Episode 8

May 06, 2024


S2 Ep8: Spiritual Beliefs

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S2 Ep8: Spiritual Beliefs
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S2 Ep8: Spiritual Beliefs

May 06 2024 | 02:34:10


Show Notes

Karma snaps back against the coterie, the vitae barely cooled from Margot's shameless sin. As the coterie comes face to face with horrid monstrosities, they must now maneuver to save what's left of their leadership from cooperating threats. The enemies are abound this night, but will the coterie be able to come back together with such strain?

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Wren - Jimmy
Margot Beaufont - Legacy
Candy - Glamour

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Viewer Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: My name is Anarcho Woozer, and I'll be playing Jasper Black, the brujah. [00:00:36] Speaker B: Hi, I'm glamour. I play candy the Nosferatu. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Hello. [00:00:40] Speaker D: My name is Jimmy, and I'll be playing Wren the gangrel. [00:00:45] Speaker C: And my name is legacy. I'll be playing Margot, the daughter of cacophony. [00:00:51] Speaker E: Hi, my name is Fire Oz. I'm your storyteller for the evening. Now, last we left off, Margot had diablerized her domitor. She made a very beautiful goodbye. And the rest of the coterie then realized, very comedically, all admit that they also need to leave the same way that she left. He gave her a few minutes to get ahead of her, bit further ahead. And that's kind of when most of you begin to feel this, like, SAP of your willpower, just realizing that maybe you guys are less human than what you thought you were. And it kind of tugs on your willpower as that fades away. Ren, specifically, you realize that what Margot did was incredibly wrong, as this isnt just a plain killing that she committed. This was complete destruction as she destroyed the body and the soul. This leaves you all in a bit of despair and depression at the moment. But then we go over to Margot. He's outside in the garden of Lodin's, well, what was formerly Louden's haven. Margot, fugue has been swimming and starting to change bed ever since you committed diary. But right now is this immense feeling of danger. [00:03:07] Speaker C: I'm gonna look around. [00:03:11] Speaker E: As you turn around, you see. [00:03:17] Speaker C: Kind. [00:03:17] Speaker E: Of the house background of the house really start to shimmer and fade, but in kind of this inconsistent pattern, as reality starts to break down around you. [00:03:43] Speaker C: Okay? [00:03:46] Speaker E: And here is where I would like you to roll your initiative. As reality does break down around you, something swirling with lots of tendrils and maws and a very strange form materializes almost out of nowhere. And it looks like it is just sucking in the life of everything around it. I'm also gonna say nobody else is allowed to roll their initiative yet. Fortunately for you, it doesn't go first. But this thing is fucking monstrous terrifying. You would guess that if you were mortal in any sort of fashion, even if you were ghoul, you would run away screaming. [00:04:55] Speaker C: Okay? Is it a. Can I tell. Is it a physical form? [00:05:01] Speaker E: It's a physical form now. [00:05:07] Speaker C: Okay? If it's physical, damage can be done to it. Um. I am the worst fucking fighter out of the four of us. Asterisk. The only thing that I'm gonna do is what I do best, and that's let out my primal screeching, which will act as both a way to damage it and as a way to warn the others that something's out here. [00:05:48] Speaker E: Wren will definitely hear it. I'll have your role for that. [00:05:57] Speaker C: I'm just pulling up the instructions again. [00:06:01] Speaker E: It's charisma performance with your singing specialty. I think it's crispy. This is going to be at difficulty seven. [00:06:12] Speaker C: Yes. [00:06:15] Speaker E: As this thing is physical, you know how to, like, you can, like, you could vibrate the atoms of it, but you don't know at what frequency. So you're just gonna hope that whatever you do works. [00:06:27] Speaker C: Right. [00:06:28] Speaker E: As your fugue is just in this bizarre state. [00:06:32] Speaker C: Yeah. Four successes. [00:06:51] Speaker E: Let me check something. This is totally my fault. Oh, it's manipulation performance. [00:07:05] Speaker C: But I think the same score. [00:07:08] Speaker E: Yeah, I was gonna say it's the same score score. And let's see. Yeah, you did four things of aggravated to it. And now here's its turn. As you all. As the rest of the coterie, or at least wren, hopefully you tell them that there's something wrong. [00:07:35] Speaker D: Yep. [00:07:38] Speaker E: You guys will be coming out after this turn. [00:07:43] Speaker D: Okay. [00:07:46] Speaker E: So this thing is going to kind of let out this screech, this, like, monstrous, insane screech that doesn't really sound normal in any sort of fashion, musically or not. And it's gonna scream back at Marco. [00:08:12] Speaker C: Base, two things just screaming at each other. [00:08:17] Speaker E: I like that. [00:08:28] Speaker C: What was that? [00:08:29] Speaker E: It's gonna reroll. It's gonna reroll its one. As it lets out this screech, you see this kind of, like, metaphysical thing kind of, like, come out towards you as it distorts reality around it. Kind of like sucking it in as it goes, but not enough to, like, fully destroy the reality. And it touches you specifically, your face. And you feel the features of your face kind of start to change and twist a bit. And this is more aesthetic wise, because I'm not going to reduce your perception down to actually, your appearance is going to go down. Your perception would also go down, but I'm not going to reduce it to zero. It's not removing your eyes. So your appearance is actually going to go down to three for now, as you're a bit more ugly and you lose that ability of just being alluring. And I will have you. I'll also let you roll your soak as well. And this is to just prevent any damage. And for you three, I'll let you now roll your initiative as you all run outside and see this monstrous tendril. I soak one, you soak one, take one. Point of aggravated damage, as the rest of the coterie now sees this kind of monstrous looking thing with tendrils and maws everywhere as it's very illogical and mind breaking. How did Margo do? One. What the fuck? I don't know. Two. [00:10:49] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:10:50] Speaker E: Yeah, sorry. Sorry for everyone at home. It's just they. They all rolled their initiative, and it is actually worse than Margo's. And the monstrous thing that's there. [00:11:03] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:11:05] Speaker A: I feel like to mention that the monsters thing also rolled a one on its initiatives. So something's in the water. [00:11:12] Speaker E: Um, Margo, is your turn again. Uh, you do see the rest of your coterie. So you do know that if you do let out your primal screech, there's a chance it can damage them. [00:11:34] Speaker C: Um, where are they standing in relation to where this thing is behind it? [00:11:44] Speaker E: So some of the sound will be dampened, but there's a good chance it'll, like, bend around and get them. [00:12:00] Speaker C: Okay. I don't know. [00:12:28] Speaker E: Um, it is okay. If you want to say that you set yourself up to dodge. [00:12:34] Speaker C: I'm gonna tap into my fugue sape. I'm gonna spend my turn. I can still dodge the attack, but my next roll gets three additional dice. [00:12:47] Speaker E: All right. In your fugue state as well, in this instinct, you're listening to it now, and it's all sorts of weird. You figure it might be because of the monster, but there's also now influences of, like, pop. It's, like, kind of, like, starting to, like, dig into it, but there's also, like, talk show hosts, and you don't really know what's going on. The monster, though, grows eyes behind it, or what might as well be eyes. You don't really know. No one knows and sees the three of you and is going to do two things. It is going to have one of its tendrils with a maw on it as well. It's going to go for Ren in candy. Oh. Either to slap or bite. It's not really certain. You can't tell everything this thing's doing. Kind of defies a bit of logic, in a sense. And Jasper is going to do the thing it did to Margot. [00:14:08] Speaker C: First. [00:14:09] Speaker E: We're gonna do this. We're gonna start with Jasper's effect, and it lets out this screech from this center. You can't really tell where the screech is now. You can't tell where the screech is coming from other than the center of this entity. It doesn't really make sense as it then kind of, like, from another tendril that isn't reaching out is gonna shoot these black bolts of metaphysical entropic energy at Jasper. [00:14:49] Speaker A: That's not nice. [00:14:53] Speaker E: No. No, it's not. I'll check to see what they'll. To make sure. Explicitly. Okay. Yep. So it's just going to be three dice. Would you like to dodge? [00:15:17] Speaker A: I would very much like to dodge. [00:15:19] Speaker E: Yeah, go ahead and roll your dex athletics. I need you to get above a four for your dex athletics. [00:15:32] Speaker A: I'll say I did that. [00:15:33] Speaker E: Yes, you do. Yeah. As these entropic energy bolts land where you were, and you see that there is just now nothing there, and it's kind of, like, dug into the ground a fair bit, too, but there's now just nothing. No, like, dirt is. The dirt is not falling in. It's just this blank. It's blank. [00:15:59] Speaker A: Guys, something is wrong with this thing. [00:16:03] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I could have told you that much. [00:16:09] Speaker E: Next it is Jasper's turn. [00:16:17] Speaker A: Um, I. I think what I want to do is, like, get a better look at it. Like, can I try to, like, run around, get behind it, see if it's anything more than a big tentacle hentai monster? [00:16:34] Speaker E: Um, yeah. If you just want to, like, spend your little combat turn doing that. Sure. [00:16:39] Speaker A: Yeah. Try, collect some information. [00:16:41] Speaker E: Yeah. You'll run around using celerity and whatnot, because this thing is monstrously huge. You run around to the side where Margo is, and you see, I mean, honestly, it is every side of it. And every time you do, like, kind of, like, run and glance and run and glance, it's changed. And it's this technical, in your words, hentai monster, but also. [00:17:11] Speaker C: No. [00:17:18] Speaker E: But it's also this scaled thing, and then kind of this almost worm like, but not really. It's really hard to place. Nothing about this thing makes sense. [00:17:31] Speaker A: It doesn't remind me at all of, like, the Lasombra that we fought. [00:17:35] Speaker E: No. [00:17:36] Speaker A: Is there no connection? Huh? [00:17:39] Speaker E: This thing has color to it, but, like, a very sickly green and then red and then orange and then green again and then pink. Like, it's just shifting. It's. Everything about this is, like, wrong. [00:17:57] Speaker A: I guess it's my turn. Very scary. [00:18:00] Speaker E: Mm hmm. Um, rent. [00:18:06] Speaker D: Yes. Um, claws. I have. [00:18:10] Speaker E: Um. [00:18:11] Speaker D: That's what I was going to ask. It would from last session. I mean, from last session. Would claws come over or do I have to reactivate them? [00:18:19] Speaker E: I would say you have to reactivate them. Same goes for you. [00:18:22] Speaker B: Okay. [00:18:25] Speaker D: I'm going to reactivate the claws, and it's going to take a turn, though, for them to pop out. [00:18:38] Speaker E: Yep. Yep. [00:18:39] Speaker D: So, in the meantime, I will go around and intervene between Margot, basically. [00:18:48] Speaker E: You won't be able to do that. You can get to its flank, though. [00:18:52] Speaker D: Okay. That will be fine. Getting onto the flank, that's. [00:18:58] Speaker E: Candy. Claws. Get on its other flank. Are you kind of joining Ren, too? [00:19:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I think candy won't win Ren's other flanks. Since this kind of thing is kind of just a messy amalgamation. [00:19:10] Speaker C: It doesn't look like there's a definitive weak spot to exploit, so she's probably. [00:19:15] Speaker B: Just gonna join rental. [00:19:16] Speaker E: Nope. All right, margo, you see Jasper next to you? You see wren on one side, candy on the other. [00:19:25] Speaker C: Thank you. Poor Jasper. Taking it from the back boy by himself. [00:19:30] Speaker E: Well, Jasper is by you. [00:19:31] Speaker A: What he's good for. [00:19:32] Speaker C: What is good for. We love him. [00:19:39] Speaker E: But actually, Jasper is by you, though. [00:19:43] Speaker A: Taking it from behind, like all friends should do together. [00:19:48] Speaker C: Jesus Christ. [00:19:55] Speaker E: Anyhow. Anyhow. Anyhow. Primal screech, I'm assuming again. [00:20:07] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Cause if my boys are sad, I don't need to hurt them. Cover your fucking ears. [00:20:16] Speaker E: I'll let y'all cover your ears. Jasper is still gonna have to roll his stamina for it just because he is right next to you, but yippee. [00:20:26] Speaker C: Hey, Jasper. [00:20:28] Speaker E: It's gonna be at, like, diff. Like, five or four. [00:20:30] Speaker A: You're gonna torture me. [00:20:32] Speaker C: Missed you, too. [00:20:33] Speaker E: I'm not certain yet. I'm not certain on the difficulty. I gotta see what you roll. As for success. [00:20:39] Speaker C: Hey, listen. Being torpored by screaming