B: I don't really think it was a matter of letting them do it. I. They would have torn us to pieces if we tried to stop them. I mean, you should have seen what they did to Bryn and Thornhill. It wasn't even a fight. These have been. Those lupines were nothing like the ones that we've been fighting so far. [00:08:05] Speaker A: He looked like cherry flavored italian ice. [00:08:09] Speaker H: Oops. [00:08:14] Speaker E: And I met them. So, yeah, they're definitely not people who we should mess with. [00:08:24] Speaker A: They teleported through a mirror. Does this place have any mirrors? I go looking for a bathroom. [00:08:29] Speaker H: I mean, no, I'm going to just. [00:08:34] Speaker E: Hold Jasper back from going after the mirrors. [00:08:39] Speaker A: I don't trust them anymore. [00:08:41] Speaker E: It's. They will. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. [00:08:44] Speaker H: They will still. [00:08:47] Speaker E: They'll still find this. To get in here, if it's all. [00:08:52] Speaker B: Reflective surfaces, wouldn't you have to break all the windows and. I mean, that would be pretty bad for us. [00:08:58] Speaker F: Hmm. [00:09:00] Speaker A: We'll paint them. [00:09:03] Speaker H: And the kitchen sink. [00:09:07] Speaker A: One intelligence? Yeah. Once again, they thought we were errand boys. They sent us to go look for some mortals they care about, I guess at Cabrini Green. And when you know it, everybody there was already dead. [00:09:20] Speaker E: So they're not mortals? [00:09:26] Speaker D: Well, yeah. [00:09:29] Speaker H: You want to some? Yeah. [00:09:34] Speaker A: Are they all lupines? Most likely. [00:09:46] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Bran, you gave me the. You gave me the notes about. [00:09:53] Speaker H: The. [00:09:54] Speaker B: Names of the people that they wanted us to look for. [00:09:57] Speaker E: Yes. [00:09:57] Speaker B: Virogs. [00:09:58] Speaker C: Would it have since we. I believe we went home after we all went home after we talked about that, would it make sense for me to have like to both have a computer? Like a computer of some sort in the sewer that I could access? [00:10:14] Speaker H: Oh yeah, definitely. One of your Nas people has a computer. [00:10:18] Speaker C: Okay, so would it make sense for me to have started looking into stuff online? [00:10:25] Speaker H: What are you trying to look up? [00:10:28] Speaker C: Just seeing if I can find information about these people. General whereabouts I am good at. She is a hacker, so I mean if she could have like, if there's a potential for her to like have accessed any security footage about that displayed them. [00:10:49] Speaker H: Have you roll wits and computer? No, sorry, not wits. Intelligence computers. Difficulty eight. [00:10:57] Speaker C: I have computer aptitude, so that means I take a minus two difficulty to anything involving computers. Okay, so that will be difficulty six. Actually, I'm a spend the willpower. Let me wind my. [00:11:38] Speaker H: Two successes. Uh, I mean you can access now. Okay. You can access generally some of the security cameras. [00:11:58] Speaker C: Do I find any information about their whereabouts? [00:12:02] Speaker H: Not really, sadly. You know, they recompreting green but the cameras actually start to fizzle out a bit. That's when you guys hear a knock on the door. As you start to begin explaining that. [00:12:22] Speaker D: Wonderful, great. Who the flying fuck could be at the door right now? And she'll go and rip it open. [00:12:31] Speaker H: That's a person wearing blue. There's a golden car behind them. Well, there is a black car with a golden ank on it behind them. [00:12:41] Speaker D: May I help you? [00:12:45] Speaker H: Mister Jackson requires you to go to the Riverview park. This is where your assignment is for tonight. Or did you happen to forget? [00:12:59] Speaker E: No. [00:13:08] Speaker D: She'S just gonna close the door. [00:13:11] Speaker H: Oh, I was gonna say he stands to the side and gestures for you to go into the car. [00:13:18] Speaker D: All right, ladies, gentlemen, we apparently have a mission tonight and I'm going to throw a stick at something so fucking hard it's going to indent into whatever the fuck stands in its way. So let's just go before I get very upset. [00:13:41] Speaker A: Yeah, I think the whole city, the whole city is gonna burn down if we don't go and do something for somebody else at their request. [00:13:47] Speaker F: So. [00:13:50] Speaker B: It certainly does seem that way. [00:13:53] Speaker H: Yeah, I'll walk out. [00:13:54] Speaker A: Booth. [00:13:56] Speaker H: We'll say as from the weather, you're seeing a lot of swans in the air and the weather, but they look diseased. The weather is like very stormy and there's a lot of lightning strikes and bolts of lightning through the sky as well. [00:14:09] Speaker D: Diseased swans, my specialty. [00:14:12] Speaker H: Hey. Oh. All right, you all get in. All right, you all arrive at the park, see number of guards and you notice that you guys are kind of the only ones there at the moment. Eyes and tie or shadow. Springer, I should better say, can I have you both either activate Phoebe's veil for you eyes or roll your dexterity and stealth. Alright, you can also spend adenosis point to activate it for free. You will still need to roll at difficulty seven for the amount of minutes, but it will be activated. [00:15:25] Speaker F: We'll go ahead and just rely on. [00:15:27] Speaker H: The roll for now. All right? And as a contest, I would like some of our more perceptive kindred to roll their perception and alertness. [00:15:44] Speaker D: What's that supposed to mean? [00:15:48] Speaker H: Everyone but Margot, please roll. Perception. Alertness. [00:15:51] Speaker D: What's that supposed to mean? [00:15:54] Speaker H: Someone doesn't have alertness and has one dot in perception. [00:15:58] Speaker D: Someone is too hot to look. That's why she's too sexy to see. [00:16:03] Speaker A: How is he looking at herself? [00:16:04] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:16:08] Speaker H: One success, three successes. [00:16:12] Speaker E: Would acute senses help in this at all or. [00:16:14] Speaker H: No, no, because yours is based off hearing. [00:16:20] Speaker E: All right, making sure. That's four successes. [00:16:24] Speaker H: Uh, Ty, six. Sure. [00:16:29] Speaker G: You got it. It's been rolled. [00:16:30] Speaker H: Thank you. All right, everyone except for Margo and Jasper, you can see well. Are you two in your homid or Krynos form? [00:16:43] Speaker F: Krynos is what feels best and tie. [00:16:47] Speaker G: Is in homage form. [00:16:53] Speaker H: Gavin, did you roll with your Krynos dice? [00:16:56] Speaker F: Uh, I did, yes. [00:16:58] Speaker H: Okay. Um, you also should not. You should not have rolled at difficulty seven. It should have been difficulty six. [00:17:12] Speaker D: But. [00:17:13] Speaker F: Does not change anything. [00:17:14] Speaker H: No, it does not change anything. Wren and Canty, you can't see a werewolf and a human. [00:17:22] Speaker E: Oh. [00:17:25] Speaker H: One is pitch black but not oily. The other is. Well, yeah, they're human. [00:17:35] Speaker E: Okay, I'm just going to. [00:17:39] Speaker H: They seem to be stalking at the moment. [00:17:44] Speaker E: Okay. I am. [00:17:54] Speaker C: Candy, I think, is going to grab hold of Margot and Jasper's hands if she notices wren noticing what she notices. [00:18:06] Speaker D: But the two of them don't notice. [00:18:08] Speaker C: She's grabbing both of them and shoving them behind her and beginning to back up. [00:18:15] Speaker H: What gives, candy? [00:18:19] Speaker B: Blue pine. Blue pine. [00:18:22] Speaker D: Oh, right. Fantastic. Just what we needed, more fucking wolves. Great, great, great, great, great. [00:18:35] Speaker H: With your mission tie and eyes of hunting down Capone, you do see there is a metal. A reflective metal plate that you could use to step into the umbra. [00:18:50] Speaker G: And Ty has on these wonderful little glasses, these nice reflective glasses where she can use these to kind of sidestep into the umbra for that moment. [00:19:05] Speaker H: Mm hmm. And you can bring eyes with you. [00:19:10] Speaker F: Yeah, take me with you. [00:19:12] Speaker G: So she's gonna reach out and kind of put her hand on eyes. Come on, come on. Let's go. [00:19:18] Speaker H: Let's go. [00:19:19] Speaker G: Over here. [00:19:22] Speaker H: With your modified roll. Can I have you roll gnosis at difficulty five? This is the modified part. Sorry. It should actually be difficulty six. My bad. [00:19:45] Speaker G: So it's nurses difficulty six. [00:19:47] Speaker H: Yes. You see them kind of start to and fade out a little bit, but then they are brought back. [00:20:02] Speaker F: Did we do it? [00:20:04] Speaker G: No. These glasses. I swear, I've got to do something about these glasses. Remind me. Whenever we get home, you just take my hand. [00:20:18] Speaker F: Eyes will attempt to do the stepping for. [00:20:21] Speaker H: All right. Still gonna allow you to use the same difficulty because your companion also has mirror shades you guys instantly travel across. We will leave you there for now as you four all collectively notice that the werewolf grabs the woman gently, calmly, and they shimmer away from existence. [00:20:54] Speaker A: At least you're not trying to eat us. [00:20:57] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [00:21:03] Speaker B: Stop running until we're pines. [00:21:06] Speaker E: I agree fully, but we're going to have to if I'm going to do my thing. [00:21:14] Speaker H: The gang member behind two says, reminder, your mission is to kill Capone. [00:21:19] Speaker E: Yes. [00:21:20] Speaker D: Well, thank you. Thank you, Quest Giver. We really appreciate it. [00:21:26] Speaker H: Taking your time. Get on with it. We don't have all night. [00:21:31] Speaker A: No one's gonna kill Capone if we're eaten by lupines. We're going. [00:21:38] Speaker H: You don't want them. Tick your glory. Move along. [00:21:45] Speaker A: We head off to where Capone is at. [00:21:48] Speaker D: Can we put the NPC back in its place, please? [00:21:53] Speaker A: Step on a shoe. [00:21:54] Speaker D: A fucking quest giver. Move him back where he belongs with his little question mark. Off to the side. [00:22:02] Speaker H: Yeah, you go do it yourself. As you guys, get closer to the fence line. You notice there are actually quite a few guards on the premises. This is an old, abandoned amusement park. There are buildings and rides and generally about various states of decay. And, you know, some of the buildings have quite a few guards around them as well. But notably, one thing that has functional lights. One of the very few things has functional lights is a house of mirrors. Ryan Owen only has two cards. [00:22:40] Speaker B: I activate unseen presence. [00:22:42] Speaker C: Well, actually, we should converse before that. [00:22:45] Speaker E: Yes. So, what you guys thinking? Just take out the two cards and. [00:22:56] Speaker A: I mean, I can make him think it's time for a lunch break. [00:22:59] Speaker D: Oh, I