Episode 7

November 14, 2023


S1 Ep7: Death's Sweet Sting Pt2

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S1 Ep7: Death's Sweet Sting Pt2
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S1 Ep7: Death's Sweet Sting Pt2

Nov 14 2023 | 02:32:11


Show Notes

One body to dispose of was trouble, now someone has gone and made it double. The Coterie must sort through a fresh problem as a bloodless body leads to a strange human with tales of impending darkness and a loose end that threatens all the kindred of Chicago. Will they find and catch this rogue kindred in time? Or will he catch them? Find out on this week’s episode of Vampire: Chicago Chronicles.

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Soraya Sharif - Jazzy
Wren - Jimmy
Margot Beaufont - Legacy
Warren Sawyer - GR

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Tonight I'll be playing Jasper the Bruja. [00:00:34] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Gr and I will be playing Warren the Malkavian. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Hello there. My name is Jimmy and I'll be playing Ren, the gangrel. [00:00:46] Speaker D: And I'm legacy. I will be playing Margot the. The daughter of cacophony. [00:00:53] Speaker E: And I'm Virons, your storyteller for this evening. The death rate rises in Chicago. Among the kind, a body was left unattended for many hours until a new body was also left in the same area. Police are coming and the masquerade is being threatened. Jasper, you make your way past the bouncers with some of them recognizing you as someone that the owner tolerates and lets in on a few secrets. You looked at the body, you saw that the throat was quite literally ripped out. And after examining the area, you also notice that there is no blood anywhere to be found on the body or in the bathroom or, sorry, in the body as well. There's no blood in the body, on the body or anywhere in the bathroom. It. [00:01:54] Speaker A: At this point, there's a crowd of people. I don't know what I'm going to do to wander through it, but cutting my losses also seems like a pretty bad idea. I can't just leave. I guess I want to go and find the proprietor and say, like, hey, this one's not ours. [00:02:21] Speaker E: As you are about to leave to go find Brennan, he's actually going to make his way and open the door right as you're about to. [00:02:35] Speaker A: Hey, Brennan, listen. Then I start whispering. I don't know. I don't know what happened. There's someone else put something else in there. There's another one. [00:02:52] Speaker E: This one wasn't you? [00:02:55] Speaker A: No. We had the one guy that I had come back for and then we come and I opened. [00:03:02] Speaker E: Come back? [00:03:05] Speaker A: I had a guy and he was going to get it out when the cops left. But while the cops were still here, we couldn't move the guy. They're going to see us. So we figured that out. But then we come back, my guy goes in there, someone else did something worse. [00:03:28] Speaker E: He grabs you by the shoulder and walks you in. And he looks at it. He looks at the body, the second body. Are you sure none of your friends did this? This looks like it could have been your street rat friend. [00:03:57] Speaker A: No, it was nobody. We all left. I was with them. If you need an alibi. It wasn't us. It's one of yours, I guess. But we weren't here for that to happen. [00:04:10] Speaker E: No, none of mine have access to that ability or discipline that the gangrel have. Look at it. There are claw marks digging in with the swiftness, where you're able to see the indents of each finger. The only other thing that could do that are the lupines, and they don't come here. [00:04:41] Speaker A: I mean, it could have been some other gangrul or strong lick. I mean, you had Genghis in here. I haven't tried it. [00:04:50] Speaker E: I'm sure your clan. [00:04:52] Speaker A: No, I know, but I'm saying I'm sure if I tried it, I could grab someone's throat and do that if I felt the need to. Maybe if you keep your nails sharp. But look, it wasn't Ren. Ren wasn't here. Ren went home. It wasn't me. I went home. It wasn't any of us. [00:05:16] Speaker E: Why did you go home? [00:05:19] Speaker A: Because when there are cops swarming your building around the man that you wanted killed, if you pick up a body and roll it in a carpet, they're going to go, hey, why do they have that body shaped object? I had my guy here who's going to come and retrieve it stealthily once the police had left. Unfortunately for us, he found something else in there. [00:05:47] Speaker E: He does the fake breathing, sigh of exhaustion, and obviously sounds upset at this whole situation. He then picks up the guy who doesn't have the throat anymore, and he actually starts digging into the pockets, and he pulls out a wallet and hands it to you. [00:06:14] Speaker A: I'll go through it. [00:06:16] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:06:19] Speaker A: Does it have an id? [00:06:20] Speaker E: It does. [00:06:21] Speaker A: Sorry. [00:06:22] Speaker E: No. It does. There's a vistas card for Kenneth Goldberg of the Kabbalah. Oh, my God. Dunuda da society, which is located in New York. And the actual identification on it says, isaac Oset guy, and it's from Des Moines. It's about $60 in there as well. [00:07:01] Speaker A: Do you recognize this guy? Anyone got any beef with Iowans? [00:07:06] Speaker E: No. And the guy's coat pocket, he pulls out a couple different. He pulls out two polaroids, both crumpled, and there's a. And they're both of a young man. There's also a mallet, wooden steak, and some very pungent garlic. [00:07:48] Speaker A: Fuck. Have I ever seen this young man? [00:07:54] Speaker E: No. [00:07:57] Speaker A: Well, I reckon he's after the guy in the picture. [00:08:05] Speaker E: It would so some sort of hunter of sorts. [00:08:11] Speaker A: Another dead hunter that was in your club. I didn't see this guy walking around with the priest and his people, but I could have missed him. Do you spot him? [00:08:25] Speaker E: No. He was not with that group of ingrates. [00:08:33] Speaker A: Um, I think that you should go pull the fire alarm and lock down the club. If I'm being honest. I don't know that we want it so full right now. [00:08:44] Speaker E: Police are already on their way. [00:08:48] Speaker A: Wait, more police? Shit. Okay, so we're never. I mean, unless you have some kind of special incinerator. Shoot. We take away the steak and the garlic so nobody in the pictures so we don't get more people coming after us. I mean, I don't know. This is pretty fucked. [00:09:13] Speaker E: It is fucked. This guy is missing his throat. Listen, tell your group I'm willing to give a very sizable reward to the person who brings the murderer to justice. Now get out of here. Now. Get out of here. It's nearly daytime. [00:09:41] Speaker A: I mean, I'm not going to stick around longer than I have to. [00:09:47] Speaker E: With that, the night ends. The new night begins. People can send a bloodpoint to rise for the evening. Now, Jasper, are you going to call any of your codery mates and tell them about the. [00:10:13] Speaker A: Think I told Seraya last night. I think I'm going to tell everybody. I think I'm going to see if I can't get us somewhere that isn't the club to talk about this. I just don't want to go back. [00:10:27] Speaker E: Okay, Marco, you do receive the call first. And you do know that there is another club. But it is a direct competitor. [00:10:50] Speaker D: Good evening, darling. How can I help you? [00:10:53] Speaker A: Someone ripped out another guy's throat. [00:10:56] Speaker D: What? [00:10:57] Speaker A: In the club where we had the body. We have to go anywhere else. [00:11:01] Speaker D: Well, good evening to you, too. What the fuck happened last night? [00:11:07] Speaker A: He had us kill the guy. We came back to get the body and bury it. [00:11:12] Speaker D: Who is he? [00:11:14] Speaker A: No. Fuck. I'm terrible at names. You just said it. We had to kill the priest. We hid the priest. We came back for the priest. Someone else had dumped their Trash. [00:11:28] Speaker E: The guy's name is Isaac. [00:11:29] Speaker A: Thank you. I don't know why I'm blanking on that. [00:11:32] Speaker E: You also wrote it down, too. [00:11:35] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. The guy that got murdered. Yeah, that's true. So I don't want to go back there. Because I also think he thinks that Ren did it. And that feels like we're inviting trouble. [00:11:50] Speaker D: Why don't all of you just come over to my dress? Just make sure you're not being followed. Because if you are being followed and you leave them back to where I sleep, I'm very upset. But we'd be far enough far out from the club. [00:12:23] Speaker A: Right? Yeah. I'll keep my eyes out. And then I'm going to call Ren, Warren and Soraya to convey the meeting place. [00:12:33] Speaker E: Soraya doesn't pick up, but I would say the next person you said Ren, Warren and then Soraya. So I guess it would be Ren who would pick up next. [00:12:53] Speaker C: Jasper, how you doing? [00:12:55] Speaker A: Yeah, hey, Ren, you're a suspect. We have to meet at Margaret's place. [00:13:01] Speaker C: Okay. Say what, now I'm a suspect? [00:13:05] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:13:05] Speaker A: So someone else killed a guy and dumped him with our priest. And someone with claws did the killing. [00:13:17] Speaker C: And of course, the first people they go to is the gang. Okay, all right, I guess. Where are we meeting? [00:13:29] Speaker A: Yeah, we're meeting at Margot's place. She lives at 1234 street place. [00:13:35] Speaker C: That street? Really? Everyone suspected that? Okay. [00:13:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Out of the way. [00:13:41] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:13:45] Speaker C: All right. I guess I'll see you there. Yeah, just give me the lowdown on what the body looked