isn't the worst way to go. Monday. [00:20:49] Speaker E: It's like dying by vicious mockery in D and D. All right. [00:20:56] Speaker A: Fuck it. We ball. [00:20:58] Speaker C: Fuck it. We ball. Um. [00:21:06] Speaker E: You got it. [00:21:11] Speaker C: I forgot. That's technically two successes. [00:21:18] Speaker D: True, but. [00:21:21] Speaker C: Oh, my God. God, the dice. The dice. Really do hate their fucking clown rotary, don't they? [00:21:28] Speaker E: I'll have you roll up your stamina to four, Jasper. [00:21:33] Speaker C: Dude. All you gotta do, Alida. [00:21:36] Speaker E: You just gotta get one success. [00:21:38] Speaker A: Can I surge, Sergey? So, crawl. [00:21:42] Speaker C: Can I buff my ears, please? [00:21:47] Speaker E: But this is gonna count as you spending a blood point on your next turn. [00:21:50] Speaker A: That's fair. [00:21:51] Speaker E: Or on your upcoming turn, I should say. [00:21:56] Speaker A: Four. Dice it. Difficulty four. [00:22:00] Speaker C: Well, after that, can I step behind Ren? [00:22:04] Speaker E: Uh, you'll. Yeah, sure. Um. [00:22:12] Speaker C: Ren will protect me, right? [00:22:16] Speaker B: Right. [00:22:17] Speaker C: Hey. There you go, buddy. [00:22:20] Speaker E: Proud of you, Jasper. Eden, fuck it up. [00:22:22] Speaker C: Proud of you, buddy. [00:22:23] Speaker D: Yay. [00:22:26] Speaker E: And, well, saw that one of its. It saw something. It saw, presumably, saw that one of its enemies now moved behind another one. So it's actually just gonna, it's plainly just gonna use one of its tendrils this time. Oh. [00:22:51] Speaker C: Oh no, don't touch me with that thing. I'm sterile. [00:22:59] Speaker D: Oh my God. [00:23:03] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [00:23:07] Speaker E: Luckily this is lethal damage so you're able to soak it. This goes for both of you. [00:23:14] Speaker D: Oh shit. [00:23:15] Speaker C: Okay, who to grab? [00:23:19] Speaker E: It's not grabbing, it's slapping. Suggest you guys use her willpower as this thing is. If you don't get successes. Both of you. This is both of you. If you guys don't get successes, this will knock you down. Wait, who who both? This is a long tendril. It's doing a white sweep. [00:23:53] Speaker A: I think it's gran and Margot. [00:23:56] Speaker E: I'll let you roll a D five to soak this. Or you can duck with a Dex athletic. [00:24:01] Speaker C: Oh, Jesus Christ. [00:24:02] Speaker A: Hey, guys, we gotta run. [00:24:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I don't think we should be fighting this thing. It looks above our pay grade. [00:24:12] Speaker A: Five. [00:24:13] Speaker D: I'm just going to take it off the teeth. [00:24:15] Speaker C: Let's go, baby. [00:24:18] Speaker E: Go ahead. [00:24:18] Speaker C: And zero success says I'm dead. [00:24:21] Speaker E: You have willpower to spend on that one, don't you? [00:24:24] Speaker A: No, I don't. [00:24:26] Speaker E: You don't have willpower? [00:24:27] Speaker C: I have one dot of willpower. I had asked you if I got any back. You said no. [00:24:32] Speaker E: Sorry, yes. [00:24:34] Speaker C: Nope, I'm dead. I'm dead. There's, there's no way that I could soak any of that. I'm dead. All right, tortured. [00:24:42] Speaker A: We'll figure it out. [00:24:45] Speaker E: You are Torbert. It's the truth of it. You are a Torbert. [00:24:52] Speaker A: It's quite a few successes. [00:24:55] Speaker E: Rez take five lethal. [00:24:58] Speaker D: I take five, lethal. [00:25:01] Speaker E: It's ten dice. We got five successes. [00:25:05] Speaker D: Oh, I thought it was. Oh. Oh yeah. Oh. [00:25:10] Speaker E: Ones don't count much. [00:25:13] Speaker D: Let's see here. [00:25:15] Speaker E: Nasty. [00:25:17] Speaker D: Three, four. I am crippled. Oh my God. [00:25:25] Speaker E: Mind you, it's all lethal. So that's better than ever because you could spend blood to heal. Lethal. Right? Now after seeing this Jasper, you watch Margo, did her screech. She heard this thing doesn't seem to be letting up at all as it just takes one of its tendrils and sweeps and falls, fucking smacks Margot clear across the field and Ren just gets pushed as the kind of like tendril then kind of goes through him a slight bit, but not too much self. [00:26:08] Speaker C: Control for seeing Margo go into torpor. [00:26:11] Speaker D: Yeah, I was about to ask that. That was definitely a wren. Going to be asking. [00:26:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:23] Speaker E: Yes. This is going to be difficulty. This is going to be difficulty. Six for Wren, because he's kind of upset at Margot, but still very much caring for her. Candy. [00:26:38] Speaker B: Yes? [00:26:38] Speaker E: This is going to be an eight. [00:26:40] Speaker B: Okay. [00:26:41] Speaker E: Because you botched the role we did before streaming. [00:26:43] Speaker C: That's a failure. [00:26:46] Speaker E: See you, frenzy. [00:26:52] Speaker D: Ren has barely. [00:26:54] Speaker E: Ren barely maintains control anyhow. Jasper. Actually, Jasper. Go ahead, roll the same thing too. Self control. [00:27:04] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:05] Speaker E: Yours is gonna be for a total of eight. A total of two, including your flaw so. Or weakness. [00:27:14] Speaker A: Oh, okay, so I'm not rolling a diff. Ten. Okay. [00:27:16] Speaker E: No, you're rolling a defeat. [00:27:22] Speaker A: Thank God. [00:27:25] Speaker E: You barely maintain control as well. [00:27:30] Speaker A: We're getting the fuck out of here. I'm gonna spend a blood point for celerity to take an extra turn, grab Margo, and then use the rest of that turn in the next one to just run as fast as I can away from Everett's black tentacles. [00:27:45] Speaker E: Yeah, go ahead. You do. So Margo's lifeless body is in your arms, and it's heavy because you're weak. [00:27:57] Speaker C: What the. [00:28:00] Speaker E: It's heavy because Jasper is weak. [00:28:02] Speaker C: Margot just wakes up, slaps God, goes back to sleep. [00:28:06] Speaker E: Fair. The next person that's the thing is Ren. [00:28:18] Speaker D: I am getting the fuck out of there. And if Jasper's having struggles, I would gladly try to take Marco off of Jasper's hands, since I know I'm stronger. [00:28:31] Speaker A: Than Jasper if you slow me down too much. [00:28:34] Speaker D: I do not have solarity. I do not have celerity. [00:28:39] Speaker E: You won't be able to catch up to him. But you're pretty close. [00:28:42] Speaker D: Yeah. Once it starts looking like Jasper's falling behind due to Margo. [00:28:54] Speaker E: He's not falling behind. He's using his blood to release. [00:28:58] Speaker D: That's fair. [00:29:00] Speaker E: Um, Candy, I'm presuming you're doing the same thing. [00:29:05] Speaker C: She is frenzying at the moment. [00:29:07] Speaker E: Oh, yes, you are. So you don't really get a choice. [00:29:10] Speaker C: Yeah. No. [00:29:14] Speaker E: You're gonna leap at this thing. You're gonna attack it. [00:29:16] Speaker C: Can I reflexively spend blood to buff my strength? [00:29:20] Speaker E: Yes, actually, I'm gonna require that you do that. Buff your strength. Roll Dex plus brawl. Or you can buff your dexterity is your choice. Dex or strength. Dex plus brawl. You're attacking this thing. [00:29:40] Speaker B: I will buff my dexterity. Get a pool of seven dice. Textbook sprawl. [00:29:51] Speaker C: Go camping. Oh, my God. [00:29:54] Speaker D: Holy shit. [00:29:56] Speaker E: Beautiful. You was at this thing that hurt your dear friend, yet you're still also incredibly fucking mad at your friend. Cause she did something unforgivable. No, they'll get over it. Not because, like. Not because she killed a guy, but it's because she literally destroyed his soul. You know, like, that is the one thing almost every kindred knows about Duhlory. [00:30:26] Speaker B: I think candy, as she's going in. [00:30:28] Speaker C: Just lets out this primal scream. [00:30:30] Speaker E: Like you do. Yeah, you do. And it is a mangled mess. And I need you to roll your strength for that damage, plus one for the claws. Yeah. Strength plus one, plus potent, plus your potence, plus six as your overage. [00:30:51] Speaker B: Okay. [00:30:55] Speaker C: Wow. [00:30:57] Speaker E: Five things of damage. Five levels of damage. [00:31:01] Speaker C: That is aggravated. [00:31:03] Speaker E: This thing gets to soak, though. [00:31:05] Speaker C: Hmm. [00:31:08] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [00:31:09] Speaker E: And only takes one. [00:31:12] Speaker C: Hmm. [00:31:19] Speaker E: I believe that takes us back to the monster. [00:31:26] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [00:31:28] Speaker E: It's now gonna. It's also gonna warp reality again. Ooh, it's gonna spend another milk power again. [00:31:38] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:31:43] Speaker E: Hey, um. And as you two are running away now turns the ground into sludge, slowing both of you down. It doesn't even let out a screech this time. It just kind of. You feel this, like, kind of hum in the air a fair bit. You don't even know. It's not like a screech. It's just like mystic hum. As the ground below you turns into this kind of very sticky mud, that's its turn. Which takes us to Jasper. [00:32:27] Speaker A: Okay. We know that candy is still back there, which I don't love. It's trying to get me in some kind of earthquake liquefaction situation. I am going to handle Margo's body, Tauren, and I think I want to run back and try and, like, convince can maybe. Well, here's the thing. When you're frenzying, I want to make sure that I can separate player knowledge and character knowledge here, at least in fifth edition. I, as the player, knows that while you're frenzying, you have some advantage against mental disciplines, that is presence or dominate. But does Jasper believe or think, for whatever reason, he would have a harder time, like, trying to entrance candy while she is having a freak out, given. [00:33:36] Speaker E: That your intelligence score is one. Yeah, I would say you do not know. [00:33:43] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:33:46] Speaker E: Look at your sheet. You also have zero. [00:33:48] Speaker A: That's right. I thought maybe he might know from experience using his powers, but I wasn't sure. So, yeah, this is why I want to check. So I'm gonna go. Just get the fuck out of here. Heft over Margot's body. I will spend a celerity again to go back to the scene of the crime here. Then I'm going to get to candy, and I want to try and use entrancement on Candy to basically say, get the fuck out of there. [00:34:20] Speaker E: Sorry, repeat that again. [00:34:22] Speaker A: Yes, sir. Yeah, I'm going to run back. I'm going to try and use transmit on Candy so that I can command her to leave and hopefully break through the frenzy that way. [00:34:32] Speaker E: All right, go ahead and roll for that. [00:34:39] Speaker A: It's my appearance plus sympathy. With a difficulty equal to Candy's current willpower. [00:34:44] Speaker C: My willpower is zero. I'm at zero willpower. [00:34:51] Speaker E: Do that difficulty six for me, please. [00:34:54] Speaker D: Five. [00:34:54] Speaker A: You got it. [00:34:58] Speaker E: We're gonna go off your permanent willpower, Candy, okay? If only because you are fancying. [00:35:08] Speaker A: I'm also. I am going to spend willpower here. [00:35:15] Speaker E: How much willpower do you have left? [00:35:17] Speaker A: One left. That's one success. [00:35:21] Speaker E: All right. Transplant is they feel the need to do what you say, correct? [00:35:30] Speaker A: Yeah, they're enthralled to me with one success. It's for an hour. All right, Candy, you need to run, okay? We've got Margo. We can fix her up, help get her up later. We have to go leave. And I'll point in the direction that ren is running, and that'll be my turn. [00:36:01] Speaker E: Bren, I take it you're still running. [00:36:03] Speaker D: Yes, I am definitely still running. [00:36:06] Speaker E: All right, we're gonna move down as you get further away. Actually, hold on. No, we're not gonna do that. We're gonna have you roll dexterity athletics. As you are running through sludge. [00:36:17] Speaker D: I will, man. This is before I start running. I will spend one blood point to heal. [00:36:27] Speaker A: Real? [00:36:29] Speaker D: Yeah, to heal. Just at least a minus two instead of minus five. So dexterity athletics. Oh, that's three days. Okay, and what's the difficulty? [00:36:48] Speaker E: Seven. This isn't you getting stuck or tripping. It's just to see how far you get. [00:36:55] Speaker C: Oh, for my turn, I would like to lay catatonic, please. [00:37:00] Speaker E: There's a reason I went over you. There's a reason why I went over you. [00:37:06] Speaker C: I know. I just being a little bit of a brat. Okay. [00:37:10] Speaker E: No, I wouldn't never tell. [00:37:13] Speaker C: I know. I'm so good natured and good hearted. [00:37:17] Speaker D: Okay, this ain't climbing. Okay, never mind. All right, there we go. [00:37:23] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:37:24] Speaker D: Rin. [00:37:25] Speaker C: Jesus Christ. You brought Marco's dead ass. [00:37:29] Speaker E: You were really struggling to move, so you really only make it, like, 1020ft. This is. I'm struggling here, man. [00:37:37] Speaker C: Dude, either the mask people in this group are weaker. Margot really is bigger than she thinks. [00:37:44] Speaker D: No. [00:37:45] Speaker C: Jesus Christ. [00:37:47] Speaker D: I am. [00:37:50] Speaker E: Andy, I'm gonna have you roll self control again. This is gonna be at a lower difficulty by one, so I believe that leaves you at if seven. [00:38:01] Speaker