can take out the two cards perfectly fine. [00:23:03] Speaker A: I don't think we have time for that. Well, maybe. I don't know. [00:23:07] Speaker E: I don't know what their homeworks are like. I think me and Candy could take them out silently. [00:23:14] Speaker B: Yeah, I think. [00:23:15] Speaker A: So long as you don't think you're gonna get everyone else running towards the house. I feel like that might be fast. [00:23:29] Speaker D: Yeah. I'll be completely honest to the three of you. I don't know how I'm gonna be much of a help in this assassination, so I offer you my moral support instead. [00:23:44] Speaker A: Make him go crazy and do it himself or something. [00:23:49] Speaker D: Yes, yes, yes. But if you're taking them out quietly, my thing will draw attention. [00:23:59] Speaker E: That's fair. [00:24:01] Speaker D: Okay, so I offer you this moral support instead. [00:24:05] Speaker B: I appreciate it. [00:24:07] Speaker D: Yay. You can do it. [00:24:15] Speaker E: So. [00:24:15] Speaker D: Isn't that right, wren? Just gently scratch them in the back. Scratch them in the back of the neck. [00:24:29] Speaker E: Red feels a little bit weirded out by it, but I'm just trying to keep a stoke face about it. Just. Okay. Hey. [00:24:38] Speaker D: Uh huh. [00:24:43] Speaker E: I just look over. Let's take them out, please. [00:24:48] Speaker B: Sure. [00:24:49] Speaker H: You all still need to get into the grounds first. You were still outside the fence. [00:24:52] Speaker E: Oh. [00:24:53] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. True. [00:24:56] Speaker E: Is there, like, any openings, like, a part that's broken off by, like. [00:25:05] Speaker H: People who sneak out barbed wire around the fence? But there is one section that does have a hole where it's broken in the barbed wire. Ooh. [00:25:22] Speaker E: Actually, I think I got an idea. [00:25:32] Speaker H: What's your idea, my friend? [00:25:34] Speaker E: Um, I mean, like. I mean, go through the hole and stuff like that, but I think I might want to use my new thing. I got. [00:25:49] Speaker H: Stuck in place. [00:25:52] Speaker E: What is it? [00:25:53] Speaker H: I believe earth meld makes you stuck in place. [00:25:56] Speaker E: No, I have the shape change. [00:25:59] Speaker H: Oh, yes, you do. We decided it was a lynx. Correct. [00:26:03] Speaker E: Correct. [00:26:05] Speaker H: All right, so. [00:26:09] Speaker E: I think, if I remember correctly, I spend a flood point on that. Yep. All right. If we can try to go to. We could try to go through that hole in the fence, but give me some time. And wrench is going to crack their neck and then start to change. How to activate shape of the beast. [00:26:38] Speaker H: Takes about 15 to 20 seconds, but you do see him change and grow in size and then shrink as he goes down onto all fours in the form of a lynx. Very new to everybody else. [00:26:55] Speaker A: Oh, who's your good kitty? [00:26:59] Speaker H: That's so cool. [00:27:14] Speaker A: So do you still understand us? [00:27:18] Speaker E: Not my head. And just starts heading to the. Heading to through that ball hole engine. [00:27:31] Speaker H: I will have you roll. Dexterity and athletics, please. Okay, everybody, yours is going to be standard. Everyone else is at seven. You can assist each other in this. So if you get an average, I will take the average. [00:27:47] Speaker B: What? [00:27:47] Speaker D: Are we wrong? Sorry. [00:27:49] Speaker H: Dexterity. Athletics, baby. [00:27:54] Speaker E: At splatics, seven, four dice. [00:27:57] Speaker H: Really? [00:27:59] Speaker E: Yeah, because I'm still hurt, but two successes. [00:28:08] Speaker H: Fun. [00:28:09] Speaker A: Oh, that's a good point. I'm stupid. I should have rolled fewer dice, but I failed anyway. [00:28:14] Speaker H: It's okay. Does Mariko have athletic? [00:28:21] Speaker D: I believe I do. Sorry, my sheets taking a minute to load. [00:28:26] Speaker H: You have one dime of athletics and three in dexterity, so that's four. Okay, so four. [00:28:33] Speaker D: All things considered, that's still not that bad compared to her perception score, baby. Hmm. My difficulty tea is not 76, but thank you. [00:28:50] Speaker H: Good try. Good try. [00:28:52] Speaker D: Thanks. Really not that bad too. Success. [00:28:56] Speaker H: Yeah. Candy and Margot actually have to help Jasper over. [00:29:01] Speaker A: My fat ass gets caught on the chain link. [00:29:04] Speaker H: Yeah. Aw, you actually have a rip in your jeans now. [00:29:10] Speaker A: Stylish. [00:29:12] Speaker H: Is it, though? Uh, yeah. You guys are over. Now, to make your way to the house of mirrors. Those of you have a few skate, I'm gonna assume that you activate unseen presence. And for the other two who do not, can I have you roll your decks and stealth? This is gonna be standard. This is not something that Margo has. So you're rolling it. Three dice at d, seven. [00:29:46] Speaker A: Four successes. [00:29:56] Speaker D: Two successes. [00:29:58] Speaker H: Honestly, that's better than I was expecting. Um, yeah. You guys make it to the House of Mirrors just fine. You see the two guards there? What is your plan? [00:30:17] Speaker E: Can't say anything. I'm in platform. [00:30:21] Speaker H: Meow. [00:30:22] Speaker E: But. [00:30:24] Speaker D: Meow. [00:30:26] Speaker H: What would you like to communicate. [00:30:29] Speaker E: For me? And I take one and candy takes the other? Basically, yeah. [00:30:38] Speaker H: Yeah. That's easily communicatable. I will have you both roll your dexterity plus your brawl. Let me get onto the gang girl page so I can know what you're rolling. [00:30:57] Speaker E: No. [00:31:03] Speaker H: Okay, so roll your regular dexterity and brawl, please. Yep. [00:31:08] Speaker E: So that'll be six plus claws because I'm still packing with claws. [00:31:13] Speaker H: Yep. [00:31:15] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:31:15] Speaker C: I'm gonna spend a blood point to activate feral claws. [00:31:21] Speaker H: Alright, go ahead. Three successes and one success from candy. Yep. Can I have you guys rule your strength, please? [00:31:48] Speaker E: All right, strength plus one. So that's five plus potent. That's seven. [00:32:00] Speaker H: Would you like to feed off them as well? [00:32:03] Speaker C: Yes. [00:32:04] Speaker E: All right, if I can. [00:32:10] Speaker H: So this is gonna be strength plus two then. [00:32:13] Speaker E: Okay. Strength plus two. Okay. [00:32:15] Speaker H: Still aggravated, but yes. Strength plus two. All right. [00:32:19] Speaker E: Strength plus two plus potence. Okay. Four, 6810 dice. Oh, man. Oh, my God. No. [00:32:41] Speaker H: Two successes, you get three because it's damage based. [00:32:44] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, it's three. [00:32:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:32:48] Speaker H: You feeding until they die. [00:32:52] Speaker E: Yes. [00:32:54] Speaker H: Candy. [00:32:56] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:32:58] Speaker H: All right, I will allow you to kill them and you fill up on your blood pool. Thank you. You all go in in the umbra, you guys tie and eyes, there are various veins and worm entities that you sneak past and you go into the house of mirrors. There are a lot of mirrors you can come in and out of here. So a lot of anchors into the real world. [00:33:40] Speaker G: Yeah. She would follow eyes as he steps through the mirrors and she would step through and look around intently. She also has bangles on her wrists that she's kind of rubbing her fingers across. [00:34:01] Speaker H: You guys step through into reality again. [00:34:03] Speaker F: Sure do. [00:34:05] Speaker H: All right, and I have you roll ice, can I have you roll your gnosis at difficulty four? [00:34:25] Speaker F: That is success. [00:34:27] Speaker H: Yeah. You both instantly come out of the mirrors, luckily unscathed as you come out and you notice it's a funhouse mirror, meaning if you didn't really get enough successes on this role, you would have actually wound up disfigured and a little bit in pain. [00:34:44] Speaker G: That might not be good for the rage idea. [00:34:46] Speaker F: You know, this might not be our best way out, but it was a fun way. [00:34:56] Speaker H: You guys come out generally near the entrance, and you notice two other people in here as well, so I don't believe. Well, I'll have you roll your perception awareness. I'm going to assume that Jasper and Margot are still being stealthy even as they go in. [00:35:15] Speaker G: Now, would this be one of those great opportunities to use since worm? [00:35:24] Speaker H: Um. I think knowing, knowing that you came through the Umbra and seeing veins, you do know there's worm taint in the area, so I'm not, I'm not gonna say that you shouldn't roll it. I'm just saying, you do know there is already some worm taint here. [00:35:39] Speaker G: Gotcha. So it literally wouldn't be a point in rolling it. [00:35:45] Speaker H: Difficulty standard. [00:35:56] Speaker G: And so I'm rolling the. [00:35:59] Speaker H: You're going to be rolling. Perception and alertness. Standard difficulty of six. Still one success. Actually, it would be zero. Yeah. [00:36:15] Speaker G: She also has a specialty in alertness, by the way. [00:36:20] Speaker H: Yeah, we're not doing traps right now. [00:36:24] Speaker E: I have to be. That guy can gabble. Use willpower to reroll that one? [00:36:33] Speaker H: Yes. Would you like to spend a willpower to reroll while you're one? [00:36:37] Speaker F: Uh, you know what? I will. I'll go ahead. [00:36:42] Speaker H: All right. [00:36:44] Speaker E: Let'S see. [00:36:46] Speaker H: Ty sees those two, and with the high amount of successes, I'm gonna have our two obfuscated people roll as well. All right, it is going to be. [00:37:04] Speaker D: Zero to three successes. [00:37:06] Speaker H: That would be three. Oh, actually, no, it'd be two because of standard difficulty. [00:37:10] Speaker F: Right. [00:37:12] Speaker H: Yeah, it is wits and stealth. Wits technically calls for. Not that you're doing anything to be like. Not that you're doing anything loud now. [00:37:27] Speaker E: But will silent movements help at all? [00:37:33] Speaker H: Yes. Hope. [00:37:40] Speaker E: I had to go down five. [00:37:41] Speaker H: I believe. [00:37:50] Speaker E: Nobody already subjected. [00:37:57] Speaker H: Okay. Yeah. You both are seen. Frankly, all of you are seen. [00:38:03] Speaker E: I would like to go ahead and spend a willpower to reroll those ones. [00:38:08] Speaker H: Go ahead. [00:38:12] Speaker E: Last willpower. I feel like this is important, so make that five successes. [00:38:33] Speaker H: All right, so Wren is not seen. [00:38:35] Speaker E: I'm one selfie, kitty. [00:38:41] Speaker H: But, but, but eyes and tie. You recognize these people as the group that your packmates told you about? The ugly one? The kind of angry looking one with a bad suit and beautiful one. You know that they are not a threat, that you might actually get some use out of them, especially you. Eyes. [00:39:14] Speaker G: Hey, eyes. See them over there? [00:39:17] Speaker F: Yes, I