like and everything like that. I'll see if I can get anything missing. [00:13:59] Speaker A: A throat and blood. [00:14:03] Speaker C: Yeah, that's definitely not my style. [00:14:07] Speaker A: Didn't. [00:14:08] Speaker E: Again, the one thing that should be that sticks out the most is the fact that it had literally no blood. There was literally no blood? [00:14:17] Speaker A: Yeah. So wait, so they ripped the throat out after they drank him just for funsies? [00:14:26] Speaker C: We'll talk more when we figure that out. Yeah, I can start handing over to Margo's. [00:14:38] Speaker E: Warren. [00:14:41] Speaker B: Who is this? How did you get this number? [00:14:44] Speaker A: It's me, Jasper. Don't freak out. Warren. [00:14:49] Speaker B: What'S up? [00:14:50] Speaker E: Hey. [00:14:50] Speaker A: Yeah, we're going to have to meet at Margot's place tonight. We dumped that guy and then somebody else dumped their own guy. And he's a hunter and he didn't have any blood. And I think the cops came to get him, so we got to figure it out. [00:15:10] Speaker B: Sounds just like our luck. I'll head right over. [00:15:14] Speaker A: Yep. And then Soraya doesn't answer. [00:15:20] Speaker E: Soraya does not answer. [00:15:22] Speaker A: Did Soraya give me her kid's phone number? [00:15:27] Speaker E: She did not. [00:15:31] Speaker A: I'll call a second time. [00:15:35] Speaker E: Again, there's no answer. It does go to voicemail. The answering machine. [00:15:44] Speaker A: Hey, Soraya. I don't want someone else to get this message, so I'm going to be vague, but something bad happened. Please, please call Margot as soon as you can. It's pretty bad. And if you go missing right now, people are going to think bad things. All right, bye. [00:16:07] Speaker E: And after all these calls, Margot does receive another call from Deborah. [00:16:18] Speaker D: Hello, darling. Is everything all right? [00:16:23] Speaker E: Yeah. Other mom, the afghan lady, she asked me to come over to the church and help with some things, so I'm going to be spending the night over there with her. [00:16:46] Speaker D: All right, that is completely fine. [00:16:52] Speaker E: Just wanted to let you know. [00:16:54] Speaker D: All right. Good. Make sure that you all stay safe. City is pretty crazy right now. Remember what I taught you. Stay hidden in plain sight if you need to go out. [00:17:15] Speaker E: Okay? I'll call you tomorrow night or the next or whatever. Bye bye. With that, rest of the codery does start showing up at your haven. What does it look like? [00:17:41] Speaker D: Oh, it's a big house. It's kind of stereotypical, like suburban house. It's got like a white picket fence, a nice big yard, and the grass is all freshly cut. There's a couple of porch chairs that are out on the front porch. And then when they walk in, the room is brightly lit. It's nice, light pink, pastel pink walls with white and beige or white and wooden leather furniture. On the walls are. They almost look like old family photos. A bunch of different people, like on the walls and whatnot. It's very tastefully decorated for the corner. There's just one of those giant, bulky televisions that seems to be playing some sort of. God, the old music choice. I might be aging myself here. Old, like, music choice channels. The ones that would do nothing but play music for, like hours on end. She has just one of those going on in the background. [00:19:17] Speaker E: Okay. [00:19:18] Speaker D: But tastefully decorated. [00:19:24] Speaker E: I would say Jasper is like the first one to show up as they would live. The closest. [00:19:36] Speaker A: Nice digs. [00:19:38] Speaker D: Thank you. So what happened exactly? Somebody died and then you left and then you came back and then somebody else's dinner. [00:20:06] Speaker A: So, yeah, after Saria killed that priest and you fucked off, we put the priest in the bathroom, stamped an out of order sign and called it a day. We left, had a little freak out, but there were cops there. So what we were going to do, I called my friend Mike. Come pick him up for us. Bring him to the grave we were digging at Sariai's place. I get back to my haven, I got a bunch of messages from him saying there's another guy here. So I freak out. I call Saria, but I'm the only one close enough to get there. So I sprint all the way back to the club. I see it, and there's a corpse. No blood anywhere. Throat absolutely gone. No way to get rid of him. At this point. There's two corpses and there's cops coming. What are we going to do? And the worst part is, dude's a hunter. Had a picture of some guy that he wanted to, I guess, come and kill. He had a mallet and a steak and some garlic, and I couldn't roll them out. Yeah. [00:21:13] Speaker D: Okay, so this is going to sound a little bit gruesome. The neck bite, did it look like any flesh was just completely picked out? [00:21:37] Speaker A: It looked like someone had, like, a clawed hand had grabbed it and then squeezed and then ripped. [00:21:53] Speaker D: That could be a couple of different things. Could be gangrel. It could be lupine. If we want to get a bit particular. I've heard rumors about those who attend to the flesh, and I'm not talking about the fleshcrafters. [00:22:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. Bauer saying that lupines don't go there. Fine, I guess I don't see them. His first thought was that Ren did it. Some gangrel. Wasn't Ren. I know where Ren went after he left the club. But someone has to be trying to frame us, right? They kill a hunter, or kill somebody and make them look like a hunter and dump them where we dumped a body right after we got in trouble with the primigen for killing hunters. [00:23:08] Speaker D: It would have to be somebody who's within the know of all of our business, which, no offense to this group, that's not necessarily hard. [00:23:23] Speaker A: There is something. I feel like we've been pawns in somebody's game. And Annabelle doesn't like us. Or at least, well, doesn't like me. But she was going to leave you for dead, Margot. And she's the one who certainly is most aware of what we've been getting up to. [00:23:53] Speaker D: But that doesn't necessarily mean that she's going to pin everything on us. Let's be honest. If she loses us, she loses Eren Boyce. Which, in her case, isn't necessarily hard to come by, but it's a process. [00:24:17] Speaker A: Maybe. Storyteller. Did I grab one of the pictures so that I can show everybody? [00:24:24] Speaker E: Yeah, I was kind of assuming that you would have brought one of the pictures with you. [00:24:29] Speaker A: I thought so. I just want to check. I'm going to show one to Mario. Do you recognize this person? [00:24:34] Speaker D: Do I recognize this person? [00:24:37] Speaker E: No. But when you do pull out the picture and ask that, I would say Ren and Warren show up around the same. [00:24:47] Speaker D: Know. I don't know how to help you in this situation. It's nobody that I know. The only thing that I could think of is nunchula. Opened the door for the other two. [00:25:02] Speaker C: Hello. Nice place. [00:25:08] Speaker D: Thank you. [00:25:10] Speaker A: Welcome. Ren, did you do it? [00:25:15] Speaker C: Did I do what? No. Talking about what happened. No. [00:25:21] Speaker A: Just thought I'd ask. I didn't think you did. [00:25:27] Speaker C: Okay, so what do we know about this guy? [00:25:37] Speaker A: I'll hand over the picture. He had two pictures of this guy on him. He's from Des Moines, Iowa. And I had to get back to my. Like, he had some garlic hammer and a steak. Definitely a hunter named Isaac Ozaki. Wait, there were two things on there. Wait, did he have two identities? Hang on. I don't think I comprehended this properly the first time. [00:26:10] Speaker E: Ren? [00:26:11] Speaker C: Yes? [00:26:12] Speaker E: After you've shown the picture, can you roll me wits and your contacts? Background? [00:26:19] Speaker C: Wits and contacts. Okay, that is where my sheet. All right, that's five difficulty standard. All right. Two successes. [00:26:51] Speaker E: From, like, one of the very rare when the game girls get together kind of party hard. And you recognize this? He's Spanish. Sorry, not Spanish. He's Mexican. And his name is Arthur Gonzalez. That's kind of all you can really remember at the time. [00:27:16] Speaker C: I think I have at least a name to face. Arthur Gonzalez. Sound any familiar to you guys? [00:27:31] Speaker A: I don't know him. [00:27:36] Speaker E: Also still know. [00:27:42] Speaker C: I mean, I've seen him at some gangrel parties, but other than that, I don't know much about him. I don't know what he did, but it must have been something bad if he got the attention of some hunters. [00:28:03] Speaker D: Would you happen to know his whereabouts or way to contact him? [00:28:11] Speaker C: I I don't know about. Would I have any idea of, like, whereabouts or contacting him? [00:28:26] Speaker E: Yeah, you wouldn't. I would say you probably didn't particularly care for the guy at the time. [00:28:33] Speaker C: Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. I don't have much of information I can get to him or anything like that. Sadly. [00:28:53] Speaker E: It. [00:28:54] Speaker D: You said you gang girls have parties, right? [00:28:57] Speaker C: Every once in a while. [00:29:01] Speaker D: Where? [00:29:06] Speaker C: Um. [00:29:08] Speaker D: Because wherever there's a gangrel party, that might not. That might be our best bet to start looking. We don't know. Maybe this gentleman has had contact with the recently departed. [00:29:28] Speaker C: Any word about a gangroll party happening? [00:29:33] Speaker E: Not for another long while. They don't happen very often, and it's at irregular times as well? [00:29:40] Speaker C: Yeah, it's whenever someone feels like it. And the next scheduled one, at least, is far away from now. [00:29:54] Speaker A: But we can't. Look, I'm not saying you all know each other, but if you can talk