B: Okay, one success. [00:38:05] Speaker E: Yeah. With Jasper's help. You're being pulled out of your frenzy. Your beast still feels this need. Need to attack this thing above you, but also the need to get over, like, come over to Jasper. Technically, you can do both. It's telling you this. Technically, you can do both. [00:38:35] Speaker B: Marco. [00:38:39] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:38:40] Speaker B: Jeff. [00:38:41] Speaker A: We have to live tonight to kill it tomorrow, all right? We're in no state. Whatever. This thing is fucked up. We can't do it tonight. [00:38:52] Speaker B: And Candy will make her way over. [00:38:55] Speaker C: To Jasper, which is hopefully away from the monster. [00:39:01] Speaker E: Yeah, it's a bit away, but you were on the opposite, opposite side of, like, where Wren was, so you're having to, like, make a little bit of an extra trek. Is that going to be your turn? [00:39:22] Speaker B: Yeah, candy's turn will be going over to Jasper. [00:39:25] Speaker E: Cool, cool. Let me make sure I get to there it is. Right thing. Okay, so in front of Ren and Margot, see this. And Jasper will have the time to turn around as you hear something, but kind of, like, splash a little bit, but in that, like, kind of icky, non newtonian way. [00:40:14] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [00:40:18] Speaker E: And in front of you, it's a werewolf. [00:40:22] Speaker A: Oh, fucking hell. [00:40:24] Speaker E: A white one. All right. And as it lands in front of Ren and Margot, it runs so fast. Unbelievably fast. Test Ren and Margot. Two. Jasper moves him ever so slightly to the side and will then hold this dagger kind of out of this very weird belt that's bizarrely stretched out, but not in the way that it looks like it's being stretched out. Physically, it's just larger than you would expect for a werewolf to have. That's. This thing is like, this hulking, you know, werewolf that's like, 10ft tall, pulls out a dagger, and it's going to attack. Fitting. Very, very fitting. [00:41:47] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [00:41:49] Speaker E: Takes this dagger and jams it into this tendril that's kind of acting as a foot or leg, and just stabs it in and actually uses it to lift himself up a bit, too, as he leaps on it, which I also am going to roll for. No, I'm not. [00:42:08] Speaker C: Fuck it. [00:42:11] Speaker E: And this thing lets out this, like, mystic, primal, icky, bad screech. And it is. This is gonna fucking hurt them. Legacy. It's four for strength for werewolves. Correct. When they're in Kranos. [00:42:32] Speaker C: When they're in Kratos. Yes. [00:42:38] Speaker E: Is that okay? Um, yeah, that is almost done. Or. Oh, well, no. Yeah. As this werewolf kind of, like. As it's, like, stabbed in, dragged it down, but also to lift himself up and grabs onto the leg, and then leaves his dagger in and uses his claws and tears this thing apart as this non matter entity then begins to. To fade away from existence. Margoth's face, which was like this twisted amalgam and kind of like, cracked in a very strange way that did not make sense. And the earth that Ren is kind of stuck in right now, all comes back together as werewolf lands back down onto the ground and changes back into a not quite human form. He's larger and a little bit hairier, and he is gonna say, bring her over to me. Bring her over to me. [00:44:06] Speaker D: I'm gonna rush. [00:44:08] Speaker E: Hurry, quick. [00:44:10] Speaker D: Okay. I'm rushing on over. I'm rushing on over. [00:44:13] Speaker E: He's actually gonna then pick Marco up, kind of kick you away, and he's gonna kind of, like, move away from everybody else. He's not gonna look at any of you. He's solely focusing on. He's carrying her. [00:44:34] Speaker D: I am keeping my eye on him. [00:44:37] Speaker E: And then you see him take. He kind of like, lays her down on the ground, and he doesn't have that, but that's because he's an aaron. He's then going to take one of his nails and in a very swift strike, kind of like slash his wrist apart and then shove it into Margo's mouth as the blood starts flowing in. Margot, I would like you to take yourself to crippled. As you come back and you see this very unfamiliar man right next to you. He's hairy, he's not really attractive, at least not for you. And his blood tastes like poison, but it also has this, like, surging effect on you as well. [00:45:53] Speaker C: Where am I? What is it? [00:45:58] Speaker E: 93. Still. You have more work to do. No. Yes. You were never in the ground. [00:46:17] Speaker C: Do I have to? [00:46:19] Speaker E: Okay, you must come up. You must rejoin the fight if you would like to heal a point or two of aggravated damage yourself. [00:46:34] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:46:36] Speaker E: You can heal one. It's going to cost five blood points to heal another. And this is purely because you are a survivor, and you did survive this. Barely. You get another will of power. [00:47:01] Speaker C: Fuck yeah. [00:47:03] Speaker E: But to heal the second point, you do need to spend another five animal power. [00:47:19] Speaker C: I will find other ways to heal. I am out of my crippled state, though, so that's good. [00:47:25] Speaker E: Yes, you are. You're only mold, and you feel like some of your internal organs kind of reshift to help us in Vitae, and a few bones kind of like, mend themselves back together. But you can tell you still definitely have some broken ribs. [00:47:47] Speaker C: I'm never fighting tentacle monsters ever again. [00:47:50] Speaker E: It's never recommended to fight a nexus crawler. Daughter of cacophony. [00:47:57] Speaker C: Who are you? [00:47:58] Speaker A: Yeah, who are you? [00:48:00] Speaker C: Thank you, thank you. But also, who are you? [00:48:09] Speaker E: I. You can call me Mister Goodstone. Okay. [00:48:22] Speaker C: I don't know how you know. [00:48:23] Speaker D: Who I am, or me. I mean, maybe a little bit of me. [00:48:29] Speaker E: But none of you have concealed yourselves from other kindred spread across the network. And Ren, you do not hide yourself from werewolves. That is how I know you. [00:48:50] Speaker D: That is fair. [00:48:53] Speaker C: I. Ugh. I can't fight like this. [00:49:03] Speaker D: Um, I'm going, uh, reach down and help Marco up. If she allows me. [00:49:12] Speaker C: Yeah, she will. [00:49:14] Speaker E: Harold will back away from you. Ren. [00:49:18] Speaker C: Is the werewolf still, like, between candy and Margot? [00:49:23] Speaker E: At this point, it's between, yeah. Between you and Margot, yes. Um, he's actually gonna turn around. Little nosferatu. No. You've never seen me in the tunnels, but I've been there. [00:49:41] Speaker B: That's concerning. [00:49:47] Speaker E: Well, before you were embraced, some of the nosferatu did help me feed in a more natural way, I guess. Guess? [00:50:07] Speaker B: Um. I thought werewolves didn't really like our kind. [00:50:15] Speaker A: Yeah, they don't. [00:50:17] Speaker E: But they're like. Can be a in between. There is only certain ways I can learn how to do part of what I was born into. And then I have to learn how to. How to relearn. How to be when I became. Don't really know how to explain it. It's not in a way that I'm comfortable talking about. [00:51:01] Speaker B: Candy just stares at him. Are you trying to say that you're half werewolf, half vampire? [00:51:08] Speaker E: He winces at what you say? If you want to. Yeah. If none of you catch it, do you. And occult or investigation? [00:51:33] Speaker D: Yeah, I mean, I kind of. [00:51:35] Speaker E: Sorry, not investigation. It's going to be a cult or expression if you do not catch what I am putting down. [00:51:42] Speaker A: I catch it. This conversation specialty count? [00:51:46] Speaker E: Yeah. For expression, sure. Yeah. You're having a conversation, I'm assuming. Yeah. Yes. Out of character, you definitely like. He's what is known as an abomination. It is a werewolf who survived being embraced by a kindred. And this and Jasper, you do kind of pick up on this idea that this is somehow a werewolf that was embraced. You don't really know if that's possible, but it's kind of terrifying in a way. [00:52:32] Speaker A: Very terrifying. [00:52:33] Speaker B: Can I use empathy, by chance? [00:52:40] Speaker E: Um, no, this isn't. This is kind of like studying his expression or having like this occult knowledge of what could happen. [00:52:51] Speaker B: Okay. [00:52:57] Speaker E: Yeah, you. You definitely. I mean, you see that when he winces, it's kind of this, kind of almost confirmation of what you were saying. He's that in between of a werewolf and a kindred. [00:53:17] Speaker D: I'm picking up. I think Ren has an idea, but. [00:53:23] Speaker E: Yeah, um, listen, gangrel. Ruha, Nosra, too. And daughter. I know what's behind this war. You four are the only ones, I think, that can convince. What do you call it? You. What do you. He's got a point at Wren. What do you call your boss in your society? What do you call her? [00:53:57] Speaker D: My primogen. Am I her? Yeah. [00:54:02] Speaker E: You guys need to. You guys are the only four that could possibly convince the premogen. The city. What's actually behind this warm. [00:54:17] Speaker D: What's behind the war? [00:54:20] Speaker E: It's the sabbat. [00:54:23] Speaker D: Fuck. [00:54:24] Speaker E: You need to tell them. The Sabbat are the reason why the werewolves attacked the club when they did. [00:54:32] Speaker D: Wait, I thought those were black spiral dancers. [00:54:38] Speaker E: Do you see him? Kind of, like, tense up in his anger and his rage, his fury, they are also part of it. But you are the only ones who care about the sabbat. Ugh. [00:54:53] Speaker D: Son of a. [00:54:54] Speaker A: Wait, is that. Excuse me, I don't mean to be a mupine racist. We found some really angry blood that the tremere, like, exploded. We stole it off a sabbat guy. Is that you? Is that something from someone trying to make one of you? [00:55:16] Speaker E: Something incredibly dangerous? It's a bane, almost. It's something connected to what you'll kind of, like, gesture at the area of where the Nexus crawler was. Something of what, that thing? From the same member of the triad. [00:55:42] Speaker A: Kindergarten language. [00:55:44] Speaker D: Okay. [00:55:45] Speaker E: One of the God entities. It is from one of the God entities, and it is designed to affect your kind, and it will turn you into this. Oh, God, I forgot what. Forgot what name. Forgot what Oliver called it. I think it was like this frenzying monster of no humanity. No connection to what it was, right? [00:56:24] Speaker C: Or white. [00:56:26] Speaker E: One of those things, yes. It will turn you into that. It will SAP you of all of your energy, slowly or quickly, I do not know. But it is a good thing that your tremere destroyed it. It's called a bloodworm. It'll promise great power, but is incredibly dangerous. [00:56:52] Speaker B: That explains the bloody worm. I heard from my rat friends. [00:56:59] Speaker E: You're welcome. [00:57:01] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:57:09] Speaker A: Well, I mean, we have a line to the prince to be right. If there's a time to, you know, try and flush out the sabbat, there's already a war going on. Would you make it look like he's getting his enemies out of the way? It's normal. For someone coming Praxis. He can remain. He's not going to say no. You can say, well, I'm, you know, I just want to secure my power base. There's no support incursion, and, you know, it's good for him, it's good for us. It stops the lupines. Excuse me? Looking over to their new friend, not knowing if it's polite from burning down more of our clubs. It's better than what we've been doing. Whispering about it and running with our tails between our legs. [00:58:00] Speaker E: The other permission. Do not know that the old prince is dead. [00:58:07] Speaker A: I mean, we didn't do this quietly. I don't think it's gonna stay secret. [00:58:12] Speaker B: I'd be surprised if the nosferatu haven't already found out. [00:58:17] Speaker E: He's gonna look around. He's gonna look around, and you kind of see his eyes, like, kind of turn a slightly different color. No, they're not here. I guess they try to stay away from here. [00:58:34] Speaker D: Okay, so I need to. Yeah, most likely nyaga, especially with everything going on. Yeah, we need to tell her. [00:58:44] Speaker E: You need to find concrete evidence. None of them will do any action unless you find concrete evidence. You need to go into the sewers. Not your sewers, candy. Other ones. [00:59:05] Speaker D: Which. Which sewers? Which which part of. [00:59:12] Speaker E: It'S in south Chicago? Okay, you gonna go into the sewers. There's a chance that they could be flooded, given all. Given all of the weather going on. It's been raining pretty much nonstop for the last week now. And he's gonna say, you need to go into the sewers. Unit. Cannot be caught up in the sewers. Cannot be caught up in the ludding. There's a secret door, and I cannot really place where it is. [00:59:49] Speaker A: Ren, you can transform now, can't you? Can you be a fish? [00:59:53] Speaker D: No, I cannot. I cannot be a fish. [01:00:03] Speaker E: These kindas, from my knowledge, are usually stuck with whatever beast format they get. [01:00:18] Speaker D: We need evidence. We need evidence. [01:00:20] Speaker E: Okay, daughter, do you need more blood? [01:00:34] Speaker C: Yeah, but I don't want to take you out. I don't want to be too selfish. [01:00:46] Speaker E: Commendable. [01:00:50] Speaker D: Hey. Yeah. [01:00:57] Speaker E: Then he is going to vanish