think so. I see one. [00:39:22] Speaker G: Yeah, those are the ones they were talking about. Do you remember the conversations they were having before we came in here? Those. Those are the ones they were talking about. [00:39:37] Speaker F: Is that the ugly one or the beautiful one? It's hard to tell from this far away. [00:39:43] Speaker G: I really couldn't answer that question. Worm is worm. But, I mean, let's. You know, those. Maybe it would be useful to communicate, you know? Yeah. Ty is going to put her hand, like, on his arm, more of just like almost in a weird, feral way of escort, in a sort of way, like escorting across. And they kind of approach. [00:40:16] Speaker F: A lumbering, ten foot furry beast of claws and jaws and eyes that are. [00:40:26] Speaker G: And a goth looking chick with sunglasses on, bangles on her wrist, wearing what looks like kind of rugged, outdoor y, gothy kind of apparel with combat boots. [00:40:44] Speaker H: All approach. [00:40:47] Speaker A: Jasper just kind of tenses up and gets ready to run away. [00:40:53] Speaker F: For a moment. The big black beast is sniffing. It's taking a moment to recognize, acknowledge, maybe try and memorize these smells eyes. [00:41:07] Speaker G: Looking each one up and down almost analytically, and looks to basically the first and closest person. So what's up? [00:41:22] Speaker A: You gonna try to eat us? [00:41:27] Speaker G: I think if we were going to eat you, that probably would have already happened. [00:41:35] Speaker H: Eyes. I will say. You cannot communicate with them until you shift into Hamid. I'm sorry, Jack. Doing a partial transformation. [00:41:45] Speaker F: No. Eyes is perfectly content letting someone else do the talking from his end. He's just. [00:41:54] Speaker D: I'm sorry, Jasper. Do you know these people? [00:41:59] Speaker A: No, but the lupines aren't opening me up, so maybe they know us. [00:42:06] Speaker B: Um, hello. [00:42:10] Speaker G: Kai is gonna stand with her arms crossed and kind of shoot shift back where she's leaning back on her hip. So, yeah, we kind of heard about you. [00:42:22] Speaker A: Seems like everyone in Chicago is hearing about us. Did we? Did your friend show up at the club last night? [00:42:33] Speaker D: Hmm. [00:42:34] Speaker G: I don't know. Maybe. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. What info do you have? [00:42:40] Speaker D: Play this game with us. We've been through hell the last couple of days, so we're not going to start with this. [00:42:51] Speaker G: Well, then let's make sure that you've got some information valuable to us so you don't become the next course of dinner. I'm sure there's a way we can benefit each other. You've got a goal. We've got a goal. So why don't you let us know what kind of info you you've got so that we can make this a mutually mutually acceptable scenario? [00:43:12] Speaker D: Well, how about you start with an introduction first, hmm? [00:43:16] Speaker G: Okay, we can do that. My name is Ty Tiye, and this is my cohort companion. Friend, however you wish to call it, named Eyes. [00:43:37] Speaker D: Eye. And eyes. [00:43:41] Speaker H: As you do look at his eyes, you notice they are pitch black, except for what appears to be, like, a green flame behind them. [00:43:51] Speaker D: Interesting. [00:43:53] Speaker B: Nice names. [00:43:56] Speaker F: Given that there's introductions that we're taking on lesser forms, the very large werewolf would like to shift down to a more hominid appearance. [00:44:10] Speaker E: Okay. At this point, Wren will step him across and start changing back into normal looking ren instead of LinkedIn. [00:44:28] Speaker A: We're here to kill Al Capone. [00:44:33] Speaker G: Wasn't that interesting? Guess what we're here for. [00:44:38] Speaker A: Ice cream. [00:44:40] Speaker G: I don't think that's much on my diet. I think more of a, let's see, fleshy kind of thing might be on my diet. [00:44:49] Speaker F: Hmm. [00:44:50] Speaker D: Hmm. I see you're into italian, too. I don't know. [00:44:57] Speaker G: Which one of you is italian? [00:45:00] Speaker E: Hey. [00:45:06] Speaker D: I think she's french. [00:45:12] Speaker G: So, how do you want to do this? [00:45:14] Speaker D: Thanks, Jasper. [00:45:15] Speaker A: No problem. [00:45:18] Speaker F: I mean, first and see what happens. And clean them. Or, of course, we could go in first and let them try and catch up. [00:45:32] Speaker A: If we want to make this easier for all of us, we can go in, handle it however it's easiest, and then both go tell our people we're the ones that did it, and we don't have to squabble or fight over french fries like hungry seagulls. [00:45:47] Speaker F: Oh, we're not fighting over fries. We're here to have fun. It's competition. You're here to do the thing. I'm here to do the thing. [00:46:00] Speaker H: Right. [00:46:02] Speaker G: And I'm here to do whatever thing works for myself and for eyes. However, I'm also knowledgeable about the fact that we can either make this a really nasty little mess where we're against each other and not against the goal, or we can just do what we need to do. Who's the leader of your little pack? Right here. [00:46:27] Speaker A: Rock, paper, scissors? Margot? [00:46:30] Speaker D: Jasper, I've saved your ass more times than I can count. [00:46:37] Speaker E: I'm just looking over at Margot. [00:46:43] Speaker F: Now that he's fully settled in, eyes is no longer the ten foot behemoth of fur and black out. [00:46:51] Speaker H: I have your roll, your stamina, and primal urge to shift over. Please. [00:46:57] Speaker D: Or you can spend a point of rage. [00:46:59] Speaker E: Jude. [00:46:59] Speaker D: Automatically. [00:47:01] Speaker G: Yeah, and while he's shifting, she's gonna keep eyeballing those in front of her. Surely there has to be an alpha among one of you, wouldn't you say? [00:47:14] Speaker D: Uh, yeah. [00:47:17] Speaker B: I mean, that would kind of be a weird way of putting it. I I wouldn't call Jasper or Margo my alpha. That would be kind of weird. Well, for us, not. Not for you. [00:47:32] Speaker G: I guess you're right. But there's got to be someone in charge of your group making decisions, correct? [00:47:41] Speaker B: We all just kind of communicate to each other about what we think is the best course of action. And then, I mean, I guess we. Whatever the course of action is, aligns with most people is the course of action we take. I honestly don't really think we have a designated leader. [00:48:02] Speaker A: Democracy, baby. [00:48:06] Speaker H: Marco, how are you feeling in this moment? [00:48:14] Speaker D: She's a. She's just kind of taking this as it comes. She's eyeballing the big guy, though. The eyes and trust her. [00:48:28] Speaker F: Now that he's returned to a more homicidal form, he does pull a pair of shades from his pocket and put them over his eyes. [00:48:37] Speaker G: And Ty is going to pull her shades down where they're riding right across the bridge of her nose while she looks at her nails a minute. Okay, so you got no leader. You don't have an alpha. I'm assuming you had some plan that you had planned on trying to do once you arrived here. Is that not correct? [00:49:06] Speaker A: Yeah, of course we know exactly what we're gonna do. [00:49:11] Speaker G: Which is what? [00:49:16] Speaker A: Well, if I tell you, you're gonna win the race, won't you? [00:49:21] Speaker G: You're making the assumption that you were going to win. [00:49:26] Speaker A: Well, no, but I got to get whatever edge I can. I'll call it 50 50. We got a plan. You guys want our plan? It'll work out. [00:49:34] Speaker D: Hey, while they're having this tit for tat storyteller, whereabouts are we in relative to Al Capone's house? [00:49:47] Speaker H: You don't know where he is. You just notice that this area has the least amount of guards, which is kind of suspicious. Maybe it's here. You don't know exactly where, though. Okay, this is where I could invite every. Well, no, I'm gonna wait for y'all to stop squabbling. [00:50:12] Speaker G: So. Okay. You're not gonna release your plans. That's cool. We're not releasing ours. Never intended on it. However, I tell you what. We've wasted a lot of time just sitting here bull crapping around. And right now, if we were going to be spotted by anything, that probably could happen if we don't move. So if you guys want to keep doing whatever it is you feel like you're doing, I think me and I are gonna go slide off into the trails. The happy trails of hunting. [00:50:48] Speaker H: Maybe we'll leave that. [00:50:50] Speaker F: These are two for now. [00:50:53] Speaker A: Good luck. See you on the other side. [00:51:00] Speaker G: I don't know, eyes. That guy right over there, he might be tasty. I don't know. What do you think? [00:51:06] Speaker F: I think you can put them all together and make a fun salad. [00:51:11] Speaker E: I will step up before you guys. Quick thing. You doing anything to Capone? Are you going to torture him for information? [00:51:22] Speaker G: I don't know. I might think about it. Why? Do you have some reason I should not? Or that my friend here, eyes should not? [00:51:32] Speaker E: No. Just if there's any information about any more information leading to any of the lupine families, I would interested in knowing as well. If you get there first, that is. [00:51:50] Speaker G: Oh, so let me see if we get there first. Are you saying you want to make a deal? [00:52:01] Speaker E: I'm willing to make a deal. I've been tasked to hope in any way I can so what do you. [00:52:10] Speaker G: Think you might have that we might want? [00:52:19] Speaker E: Well, did they. Did your friends happen to mention about the black spiral dancers that we came across the first night? [00:52:35] Speaker G: I heard a tiny whisper about something. Are you indicating if we happen to find him first, let you play your words game before we dismember and use them as toothpicks? Are you saying that you'd give additional information? Should we just wait around and kind of get him shaking first? [00:53:04] Speaker E: Well, I just. I just would think that I'm trying my best to help you guys out by helping find your family member, these other lupine families. So if he happens to have information, that's all I'm asking. But of course I had to get there first to get that information. And of course I would be willing to relay that information to you. I just want this to be on a two way street, that's all. [00:53:38] Speaker G: And you're relaying it back to us as with what price? [00:53:46] Speaker F: I'm starting to think it's a friendly cup. [00:53:53] Speaker G: I thought it was payment for not eating, but okay. Not used to being friends with, you know, not in my history to do. [00:54:07] Speaker F: That, but I will. [00:54:11] Speaker A: We contain multitudes. [00:54:13] Speaker E: I will definitely show off the mark. I don't think you're other for like that. If you decide to try to eat. [00:54:20] Speaker H: Me. [00:54:24] Speaker F: Not you, but the ones close. [00:54:29] Speaker H: To you. [00:54:32] Speaker G: I kinda Snickers a little bit. I've had history with your kind before, so. Yeah, way in history. I'm not