to some other gang girl, maybe one of them will have a better read on. [00:30:07] Speaker E: Alex. [00:30:11] Speaker C: It'S a little bit of a problem. I'm not on the out, but I'm more of a lurks in the shadow gangrel myself, so I don't really hang out that much with them I can attempt, but I don't know how much that will help. [00:30:46] Speaker A: Can't hurt to ask. [00:30:50] Speaker C: That's fair. It can't hurt. And trying to think here. [00:31:05] Speaker E: There anything. [00:31:11] Speaker A: Could I. [00:31:14] Speaker E: Could, um. [00:31:20] Speaker C: Is there anyone who I can contact right now? [00:31:28] Speaker E: It. I would say of your contacts, they don't particularly. They don't particularly relate to the situation that you're in now. [00:31:37] Speaker C: Exactly. Yeah. [00:31:40] Speaker E: It. [00:31:45] Speaker C: I really don't have anyone to really contact, but. [00:31:56] Speaker A: Well, we got to start looking somewhere. We got to hit the pavement because if we don't find something soon. Sure looks like it was us. [00:32:09] Speaker C: Yeah, and that's the last thing I need. [00:32:12] Speaker A: Yeah. You said that Warren had arrived, too, right? [00:32:22] Speaker E: What was that? [00:32:24] Speaker A: Had you said that Warren got there on the same time as rended? [00:32:27] Speaker E: Yeah, Warren's there as well. [00:32:30] Speaker A: Warren. You can get like, vibes from stuff, right? [00:32:37] Speaker B: Warren's going to shrug. I don't know what that means. [00:32:44] Speaker A: Do you feel anything from this picture? And I'll hold it up to him. [00:32:49] Speaker E: What's your current aspects rating? [00:32:53] Speaker B: Two. [00:32:57] Speaker E: Nothing really stands out. [00:33:01] Speaker B: You can tell it's a picture of a guy apparently named Arthur Gonzalez. [00:33:09] Speaker D: Very insightful, darling. Thank you. [00:33:18] Speaker B: Well, thank. [00:33:23] Speaker A: Is. This is a dumb question. Maybe do kindred tend to stay out of phone? [00:33:32] Speaker E: Do you? What do you mean by that? [00:33:33] Speaker A: Well, like, if I go to arguably Gonzalez in the phone books, can I start calling? Maybe I'll find our guy that way. [00:33:46] Speaker C: That's going to take a long time with that comment of a first. [00:33:54] Speaker E: Okay. [00:33:56] Speaker D: Yes. Perfect. Hey, I'm looking for Arthur Gonzalez, the vampire? [00:34:01] Speaker E: No. [00:34:01] Speaker A: You're asking if they hang out at the Succubus club. Not every Arthur Gonzalez in the city goes to the same club. [00:34:09] Speaker E: But you're also going to get the succubus club. You're also going to get a lot of them saying that they have gone to the succubus club. Do you really want to spend your time, like, a good amount of time this night doing that? [00:34:22] Speaker A: No, it's probably not worth it. [00:34:30] Speaker C: I mean, man, we just. [00:34:37] Speaker A: You don't have any mutual friends with Arthur? Business connections, cousins? [00:34:47] Speaker C: Not really. And. [00:35:02] Speaker E: Sorry, Warren, can you make me akavian time and perception role? Sure. [00:35:19] Speaker B: Difficulty. [00:35:21] Speaker E: It's going to be a standard difficulty. [00:35:31] Speaker B: One success. [00:35:37] Speaker E: Through the music on the tv, you hear this kind of background voice speaking to you say, saying you'll have a better chance if you go back. That's all it's able to really squeeze out. [00:36:17] Speaker B: I have a better chance if we go back to the Succubus club. I think. [00:36:27] Speaker C: I'm so stuck. I mean, it would be good to see the scene of the crime, be honest. [00:36:35] Speaker B: And if we have the picture, we could ask some people, like Annabelle if they've ever seen him. [00:36:43] Speaker C: That's fair. [00:36:49] Speaker A: If that's our weed, that's our weed. [00:36:52] Speaker C: I think that's where we need to head. [00:36:58] Speaker D: Very well. [00:37:04] Speaker A: I. I just feel like this was a set up from that fucking ten year old. We kill hunters. He gets mad about it, tells us to be less interesting, and what do I find a few hours later? A dead hunter. [00:37:20] Speaker D: I'm sorry. I beg you'll find this. Pardon? Ten year old? [00:37:29] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. You fucked off. Yeah, the premiere primagen. He's like a ten year old in a suit. [00:37:38] Speaker B: Nicolai is trustworthy. [00:37:43] Speaker A: Perhaps, but he didn't say he wasn't going to do this to us. He might have some strange agenda. [00:37:50] Speaker D: I mean, to be fair, would anybody tell us if they were going to do this to us? Exactly. Okay. It might be best if we just go back to the scene. The crime, like we said, go see if maybe. See maybe if whoever decided to make this man into the snack that smiles back goldfish. No. Absolutely not. What was I thinking again? Oh, right. I need a vacation after. Yeah, we should go to the Succubus club to see if there was any evidence left behind. Go from there. If this guy maybe left behind, I don't know, like a piece of jewelry or chipped nail. No offense to the big ones out there. I don't know if clawing away their human flesh messes up your manicure. [00:39:18] Speaker A: Depends on the color. [00:39:24] Speaker E: Or the glue. Um, all right. As you guys arrive at the Succubus club, you do see outside on a very quickly done banner. As in, it does look very quickly done. It does say, death dance special. No cover charge. [00:39:55] Speaker A: On the nose. [00:39:57] Speaker C: Yeah, a little on the nose there. [00:40:03] Speaker B: I don't pay cover. I won't complain. [00:40:05] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe it'll be full enough that no one's going to notice us tonight. [00:40:11] Speaker E: And you're right, it's packed. There does seem to be, like, a lingering officer at the scene of the crime. And look, the whole men's room on the first floor is actually taped off. [00:40:29] Speaker A: Are there, like, police there or is it just police tape? [00:40:32] Speaker E: There is an officer there that you can see, but the door is closed and taped off. Somebody could be inside it. That sucks. [00:40:55] Speaker C: All right. [00:40:59] Speaker A: Quick. How do you ask a cop about a recently committed crime without sounding like you committed the recent crime. [00:41:08] Speaker C: Again, I did not do it. [00:41:10] Speaker E: Oh, my. No. [00:41:13] Speaker A: If I go up and I talk to that guy. Oh, hey, what's going on here? He's going to be like, you did it. [00:41:20] Speaker D: Easy. You have the least suspecting person. Go and ask them. [00:41:30] Speaker C: That is very true. [00:41:45] Speaker A: Is that you, Margot? [00:41:46] Speaker D: Is it me? I mean, look at this face. Would you look at this face and think criminal? [00:41:55] Speaker C: A little bit, yes. I think. Of possible tax evasion, I think possible. [00:42:06] Speaker D: You want me to add violence onto that one as well, Ren? [00:42:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I could take it. [00:42:13] Speaker D: Sure you could. [00:42:16] Speaker E: Can everyone just make me describe what you're wearing? [00:42:25] Speaker A: Jasper. He's dressed like pretty nice button up pants. Not like super special or anything, but handsome, kemped, at least the usual get up? [00:42:39] Speaker E: Yeah, okay. That's a better way of phrasing it. Is everyone in their usual get up? [00:42:46] Speaker D: Yes, kind of. [00:42:55] Speaker E: All right, Margo, you make your way up to the bathroom, I'm assuming. [00:43:02] Speaker D: Yep. [00:43:06] Speaker E: The guard does look up at you. Just goes. He just looks at you. Actually, he just looks at you. At the moment. [00:43:25] Speaker D: I didn't think that there would be so many young, dashing officers here tonight. Is everything okay? I wasn't made aware that there was any unusual circumstances. What do you mean by that exactly? [00:44:27] Speaker E: He squints his eyes at you. Can you roll appearance and expression the moment or thing? [00:44:39] Speaker D: Bossander. Difficulty? [00:44:49] Speaker E: Yes. Make sure to add a luring as well. [00:44:53] Speaker D: Of course. [00:45:14] Speaker E: It. Very good. [00:45:24] Speaker D: Three successes. [00:45:26] Speaker A: Nice. [00:45:31] Speaker E: He's. Are you sure that. No, of course. You work here. You're far too special to not work here. Mr. Thornhill and my boss both said that I needed to be stationed here for the rest of. At least until we can get the scene cleaned up and fully examined. [00:46:01] Speaker D: Yes, that is rather unfortunate. I have to get ready for a set and I will be completely honest. I mean, there's been a lot of crime around here recently, and this is a big club, and I'm afraid. I know that it might be a lot to ask if you leave your post, but would you at least mind just. She'll point to one of the side rooms. Would you mind at least kind of going over there for a minute just to make sure that nobody tries to come in. It's unbecoming of somebody to just walk in while I'm trying to get ready. And there's a lot of clasps and zippers on this dress. And she'll turn around and I don't want somebody to walk in while I'm indecent. Especially the amount of crime. Yeah, of course. [00:47:11] Speaker E: It would just be criminally unsafe. [00:47:14] Speaker D: Very unsafe. [00:47:17] Speaker E: He'll walk over to one of the rooms, either following you or kind of making a way for you to follow him. [00:47:27] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. And as she gets him away from the room, she's just going to look back and wink and then head off to get dressed for her show. [00:47:44] Speaker E: Now I'm just going to ask, do you also pull him in and feed? If you do want to feed on him, I will let you and it will be fine. [00:47:56] Speaker D: I mean, I'm never going to say no to a snack. [00:48:00] Speaker E: Okay. [00:48:04] Speaker D: But that