from your sight. All of your sights. Your brain kind of struggles to remember what he looked like now. [01:01:18] Speaker D: What the fuck? [01:01:22] Speaker B: Candy runs over to Margo and hugs her. [01:01:25] Speaker D: Yep. [01:01:26] Speaker C: Oh, thank you, darling. [01:01:31] Speaker B: I thought you were dead. [01:01:33] Speaker C: I'm not dead. Not yet. Takes a lot more to kill me. That's the spirit of a survivor. Or a fighter. Or an asshole. Whatever I am, that day. [01:01:52] Speaker A: Didn'T mean to get into your head, Candy. It was just looking like we didn't have a lot of choice. [01:01:58] Speaker B: It's fine. I just. I don't. It can be hard to find people that you can be close with among our kind, so I guess I just don't react very, very well to seeing anything happen to the few people I am close to. [01:02:19] Speaker A: It's okay. I'm just glad we all got out of there still in one piece. More or less. [01:02:25] Speaker D: Yeah. That hurt. Everyone's just going to just stretch a little bit. And so we have to go to South Chicago. And what time of day is it? [01:02:52] Speaker E: Well, that's around 01:00 a.m. [01:03:03] Speaker A: I mean, should we try to talk with Kevin Jackson? Say, hey, we did it? And also, you should know about this threat. We're gonna go look at the sewers. [01:03:20] Speaker B: I mean, I. [01:03:25] Speaker D: I need to. Blood badly? [01:03:28] Speaker A: Yes. [01:03:29] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:03:29] Speaker A: Are there any, uh. None of the guards have survived the acoustic grenade Vargo set off for them? [01:03:39] Speaker E: No. [01:03:45] Speaker D: Oh, man. [01:03:49] Speaker E: Actually, their bodies aren't really there anymore. You think that the Nexus crawler as you think it was a werewolf, you're kind of now forgetting. You think that's what it was called and used that as a fuel to come across. [01:04:21] Speaker D: I don't know about you, but. Me, too. [01:04:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I I'm. I'm not doing too well when it comes to blood, either. [01:04:31] Speaker C: I wouldn't mind a little bit more. [01:04:34] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think I can hug safely. [01:04:46] Speaker E: What would you guys like to do then? [01:04:51] Speaker C: Candy needs to hunt. She's down to one blood. [01:04:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Do we need to go on a group killing spree? [01:04:59] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm down to two, so I need. [01:05:02] Speaker C: I need, like, not just leave bodies on the ground. [01:05:12] Speaker D: And then we need to. Once we at least get somewhat. And we need to go down to South Chicago and find the secret door. [01:05:24] Speaker C: I think that's. [01:05:28] Speaker A: Yeah. Secret sewer doors, the sabatas hiding behind. [01:05:32] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah. [01:05:39] Speaker D: Yeah, let's. [01:05:45] Speaker A: Let's go find some bad people before we do that. [01:05:48] Speaker D: Yeah, let's. Yeah, yeah. [01:05:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Jasper, at least, is going to find someone who, by all accounts, is a terrible guy who deserves it and try to get some blood in him. [01:06:11] Speaker C: Um. Okay. [01:06:12] Speaker E: I. Hmm. [01:06:16] Speaker C: Uh. [01:06:23] Speaker E: I'll have you roll perception streetwise, Jasper. [01:06:26] Speaker A: I'm happy with that. [01:06:28] Speaker E: Marco. [01:06:30] Speaker C: Uh. Uh. Hmm. [01:06:34] Speaker A: Three successes. [01:06:36] Speaker E: Marco, you do actually feel a bit of a draw to kind of. What's this? Like, really? Kind of what is a financial sector? [01:06:45] Speaker C: Oh, boy. [01:06:46] Speaker E: In the back of your mind, you don't really know where it's coming from, but it's there. [01:06:53] Speaker C: I'm gonna follow the beat that the fugue sends me in because I'm riding with two willpower right now, and I'm hungry and crippled. No, I'm not crippled anymore. Mauled. [01:07:08] Speaker E: Yeah. And as you follow this thread now, it's. You're actually getting, like, your fugue isn't really. It's like a barely jazz. It's kind of this, like, droning talk show host on AM radio. It's like, it's not good changing. Um, I will have you roll. Well, I'm gonna assume that you're seducing someone. [01:07:38] Speaker C: Yes. [01:07:41] Speaker E: Appearance subterfuge with your seduction. Except we put your seduction on. [01:07:49] Speaker C: Do I get my full four points of appearance back? [01:07:53] Speaker E: Yes. [01:07:54] Speaker C: Okay. [01:07:57] Speaker E: Jasper, you get three blood points. Do you need to roll self control? [01:08:03] Speaker A: Yeah, I started with five out of 14 left, so I think I do. [01:08:07] Speaker E: Yes, you do. [01:08:13] Speaker A: This is difficulty eight. [01:08:16] Speaker E: Yep. [01:08:24] Speaker A: One success. Loki wanted to fail because I was going to say, if I'm drinking all of his blood, can I get more? [01:08:33] Speaker C: Five successes. [01:08:35] Speaker E: Margo, I also believe that you were at half of what your total blood pool is now. [01:08:41] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I'm at minus five, so I'm a little over half. [01:08:47] Speaker E: Okay. For now, you'll be fine. [01:08:51] Speaker C: Well, I get my five blood points back. [01:08:54] Speaker E: You're gonna get your five blood points back. And it tastes extremely good. It feels right. And the idea of consuming anything other than corporate stooge blood kind of makes me nauseous. [01:09:09] Speaker C: Oh, no. Uh oh, guys. [01:09:14] Speaker A: Uh oh. [01:09:16] Speaker C: Got a little venture with me now. [01:09:20] Speaker E: Candy. [01:09:21] Speaker B: Yes. [01:09:23] Speaker E: How are you feeding? [01:09:25] Speaker B: She's just going to feed on animals. She's not going to risk feeding on humans. [01:09:29] Speaker E: All right, so we're going to do. Huh? No, that's a thinker, actually. It's gonna be animal Ken and dexterity. [01:09:45] Speaker B: Sure. [01:09:47] Speaker E: I think that's fair. You're gonna catch something. [01:09:50] Speaker B: Yep. What's the difficulty? [01:09:54] Speaker E: What animal do you want to catch. [01:10:00] Speaker C: That are roaming around that nobody seems to really care much about? [01:10:06] Speaker E: Um, yeah, sure. This is going to be difficulty six then. And you're only going to get a max of four points back. [01:10:19] Speaker C: That's two. Okay. [01:10:25] Speaker E: Um. Ren, you're next. [01:10:28] Speaker D: Yes, I am. Yep. Okay. [01:10:36] Speaker E: I feel like every time you've done this, I've had you roll something different, street wise. And I guess dexterity. [01:10:48] Speaker D: Yeah, that's three dice because I'm down too old. So. [01:10:58] Speaker E: You'Re also roll self control because you are less than half. [01:11:01] Speaker D: Yeah, definitely way less than half. [01:11:04] Speaker E: Oh, no, do the same because she is also at less than half. [01:11:10] Speaker D: And you only get to roll one dice. [01:11:12] Speaker E: Can. Virtues are full. They're always, like, full. [01:11:18] Speaker D: Oh, okay. [01:11:19] Speaker E: So you roll two candy rolls. Four. [01:11:23] Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. Oh, son of a bitch. [01:11:27] Speaker E: No r I P. So make another feeding roll. Don't count your penalties this time. Candy's fine for everyone at home. Friend botched. He's getting two more blood points. Gonna have you roll your self control yet again as you killed this person. You see, you've killed two people so far. [01:11:59] Speaker D: God, I love this. [01:12:02] Speaker E: Are you gonna become a serial killer? [01:12:04] Speaker D: I think Rin is the accidental serial killer. [01:12:07] Speaker C: Yes. [01:12:09] Speaker D: Oh, no, Jim. [01:12:11] Speaker C: The Ren, perhaps. [01:12:20] Speaker A: That's a failure, folks. That's a botch into a failure. [01:12:24] Speaker E: Go ahead and roll your feeding again. [01:12:28] Speaker A: Gonna be hungry at the end of this. [01:12:31] Speaker C: I mean. [01:12:34] Speaker A: But you're not gonna be hungry. [01:12:36] Speaker D: Three successes. [01:12:38] Speaker C: Are we cleaning these bodies up? [01:12:41] Speaker E: Yeah. I'm assuming that the rest of the critter, he sees this and he's pretty much gone on this feeding frenzy. I'm gonna kind of assume that everybody's kind of a bit weak right now. Nobody is stopping. [01:12:55] Speaker C: I'm going to. I'm gonna do something. Are you cool if I do the thing again? [01:13:02] Speaker D: Yes, I'm cool, I'm cool, I'm cool. [01:13:05] Speaker C: All right. She's just going to ty. Go to Jim, go to Ren. Hold wren by the hair and offer up a wrist. Come on. [01:13:16] Speaker D: Ren will. Ren will start. [01:13:20] Speaker E: How many blood points do you let him take? [01:13:22] Speaker C: I'm only going to let him take, like, three. [01:13:25] Speaker E: Okay, gain your three. Does that take you above half? [01:13:30] Speaker D: Yes, I am actually at full now. [01:13:33] Speaker E: Cool, great. [01:13:35] Speaker D: And I will be blood bonded back to Marco. [01:13:38] Speaker E: Yes. [01:13:40] Speaker C: Perfect. The way things should be. [01:13:48] Speaker E: Remember, okay, sexy descent. Consent is sexy. Yeah. You guys got two bodies on your hand now. [01:14:00] Speaker C: On your hands and. [01:14:03] Speaker D: Yeah, I will. But also one other thing. I frenzied. What is my. What is my special thing? [01:14:16] Speaker C: Do you grow little cat girl ears? [01:14:18] Speaker A: Funny ears? [01:14:22] Speaker C: One cat girl, one bunny? [01:14:24] Speaker A: No, you're human. You grow some off the top of your head and somewhere your ears are. [01:14:28] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [01:14:32] Speaker E: Um, let's see. [01:14:36] Speaker C: Whiskers. [01:14:37] Speaker A: Seal whiskers. [01:14:38] Speaker C: Hey, Meowsta, how you doing today? Oh, you're walrus pus. [01:14:43] Speaker E: But the lovely thing is that it doesn't have to be like. It's a. It doesn't have to be a physical feature. You were gonna start acting very much like a cat. So. Disdain. Disdain and hate. But also lots of love, which is gonna then be. Which is directed towards Margot. [01:15:08] Speaker C: Oh, good kitty. Oh, good kitty. [01:15:11] Speaker A: My God. Charge extra for that. [01:15:13] Speaker D: Come on. [01:15:18] Speaker E: I am assuming with this, we're now going to. Well, how are you guys gonna cover up your bodies? [01:15:27] Speaker C: Oh, I've got the number two cleanup service. [01:15:31] Speaker A: Well, there we go. [01:15:32] Speaker E: You guys call your ghouls is what I'm hearing, then. [01:15:35] Speaker C: No, no, the people that Annabelle had recommended to Marga. [01:15:38] Speaker E: Oh, yes, yes, that's true. Yeah. You call them, it's gonna cost you. I'm sure that'll cost probably about 150. [01:15:48] Speaker C: That's not bad at all. [01:15:49] Speaker E: All right. [01:15:49] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:15:50] Speaker E: They're only homeless. [01:15:51] Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, it's pretty easy for. [01:15:53] Speaker E: Them to cover up. [01:15:55] Speaker C: Yeah, she'll pay the homeless people $150 to clean up her little wren's mistakes. [01:16:06] Speaker E: Her and Wren, everybody. Her and Ren. It's gotta be her first. [01:16:11] Speaker C: No, no, no, no. Her little wren's missings. [01:16:15] Speaker E: Little wren. Oh. [01:16:19] Speaker A: Good for them. [01:16:20] Speaker C: Kitty, kitty. [01:16:27] Speaker D: As Marvin's just purring, just. [01:16:35] Speaker C: Off. [01:16:36] Speaker D: Look just like, I hate this. I hate this. [01:16:40] Speaker E: Um, yeah. Do you guys start making your way down to south Chicago's sewer system? [01:16:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:16:49] Speaker E: All right. [01:16:50] Speaker D: And while on the way there, I would like to. Oh, no, I would just like to just bend blood points just to heal back your lethal. Yep. [01:17:02] Speaker E: All right, go ahead. Um, and as you guys make your way, you definitely feel like you're now in South Chicago. You see, like a sewer, like a manhole cover. [01:17:18] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:17:22] Speaker E: For the more intelligent of you. For Candy, really, I should say, yeah. Candy has three intelligence. Candy, you would generally know that manhole covers are really, really heavy. Ridiculously heavy. They're about 150 pounds. So someone is going to have to roll strength to pick this thing up. [01:17:55] Speaker C: Oh, it ain't gonna be me. [01:17:57] Speaker A: Not me. [01:17:59] Speaker B: Candy looks at Ren and she says, um, Ren, who do you think is stronger between the two of us? I mean, I guess we could just try to lift it together. [01:18:09] Speaker D: Yeah, we could, but I could just do it. I think I would be stronger out of. [01:18:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:18:25] Speaker E: You've seen candy pick up a dumpster with ease. [01:18:27] Speaker D: That's. That's fair. It's like dumpster or. [01:18:33] Speaker C: Kind of. [01:18:33] Speaker E: Remember, it was full too. [01:18:35] Speaker D: Yeah. Candy, I think you might go ahead and you try first. [01:18:47] Speaker E: Great strength. Strength and bounce, please. [01:18:51] Speaker B: What's the difficulty? [01:18:53] Speaker E: Seven, this could be extended test. Oh, yeah, you're good. Yeah. And you kind of, like, you reach your hands, like, you reach your few fingers in where they have to, like, pull. Like they stick their little thing in to