usually very friendly to you, but we shall see. Let's see who gets there first. [00:54:54] Speaker D: While they're talking, I'd like to start looking for the house. [00:55:00] Speaker C: I am not gonna do that. [00:55:02] Speaker D: Yeah, I don't wanna sit here with my thumbs up my ass for too long because they're deciding to, I don't know, get into dick measuring contest. Yeah. So I'd like to start looking while they're monologuing at my. At my friend. [00:55:15] Speaker A: They're very impressed dicks. [00:55:20] Speaker E: They're monologuing. [00:55:23] Speaker D: They're monologuing. It's my time to attack. [00:55:27] Speaker H: How many of you all are going to sneak off while they're all monologuing? [00:55:30] Speaker B: I am definitely going with marco. [00:55:33] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:55:34] Speaker A: Can I keep them talking while the rest of the groups tries to sneak away? [00:55:37] Speaker H: No, no, no. [00:55:38] Speaker G: She's gonna spot y'all walking off. She's got like an awareness, top level. She's gonna be like, okay, nevermind. All right. Yeah. She's gonna be motioning for eyes to y'all. We got scat. [00:55:51] Speaker D: Yeah. I would have been doing this while they were talking? [00:55:54] Speaker H: Yeah. No. I'm assuming so. Okay, legacy, you're gonna hate me. [00:56:05] Speaker D: Yeah, baby. Let's go. Two dice. [00:56:12] Speaker H: I'm gonna have you roll reception alertness at difficulty eight. Or if you happen to have larceny, which I know you don't. I know you don't actually have either of those. Can I have you roll your one perception die at difficulty nine, eight or nine. It doesn't really matter. [00:56:30] Speaker D: Can I try something different? How many people are there? [00:56:34] Speaker H: How many? Yeah. Okay. I will allow candy to come with you. [00:56:38] Speaker D: No, no, I mean, how many? Like, how many mortals, like guards? Do there seem to be, like, still around? [00:56:46] Speaker H: You don't know? This is not what that role is for. [00:56:49] Speaker D: Okay, can I give the role to Candy instead and offer help? Yes. Okay. [00:56:56] Speaker H: I will allow that. [00:56:58] Speaker D: Cool. Gandhi, you roll. You got more dice. I'm. I'm the. I'm the. I'm the. I'm the talker. You're the. You. You see evil. I speak evil. [00:57:11] Speaker C: So I do have three dots in larceny. So what's my difficulty? [00:57:17] Speaker H: Yours is gonna be difficulty seven. [00:57:19] Speaker B: Okay. [00:57:22] Speaker C: Do I get any additional dice from Margot's help? [00:57:25] Speaker H: One. [00:57:27] Speaker D: Okay, I got you. B U of May 1 Dot. We're gonna work overtime. [00:57:33] Speaker C: Three successes. I can live with that. [00:57:41] Speaker H: All right, so here's what's gonna happen. Marco and Candy do sneak off very successfully because Candy is very good at that and can teach other people how to do it pretty quickly. Candy is looking out for traps. She doesn't see any. But then. Well, actually. But yeah, no, sorry. But then you notice there are figures that start moving in the mirrors that are not you guys or the other four, and then the other four. Hi, Ren, Jasper. Hi. You also notice there are people moving. Two of them happen to be the kindred that you were with, and your coterie mates were the kindred. But there are also five more people. As you all see movement, I would like you all to roll initiative for my two people who have not used our bot for initiative. It is slash in it. Add. Your modifier is your width score plus your dexterity score. You can preemptively spend a point of rage to transform to Krynos if you so choose to add more to your dexterity. [00:59:02] Speaker F: Sorry, what were the two stats? [00:59:05] Speaker H: Sorry, I did not catch you. [00:59:06] Speaker F: Gavin, what were those two stats that. [00:59:09] Speaker H: Form initiative, mod wits, and dexterity? [00:59:13] Speaker F: Thank you. [00:59:14] Speaker H: Oh, shit. Hold on. Well, hold on. Well, okay. That's fine. It's fine. [00:59:19] Speaker D: It's fine. I'm sorry. [00:59:27] Speaker F: I have what, for this? [00:59:31] Speaker A: Well, fuck me. I guess it's the one thing I was good at. [00:59:34] Speaker H: Almost. Almost like share in it in an ad. And then in the modifier, you're gonna put your wits and dexterity score. Are you transforming into Krynos for this? [00:59:44] Speaker G: No, no, no. Didn't plan on it. [00:59:47] Speaker H: Your wits and dexterity score is going to be eight. So you're going to go in it, add, and in the mod box, you're going to put eight, and you're going to press enter. Hmm. [01:00:07] Speaker E: I got an idea. [01:00:13] Speaker H: Yes. [01:00:17] Speaker G: There we go. [01:00:18] Speaker F: Nice. [01:00:32] Speaker E: Okay. [01:00:33] Speaker H: All the cards can go in. One thing. [01:00:37] Speaker E: Is that also. [01:00:40] Speaker A: Is that really exploring? [01:00:41] Speaker H: Plus 18 on that? Mm hmm. Alrighty. [01:00:47] Speaker F: I have a gift that makes me go real fast. [01:00:49] Speaker H: Do you need to spend anything for that? [01:00:51] Speaker F: I have and already have done, so. [01:00:53] Speaker H: Thank you. All right, you see movement, eyes in the dark. [01:01:01] Speaker F: First thing I would like to do is shift to immediately become premise. [01:01:08] Speaker H: Okay. You gonna spend another rage to do another action? [01:01:12] Speaker F: I would, in fact, like to do that and get real close and personal. [01:01:18] Speaker H: Can I have you roll? This is where the fun of you guys being in a mirror house is. I need you to roll with Sinolerness at difficulty eight. You will still attack. You will still punch something. We're gonna see if you actually land your punch on a human or cool. Who knows? [01:01:43] Speaker F: That is a failure. [01:01:45] Speaker H: You do punch, but sadly, you punch a mirror and it breaks. Next, Jasper. [01:02:00] Speaker A: I'm gonna look big eye contact with the guard with the biggest gun and go drop it. And I'm gonna try to use dread gaze to reduce his dice pull. [01:02:11] Speaker H: You are also gonna need roll to roll widths and alertness at difficulty eight. [01:02:18] Speaker F: If we destroy enough mirrors, does that difficulty go down? [01:02:23] Speaker H: Yes. [01:02:24] Speaker D: Just wait a little bit. [01:02:25] Speaker H: Just wait a little bit. [01:02:28] Speaker A: One success. [01:02:30] Speaker H: All right, you find one of them. Go ahead and roll. [01:02:34] Speaker A: Fantastic. And this is gonna be. Oh, no, it's difficulty seven. [01:02:47] Speaker H: Okay. [01:02:54] Speaker A: Two successes. [01:02:59] Speaker H: All right. They dropped their gun. [01:03:03] Speaker A: Oh, sick. [01:03:04] Speaker H: And you feel them kind of look at you and then you look to the side, and then they actually turn tail and run or begin to tie. [01:03:19] Speaker G: Yes. Okay. What she is gonna do is utilize. She's got the bangles, which is gonna give the extra dice to stealth, but she's also. [01:03:43] Speaker H: I'm also gonna say, you guys do know that vampires are sneaky. So if you would like to look for any hidden things, and this goes for everybody, you guys know that kindred are sneaky. So if you want to find hidden things, I do have a rule for that as well. Margo. You're not gonna like it. [01:04:05] Speaker D: I fucking hate this game. [01:04:09] Speaker G: She is gonna want to do that. Yes. [01:04:12] Speaker H: Okay. So you're activating your NYC spangled to hide better. [01:04:18] Speaker G: Yes. [01:04:19] Speaker H: Okay. I'm gonna need you to roll your gnosis. A difficulty. Plays the difficulty six. And then to look for something hidden. You're going to need to spend a rage point to get an extra action. [01:04:35] Speaker D: Okay. [01:04:39] Speaker H: So go ahead and roll your gnosis first. [01:04:51] Speaker G: Got it. It's three successes. [01:05:00] Speaker H: All right. You are gonna be extra stealthy for three turns. [01:05:05] Speaker G: Excellent. And then she is looking for things. So she also has traps. So I'm not sure if traps would be the best option. But trap will allow you to. [01:05:20] Speaker H: I will allow you to use that specialty. I'm gonna have you roll perception and alertness at difficulty nine for now. Got it. So you're stealthy. You start wandering along, touching some mirrors, feeling things. [01:05:43] Speaker G: She's got one successful. That. [01:05:48] Speaker H: And you notice that there are some mirrors that you notice that there is a mirror and come across it, and you feel it depress slightly as you run your fingers across it. She's gone further in. You see it open up for now. We'll leave it there. So we go to the next person. Marco. [01:06:14] Speaker D: Yes. [01:06:18] Speaker H: Would you like to do the thing? [01:06:20] Speaker D: Yes, I would. I don't like all of these mirrors messing up my mojo. If anything, I'm quite annoyed with it. So she is going to stand, and depending on how close eyes and shadow are to her, she's going to kind of take a couple steps forward and stand in the middle of as many mirrors as she can, and she is going to start singing. And at one point, she hits a c sharp note to crack as many of these mirrors as she can. She's gonna use shattering crescendo. [01:07:05] Speaker H: Yeah. You sing up to a c six. A c sharp six. And I would like you to spend your blood point. Yes. Enroll. Manipulation and performance. [01:07:17] Speaker D: Of course. [01:07:18] Speaker B: Of course. [01:07:19] Speaker H: Now, what happening in my singing specialty. [01:07:23] Speaker D: In this would I. [01:07:25] Speaker H: Go ahead. [01:07:27] Speaker D: You are singing bomb.com. Let's go. [01:07:32] Speaker H: So we're gonna see how many successes you get. [01:07:37] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:07:38] Speaker H: And then I'll say what I'm planning on saying. Cool, cool, cool. [01:07:42] Speaker D: Hopefully, it's a lot in my standard difficulty. I believe. [01:07:59] Speaker H: We'Ll do difficulty five for now, actually. [01:08:02] Speaker D: Okay. Six successes with a critical. [01:08:18] Speaker H: Beautiful. See, we have six people on this call. Can I have you all roll your stamina, please? And those of you who have fortitude, please, dear God, use it. [01:08:28] Speaker E: Oh, no. [01:08:32] Speaker C: I get to roll an extra die. [01:08:33] Speaker B: When I roll my stamina. [01:08:36] Speaker H: All right. [01:08:39] Speaker A: If this is for silk, you ruined me. [01:08:41] Speaker D: Margot, I'm sorry. [01:08:43] Speaker E: As you guys know. [01:08:45] Speaker D: I'm so sorry. Sorry. [01:08:47] Speaker H: I'm gonna be Jettorus and say Jasper is unaffected. [01:08:51] Speaker C: Failure. [01:08:52] Speaker G: And we're talking difficulty six, correct? [01:08:56] Speaker H: Yes. Anyone who gets a success here is gonna be fine. [01:09:04] Speaker G: I got one success. [01:09:07] Speaker E: Sadly. [01:09:07] Speaker H: Hammer for candy. [01:09:11] Speaker D: I'm so sorry. BBG. [01:09:15] Speaker B: It's okay. [01:09:16] Speaker C: It'll be funny. [01:09:19] Speaker H: Okay. Can I have you roll your stamina and fortitude yet again? Me? Yes. Because