should buy them some time to go and investigate. Good. [00:48:10] Speaker E: 30 minutes. All right, you three, the guard is out of the way. [00:48:21] Speaker C: All right, can I. [00:48:25] Speaker E: The door is closed right now currently. [00:48:33] Speaker C: Could someone. If I use. I'm going to turn to Jasper and Warren. If one of you guys can open the door at least and possibly take a possible verbal blow from whoever. If someone's in there, I can get in there unseen. [00:48:58] Speaker A: All right, I'll duck under the police tape and go to open the door like a drunk club goer. [00:49:07] Speaker E: It opens. It's not really any disturbance of, like, there's nothing that really happens when you directly open the door. And even as you make your way in, nothing seems to have happened. But the bodies have been moved. They're gone now. And there seems to be, like, what you see. And the tv shows, you see like little markings of what they think could be evidence, but it is surprisingly lacking right now because there is so little to go on. [00:49:48] Speaker C: Is the door open enough till I can get in and I will be obfuscated. [00:49:58] Speaker E: Yeah, you make your way in. There's nobody in there. As I described. There's like a couple of those markings of. Take a picture, do the dusting for fingerprints. That could be there. [00:50:17] Speaker C: Is it okay if I. All right. I won't obfuscate, actually, until something. Until someone possibly walks in or anything like that. [00:50:29] Speaker E: You'll basically have the second dot activated and I'll have you roll when. Yeah. [00:50:35] Speaker A: Okay. [00:50:36] Speaker C: That's fair. [00:50:38] Speaker E: I see what you mean. That's just kind of how the second one works. [00:50:42] Speaker C: Yes. So I'm going to go ahead and start looking around. Can I make some type of investigation and be like, hey, what else could have been? See if there's anything that they missed so far from a kindred point of view, sort of a normal. [00:51:10] Speaker E: I'm just going to say the scene has been pretty much with the bodies being gone now. There isn't really anything to observe. [00:51:20] Speaker C: There's nothing to observe. [00:51:27] Speaker E: Are Jasper and Warren outside the bathroom? [00:51:32] Speaker A: I open the door to let Rin in and then I stumble inside trying to look like I don't know what's going on. [00:51:37] Speaker E: Yeah, you're in there as well. Okay. Where's Warren. [00:51:41] Speaker B: Warren would follow along as soon as they both got in without any issue. [00:51:46] Speaker E: Okay. After Warren makes his way in, there's a brief moment. The door opens again for a fourth time or fifth, I should be saying. [00:52:12] Speaker A: Does anything walk in? [00:52:15] Speaker E: Somebody does. [00:52:17] Speaker C: Oh, shit. I will stand still. [00:52:26] Speaker E: Yeah. Let me see what you need to roll, because I am not actually on the obfuscate page as I should be. [00:52:38] Speaker C: I'm here. No, I'm not. [00:52:40] Speaker E: Of course, for the wits and stealth. [00:52:43] Speaker C: Wits and stealth. [00:52:46] Speaker E: All right, it's going to be difficulty five. [00:52:49] Speaker C: Okay. Does thrill Seeker. No. Thrill seeker. [00:52:56] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:52:57] Speaker C: A width and still. That's seven. [00:53:00] Speaker A: Okay. [00:53:12] Speaker C: That'S six successes. [00:53:13] Speaker A: Jesus. [00:53:15] Speaker E: All right, my thing. Jasper and Warren, you guys turn around, presumably when somebody else opens the door, even though nobody should be after you. And you see an old polish guy, very old. [00:53:51] Speaker A: Does he react? Is he, like in a uniform or anything? [00:53:58] Speaker E: He's not reacting. He's staring at the two of you with a bit of anger in his eyes, but also a little bit of fear. He's wearing some thick glasses. His eyebrows kind of like, hunch it down. And it almost looks like he could be, like, wearing monocles if he really wanted. In both eyes. [00:54:25] Speaker A: Oh, hello, sir. We're using the bathroom. [00:54:34] Speaker E: Okay, Warren, what are you going to say before I tell Jasper to do his thing? [00:54:43] Speaker B: Warren's going to go with it and kind of like, wobble and try to pretend he's also drunk. [00:54:48] Speaker E: Okay, so it's going to be both of you then. Charisma, performance difficulty eight. [00:55:00] Speaker A: Something tells me eloquent does not apply to this one. [00:55:07] Speaker E: Would you describe Jasper as an eloquent drunk with. [00:55:12] Speaker A: Hello there. We're just trying to pee. I don't think so. One. One depressing success, zero successes. [00:55:31] Speaker E: Yeah. And in this kind of, like, scratched voice. And he goes, no, you two aren't. You were looking for the body that was hauled out of, huh? [00:55:52] Speaker A: Who are you? [00:55:55] Speaker E: Someone who knows far. He walks up to you, Jasper, and he pokes your nose as he says, someone who knows far more than you. Now, I can tell you what I know about him, what I know what's going on. No more than both of you, but he stares at both of you. I need to be safe from your hind. [00:56:41] Speaker A: I'm dropping the act now, but you do need to answer my question. Who are you? [00:56:48] Speaker E: Saul? [00:56:57] Speaker A: Are you on this case? And I'm trying now to, like. Does he come, like, further into the bathroom? [00:57:07] Speaker E: He's standing right in front of both of you. He's poked you. He punctuated that last sentence? That first sentence. By poking your nose. [00:57:19] Speaker A: I want to try and get between him and the door before the conversation continues. [00:57:25] Speaker E: You were very welcome to do that. [00:57:27] Speaker A: Yeah, okay. Saul, are you working this case with the police? [00:57:37] Speaker E: Yes. Those fucking idiots. [00:57:43] Speaker A: So, no. What's your deal? [00:57:51] Speaker E: Will I be safe from you and you and your kind? He points at both of you and wax his finger whole time. [00:58:03] Speaker A: You're not my type, buddy. [00:58:09] Speaker E: But not from your masters. [00:58:13] Speaker A: Listen, I'm just a guy. You talk to me. I'll do what I can. Yeah. [00:58:25] Speaker E: You'Ll look at Warren. Now. [00:58:29] Speaker B: What do you mean by our kind? [00:58:36] Speaker E: The blood suckers. [00:58:41] Speaker B: You're one of those protesters from the other day. [00:58:49] Speaker E: He throws up his hands in frustration and goes, no. [00:59:01] Speaker B: Sir, I assure you, no one at this Establishment drinks any human blood. We're all just here to have a good time. [00:59:08] Speaker E: Bullshit. Only your kind stands out this much. [00:59:20] Speaker A: Okay, what's your kind, man? You want our help or you want us to give information? Whatever we need some give and take. [00:59:30] Speaker E: I could give you information if you promise to not harm me, to not let your masters harm me. I'm sure they very much want to know what's going on, too, don't they? [00:59:50] Speaker A: I would like. Sorry. I would like to activate awe here to just try and get him to chill out and be a little friendlier. I'm going to say, hey, don't worry, Saul. Everything's going to be all right. We just need to know what you. [01:00:04] Speaker E: Know against his willpower. Correct the difficulty. [01:00:12] Speaker A: It's charisma plus performance difficulty. Seven. And then. Sorry. I'm reading the rules. The affected can use willpower points to overcome the effect, but have to do so each scene as long as they're around me. [01:00:34] Speaker E: Okay, go ahead and roll. Make sure to spend your blood point as well. [01:00:45] Speaker A: Yes. I got to eat. There we go. That's better. Four successes. [01:01:01] Speaker E: Relax for a brief moment as he then kind of stiffens up and rolls his shoulders back. [01:01:10] Speaker A: Oh, I found it equal to the number of successes rolled, if that's relevant here. [01:01:15] Speaker D: Sorry. [01:01:15] Speaker E: Yes. No, I'm on it now. And he stiffens up, stands up a little bit straighter and rolls his shoulders back. Looks very angry. Now. [01:01:32] Speaker A: Look, you're asking us for protection from. We don't know anything about you. I'm not going to let anybody kill you because you know something we know. I'll give you my word on that. But you have to relax, man. [01:01:50] Speaker E: When you know what I know, you won't relax and you won't dare try those tricks again. Where's your friend points out Warren. You promise? [01:02:12] Speaker B: I promise. I won't let any harm befall you. [01:02:21] Speaker E: He breathes in and then out. Okay, I'm totally not doing the right accent, but again, he's polish, so everything I'm taking pull from polish accent. I am from Poland, and I grew up. Or not grew up. I matured and learned about your kind during the second war. I have dedicated my life to extinguishing every single one of you in doing so. [01:03:10] Speaker D: Hold on, guys. We're having some technical. [01:03:17] Speaker E: Okay. And in doing so. Oh, okay, yeah, I see what you mean now. And in doing so, I may have screwed up. There is a virus out there now. A virus on only one. Only one of your kind. He's the one who left the body and did the act. If you know what I knew. Okay, if you knew what I knew, you would be very scared as well. You would be very agitated and on edge. There is a virus out there. There's a virus out there that I helped create because after my time in the camps, those accursed. Kindred. That's what you call yourselves. Kindred. I made it my mission to extinguish you and your kind with this earth. But right now, we need to work together and stop the one who is rampaging it. [01:05:08] Speaker A: If we do this, are you going to turn right around and cut our heads off? [01:05:16] Speaker E: Are it? Does it look like I have the strength or ability to cut someone's head off? [01:05:23] Speaker A: Hey, I make