kind of create that lever action to pull it up easier. And you just lift it up. It's you struggle a little bit, but it's there. And you just pull the thing over and it kind of clatters on the ground pretty loudly. But now you have your way in. As you guys lift the manhole cover, you all start climbing down the ladder. And you. Ren, is kind of in this deafening way, the water rushing in the series. So freaking loud. [01:19:44] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:19:47] Speaker E: So you're gonna. With your acute senses, it's good at, like. This is like, unfortunately a double edged sword. [01:19:54] Speaker D: Yep. [01:19:55] Speaker E: You are so good at hearing that it is just a little bit too much for you right now. So you're gonna suffer a plus one difficulty for your perception about any noise. Okay. You still get your specialty and the bonus dice from acute senses, but you have an increased difficulty. Whatever it is. [01:20:19] Speaker D: Yeah. For noise, acute senses just lowers the difficulty. So if anything. [01:20:25] Speaker E: Okay, so we'll just take out the acute senses part then, like, you're just gonna be rolling out whatever difficulty I tell you then, for noises. And you guys then put your feet kind of on these, like, slabs of concrete and whatnot. I think about the tunnels of VTM bloodlines, if you played that. So you have that kind of, like, river in the middle. And you have these two places where you can stand on either side of the sewers. [01:20:55] Speaker D: How. Shit. You said river. [01:21:00] Speaker E: How big is like a river? It's a. Like a river. [01:21:03] Speaker C: Okay. [01:21:04] Speaker E: Sorry. [01:21:04] Speaker D: I just had to come up before. [01:21:07] Speaker E: So I'm just like, no, we're not in a large body of water. Yes. [01:21:12] Speaker D: Okay, good. [01:21:18] Speaker E: And you guys start making your way kind of in the direction that you think you were told. Your mind is still fuzzy. Like, you remember being told something about the Sabbat haven being this way in South Chicago and the sewers. You start making your way. Yeah, yeah. Secret door. You start making your way where you think it is, and you keep going. And you see the water levels are actually starting to pick up quite a bit. Now, Ren, you're getting a little bit on edge. Not enough for the paranoia, but you're getting on edge. [01:22:11] Speaker D: I'm just being very still playing up to the flaw. I'm definitely just a little bit more near margot. Just. [01:22:23] Speaker E: This is cat like behavior. [01:22:26] Speaker D: Yeah. Just frizzled up. Just not liking it. [01:22:30] Speaker E: The hair that they have on the back of their head is kind of, like, magically, somehow starting to get on edge. It's starting to straighten up vertically in a weird way. And you guys keep making your way, and the water level starts touching your feet further. You go, and it's starting to rise and rise. And rise. And then that's when it happens. Ren, this is kind of where that deafening spot comes in as a wave behind you guys starts to come up. And it's now going to rush past you guys. I'm going to have everyone roll a dexterity and athletics check for me to keep your balance. Dexterous strength. Dexterous strength. Dex kind of allows you to go with the flow a fair bit, but not get, like, pulled in directly. Strength is going to keep you put. [01:23:34] Speaker B: So just strength. [01:23:37] Speaker E: If you don't have athletics, then it's just strength. This is going to be difficulty seven. If you do not have athletics, it is going to be eight. [01:23:47] Speaker D: Okay. Yep. Can I use strength and resource of strength to hold still? [01:23:57] Speaker E: Yes, but I'm going to be honest, with almost every strength roll, you make it as good be reserves of strength. [01:24:02] Speaker C: Can I tap into the fugue state for an extra three? [01:24:07] Speaker E: Unfortunately not. You will not have had time. [01:24:13] Speaker D: Ren is okay. [01:24:19] Speaker C: Two successes. I got zero successes. [01:24:23] Speaker D: Oh, what? Oh, no. [01:24:26] Speaker E: Yeah. Candy got zero. [01:24:30] Speaker A: That's rough. [01:24:34] Speaker E: You, Candy, you get caught up in this wave and you get pushed down quite a fair bit, and you get knocked about and it hurts. For now, you do not take bashing damage. If this does happen again, you will. And as you guys are getting this, like, catch up to, like, candy, everyone's getting a sense of it being like, a little bit closer. Rolls a little bit closer. [01:25:00] Speaker D: I would like to pop my claws just so I have a little bit more grip strength against this. [01:25:11] Speaker B: Yeah, candy will do. [01:25:13] Speaker E: That will give you a plus one. Yeah, plus one to both of you and those of you with decent perception, which is pretty much excluding our one person here. You guys are starting to keep your heads on a swivel, looking out for a secret door. Margo can also make this role, but she's not gonna like it. It'll be interesting to see, though. This is gonna be perception. Alertness of difficulty. Eight. [01:25:58] Speaker D: Six. [01:25:59] Speaker C: Oh, cool. Cool. [01:26:02] Speaker E: This is sight based. [01:26:04] Speaker D: Yep. [01:26:06] Speaker E: Your wound penalties cannot take you below zero dice. So if you only have one die, you only have one die. [01:26:13] Speaker C: Let's go. [01:26:19] Speaker A: My cat was being a menace. Was it? [01:26:20] Speaker E: Perception, awareness, alertness. [01:26:23] Speaker A: Alertness. My apologies. [01:26:25] Speaker D: Difficulty eight for everyone. [01:26:27] Speaker E: Unless. Difficulty eight for everyone. Unless you do not have alertness. Then it is nine. [01:26:33] Speaker C: Well, good thing I got alertness. [01:26:34] Speaker A: One success. Nope. [01:26:39] Speaker D: Ran. [01:26:40] Speaker C: No. Come on. Here we go. [01:26:44] Speaker A: You gotta do a spell on your dice. [01:26:47] Speaker C: I even gonna stop using the Zamisi bot. This is stupid. That seems fair. Honestly, one die to work with. I don't know what you want for me? [01:26:57] Speaker E: I mean, you only failed, so that's better than, you know, better than bots. I mean, it's better than the alternative. [01:27:06] Speaker C: God. [01:27:08] Speaker E: The only person who gets expansion right. [01:27:10] Speaker D: There is Jasper, of all people, the. [01:27:15] Speaker A: Only person who can be for your king. [01:27:18] Speaker E: Where is the brujah? Jasper. And he's. You're kind of, like, looking around for, like, anything that seems like it could be a secret or. You're not really finding anything direct at the moment, but you are getting the sense that you're heading in the right direction. As you notice, there's, like, slight chippings on the brickwork, like some was maybe tracing their finger or, like, a claw along it. Candy, you absolutely swear you guys are heading in the wrong direction, and you start trying to drag Margot and subsequently ren in the opposite direction. [01:27:57] Speaker B: I don't know. Something's weird about this way. [01:28:04] Speaker C: No. Okay, you know what? You might be. Might be. Might be. You might be right. I can't. I can't see shit. There's. [01:28:21] Speaker E: Maybe. [01:28:24] Speaker A: You go. [01:28:26] Speaker D: Oh, you go. [01:28:28] Speaker A: Listen, it's dark. There's some claw marks. These are freaks. We're headed in the right direction, right? [01:28:35] Speaker B: Are you sure? Because, I mean, I don't know. Don't you think I know this? I know that shovelheads are stupid, but don't you think other support might be smarter than making things obvious? [01:28:47] Speaker A: Hey, Viron, how long has it been since the nexus crawler? [01:28:56] Speaker E: What's your. What's your. What's this relating to? [01:28:59] Speaker A: Entrance has been on for an hour. I. I hate to pull this card. I just want to be listened to, damn it. [01:29:09] Speaker E: People say it has. [01:29:12] Speaker C: No. [01:29:14] Speaker E: But you can reactivate it. Um, you can also. [01:29:17] Speaker A: No, I'm not gonna do that. [01:29:19] Speaker C: And we might scratch your eyes out if you do that. [01:29:22] Speaker E: You also have leadership. [01:29:26] Speaker A: I do? I think. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I bought leadership. Yeah, you have four shots of it. Yeah. Come on, guys. Listen, we don't have a lot of leads. I'm 100% sure it's this way. I haven't led you guys astray, have I? [01:29:46] Speaker D: Once or twice. But it's been a while, so maybe. [01:29:49] Speaker E: You know what, Ryan? [01:29:50] Speaker C: You know what? [01:29:52] Speaker A: You know, it's that way, okay? And I'm gonna go that way, and I'm gonna be right. And if you don't come with me, they're probably gonna kill me. [01:29:59] Speaker E: So I'll have you roll your charisma leadership dive. It's a little less than the average of what everybody else has, so. [01:30:17] Speaker A: I'm claiming my conversations or no, that's Elo. I'm claiming my oratory specialty on leadership. [01:30:23] Speaker E: Or eloquent? It's either one. Yeah. [01:30:25] Speaker A: They both six successes. [01:30:29] Speaker E: Okay, please. You guys are successfully convinced candy still has doubts. [01:30:37] Speaker B: Okay. I mean, if you say so. [01:30:45] Speaker E: You guys keep making your way down through the tunnels, making a few turns as Jasper goes. Like you make a couple turns the wrong way and then another turn the right way as you correct yourselves, following these chipped and some nail marks you see. And then unfortunately, Ren, you hear that rushing sound of water again. You barely have time to brace yourself, assuming you might warn the others. [01:31:21] Speaker D: Yep. [01:31:24] Speaker E: So everybody's gonna roll their dick sturdy or athletics or strengthen athletics. Plus one for the people you have claws at difficulty seven or six because of the forewarning. Now, as the water rises and then rushes past, you guys kind of pulling like the wave is pulling you a bit. And luckily, because you're kindred, you can't really drown, so you're not really concerned about that. [01:32:03] Speaker D: Three successes. [01:32:04] Speaker A: Five successes. I'm sorry. I still have your luck claimer. [01:32:09] Speaker B: You did. I blame you for this. [01:32:12] Speaker A: I deserve it. [01:32:18] Speaker D: A. [01:32:23] Speaker E: And as you guys have that water rush past June Pulley slightly, everyone is sticking still in the same spot, or roughly the same spot as where they were, clothes dripping wet, of course, but that was. That happened before. I need you guys. Keep going through the tunnels, and I'm gonna have everyone make a perception alertness at difficulty eight again. Actually seven for Jasper because he's the only one who succeeded last time. [01:33:02] Speaker C: He might just baby what's good. Yeah. [01:33:09] Speaker E: There you go, Marco. There you go, Jimmy. [01:33:16] Speaker A: Come on, Candy. [01:33:19] Speaker C: Let's go. Let's fucking. [01:33:22] Speaker E: And you made it. Let's see if Jasper makes it. [01:33:26] Speaker D: Whoops. [01:33:27] Speaker A: I thought you said accept Jasper. [01:33:29] Speaker E: No, you're at def seven. Yeah, you're at def seven. You can't feign that. [01:33:35] Speaker A: No, I really did. I'm just stupid. [01:33:37] Speaker E: Okay. [01:33:40] Speaker C: No. [01:33:44] Speaker E: You'Re still kind of following the same chipping and nail marks and everybody is now fully caught on. You guys are. Everyone's now convinced you guys are going the right direction. And you're getting pretty close now because you guys are all. Except for Jasper. He's still following the ones that are very similar. You guys all find slightly different ones. You keep going through. It's been about half an hour now, and we're going to have you roll perception awareness again. Everybody at disc seven, I believe in you. All. [01:34:26] Speaker D: Right, here we go. Three successes. [01:34:32] Speaker E: Ew. [01:34:41] Speaker A: Either way, this should be whatever. [01:34:45] Speaker C: There it is. [01:34:47] Speaker A: Solidarity. [01:34:48] Speaker E: Solidarity. The two beautiful people. Yeah. So, Ren and Candy. Wren, first, you spot this brick that's sticking out, and it looks bizarrely clean. It doesn't look as crusty or eroded away as the rest. So this might be like a slight modification, pushing it out and having it cleaned and everything could be a button. And as soon as you come across that thought of it's bizarrely clean, and a few seconds after you get onto that thought, candy notices it as well. [01:35:40] Speaker D: Candy, what do you think? [01:35:42] Speaker B: I think it could be a button. Something that activates a hidden doorway. [01:35:48] Speaker D: Yeah, that could work. Um. Should we just go ahead and. [01:35:58] Speaker E: Calm. [01:35:59] Speaker D: Ourselves and then hit it? [01:36:04] Speaker B: Well, I mean, we don't have any other leads. [01:36:08] Speaker D: That's fair. Well, I look over at, uh. Turn over to look over at Margot and Jasper, and it's like we found something. And I think we found it. [01:36:32] Speaker A: I mean. Yeah, let's go for it. [01:36:36] Speaker E: All right. [01:36:39] Speaker D: I'm going to press, uh, press the button. [01:36:44] Speaker E: All right. And, yeah, it pushes in all the way. You hear something click, and then there's the sound of gears, and then grinding stone is right next to it. The brick wall. I mean, it looked fucking exactly like everything else. Bizarre amount of attention to detail than what you think a normal spot would have. And it pulls back and then starts grinding and