you are the only one who's affected. This is going to be how much you soak up. Please, please, please. Use a willpower. Save yourself a little bit. [01:09:37] Speaker C: Oh, I got two successes. I guess I can spend my last willpower. [01:09:44] Speaker H: I will allow you to have three there. Yeah, use your willpower. I will give you masochist. So you could have that willpower back. As you are also the closest to Margo at this point. As she begins singing up and up and up and higher and higher and higher, and then all of the mirrors scatter and it is incredibly loud and high pitched. It hurts your ears, and frankly, your ears start to bleed as well. Can I have you take. Oh, God. What is your. What's your injuries at right now? [01:10:25] Speaker C: Oh, I'm fully healed. [01:10:27] Speaker H: Okay. Please take three aggravated damage, so. Oh, my God. [01:10:34] Speaker A: Jesus. [01:10:39] Speaker E: You've Margo this five egg with that. Oh, my God. [01:10:43] Speaker D: If you think that's bad, you should see what it does to a military tank. [01:10:47] Speaker C: I was hiding it from you. [01:10:50] Speaker H: Marco did six points of aggravated damage to every mirror, human and ghoul here. Frankly, all their eardrums and heads kind of burst. What the fuck? [01:11:07] Speaker D: Jeez, I forgot to tell you guys. What the fuck, Margot? [01:11:13] Speaker H: We're out of initiative now. And you all, there are four false mirrors that have trap doors behind them and some shadow esque form with glowing eyes. You're not really certain who or what it is is standing in front of one of them. [01:11:37] Speaker C: I have a funny question. [01:11:39] Speaker H: Go ahead. I don't think you can hear her apologizing, if I'm gonna be honest. [01:11:44] Speaker C: Should I roll self control? [01:11:50] Speaker H: Go ahead. [01:11:53] Speaker G: Also, the mirror that ty has her fingers in. [01:11:58] Speaker H: That. [01:11:59] Speaker G: Is that still a thing or. [01:12:00] Speaker B: No. [01:12:01] Speaker H: As a depressed, it would have detached itself. [01:12:05] Speaker G: Gotcha. [01:12:10] Speaker H: So, yes, you don't suffer laceration. [01:12:13] Speaker D: What's my difficulty? [01:12:18] Speaker H: Uh, this is gonna be difficulty seven. Your coterie mates. When you trust it very, very deeply hurt you, your beast rises in, like, self defense and anger. That is, when you trust it so deeply hurt you, these two get it under control? Almost. Barely. [01:12:44] Speaker C: I think Candy. Does Candy still have her claws out from spending blood for claws? [01:12:53] Speaker H: Yes. [01:12:54] Speaker C: I think candy. Once the screaming is done and Candy's ears are bleeding and she looks over from being hunched over, she looks up at Margot, her eyes turn red with eyes of the beast. And like, her claws, and the claws that she may have been preparing to put away seem to extend again. And it looks like she's burying her fangs for a solid couple of seconds. And then you can see something warring within her in her eyes. And then she snaps out of it. [01:13:28] Speaker B: And says, please, please warn me if you're gonna do something like that. Please. [01:13:34] Speaker D: I'm sorry. [01:13:35] Speaker E: Sorry. [01:13:35] Speaker D: I'm sorry. It just. It comes out sometimes. I can't really help it. [01:13:39] Speaker C: I can't hear you. I can't hear anything you're saying. [01:13:43] Speaker B: Oh, God. [01:13:44] Speaker D: She's just going to pull candy in for a hug and just draw, like a little heart on her heart. [01:13:51] Speaker G: And Ty is just gonna look over at eyes like, what the hell just happened? And put her hand over her ears. Because when she pulls her fingers out from that mirror, it just snaps. She's like, what the. And then all of a sudden, this loud screaming, high pitched, she turns around and looks. And they call us animals. What the hell? [01:14:13] Speaker F: Bleach screech. [01:14:20] Speaker D: You can say that again. You can say, say that again in my ear. Sorry. [01:14:26] Speaker H: Yeah, just come closer to the mic. Closer, closer, closer. [01:14:35] Speaker D: And that one is the one that could break me like a twig. And I think I'd be all right dying. [01:14:40] Speaker H: Oh my God. Okay. All right. [01:14:47] Speaker G: Yes. [01:14:47] Speaker H: There are three other trapdoors that you all could see. Ty, you are standing in front of another one. [01:14:55] Speaker G: Okay, so I'm standing in front of a trap door. And do I know it's a trap? [01:15:01] Speaker H: You don't know it's a trap because you can't see it behind it. It's closed. [01:15:05] Speaker G: Oh, okay. So what do I mean, trap doors. [01:15:09] Speaker H: Though, so you can go underneath. [01:15:12] Speaker G: Okay, I'm probably gonna slide underneath then. [01:15:17] Speaker H: All right. I'm assuming you give the mental note to your companion to follow you. [01:15:22] Speaker G: Yeah, I'm looking over him going, come on, let's go, let's go over here. Let's go. [01:15:29] Speaker F: And he'll follow along. [01:15:31] Speaker H: No problem. Oh, actually regain a point of rage. He did not need to spend it. You're Nuttis. [01:15:38] Speaker F: Thank you. [01:15:40] Speaker H: Um, the other four, we're gonna start taking turns between each group. The other four, what, are you guys are gonna start running down to a trapdoor each, respectively? [01:15:57] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:15:58] Speaker H: Mm hmm. Margo, are you gonna carry Candy slightly? [01:16:02] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm gonna hold Candy's hand. [01:16:05] Speaker H: Okay. [01:16:06] Speaker B: Candy allows her hand to be held. [01:16:08] Speaker C: It's like one of her hands is still, like, on her ears. And she is very short and very petite, and she very much looks like an innocent babe who needs help. [01:16:22] Speaker H: Look, Marco, you got another child. [01:16:26] Speaker D: Great. I hate it. I don't want to be a mom again. I don't want to be a mom again. I already did it once. [01:16:36] Speaker H: All right. Yeah. You guys, all of you arrive into a pitch black room. Candy's feral eyes giving her away. Eyes in the dark. Your eyes are also glowing as well, giving you away. [01:16:56] Speaker F: I also have great vision in here, as dark as it is. [01:16:59] Speaker H: You do. And so does candy. And I'm assuming wren activates feral eyes as well. Or eyes of the beast. [01:17:05] Speaker C: Sorry. [01:17:06] Speaker G: And I is going to grab ahold of eyes on his arm, or ever she can grab ahold of and say, okay, lead on. [01:17:22] Speaker F: And he will indeed take point. [01:17:25] Speaker H: Leap forward for the three that can see. You are in a room that has a dirt floor. Everyone can feel the dirt floor, but there's a dirt floor with three walls that are brick and one that is a brick wall but also has a metal door on it. There are two speakers in the corner and the corners of the room. You hear the PA system click on. And in a gangster voice, he says, who are all of you? Who do you work for? [01:18:02] Speaker D: I'm. I'm sorry. Did you say in. In his gangster voice? [01:18:08] Speaker H: Yeah. [01:18:09] Speaker D: Okay. Got it. [01:18:12] Speaker H: Do you expect me to put on gangster voice? No. Yeah. [01:18:17] Speaker D: Yeah. How dare I? [01:18:24] Speaker F: Just looks directly at one of the cameras as he's making indistinguishable growling noises, trying to respond. [01:18:34] Speaker G: Eyes not really responding. She's really trying to let ayes lead. She leans over and whispers, lead me wherever I need to be, because he probably would know any skills that she might have to help with what they're doing. [01:18:53] Speaker F: Using his big, bulky form, he'll try and guide. He'll try and guide ty behind himself to the door so that she can work on maybe getting it open while we distract this guy. [01:19:06] Speaker H: All right, does anybody give an answer? [01:19:13] Speaker A: Who's asking? [01:19:23] Speaker D: No one. Loser. [01:19:27] Speaker H: Yes. You hear the PI click on again. You hear the fake noise of breath that you guys recognize, and then you hear a click. [01:19:39] Speaker D: Well, that's monotonous. [01:19:41] Speaker H: Those of you, I don't think there's any penalties, but I'm gonna say it is a bit of a shock for everyone who can actually normally see in the dark. The only one really unaffected by this temporary blindness is eyes of the dark, as his is genetic blood lights turn on, and it is incredibly fucking light. Right, check. [01:20:08] Speaker F: Ives covers his eyes with his hands and hunkers down. [01:20:18] Speaker G: At this point, I think I might be close to the door. Ty might be close to the door. And she kind of shelters her face kind of near the door, but she's looking down at the doorknob or any kind of lock. Would this be a time where she might be able to use open seal? [01:20:40] Speaker H: Ahead, you other four. What are you doing? [01:20:47] Speaker E: I'm just looking around and. [01:20:55] Speaker H: You look around. Sorry, go ahead. [01:21:00] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm just looking around and I see the PA systems and seeing if I can find any wire that is, like, leading somewhere since it's 90. So there has to be, like, wire. [01:21:11] Speaker H: Connected to something directly into the wall. Unfortunately, you at your best breakthrough, a brick wall. And you are. You believe that you are a subterranean at the moment. But how are all four of you feeling? [01:21:28] Speaker D: I'm feeling all right. Candy, can I try to break through the wall? [01:21:38] Speaker H: Yes, go ahead. [01:21:44] Speaker C: Okay. Candy is still, like, her ears are still bleeding. And, like, she is, like, the sensible part of her knows that Margot probably didn't intend to hurt her, so she's kind of allowing Margot to be her guide. The bestial part of her is like, I want to rip this bitch's arm off and beat her with it. [01:22:07] Speaker D: So. [01:22:10] Speaker C: She'S very much worrying to keep those sides of her at bay. [01:22:17] Speaker H: Ty? Yes? Go ahead and roll. Power that, please. [01:22:20] Speaker G: Okay, so let me just roll again. Correct. [01:22:24] Speaker H: You would be rerolling your one. It's a bastardized version of v five. [01:22:31] Speaker G: So basically, roll the same exact roll over again. [01:22:35] Speaker H: Just the one? [01:22:36] Speaker D: No, you just roll one. [01:22:37] Speaker G: Die. [01:22:37] Speaker H: Just the one. Just the one. [01:22:41] Speaker G: Holy. [01:22:45] Speaker E: Not a bot. [01:22:46] Speaker C: That's mean today. [01:22:48] Speaker G: I mean, can I do it again? [01:22:52] Speaker H: Just pay whatever cost you need to, but yes. [01:22:56] Speaker G: All right, we're trying this one more time, so I guess just one again. Right? [01:23:00] Speaker D: So. But she rolled a four and not a one. [01:23:05] Speaker H: It's not a botch. It's just a failure. Do not open the door. [01:23:13] Speaker G: I'm about to try. Should I try it again? I mean, this could be a nasty. [01:23:18] Speaker D: Night, but, uh, I would also like to. I'm going to turn to my friends, uh, and simply say, um, step