a habit out of not underestimating people. [01:05:28] Speaker E: So I am 71 years old. No. [01:05:36] Speaker A: So I take it you were with the guy, Mr. Goldberg or Oseki? [01:05:49] Speaker E: Oseki. Saul Oseki. And yes. The subject is loose. [01:06:06] Speaker A: I'm not sure this is where we should be having this conversation. Should we go somewhere that isn't a shitter at the scene of the crime? [01:06:16] Speaker E: There is nothing more to discuss. It's a virus that affects your kind. [01:06:23] Speaker A: Well, hang on and let them leave yet. We got to figure out whatever this virus is that's important. We also got to figure out what did a virus make. Whoever did that to your friend do that makes us get mad, kill people? [01:06:44] Speaker E: I don't know. [01:06:49] Speaker A: Were you here after Arthur Gonzalez? [01:06:56] Speaker E: No. Well, yes. Depends on what you're asking. Here, as in the city? No. Hereafter what he did, yes. [01:07:13] Speaker A: We found pictures in the pocket of some polaroids. Seemed like a target. A virus? [01:07:21] Speaker E: Somebody else was after him? [01:07:24] Speaker A: I don't know. It could have been he made his move and it didn't work out for him. I'm taking your word on the virus thing. But we don't know that's what caused us murder. [01:07:38] Speaker E: Correct. I need to get back to my lab. Move. [01:07:48] Speaker A: I'm going to. Well, I guess I couldn't signal at all to Ren here, so I'm going to get out of the way. Actually, I'm going to go and I'm going to open the door and hold it open long enough that Ren would be able to walk out. [01:08:04] Speaker C: I was planning on following him as soon as he left. [01:08:11] Speaker E: He goes back to his. He's. I mean, he's leaving the club. Do you also want to leave the club? Do you want to follow him all the way back to his lap? [01:08:34] Speaker C: Yes. [01:08:38] Speaker E: It's going to be the rest of your night, then. He's going to his lab, he's going to his hotel, and he's just going to be there. It is on the other side of the city. [01:08:51] Speaker C: Um, it's on the other side of the city. [01:08:56] Speaker E: Okay. [01:09:02] Speaker C: Yeah, it will take most of the night, but, yeah, I'm going to follow him, just so I know where he's at. [01:09:11] Speaker E: Margo, you had your snack. You kind of left him sitting there, presumably in that little dressing room that you decided to use as a dressing room. [01:09:24] Speaker D: Yes. [01:09:26] Speaker E: And you see, probably by this time, you do see Jasper closing the door now, like, letting it close. But you do see him in the bathroom. [01:09:51] Speaker D: She'll. She'll approach. Oh, well, how did that go? [01:10:04] Speaker A: Well, the bodies were gone. But on the bright side, a hunter came into the bathroom and talked to us. [01:10:12] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [01:10:14] Speaker A: He says there's a virus afflicting us. And also that he knew the guy that got murdered, but wouldn't tell us any more than that. [01:10:29] Speaker E: Well, see, he didn't say he knows the guy who got murdered. He thinks he knows who committed the murder. [01:10:35] Speaker A: He thinks he knows who did it, but apparently doesn't know our victim. [01:10:44] Speaker D: And who does he think is the culprit? [01:10:54] Speaker A: He thinks it's the pictures, right? Or that's the assumption he's making. [01:11:02] Speaker E: Yes. [01:11:03] Speaker A: Yeah, he thinks it's Gonzalez here. I'm not so sure. He's saying this virus making us freak out. But for all we know, this could be a hunt gone wrong, so I don't know. [01:11:24] Speaker E: It. [01:11:25] Speaker D: Well, now, what? Are we chasing after this man? Are we letting it be? [01:11:39] Speaker A: Well, I think he's probably got the sense to keep out for a tail. And I look around for a second, just in case. I held that door open for a think. I think Ren maybe followed him. At least I hope he did. [01:11:55] Speaker E: Right. [01:11:56] Speaker A: Ren and I look around to see if he's hiding nearby, waiting to respond to me. [01:12:07] Speaker D: Okay. Ren has the sense to at least let us know through the payphone if he finds anything or if he's in. [01:12:33] Speaker A: Oh, Warren, did you get anything off of that? [01:12:40] Speaker B: And shake his head and shrug. Polish guy? Not much. Other than that he didn't have anything particularly unusual about him that I could pick up on. [01:13:01] Speaker A: I don't know, man. With a virus, I guess don't get bit by nobody. [01:13:14] Speaker D: I'll try my hardest. [01:13:16] Speaker E: Now, there was nothing really to report back. And frankly, even with you guys investigating stuff, nothing of note happened for the next couple of nights. On night three, you arise. You make your way back to the club. You begin your investigation yet again, looking at the crowd for anyone who stands out, for any shifty figures, for anyone who could be Arthur Gonzalez. Can I have people make perception and alertness rules? [01:14:11] Speaker D: Of course. [01:14:13] Speaker A: Difficulty six. [01:14:16] Speaker E: Difficulty six. [01:14:20] Speaker A: Three successes. [01:14:24] Speaker C: Is this for noises or is this just looking? [01:14:27] Speaker E: This is looking. [01:14:29] Speaker C: Okay. [01:14:31] Speaker E: One success with your two dice. [01:14:35] Speaker D: With my two dice. [01:14:38] Speaker C: Two successes. [01:14:40] Speaker E: Two successes. Gr. Did you roll? [01:14:47] Speaker B: I did. I had one success. [01:14:49] Speaker E: You have the one success as well. Okay. Just want to make sure I wasn't seeing a role for something else. Jasper, you notice it first and then Jimmy, you see someone who is being very fidgety on the dance floor. Can't quite make out any specifics about like, you get the feeling that this could be your guide. This is like the person who's like, acting like they're a fish out of water here. [01:15:28] Speaker A: I'm going to dance over to him and just look like I don't know who he is, but I can't act like I'm just trying to have a good time. [01:15:43] Speaker C: I am going to just keep my eye on him and add Jasper, but still be close enough in case something happens because he is a gangroll, possibly. [01:15:57] Speaker E: Okay. And then as for the other two, you kind of notice it just as Ren and Jasper. But there's like this guy that's out there that does not look like they fit in. And you see that Jasper is getting closer to him. But as Jasper does get closer, this Guy's now making his way into the basement, into the labyrinth, I should say as well. [01:16:28] Speaker A: Can I try? Move a little faster and get in the way. [01:16:39] Speaker E: Let me see. Let me see if you can do that's. As you are doing that as you are making your way over, he does manage to get down a few steps and round one of the corners before you start heading him off before you're able to slip by him. And you do get past him a little bit and start kind of blocking his way. [01:17:20] Speaker A: Hey, budy. Don't see you around here often. What's your name? [01:17:30] Speaker E: Ah, come on. I know what I mean. I know what I mean. I can do this twice. I fucked it up twice. Okay. Anyway, with that, he does pull out a knife and just lunge at you. [01:17:54] Speaker A: Oh, shit. [01:17:55] Speaker E: And he does manage to stick it in. Is Ren following Jasper and this guy? Okay, I am following. What are the other two doing? Before I continue with this. [01:18:09] Speaker D: Boy combat, the one thing I'm so good at, um, I think I might pull out my blades and keep behind Jasper in case he. [01:18:42] Speaker E: Behind Ren. [01:18:43] Speaker D: Behind Ren, yeah. [01:18:47] Speaker E: Warren. [01:18:49] Speaker B: Warren is going to make his way also over towards the basement and where he was headed. And keep his hand on his gun. [01:18:58] Speaker E: Okay, so he lands in slice on Jasper. Kind of something. Out of a panic almost. [01:19:14] Speaker A: He looks more like afraid than angry. [01:19:17] Speaker E: He looks tweaked out. [01:19:22] Speaker A: I'm going to reach out and grab him by the shoulders and push him against the wall, and I hold him in place. This is not the place to make this happen. And I'm not the one you want to mess with. You talk to me, things can get better. [01:19:38] Speaker D: Jesus, man, I just got it from. [01:19:40] Speaker E: No, I just stabbed me. [01:19:43] Speaker A: Calm down. You got what? [01:19:48] Speaker E: Wait, no. You could be a cop, motherfucker. [01:19:54] Speaker A: You stabbed me. If I'm a cop, you're going to prison. But I'm not. Let's calm down. Let's speak honestly to one another. I'll make sure that you don't have to regret stabbing me. I'm quite a nice guy when I want to be. [01:20:12] Speaker E: He's just saying no after every single one of those statements. [01:20:17] Speaker A: All right, what do you want me to do to prove you I'm not a cop? [01:20:24] Speaker E: Let me go. [01:20:26] Speaker A: That's not going to happen if you're just going to leave. Virons. Is he breathing? [01:20:32] Speaker E: Yes. [01:20:33] Speaker A: Okay, listen, you're freaked out. You're stabbing me and I'm, like, actively bleeding. If you speak to me. Nobody ever has to hear about this. Nobody. Just me. [01:20:58] Speaker E: Just got the drugs. I just got the drugs. I just got the drugs. Your Pete? No. Ren? [01:21:12] Speaker C: Yes. [01:21:16] Speaker E: This is where your specialty will come in. Can you roll me perception awareness? [01:21:21] Speaker C: Yes. [01:21:22] Speaker E: Difficulty. [01:21:24] Speaker C: Voices are. [01:21:25] Speaker E: No. Okay, Warren, are you still upstairs? Just in case this guy tries to bolt up and out. [01:21:39] Speaker C: All right, two successes. [01:21:48] Speaker E: Marco, are you in the stairwell behind Ren? That's where Ren is currently. Okay, can you make me perception alertness difficulty eight. [01:22:00] Speaker D: Oh, jeez. [01:22:24] Speaker