it goes to the side. Opening a slight doorway. There's a faint bit of light coming through. [01:37:24] Speaker D: Um. [01:37:27] Speaker B: Well, I activate unseen presence. [01:37:32] Speaker D: All right, I want to open it enough just for candy to go through. [01:37:40] Speaker E: It's opening automatically. This is like. [01:37:44] Speaker D: Oh, I thought it was another door. [01:37:45] Speaker E: Okay, it's a doorway. It's opening into, like, a hallway. Now, there's a faint bit of light coming through that you can see. [01:37:54] Speaker D: I will also activate unseen presence then. All right, heading in. [01:38:00] Speaker E: As for the other two, well, for all of you, it's really hard to see right now, other than that fake bit of light. It's pretty dark in here. And you guys make your way into the room, and almost like before, there are five coffins here. They're all open this time. There's no dirt, and they all have names on them. [01:38:35] Speaker D: Uh, shit. [01:38:37] Speaker E: Uh oh. I should also say, if I haven't mentioned it, there's a singular light bulb hanging from the ceiling. But yes, all the coffins have names on them. Do you want the names? [01:38:48] Speaker D: Yes, please. [01:38:50] Speaker B: Yep. [01:38:52] Speaker E: Forgive me if I giggle about this. The names on the coffins in the order are. In order are Jerry, Terry, Barry, Larry, Tom. [01:39:08] Speaker A: Tom, the psychopath, Jerry. [01:39:12] Speaker C: Where's fucking Larry? Barry, Terry, Tom, and Jerry. Tom and Jerry. [01:39:18] Speaker E: Jerry, Terry, Barry, Larry. Tom. [01:39:23] Speaker C: What the fuck? [01:39:25] Speaker A: And. [01:39:28] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [01:39:29] Speaker A: All right, this is definitely too many for us to deal with. Right? Is there, like, any symbology anywhere? Books, papers? If I open the coffins, is there, like a handwritten journal that's just 100 pages that say, I am spot? [01:39:49] Speaker E: There's a large steel thing that looks like it could maybe act as a blade. You don't really know. [01:39:55] Speaker B: Does that have any symbol? Does it have any symbols on it? [01:39:59] Speaker E: Nope. [01:40:05] Speaker D: There's nothing else in here. [01:40:07] Speaker C: Is there a VHS collection of the three stooges anywhere? Like, that's the vibe I'm getting. [01:40:16] Speaker E: No, what you guys do. See, there's a bit of. One of the coffins has a bit of a cult paraphernalia. And if I can have. No one has eidetic memory, so that's not going to help anyone here. [01:40:33] Speaker C: Sorry, guys. I left my memory at home. [01:40:37] Speaker E: I'll have ren roll, intelligence, occult. I'll have Margo do the same, and I will the other two. You guys are abicult knowledge, so this is not going to apply to you. [01:40:49] Speaker D: All right, go five and six. Difficulty six. [01:40:57] Speaker E: Yes. If your wits is higher, you can use your wits. I should. [01:41:03] Speaker C: Before you press it. [01:41:04] Speaker E: Before you press it, use your wits. Yes. [01:41:07] Speaker C: Thank God. [01:41:11] Speaker E: I mean, it gives you slightly different information, but two successes for using wits. [01:41:21] Speaker C: Life is pain. Life is pain. A bot. [01:41:27] Speaker E: Yeah, you don't. I did not ask you to roll, so we're not gonna have you box. It's okay. It's all good. Yes. For Margo and Jasper. Margot, you're kind of distracted by the pain that you're still in your ribs. I mean, even in your mortal life, you never really sustained these kind of injuries before, so this pain is kind of distracting. Ren. [01:42:00] Speaker D: Mhm. [01:42:02] Speaker E: You recognize some of this occult paraphernalia, similar, but not exact, to, like, what the tremere have. [01:42:14] Speaker D: Hmm. It's similar. It's not one for one, but it's similar. [01:42:21] Speaker E: Correct. Um, another coffin contains something in it, and I'm going to see if any of you are going to be able to directly notice it. Nope. One of them holds a knife and, like, a pair of pliers together. Um, it looks like it might be, like, a medical knife or something. You have really. You really have no idea. [01:42:53] Speaker D: Okay, can I pick up these tremere items or are they just. [01:43:02] Speaker E: Um. I mean, they're really just like. Maybe you kind of figured they could possibly be for a virtual. You don't know what for them? [01:43:13] Speaker D: Okay, I don't. There's nothing much in here. Is there. [01:43:27] Speaker B: Any real evidence? [01:43:31] Speaker D: I mean, there is that other thing, but this is just. Looks like it was used for a ritual. [01:43:38] Speaker A: I mean, we could call them down here. Nikolai would probably know. Hold the meeting here. Or at least get the tremere down here. [01:43:51] Speaker C: Yeah, let's hold the meeting in the. In the dirty sewers where we had trouble staying afoot. [01:43:57] Speaker A: We're not primogen. If they can't figure it out, then let them be washed away. [01:44:01] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure Nikolai is, like, up to my knee. [01:44:05] Speaker A: He's got helpers. [01:44:07] Speaker E: He's a child. [01:44:08] Speaker C: He's a small skill issue. [01:44:11] Speaker A: Grow up. What do you want? [01:44:12] Speaker D: Oh, my God. Don't get embraced that young next time. [01:44:16] Speaker A: He's creepy. [01:44:21] Speaker C: I need to get some delacky. [01:44:24] Speaker A: I don't. [01:44:25] Speaker C: All right, I'm gonna take pause really fast. Let's try this again. We should not have this meeting down here for a couple of reasons. One, there is a lot of water pressure. Not everybody's going to be able to make it, no matter how old or strong they are. Sue is all enchilada luck to her now. Destroyed shoes not going to be a good place for some of the people we need to bring into this meeting and is going to be an active detriment to the others that we need. To. [01:45:16] Speaker B: Be fair, I think not being able to cope in the sewers is more of a skill issue, to be honest. [01:45:22] Speaker A: Thank you. [01:45:23] Speaker C: But do you want to have the toreador primogen having an absolute knip ship because she has to be in sewage? [01:45:32] Speaker B: Yes, that would be hilarious. [01:45:34] Speaker A: Okay, I high five candy. [01:45:37] Speaker C: Okay, uh, here, let me, let me, let me. She is older than the four of us combined. Are you sure you want somebody who is older than the four of us combined? Having a kanipsia in a small space like this? [01:45:56] Speaker A: Don't wanna put on horsefly deuce. [01:46:01] Speaker C: Hey, Jasper. Yeah, what's up? I can easily make you drink sewer water right now. [01:46:07] Speaker A: I'm not mortal anymore. [01:46:12] Speaker C: I hope you like the taste of ash down your throat. [01:46:15] Speaker A: Listen, this is the price I gotta pay to be correct. This is an insane question. Perhaps we could, like crime scene, sketch it and be like, hey, Nikolai, does this look like anything to you? [01:46:29] Speaker C: Actually, that's not a bad idea. [01:46:32] Speaker B: I mean, to be completely serious, I don't think we should have the meeting in the sewers. But the idea of it was very funny. [01:46:39] Speaker A: Agreed. [01:46:41] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:46:42] Speaker A: Unless we. Unless one of us brought our handy dandy disposable camera. [01:46:51] Speaker E: You did have two waves go, like, through you over you. Even if you did, that camera might be destroyed now. [01:47:01] Speaker D: Yes, sir. [01:47:05] Speaker A: I say we all do our best to sketch it fast as possible, at least the relevant part. [01:47:14] Speaker C: Um, that isn't destroyed because of the water. [01:47:21] Speaker A: Poke your finger. Do it in blood. [01:47:24] Speaker D: No. [01:47:29] Speaker B: You want to give the tremere your blood. [01:47:32] Speaker A: No. We let them look at it and then we destroy the thing. We light it on fire later, however we choose to do it handed to him. [01:47:41] Speaker D: He said there was also another thing here. Right, Lyrans? [01:47:48] Speaker E: What are you talking about? The coffins or the steel thing? [01:47:52] Speaker D: The steel things. [01:47:55] Speaker E: It's just a thing. It's a really long piece of steel. If you touch your finger to it along the edge, you do actually feel a bit. It's a bit blade like. Not too much, though. Can I have you make a perception alertness with your noises specialty, please? [01:48:17] Speaker D: Okay. And I don't get it reduced because of all the. [01:48:20] Speaker E: Yep, there's a lot of water noise, so you do not get your acute sense of stuff because water is kind of like, overriding it right now. [01:48:29] Speaker D: Standard difficulties. [01:48:32] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:48:34] Speaker D: Okay. Oh, thank you for that. Ten one, success. [01:48:47] Speaker E: Um, yeah, you can barely hear it, but there. It's bizarrely almost uniform. But there are footsteps coming your way, the doors open and you guys are in a room. [01:49:07] Speaker D: Ah, shit. [01:49:08] Speaker E: The only places to hide are coffins. Behind the coffins or in the coffins? [01:49:13] Speaker B: More unseen presents. [01:49:15] Speaker E: More unseen presents. For you two. [01:49:17] Speaker D: Hide behind. Hide behind the coffins, please. I say. You okay? We got, uh, we got incoming. [01:49:36] Speaker A: Yeah, I'll talk into a hiding spot. Not inside of the coffin this time. [01:49:44] Speaker E: Uh, Marco. [01:49:47] Speaker C: Yeah, she'll. She'll duck and hide. [01:49:54] Speaker E: I'll have both of you roll. [01:49:59] Speaker D: Okay. [01:49:59] Speaker E: I'm actually gonna have you to roll separate things only because this is what's gonna be like most fair margot, you're gonna roll your intelligence and. Oh, shit. You don't have that. Maybe just roll your wits at difficulty seven. This would be a wit. Stealth roll. But you don't have stealth, Jasper. You have stealth. And yours is going to be closer to dexterity. [01:50:29] Speaker A: Sounds good. [01:50:33] Speaker E: It's kind of the way I can balance it out between the two of you. [01:50:37] Speaker C: I forgot I have to take. Take a minus two penalty. [01:50:40] Speaker E: I forgot about that too, actually. Yeah, you still get. Let's go. [01:50:47] Speaker A: Let's fucking go. [01:50:55] Speaker E: And Candy and Ren, I'm actually going to have you both roll your wits and stealth. Just not, like, deactivate unseen presence. It's to find a good spot to hide. [01:51:08] Speaker D: Right. [01:51:10] Speaker E: Does silent supply. You guys know you're in a sabbat haven like last time and you don't want to repeat. And you would know that some kindred have aspects which can see through unseen presence, right? [01:51:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:51:29] Speaker D: So silent movements would help. Just ask. [01:51:34] Speaker E: Sure. [01:51:35] Speaker D: Okay. [01:51:35] Speaker C: Sure. [01:51:37] Speaker B: Okay. What's the difficulty? [01:51:39] Speaker E: It's gonna be six. [01:51:43] Speaker D: Oh, four successes. [01:51:45] Speaker E: Whatever specialty you have. Candy as well. Go ahead. [01:51:51] Speaker D: That's six. [01:51:52] Speaker E: So you have six successes because you forgot to add your specialty. Yep. Cool. Great. You guys see four people who look very similar, but one of which is female. And there's one that looks like different and just he looks like ever so slightly uncomfortable. But they're all still kind of moving as group together. Like almost like a hype mind gonna find which ones have the thing. Not those two. Ah, those two have it. And because you guys did not close the door, they are gonna go in with auspics activated. [01:52:51] Speaker D: Uh oh. [01:52:55] Speaker E: As they are now alert to the idea that there might have been somebody here or there is somebody here that. [01:53:16] Speaker C: Means. [01:53:19] Speaker E: Was prepared for this file. So not only. I gotta see if they actually have it on their own thing. [01:53:46] Speaker C: Okay. [01:53:47] Speaker E: They do not. This will be interesting to see, though. One of them sees you. Um, there's one who starts sniffing around and looks around and moves. Kind of starts like walking around the coffins a bit. And margo, you keep moving, but part of your aura. Part of your aura has sting right now. Uh, and it's a male voice that says it. None of you can really like, see directly who it is, but it is a male voice now. And it says, uh, sir, are you here right now? The female says, sir, you can come out. It's okay, sir. I mean, we saw your mark, the mark of Cain. He's blessed you. We saw it come out. [01:55:24] Speaker A: Holy shit. [01:55:25] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [01:55:27] Speaker A: Oh, shitty. Oh, fuck. [01:55:31] Speaker C: Uh oh. Um, I assume that the. Wait, hold on. Is this technically directed at me? [01:55:46] Speaker E: Yes. [01:55:47] Speaker C: Okay. [01:55:50] Speaker E: Fuck. I think all of the coterie knows what happens when you commit diabury, which is you get a stain on your aura. Some kindred are blessed in being able to hide it, but margot is not. So her aura does have those black marks on it. And auras do kind of radiate off you. And they do, like, they follow but also leave a slight trail. But not too, like, not for too long, though. [01:56:25] Speaker C: Yeah, I think it's only like seven years. Margo is going to look over mouth fuck and she's just going to kind of sleep, pop her head up. [01:56:48] Speaker E: Okay. Oh, sir, you changed your appearance into a female again. Should we start calling you Adam again. And that's