out of the room. [01:23:34] Speaker C: Candy can't hear you. [01:23:36] Speaker D: Take Allie and out of the room. [01:23:39] Speaker A: I'll back out and, uh, guide candy. [01:23:43] Speaker H: Um, eyes. Ty, you hear her say this, but you also like to leave the room. You know what she can do. You have the feeling she might be doing it again? [01:23:53] Speaker D: I'm giving you two the option to step out of the room before I puncture eardrums. [01:24:00] Speaker G: Yeah, I'd like to kind of get out of there, but since I just did the role, should I just kind of let it stand or. [01:24:11] Speaker D: Oh, we've got get out of the room. [01:24:14] Speaker H: Oh, you do not need to roll. I was gonna. I was thinking you were gonna reroll the whole thing. Don't. Don't have spent that second willpower in case you did. Don't do that. [01:24:27] Speaker G: Gotcha. [01:24:28] Speaker H: We're gonna have Margot do her thing. [01:24:30] Speaker G: Got it. I'm gonna turn and look at eyes and go. Yeah, I don't want to deal with that mess again. Let's go. [01:24:36] Speaker D: Let's roll. [01:24:37] Speaker E: Yep. [01:24:38] Speaker D: I'm giving you to the count of three. One, two. [01:24:42] Speaker E: Getting out, getting out, getting out. [01:24:44] Speaker G: And we're out. [01:24:47] Speaker B: What's happening? Why are we leaving? [01:24:50] Speaker A: She's screaming again. [01:24:53] Speaker B: I can't hear you, Jasper. [01:24:56] Speaker E: I look in front of candy so she can possibly read my lips as well. Just like Marco screaming again and gesturing as well. [01:25:07] Speaker C: Did you just say she's screaming again? [01:25:11] Speaker H: Yes, exactly. [01:25:12] Speaker D: Precisely. I'm sorry. [01:25:16] Speaker G: Ty just turns around and looks at them and says, is something. Yeah, you know? No, y'all got some issues. [01:25:25] Speaker D: Come here. Eyes. [01:25:29] Speaker E: Walks away dejected and just hiding a mess right now. [01:25:36] Speaker H: He. [01:25:36] Speaker E: They would be blushing so badly right now. [01:25:40] Speaker H: Marco once again ruined the blood point for. It fits too perfectly for you not to. [01:25:51] Speaker E: Yeah, it's too. [01:25:53] Speaker H: You close the door and you hold yourself to the back of it. I'm using my actual degree knowledge here, so, Margo, go ahead and roll. This is going to be difficulty eight. [01:26:05] Speaker D: Eight. Okay. I would like to spend a willpower in order to gain an automatic success. [01:26:13] Speaker H: All right, my dear, how much willpower do you have left? [01:26:17] Speaker D: Four. Okay. Don't worry. The bad thing won't happen just yet. [01:26:26] Speaker H: I'm waiting. [01:26:27] Speaker D: Yeah, I know you're waiting. Season two. It can happen at the end of season two. I would like to spend one more point of willpower to reroll that botch. Die now. I'm at three. [01:27:04] Speaker H: God, I hope you get another ten. I really hope you get another ten when you roll it. [01:27:08] Speaker D: God, that'd be hot. [01:27:13] Speaker H: It would be so hot. Oh, God. Wow. [01:27:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:27:24] Speaker H: Oh. For those of you who are just watching and cannot see us roll, Margot has rolled three tens with her specialty in singing, meaning it is a total of six successes plus another six. So that is seven successes. She breaks down that door, it cracks and splinters and just rush just is thrust forward by the power of her voice as it breaks away, revealing yet another one that also, because of this epic moment, dents and breaks. Anyone can open it now. [01:28:01] Speaker D: Oh, she's opening that shit. [01:28:06] Speaker F: Do you think she's done yet? [01:28:08] Speaker H: The other fight of. You hear her stop singing? [01:28:12] Speaker G: I hope so. [01:28:16] Speaker E: We're good. [01:28:17] Speaker H: We're good. [01:28:18] Speaker F: All right. Eyes will open the door into the chamber once more. [01:28:23] Speaker G: And Ty is following suit, just following right behind, looking around. [01:28:32] Speaker H: Yep. All right. [01:28:34] Speaker D: Margo's. Margot's already bum rushing in. [01:28:37] Speaker F: Oh. [01:28:38] Speaker H: Oh, yeah. [01:28:38] Speaker F: Trying to run. Let's trace. [01:28:39] Speaker H: Go, go. More specifically, just bulges through the brick hallway that Margot has gone through and catches up with her as she opens the door, revealing two guards there who look scared, who look like they've pissed themselves. And Capone, who looks terrified. [01:29:03] Speaker D: Hi. It's so lovely to see three of you. She's gonna look at the two guards. If you don't want that to be your heads, I would start running right now. Yo. [01:29:21] Speaker H: They are kind of stuck, not because of anything you did, but because of the giant werewolf behind you. They don't want to go closer to it. [01:29:33] Speaker D: Let them run. [01:29:35] Speaker C: Candy, like, how tall, about how tall is eyes? [01:29:45] Speaker F: In Krynos form, he is ten one. [01:29:50] Speaker C: Candy is like five four. So she just, like, gets down and, like, shimmies between eyes and legs. [01:29:59] Speaker D: To. [01:30:00] Speaker F: Make sure he doesn't step on anything unexpected. [01:30:02] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [01:30:04] Speaker H: And as you see, steps out of the way, they just fucking bolt. And Capote is just like, standing there. He then regains his composure. [01:30:14] Speaker G: I slides in behind and just looks up at eyes and just smirks and says, show off eyes. [01:30:24] Speaker F: Shrugs as if. What are you gonna do? I can't help it. [01:30:29] Speaker H: You guys are seeing the werewolves now? Um, Capone looks at all of you and he kind of backs himself into the corner. Listen, listen, I. If you. If you let me explain. If you let me explain, I could just explain. I can explain why you're here. It's Kevin Jackson, right? And he's gonna look at all of you. It's Kevin Jackson, right? You guys are here because Kevin Jackson, he sent you after me to kill me because he said that he has the kinfolk here. [01:31:06] Speaker G: I think you might need to give us a little bit more information. You have something. We need it. You give it or you die. It's simple. [01:31:17] Speaker H: I don't have it. I'm sure he said to you two specifically. I'm sure he said that they were here, but they aren't there with the prince. And I'm sure he said that the prince was here, but he's actually here. He's at a different spot. And you four, I'm sure he sent you here to probably off me. Now, if you just. [01:31:40] Speaker C: Can'T hear anything, so can she just like, go in for. Go for the throat? [01:31:48] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [01:31:52] Speaker C: She looks at the others, she decides she doesn't know why no one's doing anything, so she just runs in with her claws. [01:31:58] Speaker D: Frank goes for the food. [01:32:00] Speaker G: Okay, wait, wait, wait. So let me get this straight, and I'm just asking this. So he mentions the prince has them, am I right? [01:32:11] Speaker H: Yes. If you want to know what he is as werewolves, I will have you guys roll intelligence in a cult. If you guys would also like to stop candy from attacking him before you get your information, please roll dexterity and athletics at difficulty. Seven. [01:32:27] Speaker G: Yeah. Shh. Yep. And you said it's intelligence in a. [01:32:32] Speaker H: Cult for knowing what a is to the kindred. [01:32:38] Speaker G: That'S difficulty. What, six or seven? [01:32:41] Speaker H: Seven for that as well. [01:32:43] Speaker F: What was the difficulty knowing for the Dex? Athletics. [01:32:45] Speaker H: Also seven. Thank you. Yeah, I'm not even. Sorry. Glamour. [01:32:56] Speaker F: And snatches the little vampire. [01:33:01] Speaker G: And Ty has no idea what y'all are talking about, but she does see him snatch. She's like, wait a minute. [01:33:11] Speaker H: Who has what, your has your families? The prince has her family? Yes, he has the families. And I'm sure that. That Jackson sent you here to kill me because he views me as a threat, as a way to get to Loudun. While I'm sure that is true in some universe, it is not here. I am just trying to run my own operation independently. [01:33:41] Speaker G: Okay, so this. This prince thing, how is it related to these people? And then he turns around and points. She turns around and points to these other people in the room, other than the guards and other than eyes. [01:33:57] Speaker E: I will keep my light eyes. [01:34:03] Speaker H: Go ahead. [01:34:05] Speaker E: I just don't know. I will explain later. I will. I think this will be part of ordeal I want to talk about. And in the meantime, I'm going to get closer to Capone. So you. The prince has the kin families? [01:34:25] Speaker H: Yes, he does. [01:34:29] Speaker G: And at this point, Ty's gonna step in front and go, wait a minute. I wanna know this information now. [01:34:37] Speaker D: Okay, well, you're gonna have to back up and let us speak. So unless you want him to remain silent. Take a couple steps back, sister. She'll step in front of the werewolf. [01:34:58] Speaker E: I will give you the information, I promise. But I want something in return. It's just exchange of information. And this is. But you do know exactly where they are? [01:35:19] Speaker H: Yes I do. They are at the princess Haven specifically. He's holding them hostage. [01:35:26] Speaker E: Would we know where the princess Haven is? [01:35:30] Speaker H: He'll, he'll kind of like if you ask that out loud. So I say if you let me just go over to my desk I will write it down on a piece of paper. [01:35:43] Speaker E: I'm going to start, I'm going to just go ahead and spend a blood point to go ahead and slowly start popping my claws and, and I'm just going to have my fingers wrapped around his neck and backing him over to the desk basically. [01:36:14] Speaker G: Now does, right, does eyes have a hold of candy? Her? Yeah, I have candy already just holding on to candy. Okay, Ty's gonna turn and give you a narrowed look like this is getting sus look on her face while she's kind of giving you the stare in Crisp's form. [01:36:37] Speaker F: He says if they try to run I can throw this one at him. [01:36:44] Speaker H: You see Capone take two pieces of paper out of the desk in this secure vault. He writes down an address on one and copies it onto the other. He's gonna hand it to Ty and he's gonna hand it to Ren. Okay here's, here's this haven. Please don't kill me. Just, just let me do my thing. Did you have let me run my mockups. [01:37:12] Speaker E: Did you have one point have, have the kin family at all at any point? [01:37:22] Speaker H: Um, uh, I, I don't. Nothing I recall is, I mean my ghouls work for me but they also sometimes work for the prince and sometimes they can't always tell me what they want to because prince, my sire is stronger than I am. [01:37:46] Speaker E: You know what? Yeah you're right. I feel like though I think we got all of our information. [01:37:58] Speaker H: Can everybody. [01:37:59] Speaker E: I think we will let you go. [01:38:02] Speaker H: Can I have everybody