E: Ren and Warren, you hear somebody scream bloody murder. [01:22:35] Speaker C: Oh, shit. [01:22:36] Speaker E: And then go, oh, my God, they're dead. [01:22:40] Speaker C: I want to rush on over. [01:22:46] Speaker E: Up on the second floor where the dancing platforms are kind of where they're floating from. You see there is a dead body. Saul there as well, and he's going to point in the opposite direction of where you came from, towards one of the higher up windows and goes, that's them. And you see a guy climbing up and then smashing a window and going out of it. [01:23:29] Speaker C: I am going to immediately run outside. [01:23:35] Speaker E: Margot, Ren just blasted past you. Same with you, Warren. Ren just blasted past you guys when that person did scream bloody murder. Now, Margo, you don't know what happened, but something to cause Ren to run off past you might be, um. [01:23:55] Speaker D: She will follow behind, then also will follow. [01:24:08] Speaker E: And you guys see the body. Neither of you guys actually saw what the first body looked like, but this one does look very visceral as well. But from what was described, this one is actually leaking blood and is a lot sloppier. And you can actually see the fang holes in the neck. They weren't cleaned up. And Jasper, you can hear ever so faintly, but there's this crowd, kind of like rushing and running now. So there might be an incident that happened upstairs. Are you going to go up there? Are you going to let your person go and go up there? Or are you going to keep interrogating? This guy. [01:25:29] Speaker D: Ran. He's done. He's out of it. [01:25:37] Speaker E: Hey. [01:25:39] Speaker A: Hello. Okay, I said something right before you asked me if I stayed with a guy, so I was like, oh, I thought that question would answer. This makes sense. Yeah, I'm definitely going to stay with him because I feel like he might know something. He said he just received the drugs. Does he have like a bag on him or anything? Or is he wearing like a coat I could frisk around? [01:26:04] Speaker E: Yeah, we'll just deal with this situation first. Can you. This will be perception investigation. [01:26:19] Speaker A: Man, I put my points in all the wrong skills. [01:26:24] Speaker E: At least for this session. [01:26:27] Speaker A: I'm going to spend a willpower on it. [01:26:29] Speaker E: Okay. [01:26:40] Speaker A: One success from the willpower. [01:26:47] Speaker E: You find this kind of plastic wrapped thing in his coat as he pulled out. It's crack. I mean, there's no way of going about it. This is drugs. This is crack. [01:27:03] Speaker A: Regular drugs, not vampy, rampagey drugs. [01:27:09] Speaker E: Vampy, rampagey drugs are blood vials. And that's Lilly pine blood. [01:27:13] Speaker A: Yeah. I shake my head and shove it back wherever I found it. And I let the guy go. Whatever, man. Get a better job. Don't look so shifty. [01:27:24] Speaker E: You're too onto the other two. Margot and Warren. Do you guys see this dead body? There is blood leaking out of the holes in his neck from where somebody's fangs were in. [01:27:48] Speaker D: Should we touch it to move it? [01:27:56] Speaker B: I am not going to touch it, but you can be my guest. [01:28:00] Speaker D: Oh, no, honey, I'm too pretty to touch things like that. [01:28:14] Speaker B: Leave it, I guess. Seems like our most viable option. Where did Ren go? [01:28:25] Speaker E: I will say, before we get into what will happen, you do see Ren climbing through a hole? Like through a window outside. [01:28:42] Speaker D: Right there. [01:28:51] Speaker E: Now, Warren, given your background, I'll let you know this. You would guess that since there's another murder, this one a lot more publicly, you probably do have about two to three minutes before the cops are called, and then another couple of minutes before the cops are actually there. And the risk of the breach of the masquerade? You will have a breach in the masquerade by that point. [01:29:30] Speaker A: See if. [01:29:33] Speaker B: I can get this body out. He's going to go over to the body, see if he can at the very least get it out of the view of the crowd. [01:29:47] Speaker E: Can you roll me? Self control. I'm not going to tell you the difficulty. I'm not going to tell you what it does. I just need you to roll me. Self control. You have four dice in self control? [01:30:17] Speaker B: I do. I'm sorry, I mistake. [01:30:19] Speaker E: Something wrong? The difficulty of ten isn't needed, but I just need to see the numbers on the dice. You okay? Let me make a note. Where are you moving the body? To. [01:30:50] Speaker B: Try to get it outside and then flee around through an alleyway, covering up any nasty wounds or things that would make it look like this is anything too terrible to the best of his ability. Maybe wrapping his jacket around the guy to kind of COVID the throat wounds just in order to get out of view of the large group of people. [01:31:17] Speaker E: And you're just moving him outside now? [01:31:20] Speaker B: Yeah, out and just kind of trying to hide him in an alleyway. [01:31:24] Speaker E: Okay, margot, what would you like to do? [01:31:32] Speaker D: He asked me to distract crowds and distract crowds I will. [01:31:38] Speaker E: The thing you are best at. [01:31:40] Speaker D: Yes. How far away am I from the mass of people? [01:31:52] Speaker E: You're upstairs. The crowd is now kind of, like, frozen, and there's some people that are, like, frozen in shock. There's a large group of people running outside. [01:32:11] Speaker D: Um, I'm going to use my third. [01:32:21] Speaker E: Dot in my matrigal. [01:32:26] Speaker D: Yes. To try to get them from panicked. I'm going to pick up a small tune to get them to mellow out a bit. Again, that sense of calm. For that, I need to roll a. [01:32:59] Speaker E: Charisma and performance difficulty. Seven. Yes. You are singing. Do keep in mind this is only about a fifth of the audience will receive this. If you want it to be more, I'm going to say you're probably going to need to spend a point of willpower. Okay. And I'll say it's about. Instead of it being a fifth, it's about three fifths. [01:33:38] Speaker D: I will spend the point of willpower then. [01:33:45] Speaker E: Can you tell me what your current willpower pool is? [01:33:49] Speaker D: I know. [01:33:52] Speaker E: Or like, what it's left at? [01:34:00] Speaker D: My current willpower pool is four. [01:34:03] Speaker E: Just wanted to make sure I was on the same page. It. [01:34:20] Speaker D: Two, six, five. [01:34:21] Speaker E: Wonderful. Yeah. So a good portion of the audience now is like stuff being panicked or frozen in a state of shock. Some of them are kind of now calm now kind of like, oh, maybe this isn't as bad. I still kind of want to leave, but now not panically, even run. So instead of it being most of a running crowd, it is very few. There's not a lot of people running frantically running anymore. There are still some, but not all. [01:34:58] Speaker D: Of course, but yeah, I'm going to spend my turns keeping that up to keep them as calm as I can. [01:35:15] Speaker E: A bouncer, one that you could probably assume is gould, just based off the information that they're going to tell you. And he said that Mr. Thornhill knows what you're doing and will be arriving in 15 minutes. Keep it up it. [01:35:34] Speaker A: By now, have I the champ? Sorry. [01:35:37] Speaker E: Yes. By now you're upstairs as well. And you see Margot kind of running this interference of distraction. [01:35:44] Speaker A: I want to try and guess. This is definitely a long shot. See if I can't find any suspicious looking kindred in the crowd who did this or caused this or I guess I don't know about the fang marks, so never mind. I want to try. And since Mario's talking to the crowd, actually, he's only getting a portion of it right. I might as well try the same thing just on the other side. Activate on. Everybody calm down. It's all going to be all right type situation. [01:36:20] Speaker E: All right. Go ahead and roll for it. Make sure you spend your blood point as well. [01:36:34] Speaker A: Three successes. [01:36:36] Speaker E: Wonderful. Yeah. There's like a group of six people. There's only like one or two people now who are running frantically away. While you do have like six people just entranced by your voice. [01:36:52] Speaker A: We also remain calm. Whatever happened, we don't want to damage the crime scene for the people that come investigate it, please. Just trying to quell it. [01:37:07] Speaker C: In. [01:37:07] Speaker E: The same bouncer will kind of like, step over now that you did your thing. They'll be like, Mr. Thornhill knows what you're doing and he will be here in about 15 minutes. Now, we're going to switch over to Ren. [01:37:28] Speaker C: Okay. [01:37:29] Speaker E: You take off after this guy as he is running away from the crime, and you run up to that wall and you see and jump up and see, look out through the hole in the window that he made, and you see him climbing up another building. Are you going to follow suit? [01:37:53] Speaker C: Yes, I will. [01:37:55] Speaker E: You're going to go in for suit. Okay. I'm going to suggest that if you're going to be jumping a lot and climbing, that you do use claws, as it will help. [01:38:10] Speaker C: Yeah, I was going to be activating claws as soon as I get out, just so as soon as no one sees me, basically, I'm popping the claws. [01:38:21] Speaker E: Okay, you do that. Can you roll strength and athletics difficulty six, as you kind of then take your running jump and leap out of the window with this being, can I. [01:38:39] Speaker C: Use daredevil as well? [01:38:40] Speaker E: Yes. The next set of rolls I'm going to have you do are all going to be included in that. [01:38:46] Speaker C: Okay, so strength athletics, right? [01:38:53] Speaker E: Yes. Strength athletics def six, and then reduce it down by whatever you need to. For daredevil. [01:38:59] Speaker