like, all the words are now coming from different. Like, each different one. Like it's rotating through them now. [01:57:05] Speaker D: Oh, it's a smooth. Oh, shit. [01:57:10] Speaker C: Oh, jeez. Uh, yes, yes, yes. I'm, uh. I am now going by. Ma'am, um, you will have to, uh, forgive me. I was, uh, working on my latest to look around project. Um, you know how I can get so, um, focus. [01:57:52] Speaker E: You see, uh, one of the males. One of the four males, uh, they walk over to a coffin, um, labeled Barry. You might assume that's their name. And they pull out their. You know, that, like, knife pliers, and goes like, oh, is that. Do you need. Do you need your tools back, ma'am? [01:58:20] Speaker C: I need all of my tools back, thank you very much. And anything else of importance, actually, my. [01:58:35] Speaker E: Did you accidentally damage some of your nerve endings? Uh, Barry says, yeah, I, uh, accidentally. [01:58:43] Speaker C: Damaged my frontal cortex. Silly me. [01:58:48] Speaker E: Well, that is the danger of shaping your school, uh, skull. You taught me that. [01:58:52] Speaker C: Yes, yes, yes, yes. [01:58:55] Speaker E: Well, I guess you taught Jerry who taught me, who taught who? You taught. And it's starting to, like, come from all them. And then Jerry just goes like, enough. [01:59:11] Speaker C: Yes, enough, enough. So you'll have to forgive me. You know that the damaging of the frontal cortex kind of messes with your. With your memory sometimes. So don't mind me if I. If I ask, who are each of you? Your Jerry, I think, and your coffins with their names on them. [01:59:46] Speaker E: Barry is the one who gave you tools. And Barry pointed at Barry, pointed at Jerry when he was saying that you taught Jerry, but who then taught Byron? [01:59:59] Speaker C: You're giving me, in person, a stroke right now. [02:00:06] Speaker E: Anyway. Yes. Can I. Here's what we're gonna have you do. God help me, I'm gonna have you roll. Your manipulation and performance. This is a pretty good role for you. Pretty good. You're not singing. [02:00:21] Speaker C: No. [02:00:22] Speaker E: So you're not gonna get that. This is just purely to bullshit your way through this. [02:00:27] Speaker C: Fuck, yeah. Fuck, yeah. Okay. [02:00:33] Speaker E: Just as Barry's, like, noticing, like, some of those, like. Like, areas, like, where your broken ribs are, and he goes, oh, did you accidentally damage your ribs this time as well? [02:00:45] Speaker C: Yeah, I wanted to give off the impression that I was some. I don't know. [02:00:53] Speaker E: Do you want it? [02:00:54] Speaker C: Do you want jazz singer to nightclub or something for funsies? [02:00:59] Speaker E: Did you want the werewolves to see that you were weaker so you could deceive them? When we. We're defending the cause. We heard. We heard. And that comes from all of them in that staccato. Still waiting for your role. [02:01:16] Speaker C: Standard difficulty. [02:01:17] Speaker E: Yes. Because in the staccato, we heard that some of the werewolves are now going to go try to retake the faunum and rebind. What did the spiral dancers call it? [02:01:32] Speaker C: I'm gonna spend Jupiter one of my. Well, I'm gonna spend a willpower point to reroll those two botches. Or not two botches. Those two ones. [02:01:40] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:01:46] Speaker C: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Right. 12345 successes. [02:01:57] Speaker E: All right. Yeah. You fool every single one of them. [02:02:04] Speaker C: Yeah, I do. [02:02:06] Speaker E: And you're like, well. And then jury is getting kind of like, take point and step in front of you. He goes, well, ma'am, should we go over to. What the. Nice. Well, the ones that. The werewolves that we're working with, do you want to go and help them secure Jupiter so that they can turn it into the devastating force that they want it to be. [02:02:35] Speaker C: In just one moment. Do we have these plans written down anywhere? I'm sorry? That frontal cortex damage, you know what it does to a woman? [02:02:47] Speaker E: The one of them steps over, like, starts kind of, like, backing away ever so slightly, and Jerry then moves over and he grabs the person who is backing away. Don't you remember? You etched it into Tom's skin and. [02:03:07] Speaker C: Oh, right. Tom, come here, my young man. [02:03:11] Speaker E: He lifts up the back of Tom's shirt and shows you his back and shows all the details of, like, where. Like, how to get to the. How to get to the phone from here and how to, like, um, where the. This group is supposed to be stationed and exactly like. And they should always be, um, with the note of always, uh. God damn. I gotta get the fucking power name. [02:03:39] Speaker C: Sorry, I gave Mar. Sorry I gave Margo a fake frontal lobotomy, I guess. [02:03:45] Speaker E: Oh, sorry. That shit, that's repentance I need. Sanguineous. Yes, and it says, always be coagulated when at the fonum. [02:04:01] Speaker C: Wonderful. Wonderful. Well, I know. Listen, mister Tom here decided that he was going to try to back away from my order. So here's what I'm going to do. Um, I'm going to take Tom here to provide him some proper punishment for disobeying me. Uh, you lot go. Um, I will meet you there with, uh, mister Tom here. And she's going to smile a very, very, uh, freaky looking smile, uh, right at him and take him by the. Taken by the wrist. [02:04:38] Speaker E: Do you want us to take some of. Do you want to. Do you just want his back? We can give you part of his back. [02:04:48] Speaker C: No, no, no. I want the full, man. I mean. [02:04:50] Speaker E: You sure? [02:04:51] Speaker C: Yes. [02:04:53] Speaker E: I mean, it's easy. It's nothing. We can just. I mean, one of them just kind of, like, pops off their arm, like. I mean, you're the one who, like, the one who taught us this. [02:05:03] Speaker C: Yeah, I am aware that I taught you this, but this is divine, divine retribution under the word of Cain. [02:05:13] Speaker E: I guess that's fair. Are you going to the other cardinals and priests and bishops? [02:05:17] Speaker C: Yes, absolutely. Where. Where would I be able to find them? Sorry, my lobotomy is really, really messing with my head right now. [02:05:28] Speaker E: Tom's gonna, like. Tom's voice is gonna pipe up. Oh, we don't really know. They just, like, one of the cardinals just brought him to us, and then he kind of enacted, like. He did the, like, Valderi ritual, I think is what you guys called it. [02:05:44] Speaker C: Yes, Valdia. [02:05:45] Speaker E: And this is now coming from the female, I think that's what you guys called it. And, well, he bound him to us, right? [02:05:56] Speaker C: Yes. Don't worry, Ben. This will be quick and easy. Not painless, but quick and easy. Well, you. You group, I command you to go and wait for me with the werewolves. Don't start anything yet. Not until I'm ready. Not until I recovered from my frontal cortex lobotomy. [02:06:24] Speaker E: Okay. [02:06:27] Speaker C: Okay. [02:06:28] Speaker E: And the four of them start, like. Like, a single file, like, start going, and you kind of hear this, like, start, like, sinew braking and moving as they kind of, like. As you see them, like, walk down the hallway, and the bare, faint bit of light, you see them kind of start, like, forming together. And Tom looks like he's starting to, like, be injured and feel, like, alone and sad and depressed as it is now. Just the five of you in this room. [02:07:04] Speaker C: All right? All right, all right. They're gone. I am Kane's incarnation. Listen, I was caught off guard, okay? Leave me alone. [02:07:21] Speaker A: Oh, sure, the brain damage is fake. [02:07:24] Speaker C: I have dame damage. [02:07:27] Speaker A: Yeah, that's about right. [02:07:28] Speaker C: Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. My. [02:07:34] Speaker E: My boy, why did you hide these horror? I mean, if they're warriors of Kane like us, why did they hide? [02:07:40] Speaker C: They should. I'm not done fleshcrafting them yet. We are going to go, though, on a little trip. You, me, and these three. Um, we. We are going to go. You need to serve your penance. You're gonna. You're gonna praise Kane the way that we did back in my day, boy. [02:08:05] Speaker A: The beautiful light of the firstborn. Am I right? You get it, Tom. High five, Tom. [02:08:12] Speaker E: He's not able to high five right now. [02:08:16] Speaker C: Yeah, sorry. [02:08:18] Speaker E: I put my hand up. [02:08:20] Speaker A: I put my hand down. [02:08:25] Speaker E: He's got to actually kind of, like, start crying tears, which for kindred his blood. And he's gonna say, like, you're gonna. You're gonna fillet me. [02:08:35] Speaker C: We're not gonna fillet. I mean, I can't say anything, actually. No, no, no. Boy, we aren't going to flay you. We are going to. I'm going to. I'm going to bring you in for some personal prayer with my. With my group, who I'm getting ready to do the valderi with. [02:09:04] Speaker E: Wait, you're part of a new pack? What happened to your old one? [02:09:07] Speaker B: Uh, they were not righteous enough. [02:09:11] Speaker C: Not righteous enough? [02:09:17] Speaker A: We gotta be righteous. [02:09:29] Speaker E: So glad I'm not on camera right now, because I am. Okay, so what's your plan? [02:09:42] Speaker C: Oh, we're just gonna take. Listen, the entire plan is written on this guy's back. This is who we're taking. Meet the perimeter. Uh huh. Uh huh. [02:09:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:09:52] Speaker C: Is there. I feel bad. Listen, we'll give Tom a forehead kiss and a fucking popsicle on the way there. [02:10:03] Speaker E: Go ahead. Wren. [02:10:07] Speaker D: Is there any stakes around here? [02:10:10] Speaker C: Fucking stunned to speak. No, we can't stake him. He needs to be impressed. Him in proper condition. Cause all of his stuff is in his back. [02:10:19] Speaker D: That's fancy. [02:10:24] Speaker C: We can't hurt the merchandise. [02:10:27] Speaker D: I know. [02:10:28] Speaker E: I'll have Marco roll intelligence politics with a slight mixture of a cult in. So I'm gonna give you a bonus. Die because of your cult. This is gonna be difficulty seven, which I think you're only getting two dies for this. So we'll see where this leads you. [02:10:43] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [02:10:46] Speaker E: God, does anyone else have politics? [02:10:50] Speaker D: I have one died in politics. [02:10:52] Speaker C: I will. [02:10:53] Speaker E: Look, Ren, roll your roll. Roll intelligence politics with plus one, because I know you have two. [02:11:02] Speaker D: Yeah. So that is. [02:11:05] Speaker C: I thank you so much for. For indulging in my. I wasn't expecting to have to place a bot, and neither was Margo, so. [02:11:14] Speaker E: I wasn't expecting you to get your performance roll to work. If I'm gonna be honest. [02:11:22] Speaker B: I have politics, too. [02:11:26] Speaker E: Diff seven. And the people without a cult can roll. You will be diff eight, though. [02:11:34] Speaker D: Nope. Yep. No, that's about right. [02:11:39] Speaker E: This is both intelligence politics. Diff eight for you and Jasper, because you guys do not have two successes. [02:11:49] Speaker C: Three successes. Guys, I'm. I'm still dying right now. [02:11:54] Speaker E: I know. [02:11:54] Speaker C: I'm. [02:11:55] Speaker E: That was off everyone, but everyone bugged. Ren. [02:12:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:12:03] Speaker E: I'm gonna give Margot the cult specific stuff, which is gonna be if this guy is part of the Sabbat and since all those other people looked very similar and they seemed to be, like, trading thoughts pretty easily and one of them popped off their arm and you saw them form into this coagulated thing, they're probably blood brothers. [02:12:31] Speaker C: So. Fantastic. Think. [02:12:34] Speaker E: You think. You think. You think possibly, maybe they share pain for a brief bit? [02:12:43] Speaker C: Oh, phenomenal. Phenomenal. [02:12:46] Speaker E: The other two of you think that, like, this is kind of, like, a weird spot thing. And because of what, you know, as, like, some spot stuff, like shovelheads and whatnot, like, if a Tsamitsi somehow is able to, like, enforce sanguine, like, enforce part of, like, an old tzimizi enforce as part of, like. Like, that will and that, like, magic that some very old Tamitsu have, maybe staking this guy isn't the greatest idea because that pain might go over like, a network. Um. [02:13:30] Speaker D: Yep. [02:13:32] Speaker E: Ren, you don't know what's going on, other than this is some, like, pretty wacky shit. [02:13:38] Speaker D: This is some. [02:13:39] Speaker E: Not in a comical way. This is just, like, wacky, though. [02:13:42] Speaker D: Yeah, I just. It's like, fuck sabot shit. I fucking hate dealing with anything with the Sabbat, so fuck them. So. So I'm still thinking, yeah, maybe, uh. I don't know. Just what the fuck are we doing? [02:14:01] Speaker B: I don't think we should stake him. That might alert the others. [02:14:06] Speaker D: That's fair. [02:14:07] Speaker A: We'll take them to the. And I make eye contact with everyone. Ritual sacred site. And then from there, we can do what we need to. But in a place like this that has not been prepared, it is unclean ritually. So we will need to wait for everything that we do. [02:14:29] Speaker D: Yeah. [02:14:29] Speaker A: Let's. [02:14:32] Speaker D: Take him to the ritual spot. [02:14:38] Speaker A: The sacred ruins. [02:14:40] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [02:14:45] Speaker E: The next thing that kind of occurs to your guys, occurs to all of you. Except