roll perception and empathy or expression. [01:38:08] Speaker E: That's actually good for expression. Insight. [01:38:10] Speaker H: Just for impression. [01:38:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:38:13] Speaker H: Yes, it's like an insight. Go ahead and add your conversation specialty. Jasper. [01:38:18] Speaker A: Let's go. [01:38:20] Speaker G: So we're saying perception and empathy or perception expression for me it isn't going to make a difference. [01:38:25] Speaker H: I'm just asking if it makes a difference to you. Take whatever's higher. If not then it's fine and it's difficulty. [01:38:32] Speaker G: Six, right. [01:38:33] Speaker H: Seven if you don't have points. [01:38:35] Speaker G: Yay. [01:38:38] Speaker F: I got nothing. [01:38:40] Speaker E: Three successes. [01:38:41] Speaker A: Three successes. [01:38:44] Speaker H: Trust. [01:38:47] Speaker G: Holy crap. I got one. [01:38:49] Speaker H: Nothing from eyes, two from Jasper, one from candy. [01:38:53] Speaker F: Well two technically. Oh never. [01:38:56] Speaker H: I shouldn't. I should, I shouldn't, I shouldn't. I'm gonna be honest, glamour. I'm not really gonna count your role because you still can't hear with the best of intentions. I'm happy that you're rolled, but, yes, I forgot for a moment. If you would like to heal your hearing, please spend five blood points. [01:39:13] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. [01:39:16] Speaker A: We're putting candy on ice. [01:39:18] Speaker H: Yeah. You could heal one point of ag damage, but those of you who got it success. You could tell he kind of believes what he's saying, but not wholeheartedly. There might be parts of his mind that have been taken away. You're not certain, and he's not certain. Especially, like, the kindred would know this, but the werewolves would go like, something's a bit fucky. Well, Ty is going, like, something is a bit fucky wucky. [01:39:46] Speaker G: Yeah. Ty is trying to decide, does she need to start doing some changing? [01:39:51] Speaker A: Capone, we came here on a very important mission. I intend to get back at some people I dislike very much. I need you to shoot straight with me. Are you in your heart confident that what you've written down is not a trap, is not some kind of honey pot, but has the kinfolk in it? It's important for your safety that you answer me as honestly as you would to your own mother. [01:40:21] Speaker H: It's his haven. I don't know if he's gonna come and attack you beforehand or if he has things ready for you. I don't know. But it's his haven. And you still get the kind of the same rate. You still kind of get the same rate as. Like, he might be telling the truth, but his mind also might be fucked. [01:40:42] Speaker F: Eyes speaks up to his fellow werewolf. Tell him he looks stretchy. [01:40:53] Speaker G: Let me explain something here. If you know anything, this would be your last opportunity to say anything that you think might be of assistance before you become some kind of delicious meal that just becomes an afterthought the next day. That is your choice. And at this point, she's starting to look like, yeah, this might be a change moment where we add two nasties in the room. [01:41:34] Speaker H: You see him trying to get out these words. I'm positive. There's nothing. [01:41:44] Speaker E: So fucked with his mind. I believe. [01:41:47] Speaker H: Oh, God. Oh, thank God. [01:41:49] Speaker G: I can. [01:41:49] Speaker B: I can hear again. So are we gonna kill him now? [01:41:54] Speaker E: Attempted to. [01:41:56] Speaker A: Trying to find out what he knows. [01:42:00] Speaker C: Um, I mean, Candy's still being held by ice. [01:42:06] Speaker H: Ren has his claws on him, though. [01:42:09] Speaker F: True eyes is getting impatient, and I think looking forward to terror. [01:42:16] Speaker E: It's. Can I read that on them. [01:42:21] Speaker F: Eyes is impatient. He's got nostrils flaring. He's twitching. As much as he's holding someone back, he is also holding himself back, doing well. [01:42:32] Speaker E: Hi. [01:42:32] Speaker G: Can you see that? [01:42:34] Speaker H: Are you still itching for a fight? Candy? [01:42:38] Speaker C: Candy is still dealing. I'm going to say Candy is still dealing with the residual effects of Margot blowing her eardrums out. So she was kind of like a part of her. Was kind of hoping that you could. [01:42:51] Speaker H: Yeah, I'm just listening, everyone. [01:42:57] Speaker D: The aftermath of Margot blowing stuff out. It's okay. [01:43:00] Speaker H: Everybody's fight for everybody. Yes. [01:43:03] Speaker E: You know what? [01:43:04] Speaker G: I just. [01:43:06] Speaker E: I'm just going to be like. I'm just going to do this for you, for mercy, and I'm just going to push hard my claws into his throat. [01:43:17] Speaker H: All right, go ahead and roll your strength for me. [01:43:20] Speaker E: All right, Dex brawl, basically. Is that correct? [01:43:26] Speaker H: Nope. Just your strength, please. You already have one. [01:43:28] Speaker E: Okay. Strength at your claw. Five, seven, dice. Okay, min, six reserves of strength. [01:43:41] Speaker H: Oh, always. Whenever you're attacking, please use that. [01:43:45] Speaker E: Yep, that's six successes. [01:43:49] Speaker G: Ooh, that's gonna hurt. [01:43:53] Speaker H: He's a red, so he's soak one of those. But he is hurting now. [01:44:00] Speaker C: When Candy will very much try to struggle to get out of eyes's grip, even if it's completely futile, because she wants to get in on the action. [01:44:10] Speaker E: Oh, shit. [01:44:13] Speaker D: Should I? Should I? [01:44:14] Speaker E: Should I? [01:44:14] Speaker H: Should I? [01:44:14] Speaker G: Should I? At this point, Ty is going to go ahead and decide. Okay, enough of this bullshit. She wants to go ahead and change. [01:44:23] Speaker H: We're going to do this in alphabetical order. Now you've changed. Find your rage point to go to Krynos. I'm assuming that's what you want to do. Nope. All right, spend that point. Eyes, you drop candy. [01:44:36] Speaker F: Eyes drops candy. Yep. [01:44:38] Speaker H: I'm assuming you're also gonna lunge for him as well. Okay, we're gonna do this alphabetically. Then he is gonna die at the end of this, I'm gonna see how bad anarcho. What are you. What. What would Jasper like to do? [01:44:54] Speaker A: Well, seeing that it's all going to shit, I'm gonna take my neck and my knife and see if I can't get the rest of Capone's neck off his head. Right. [01:45:01] Speaker H: All right, go ahead and roll. Dex. Plus melee. [01:45:14] Speaker A: Jesus Christ. [01:45:22] Speaker H: Roll your strength plus your knife, plus five, plus podcast, plus your pelvis. [01:45:30] Speaker D: On God, we love that for you. [01:45:33] Speaker A: Finally. I'll kill something. Does this get the minus one from being hurt? [01:45:38] Speaker H: Yes, it does. [01:45:39] Speaker A: So sad. [01:45:41] Speaker H: It should be a really high dice pulling. Yeah. [01:45:44] Speaker A: Five successes. [01:45:47] Speaker H: Okay, so he was about that. [01:45:55] Speaker E: He took egg, so, you know. [01:46:00] Speaker H: All right, let me. Let me roll that. Gavin, I'm assuming you're doing a claw attack. [01:46:06] Speaker F: Iza's actually gonna do two things. We're gonna use rage to get an extraction. [01:46:12] Speaker H: Okay, go ahead. [01:46:15] Speaker F: And then we're gonna pull off a combat maneuver called wishbone, which means I have to grab first with a Dex and brawl, and then I roll it again with some extra strength to see if I can pull him apart. [01:46:29] Speaker H: Go out and roll. Candy, what would you like to be doing as well? [01:46:36] Speaker C: He is going to. [01:46:39] Speaker H: Would you like to assist at the wishbone maneuver? [01:46:42] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [01:46:42] Speaker C: She will assist. She will help if she sees that he's pulling him apart, she's grabbing the other end and pulling. [01:46:48] Speaker F: That means the difficulty drops down to difficulty five. [01:46:52] Speaker H: Okay, so you need to then roll your strength for this to do your damage. [01:46:57] Speaker F: Yep. It is strength. [01:46:59] Speaker H: So you're gonna roll strength plus six. We do one, and then any overarch. So it's just gonna be your strength plus six to do the damage. Candy, I would like you to also roll strength plus six plus your pounds. [01:47:18] Speaker F: Would this count as my specialty of being monstrous? [01:47:21] Speaker H: Yes, definitely, yes. [01:47:31] Speaker C: Difficulty six or difficulty five? [01:47:35] Speaker H: Six. It's always six, but ones don't count for damage. [01:47:38] Speaker F: The wishbone difficulty drops by the number of people joining in. So it's actually if you get a five, that will come too. [01:47:45] Speaker H: Okay, so that's 5345. That means eyes gets eight. Ren, would you like to also participate in the wishbone? [01:48:02] Speaker E: Yes. Yes, I would. [01:48:05] Speaker H: Hi. Would you also like to participate in the wishbone? [01:48:08] Speaker G: He would like to actually, if it's possible to actually go through the chest for the heart. [01:48:16] Speaker F: I mean, we're already spreading them apart for you. Might as well get the inside. Yummy. [01:48:21] Speaker G: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:48:23] Speaker H: So, Kevin. Sorry. Isis rolled. How many forests do you have in there? It's three. So that's 1111 success. Plus the five from candy. So it's at 16. Let me roll this hook for that. Not looking too great right now. Definitely not looking too great. So that was 16. I said. [01:48:47] Speaker E: Yep. [01:48:48] Speaker H: Yeah, he's dead. But we're going to keep going because this is more fun. [01:48:53] Speaker G: I want the heart. [01:48:56] Speaker H: Oh, sorry, I accidentally skipped over. [01:48:59] Speaker D: Margot. [01:49:00] Speaker H: We will go ahead and. Go ahead and roll your stuff, Ty. But what would Margo like to do? As well. [01:49:08] Speaker D: As the one who carried majority of the getting people through things, she's just gonna step back and hum a little tune of encouragement, give a thumbs up to the lupines. Yeah. Good job. Good job. [01:49:23] Speaker H: Do you have leadership? [01:49:24] Speaker D: Um, that's a good question. I do have leadership. [01:49:28] Speaker H: Go ahead and roll. Charisma plus leadership at difficulty five. Okay, Shire, please hold off on your roll. [01:49:37] Speaker F: You might get extra dice. [01:49:39] Speaker H: You are gonna be getting extra dice. We're gonna see how well, though. [01:49:52] Speaker D: Three. [01:49:54] Speaker G: Okay, so what should I be rolling then? [01:49:57] Speaker H: You are gonna be. So for you, you're going for the heart. You've changed. So you're gonna be rolling your Dex plus brawl, plus one for being in crinos, and you're gonna get plus three for the encouragement from the kindred. Yes. [01:50:12] Speaker G: That's twelve. [01:50:13] Speaker H: Totally. Yay. [01:50:15] Speaker D: You smelly little wolves. You. You got this. You got this. Yay. What's the difficulty for this? [01:50:24] Speaker G: Bow wow wow. Okay, what's the difficulty for this? [01:50:29] Speaker H: It's six to hit. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Use a willpower. I'm gonna suggest use republic. [01:50:41] Speaker G: Yeah, let's do that. I need to spray some of the rib cage open there. You know, hold on. [01:50:45] Speaker H: Yeah, this is more fun. This is more fun. [01:50:48] Speaker D: Yeah, no, 100. Also 100% doing this because Margot doesn't want to get her dress dirty. [01:50:54] Speaker H: Are you wearing red today or purple? [01:50:58] Speaker D: It's like a purple and gold type of deal that she's got going on. [01:51:02] Speaker F: Oh, it's about to be painted red. [01:51:05] Speaker D: Oh, no. [01:51:06] Speaker H: All right, sorry. It should adjust in those three, but we'll take the. We'll take the five that you rolled before. We're going to say that three of those worked fine. So you're gonna have five successes. Go ahead and roll your strength. Plus four from being. Four from being in Kranos. And plus four more from the overage of damage. Plus one for claws. No, plus two upper claws. [01:51:32] Speaker G: Sorry, that's what, 13 and difficulty. [01:51:36] Speaker H: Six ones. Don't count on this as well. We are murderizing this poor fool. [01:51:46] Speaker G: I think it came between the ribcage. [01:51:49] Speaker H: So that is ten. [01:51:55] Speaker F: A weird tax evasion. Right? Like that's how he died was tax evasion. [01:52:00] Speaker H: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He died because of tax evasion. [01:52:03] Speaker D: Just remember, nothing scarier than the IR's. [01:52:06] Speaker H: And so my mom named me. [01:52:08] Speaker E: I just whisper in his total irresponsible regards. [01:52:15] Speaker G: So are we saying that she has his heart in her hands? [01:52:19] Speaker H: Yes, you have his heart. His body is split apart. [01:52:23] Speaker G: She's gonna bite into that, eat half, and hand the other half to ice. [01:52:29] Speaker H: We'll skip past that part. And you guys are there with a corpse. Two addresses and a dark. Well in a moderately lit room. Now. Two werewolves for kindred. [01:52:56] Speaker D: Well, wasn't that just a lot of fun? [01:53:00] Speaker C: Andy takes several deep breaths. They're fake breaths, but they still help her. When she needs to calm down, she retracts her claws. She kind of dusts off, like, her wrecked, like, ripped, ripped up, like, brown dress that she wears. [01:53:17] Speaker B: And she says, well, um, I feel better. [01:53:22] Speaker A: I'm glad candy see her anger out. [01:53:27] Speaker D: In a meaningful way. [01:53:31] Speaker G: Kai just looks at them kind of, you know, doing the licking of the lips, and she's like, yeah, that's how you get it out, just cause you can't really talk. But it's that look, you know, that look of hey, hey, hey, hey. Smile. [01:53:51] Speaker D: Okay, one tepa, does helping kill one. [01:53:57] Speaker A: Of lodins give me a willpower? [01:54:00] Speaker H: Yes. Let's go. Candy, if I have not given you a point of willpower for losing your hearing, please take it. Margo. Please take a point of willpower. Got it. Ren, please take a point of will of power. [01:54:15] Speaker E: Thank you. [01:54:16] Speaker D: Hey, baby. [01:54:17] Speaker H: Becca will not need to worry about this. Totally. [01:54:25] Speaker D: Becca. [01:54:25] Speaker A: Good hunting, I guess. Appreciate the help. [01:54:28] Speaker D: Yes, yes, yes. Um, well, I'm gonna go put myself on vocal rest now. [01:54:39] Speaker F: Eyes takes part of the body and leaves a bloody note just to say, return the kin, just in case folks are wondering why. [01:54:50] Speaker G: And Ty is going to follow Gavin with rumbled light growls as she goes. [01:54:58] Speaker E: Before they leave, I would just say, meet me at inter park here and I will give you all the information that you want, and we'll talk about the deal. Or if you want to know who the prince is. [01:55:19] Speaker G: Ty turns and looks and just doesn't nod and then turns and follows. [01:55:26] Speaker F: Eyes has a brief moment of clarity and asks, hey, Ty, do the addresses even match? [01:55:37] Speaker G: I looks at him and even though. Yeah, she looks and nods yes, let me nod. [01:55:47] Speaker D: I would like to know if you two would be interested in helping us with another. And she'll point to the blood splattered mess. [01:56:02] Speaker F: Well, we had fun. This time, uh, eyes is going to do a partial transformation so that he can speak. [01:56:12] Speaker H: Stamina, parable, urge. Diff seven. I actually, no, it's supposed to be diffic nine, but we're going to do diff seven for now. [01:56:18] Speaker F: Roger Dodger. [01:56:22] Speaker H: This is just changing your vocal cords, so a reminder that your stamina is higher because of kranos, and. Yeah, you're fine. Go ahead. [01:56:34] Speaker F: Yep, with the deep and bassy rumble. It was so fun this time. Why not? [01:56:45] Speaker D: Wonderful. I've got one more that we need to take care of. I think that you two. And your other friends might be interested in helping us take down one more, uh, alpha. And she smiles. [01:57:14] Speaker F: That's the one we'll kill. [01:57:16] Speaker D: Yes. [01:57:20] Speaker G: Ty remains in Krynice farm and just deep growl as much as female werewolf can and just looks over at you. Kind of does one of those sneaky smiles then. Yeah. Just watch us. [01:57:43] Speaker F: Uh, yes. Uh, eyes. Perhaps not the best to be the one wheeling and dealing. Seems eager to take the chance of going and causing more problems. Yeah. [01:57:56] Speaker D: Um, Margot is going to offer them both a step outside, um, to go over the logistics of her deal with them. [01:58:14] Speaker H: Oh, shit. Do you invite the rest of your coterie? [01:58:23] Speaker D: She gives them a look of. Just let me take care of this. [01:58:30] Speaker F: Eyes raises a brow and looks to. [01:58:32] Speaker H: Interesting looks to tie ty. [01:58:37] Speaker G: Yeah. Ty looks back, kind of like, man, I just got in this form. I'm happy in my feral sense. Oh, whatever decides to change back. [01:58:50] Speaker H: And for you. [01:58:54] Speaker F: To clarify, eyes is still in his Krynos form. He's just partially transformed his vocal cords. [01:59:00] Speaker H: Your natural breed form. [01:59:02] Speaker G: Okay, fine. You wanna have this convo and we can talk about this? Yeah, find a place. Let's go. Let's talk. [01:59:12] Speaker D: All right. And she'll. And again, she'll turn back and basically give them the. You can follow if you wish. I don't know if you're gonna like this conversation. Jasper might. I don't know about the other two. [01:59:29] Speaker H: I'll tag along. [01:59:32] Speaker B: Candy will look to Ren. [01:59:36] Speaker F: Before we set off with this mysterious vampire figure, eyes would like to look around to see if there are other kin or lupines. Noticing and watching. [01:59:53] Speaker H: You guys are able to find a somewhat secluded place to have your conversation. Jasper, do you join or not? [02:00:00] Speaker A: I join. [02:00:01] Speaker H: Okay. Margo, Jasper eyes. And Ty. [02:00:07] Speaker G: Ty follows. And whenever they never. They stop, she's just gonna cross her arms like she always does and just look. So what's the deal? What's up? [02:00:22] Speaker D: We have one prince who's kind of like a pack Alpha, right? He's in charge of specific people in our. [02:00:45] Speaker G: And he has our people. Is that what we're saying? [02:00:52] Speaker D: He might. I know that you have people that you are wanting to send back home. We want to get rid of a threat. If you help us, we'll help you. [02:01:11] Speaker G: What threat would you like us to get rid of? [02:01:15] Speaker F: Prince. [02:01:17] Speaker D: Prince Alpha. [02:01:20] Speaker G: You want us to dethrone this alpha? And you guys can't do it yourself. [02:01:30] Speaker D: Can'T do it ourselves. [02:01:32] Speaker G: It's. [02:01:32] Speaker D: We're giving you a chance to save those who they've captured. [02:01:37] Speaker G: And how are you going to save our people if we do this? [02:01:46] Speaker D: Let's just say I have a lot of pull where it counts for my people. [02:01:56] Speaker G: We need to have some kind of assurance that we will get our people if we take. Take down your alpha. [02:02:04] Speaker D: Yeah, I have one that I can do for you. And she's going to take a small knife out of her, out of her boot that she's got on, and she's going to make a small incision in her hand, and she's going to wipe her blood right on the snout of eyes. If I don't make do in my wood, you can kill me. And she'll clean herself back up to make sure that he has her son. [02:02:36] Speaker F: Oh, yeah, he's taking deep, deep breaths. [02:02:39] Speaker G: So you're saying that if you do not, if we go ahead and take down your alpha, so you can put another alpha in their place, that you are going to assure that we will get our people alive unharmed? Is that what you're guaranteeing? [02:02:58] Speaker D: I can't promise unharmed. I can promise that you get them back. [02:03:05] Speaker G: It's not gonna help us if we have a whole bunch of corpses that are delivered to our front door. [02:03:11] Speaker D: So I can't promise you unharmed. I can at least stay alive. [02:03:20] Speaker G: She turns and looks at eyes with a is this good enough expression. [02:03:28] Speaker F: Eyes, half distracted by fresh blood on the nose, begins to slowly nod. If this is what we must do to ensure our kinfolk are safe and secure. I've done worse for less. [02:03:50] Speaker D: And I'll have you know I always make good on my promises. [02:03:59] Speaker G: Then fine. We'll go along with this. Just so long as when we get them back. We're not getting half a corpse in the process. We're getting. Getting someone alive. Functioning. Then, yes, we will agree, as God forsake to say it, partners. [02:04:28] Speaker D: And she is going to reach out both of her hands, the bloody one going to eyes, and the clean one going to. I don't remember her name. I'm sorry, bad at names. Her name on my screen is Shadow Sprinter, so. But she's gonna reach out both hands. [02:04:51] Speaker F: To shake eyes with his massive lupine, or garou form. Takes the tiny hand and shakes it. [02:04:59] Speaker G: And Ty will grab the hand and shake it and pull you close, almost nose to nose. Make sure you do not fail us. We will not fail you, darling. [02:05:16] Speaker D: Did you not see what I did back there? I don't fail you. [02:05:23] Speaker F: Don't sing either. [02:05:28] Speaker H: Oh, what the. [02:05:32] Speaker D: And she looks like she's about to start up that fucking earth shattering scream again. [02:05:39] Speaker A: Come on. [02:05:39] Speaker D: Come on. We're friends here. [02:05:41] Speaker F: Now eyes is giving a toothy grin as he had no problem with sanding it earlier. Looks like he's kind of trying to egg it on. [02:05:50] Speaker G: And Ty just looks at her and says, don't even think about it. Save that for your performances, not for us. [02:06:02] Speaker H: And I think that is where we're going to end for tonight. Thank you all for joining us.

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