C: I get, actually three extra dice for daredevil, if I remember. Okay. [01:39:02] Speaker E: That's what it is. [01:39:03] Speaker D: Okay. [01:39:05] Speaker C: All right. Jesus. One success. [01:39:12] Speaker E: Okay. You leap out, slam up against the wall, what looks like what he did as well. And you start climbing your way up, and you're going to roll Dex to athletics difficulty six. For that included, including, sorry, and reflexively in the air. You would also have shifted out your claws if you could roll Dex athletics difficulty four, plus your daredevil. [01:39:37] Speaker C: Dex athletics difficulty four. [01:39:40] Speaker E: Difficulty four. [01:39:42] Speaker C: Okay. [01:39:43] Speaker E: As you climb up after him. [01:39:48] Speaker C: All right, four. All right, that's going to be five successes. [01:40:01] Speaker E: You scale that wall with speed and grace, and as you finally pull yourself up and look up, you see him kind of jump off the roof again, and there isn't really anything that you could see, like where he's going to be jumping up even higher. So you would assume that he's jumping lower, and you run across that route and make your next jump, which will just be strength difficulty five. [01:40:40] Speaker C: With death bevel. [01:40:42] Speaker E: Yes. All right. [01:40:44] Speaker C: Difficulty five successes. [01:40:48] Speaker E: Awesome. As you land down, kind of holding whatever pose you would like, he turns back his head to you as he hears you and then bolts as fast as he can, and he's going to jump across and into a window and through it. [01:41:21] Speaker C: I am going to go after. [01:41:26] Speaker E: Dex. Athletics difficulty four. [01:41:30] Speaker C: Athletics five. Eight successes. [01:41:47] Speaker E: You make the jump and it is absolutely perfect, and you don't land on any glass, and it's wonderful. And you land gracefully onto someone's coffee table and their tv is on and they're kind of like, looking at you in shock. After a few seconds, you go like, wait, what the. [01:42:12] Speaker D: How to get out. [01:42:18] Speaker C: All right, someone has done something very wrong and I'm looking around for him. Where is he? [01:42:24] Speaker E: Still running straight ahead from you. [01:42:27] Speaker C: I'm just going to keep on running after. [01:42:31] Speaker E: Sorry. You do see claw marks around the apartment and you follow him and you see through another window that he jumped through, that he's jumped up on top and presumably on top of another building. [01:42:44] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm going straight after him, just ignoring. [01:42:50] Speaker E: Dax. Athletics again, difficulty five. [01:42:55] Speaker C: Dex, athletics difficulty five. Okay, that's with dare. Double. Five successes. [01:43:12] Speaker E: As you continue your stride of grace of, like, climbing and jumping, you're getting closer to him. He still has a little bit of distance on you, but you're getting closer to him. He jumps up again and through another window. This one's going to be strength athletics difficulty five. [01:43:35] Speaker C: Strength athletics difficulty five. [01:43:38] Speaker E: Yes. All right, you're jumping these 20 and 30 gaps and then eventually some 40 and you're jumping higher and higher. Now see what your next one is. [01:43:58] Speaker C: Nine, difficulty five. [01:44:01] Speaker E: Difficulty five. Oh, no. [01:44:05] Speaker D: For once, red. [01:44:10] Speaker A: Had to run out of. [01:44:11] Speaker C: Enjoy. May I spend a willpower? If I remember correctly, we can do this. [01:44:17] Speaker E: Yes, you can spend a willpower. Reroll those ones. [01:44:21] Speaker C: All right, two successes. [01:44:32] Speaker E: You first struggle and you catch yourself on the lip of the window and dig your claws into the brick and pull yourself up and then kind of push yourself through like you were diving. And you do a combat roll and stand up and you see that you're in this abandoned, completely dark boardroom and you hear another smash of a window as 20ft in front of you. He is still running and seems to jump straight down. [01:45:13] Speaker C: I'm just going to immediately. I'm just going to immediately dart forward and then jump after him. And if he has his arms flayed out like you normally do, I'm going to go immediately towards a dive towards him. [01:45:36] Speaker E: Can you roll me? Stamina. This is going to be difficulty five. [01:45:43] Speaker C: Okay, just stamina. [01:45:49] Speaker E: Just your stamina. You're soaking. [01:45:52] Speaker C: Oh, shit. May I add in my fortitude as well, yes. [01:45:57] Speaker A: Let's go. [01:46:00] Speaker C: Two successes. [01:46:05] Speaker E: Yeah, you kind of like, land. And even then, as you're still diving, you go into a tuck, and you're still able to make sure you don't injure your head or break any bones. As much as it might not actively affect you, having a broken bone can still hurt and you end up mostly unscathed. And you have much as you've probably ruined the shirt that you're wearing. You hear a metal door slam shut in front of you as you're now on this metal graded catwalk. [01:46:40] Speaker C: All right, I will go to the door and I will just rip open that door. [01:46:47] Speaker E: Yeah, you do. And this stench just floods your nostrils of death and rot. [01:47:05] Speaker C: Where is he, Mel? And it's, oh, God, so terrible. Where is he? Where is this guy? [01:47:16] Speaker E: You don't really see any more evidence, but you do make your way down the stairs. You see two doors, one of which is kind of off its hinges, and the other is actually on its is like, actually closed. [01:47:33] Speaker C: Okay, I will open the door that's closed. [01:47:39] Speaker E: Okay. As you make your way in, it's completely dark. You can't see anything in here. [01:47:49] Speaker C: If I don't see anything there, I will activate my first level of protein to see in the dark. So it's been a blood point and believe that's how it works. [01:48:07] Speaker E: I believe so as well. If you need to roll something, then we'll roll it. [01:48:12] Speaker C: I don't think I have to roll for it. It's just spend a blood point to activate. [01:48:18] Speaker E: Yes. And as you do, kind of see that there's this pile of clothes that looks like it's probably being used as a bed. And then you hear something detached from the ceiling. [01:48:36] Speaker C: I look up. [01:48:39] Speaker E: I need to roll with something. It's a little too late. This guy had the drop on you. [01:48:45] Speaker C: Yeah, he did. God, 25 again. [01:48:51] Speaker E: I know, right? Yeah, I keep fucking this up. That's not great for you. [01:49:00] Speaker C: That's bad. Okay. [01:49:05] Speaker E: Can you roll just your fortitude? [01:49:08] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, but I know what exactly he's doing. He's swiping at me with claws difficulty. Six, one success. [01:49:20] Speaker E: Take your one ag damage. [01:49:24] Speaker C: As he. [01:49:25] Speaker E: Then rakes his claws into your back. And he then kind of like alts off of you and kind of ducks behind this couch. What are you going to do next? [01:49:41] Speaker C: I'm just going to growl at him and go for him and just go at him with the claws. [01:49:52] Speaker E: Okay. Can you roll your dex. Brawl. [01:49:58] Speaker C: Yes. [01:50:01] Speaker E: Brawl. I didn't realize you guys actually shared the same pool for it. [01:50:05] Speaker C: Oh, shit. Okay. Did I want to blood buff? No, I'm good. Good for now. One success. Damn. [01:50:21] Speaker E: Okay, you lunch at him and you manage to get a swipe in. Can you roll your damage for me? [01:50:27] Speaker C: Yep. So that will be strength four. [01:50:30] Speaker E: Include your specialty in that role as well. [01:50:32] Speaker A: Please imagine him as Dimitri. [01:50:36] Speaker C: Five. Six. [01:50:39] Speaker E: And specialty of you only have four dice of strength with claws. [01:50:46] Speaker C: It's going to be plus one. [01:50:48] Speaker E: Oh, yes. Five. Forgot about that. Got claused at that. [01:50:54] Speaker C: Would you like to roll for that one? Die if you did not have a no extra. [01:50:59] Speaker E: All right, I'll let you roll it, though. [01:51:03] Speaker C: All right, that is four successes. [01:51:09] Speaker A: We're so back. [01:51:11] Speaker E: Let me. [01:51:15] Speaker C: He might have fortitude. That's the only problem. [01:51:21] Speaker A: He does seem like a gang rule. [01:51:27] Speaker E: It doesn't do anything but yeah, he howls when you rake your claws into him and as you pull them out, you see these like flakes of skin on them. He's going to hold the same move again. He's going to jump at you and then jump back. [01:51:54] Speaker C: Okay. I don't know if it works the same. Did you subtract two dice from the pool? [01:52:03] Speaker E: It's not matter in this instance. [01:52:05] Speaker C: Okay. [01:52:07] Speaker E: Special things are going on. [01:52:09] Speaker C: Oh, shit. I see. All right then. [01:52:22] Speaker E: Okay, can you roll your axe, Oak again? [01:52:26] Speaker C: Yes. Oh, no. Biofail this time. [01:52:32] Speaker E: You take your three asok. [01:52:38] Speaker C: All right. [01:52:41] Speaker E: And he jumps off of you again. It's kind of sitting on the, one of his claws is hooked into the wall. Now as he snarls, anticipating your next move. [01:53:03] Speaker C: Randy's going to just finally let go and just gnarl back at him like a back menacingly at him. And I'm going to blood buff. I'm going to bend a point to bump up my. [01:53:26] Speaker E: Roll your willpower as well. [01:53:30] Speaker C: And roll my willpower. [01:53:33] Speaker E: Before we calculate your blood buff. [01:53:38] Speaker C: Okay, so I have willpower five, difficulty six. [01:53:43] Speaker E: Yes. [01:53:46] Speaker C: Two successes. [01:53:48] Speaker E: Okay, you get your blood buff. [01:53:52] Speaker C: All right. And I'm just going