for. Except for. Except for Ren. You guys don't really know where your brimage in or bosses are. Ren only has a vague idea because gangrel liked to be out in wilderness most of the time. Or parks if they're going to be in a city. So you have a pretty. You have, like, you don't have, like, the hardest. You wouldn't have the hardest time finding your boss or prongion. Blackjack has kind of gone awol. You have not heard from Khalid. Um, and Marco has not heard from Annabelle. So it's not like, uh, you guys really know where your permission are, so you'd have to go see them, seek them out too. [02:15:48] Speaker D: Maybe we could. [02:15:56] Speaker A: We can go. We can send. We can. Once he is prepared, wink. We can each seek out the bishops that we need to for this task? Ask around. We know roughly where they might be. We can try to reach any number that we can. Six degrees from Kevin Bacon to Jackson, and he might have their contact info. We can ask around the usual spots and then we can get ready. [02:16:32] Speaker D: Yeah, that's. That's a good idea. [02:16:40] Speaker A: We know at least where Bishop Nikolai stays so we can get in touch with him and perhaps he can put out a missive. [02:16:53] Speaker E: All right, Jasper, you're going to be rolling. Manipulation, performance now. [02:17:03] Speaker D: Don't name drop ship. [02:17:08] Speaker A: DC six. Yeah, four successes. [02:17:24] Speaker E: What's your guys plan? You want to take him back to your safe house? [02:17:28] Speaker A: For now, yeah, we probably get him far enough away so that if or when we stake him or shackle him or however else we're going to keep him in place, his friends aren't immediately notified and can come running. And then we will go seek out the important folk. [02:17:46] Speaker E: Yep. [02:17:50] Speaker D: Because I also. [02:17:51] Speaker A: At the safe house, probably. Yes. [02:17:55] Speaker D: Yep. [02:17:57] Speaker E: Okay. [02:17:58] Speaker D: Because I also need to. I need to talk to Nyaga badly. [02:18:09] Speaker E: Without much issue. You guys are able to get out of the Subaru. You do still get kind of like swept by waves, but you are more accustomed to it now. So, you know, like, Ren knows the sound. He tells everyone to brace. Everyone braces. It's all good. As you guys get outside, that, like, red light in the sky is kind of like. It's strange. You can't really place it. Think it's coming back down, but you're not certain. I'll let Ren make an intelligence cult roll yet again. [02:18:57] Speaker D: Okay, diff six. [02:19:01] Speaker E: Diff eight last time about this thing and three successes. Yeah. This is with regards to the stuff you heard in the spot rooms and the stuff you learned from just by. [02:19:26] Speaker D: Hearing from in Yaga and, well, from Inyaga. [02:19:29] Speaker E: The werewolves were at your house. Some of the kind of things that you know, some of the kind of things that are. I don't know. I don't know how to describe it. It's like you believe and know that it's a spiritual thing. You kind of remember what that werewolf, you think werewolf, you can't really remember. That's beautiful thing about a high level subogus gate. You believe that that might be Jupiter, like being rebound or something. [02:20:06] Speaker D: And remind me, because I heard everything they mentioned something about converting Jupiter into something. [02:20:21] Speaker C: The. [02:20:22] Speaker E: Color isn't twisting now. It's still that kind of like steady red. You don't know what's steady red. Yeah. Okay, but this is also. I don't know what's decently far away, too. [02:20:33] Speaker D: Yeah, no, I understand it's decently far away, but I'm just remembering because Ren might be thinking about going awol on in yaga as well and alerting the werewolves about what's happening. But that's the reason why I was. [02:20:52] Speaker E: Yeah, but, um. [02:20:55] Speaker D: Okay, but I want to first find Nyaga. But worse, if I can't find her, I will most likely be getting in contact with the werewolves. Yeah, and, like, another plan of, from what we heard from the sabbat. [02:21:14] Speaker E: All right, first, you guys all go to the safe house, all right, and. [02:21:25] Speaker D: What time is it? [02:21:27] Speaker E: It's roughly 02:00 a.m. You have a few more hours till the end of the night. And as you guys get into the safe house, Tom goes like, this is. This isn't the church. [02:21:51] Speaker C: It's a. It's a. It's a pit stop, boy. Don't. Don't question me, or I will, uh, rearrange your organs from the inside out. Understood? [02:22:10] Speaker E: Uh, yes, ma'am. Yes. [02:22:12] Speaker C: Yes, ma'am. That's right, ma'am. [02:22:18] Speaker E: Um, should I. Is there a basement? Should I chain myself up in the basement? [02:22:29] Speaker C: Uh, that's a. That's a good question. Huh? Yes, chain yourself up, go in the basement, and wait and wait until we are ready for the continuing to the church. [02:22:53] Speaker E: All right? Do you. Are there chains set up down there, or do I need to go out and find some for you? [02:23:01] Speaker C: Just go down there. Okay. [02:23:05] Speaker E: And he's gonna, like, start looking around for, like, the door that leads to the stairs to the basement. Finds it. He goes down there without issue. This is. It's, like, the most bizarre thing, but this guy is dedicated to his faith. [02:23:22] Speaker C: Well, you know, I guess that takes care of that for now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [02:23:36] Speaker E: So now the next part. Finding all of your primogen for bosses. [02:23:41] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [02:23:44] Speaker E: None of you have any idea of where they could be. How do you find them? [02:23:57] Speaker A: Can I ask around? Anarchs that I know or even, like, important brewha, see if they've talked to him? Or do I know, like, places blackjack likes to go when he's on the lamb? [02:24:11] Speaker E: You don't really know of any. He did keep that kind of close guarded, just in case you ever got captured by the camarilla or spot in case he does something, like, really bad or in a frenzy, because that's a problem with brujah. And the next thing about that, too, is that the havens were raided. There's werewolves around the streets. Some kindred just want to stay home. They'll just sleep through the nights and days until they feel like trying to wake up. Might be the. It's a very low humanity thing to do, but sometimes that's just what you got to do to survive. [02:25:02] Speaker D: I think I got an idea for trying to find inyaga. At least. [02:25:14] Speaker E: Margo knows that Annabelle is still in her mansion. [02:25:23] Speaker C: Right? [02:25:23] Speaker E: Elsferatu are incredibly difficult to find, but. [02:25:28] Speaker B: Animals are not, correct? [02:25:32] Speaker E: Yep. Are you guys gonna split up two, or are we gonna kinda have all of you, Kyne and co as group? [02:25:46] Speaker B: Well, Candy's just gonna go, like, into an alley, see if she can spot any of any rats that are scurrying around. [02:25:58] Speaker E: Um, yeah, it's gonna take you a few minutes to do that. I'm gonna see what the others do first before we resolve that. [02:26:06] Speaker D: I am actually. I'm going to be doing a similar thing, actually taking advice from Inyaga, from using animals. Since I have not been really doing that, I am going to try and do just that and ask them to give a message to be there for meet me at the safe house or tell me where you're at, basically. And we have important news about what's happening. [02:26:46] Speaker E: All right. You find a cat as you believe. That's what Inyaga tughli like. That's her performance. Very feline like. Even yours is very feline like. Communicate with the cat. You send that as your message, and it kind of acknowledges it and then leaps and hops away. Jasper, do you want to bring Ren or Margo with you to an anarch bar and see if there's any actual anarchs that, you know, there's. [02:27:28] Speaker A: I mean, I'll talk to. With you guys. Are you gonna match the vibe? Are you gonna be cool? [02:27:34] Speaker C: I'm always cool. [02:27:36] Speaker A: Yes, I know. But you're not gonna be like, oh, the camarilla, we're so lovely over there, right? You're gonna, you know, low key. [02:27:44] Speaker C: Jasper. Yes. I will stab your hand to a wolf. [02:27:48] Speaker A: I listen, okay. I just. I can't. [02:27:53] Speaker C: When was the last time I was like that? [02:27:57] Speaker E: Well, ever. [02:27:58] Speaker C: You really. [02:28:00] Speaker A: All I'm saying is, you know, I do. [02:28:05] Speaker C: You're making a lot of accusations about me right now. It's all I'm saying. [02:28:08] Speaker A: It's just. I'm just trying to help you avoid the treatment that I was getting at the side Bucubus club is all I'm saying. [02:28:17] Speaker C: Not from you, from the others, not. [02:28:21] Speaker A: From me, you know? [02:28:22] Speaker C: Okay. I don't talk about being Camarilla every 20 seconds, you talk about being anok at least three times a day. [02:28:28] Speaker A: Well, if everyone's gonna rub and talk shit to me all the time, that's not the point. Do you want to come? [02:28:35] Speaker C: I'll come. I'll come. [02:28:36] Speaker A: Okay. [02:28:38] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:28:39] Speaker A: We'll head over to an anarch bar. [02:28:41] Speaker E: Okay. Not just, oh, my God, I've got a resolve candy scene too. And I think next week we'll pick up an archbar. That's what we'll do, because we're nearing our end time for our show. Candy. [02:28:56] Speaker B: Yes. [02:28:57] Speaker E: You find a rat, takes a few minutes, and you kind of hear the rest of your cuttery start to begin to argue and then leave that house a little bit. So, you know, you need to make this, like, little conversation quick if you want to go with your coterie. And you stop it and goes like, hi, what's up? How can I help you? [02:29:21] Speaker B: Hi. Candy will feed the rat a little food that she has from her pocket. Because she carries that stuff around for rats. [02:29:28] Speaker E: It nibbles it up quite nicely. [02:29:31] Speaker B: Do you think that you could help? Tell all of your friends that if they find somebody who looks like. And she will describe Khaleed. If they find somebody who looks like that, he can talk to you guys too. So if you could just go up to him and tell him to meet. [02:29:49] Speaker E: Me. [02:29:51] Speaker B: In the sewers, in the nosfera, in the warrens, in the sewers, he'll know what that means. So if you could just tell him that that would be. I would appreciate that a lot. Tell him that candy sent the message. [02:30:10] Speaker E: Find someone named Khalid who looks like what you describe, and tell him to meet you in the warrens. Do you have more food? [02:30:24] Speaker B: Yes, I do. [02:30:28] Speaker E: It's gonna, like, kind of, like, wait for you to give some more. Eagerly. [02:30:32] Speaker B: She gives it more food. [02:30:34] Speaker E: Yeah. Okay. Tell Khalid to meet you in the warrens. And your name is Candy. And the messages from candy. [02:30:43] Speaker B: Yes. Make sure to tell all of your friends. [02:30:47] Speaker C: Okay. [02:30:47] Speaker E: And it kind of, like, scurries off behind a dumpster, and you hear, like, a lot of chittering from mice. And then you see, like, quite a few. Just, like, start spread out. It's a sight to behold, honestly. [02:31:04] Speaker B: Candy smiles. Rats are the best. [02:31:07] Speaker E: Aw. Do you go to join the rest of your coterie? [02:31:12] Speaker B: She will. [02:31:13] Speaker E: All right. As the three of you being a step outside of safe haven, you do see candy. I'm gonna assume, because you have not mentioned it, you do not have the mask of a thousand faces on. [02:31:30] Speaker B: Yeah, she will use mask of a thousand faces if they're going to a public place. [02:31:35] Speaker E: Yeah, you would. I would say it's probably a safe bet that they're planning on going to a public place. [02:31:41] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:31:42] Speaker E: Warned you of anything yet? [02:31:45] Speaker B: Yeah, she'll use it to be safe. [02:31:49] Speaker E: And I will let you guys rp that out a little bit of where you guys are gonna go and what you're gonna do. [02:31:58] Speaker D: I got my message. [02:32:04] Speaker B: I think my primogen will be getting my message, too. [02:32:10] Speaker C: I'm sure Annabelle will. Can I page Annabelle? [02:32:20] Speaker E: Yes, you can page Annabelle. Cool. [02:32:22] Speaker C: I'm gonna page Annabelle and just say, um, uh, important stuff, juicy gossip. [02:32:31] Speaker E: Meet at safe haven. [02:32:32] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. [02:32:35] Speaker E: You just get a page back of where? Like. Okay. Be there in an hour. [02:32:44] Speaker C: That was easy. [02:32:50] Speaker E: She favors you a bit. Well, you know, more than her actual childer. [02:32:54] Speaker C: It's pretty obvious. It's pretty easy not fucking up the way that they did. [02:32:59] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:32:59] Speaker A: You didn't do any incest porn in front of the dinner guests? [02:33:03] Speaker C: It wasn't. We're gonna get demonetized. [02:33:14] Speaker E: Sorry, twitch. Sorry. Leave us on a better note. Yeah. You guys start making your way over to one of the anarch bars. Um, it's rough, rowdy. There's, like, some motorcycles there. Harley Davidson's. There's a poser Suzuki like racing bike. And you guys head in, and surprisingly, it's pretty active right now. And that is where we're going to end for tonight.

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