to immediately go back at him because he is attacking me and I am wounded. So I need to end this now. That is going to be four. Seven. That's five attacks, two successes. [01:54:29] Speaker E: Go ahead, roll your damage. [01:54:31] Speaker C: All right, that is going to be four. Five. Minus two. Come on. I don't know if I could spend a willpower here to guarantee. [01:54:58] Speaker E: Well, you have one extra dice plus your strength and plus your claws as well. Yeah, minus two. So you're at pool five again. [01:55:08] Speaker C: Pool five. Okay. [01:55:14] Speaker E: If you want to spend. Go ahead. [01:55:22] Speaker C: Let'S go. This is definitely a willpower spend moment. [01:55:31] Speaker E: How much willpower do you have left? [01:55:33] Speaker C: This is my last willpower. [01:55:38] Speaker A: Come on, red. [01:55:40] Speaker C: Come on. It's two. This is damage. This is damage two. [01:55:52] Speaker E: It's only one. If you're still there, he's going to. Presumably you kind of like, swipe at him, catch a little bit, and you see kind of like this, another chunk of skin. And again, it's flaky and he's going to tack you yet again. This time he's going to grapple you. [01:56:22] Speaker C: Oh, he's going to grapple me. [01:56:27] Speaker E: Or he's going to do his dandest too, which he does. And then he's going to scream in your face of this rage and agony for about ten to 20 seconds, and then he's going to stare at you even more, giving these heaving breathing sounds, as one would do. As one would do when they're exhausted or in about to collapse. Mmhmm. And then he goes limp. Okay, now you have this heavy dead weight on you. [01:57:30] Speaker C: I'm just going to throw him onto the clothes pile. [01:57:38] Speaker E: Right. [01:57:42] Speaker C: Clutch at my side because I got swiped pretty good. [01:57:49] Speaker E: Oh, man. [01:57:58] Speaker C: Is there any, like, rope or. I mean, there's a bunch of dirty clothes, right? [01:58:05] Speaker E: Yes. [01:58:09] Speaker C: Because if there was, like, something here, I could just. It's a gang roll, so it's where I think it. Or is this Arthur, by the way. [01:58:23] Speaker E: You vaguely recognize his face as Arthur? He wasn't really rememberable the first time you met him, but you would think that this is the same guy from the photograph. [01:58:32] Speaker C: So that's what I'm saying. Yeah, this is the guy from the photograph. Okay. We need some. We need someone to have a look at. You don't have a steak or anything like that? That's the only problem. Or. [01:59:04] Speaker E: Around, when you mentioned, you start thinking of, like, that steak, you start seeing blood drain out of his nose and ears and eyes, kind of soaking into the clothes beneath him. [01:59:22] Speaker C: Shit. [01:59:24] Speaker E: The body is kind of starting to sink in on itself. The clothes that he's wearing are starting to look a bit ragged and too bulky for him. [01:59:37] Speaker C: What the fuck is he going into? Is there anything else around here, like a jar or bottle or something like that, that I could basically try to get some of his blood in? Because I want someone to have a look at this. Because this is not. Because if there was mention of a virus, someone needs to have a look at his blood or something like that. Someone would have to have a contact. [02:00:09] Speaker E: There isn't a jar in the room. And if you go into the adjacent one, you don't see a jar in there. What you do see, though, is about two to three different corpses of people who look generally. Generally look homeless or impoverished. [02:00:34] Speaker C: This is going to sound bad, but is there any bags nearby? [02:00:43] Speaker E: The closest thing you're going to get to a bag is one of these corpses. Like clothes. [02:00:48] Speaker C: Okay. I was hoping for, like a shopping bag or like, something on that line. So that's the reason I was put them on a pile of clothes here. I'm actually going to go back and my shirt is basically ruined, right, because of all that jumping. I'm going to take it off and I'm just going to dab up some of this blood and soak it into my shirt, basically my old reddish shirt. [02:01:28] Speaker E: Can you roll me? I will wits an investigation on this one. [02:01:36] Speaker C: Okay. It's going to be difficulty. [02:01:41] Speaker E: Six. [02:01:43] Speaker C: One success. [02:01:47] Speaker E: Notice that there's this white gunk around his eyes when you start dabbing up the blood. [02:01:57] Speaker C: So one half of the shirt that has not gotten into any of the blood, I'm going to rip off half of my other shirt and get that gunk around his eyes. And some of that clothes, as you. [02:02:11] Speaker E: Do, you peel that up, and then you kind of see there's a lot of skin flakes being pulled off. And then part of that skin is also being peeled up as well. As this corpse is decaying very rapidly, it's becoming skeletal now. You fear that there's probably not a lot of time. You don't know if you're going to be able. If somebody were to. You don't know if someone is going to be able to actually examine this. You don't know if the blood that you even have on your shirt is even going to be useful. [02:02:48] Speaker A: God damn it. [02:02:51] Speaker C: I don't have anything else to say now where I could take pictures. [02:02:55] Speaker A: Um. [02:03:01] Speaker C: There'S no camera or anything like that in here somehow? Like, no, nothing. [02:03:08] Speaker E: No, just very poor. This seems to have been maybe in the past, could have been a good home for somebody. But you would get the sense that with the courses that you saw in there, possibly at the time as well, that this could have been weeks of build up. Now. [02:03:34] Speaker C: I'm just going to body scalps and then stuff like that. There's not so much else I could do here. [02:03:46] Speaker E: You can hope that the blood is useful, but you don't. [02:03:49] Speaker C: Yeah. And all the skin and white gunk on my other shirt just. I'm going to pray as well that will or hope that something can be used with this. And I'm going to eventually. Just go outside. [02:04:12] Speaker E: Are you going to try to make your way back to the club? [02:04:17] Speaker C: I am going to. [02:04:27] Speaker E: How late is it, say, after the events? It's probably about 02:00 a.m. You have another couple of hours before the sun rises. [02:04:38] Speaker D: Yes. [02:04:43] Speaker C: If anything, I would like to go to a store real fast. Let me get out of this area at least, and then I'll stop by, like, a store to grab, like, a ziploc bag or something like that to try to preserve as much as I can. [02:05:12] Speaker E: Now, as all of this has happened, the other 315 minutes had passed for your distractions. And you see Brendan Thornhill, the proprietor of the Succubus club, walk in. He'll approach Margot first. You say, that gun you kind of glitched out for me. [02:05:51] Speaker D: Yeah. Once the song wraps up, she'll look up at him and just raise an eyebrow. Oh, he'll sit here. [02:06:10] Speaker E: For now. Where's the body? [02:06:21] Speaker D: That is a. Was the body near us? [02:06:35] Speaker E: I believe Warren moved it. [02:06:41] Speaker D: Then you'll want to ask him off of. [02:06:53] Speaker E: Thank you. He'll say to Margaret, and then walk over to Warren. Where is the body? [02:07:03] Speaker B: I moved it out of view of the crowds and did what I could to the wound to try and cover that it was any sort of fang mark or anything. [02:07:18] Speaker E: Thank you. What exactly happened? Did you see anything? Did you hear anything? [02:07:28] Speaker B: I heard a scream. And when I was here, and when I made it over here, I saw a body. [02:07:35] Speaker E: That's all I saw. He'll look over to Margot, kind of beckon her over with one finger, just like, come over here. [02:07:51] Speaker D: She'll hold back an eye roll as she approaches. [02:07:59] Speaker E: Do you know what happened? [02:08:06] Speaker D: Not necessarily. All I know is that one of our Kurdri members went and, I think, followed somebody. I was a little bit too busy keeping everything under control. [02:08:41] Speaker E: As your clan is known to do. [02:08:45] Speaker D: Of course. [02:08:47] Speaker E: I appreciate it. Thank you. I'll let your mother know. [02:08:53] Speaker D: Thank you. [02:08:59] Speaker E: He'll kind of speak up louder now. Say, Jasper, join us. [02:09:05] Speaker A: I'll wander over. [02:09:11] Speaker E: Babel said that they don't know anything. They didn't see it. What did you see? [02:09:19] Speaker A: Got bad news. I saw a different shifty guy, and I was interrogating him, thinking he might have had something to do with the other night. Just some unfortunate drug dealer. I missed the whole damn thing. [02:09:35] Speaker E: Shit. [02:09:37] Speaker A: Shit. But if they're right, that Ren wouldn't chase somebody. Ren will know. He keeps his eyes open. [02:09:55] Speaker E: Take me to the body. I'm going to need to know for the police. [02:10:01] Speaker B: Going to nod follow me. Lead him back to the alleyway where he kind of hid the body. [02:10:12] Speaker E: He's going to breathe in for a second, kind of like you do see him physically breathe in as in trying to remember what it might be like to see it be human. And freshly remember what it. And freshly remember the first time he had to see a dead body. I'm going to need to see what his humanity is. You all might want to walk away from this. As you see him kind of ready up his arm, he sticks it onto the man's throat. And if anybody, or if anybody, or if all of you turn away, you hear something squishy and wet just kind of be pulled. The cracking of cartilage. And you see him put it and you hear it kind of like slide into fabric. And he walks past you now holding a handkerchief and kind of wiping off his hand. [02:11:47] Speaker A: I'm going to look at the corpse. [02:11:51] Speaker E: He did his best to make it look like the other one that you found. [02:11:58] Speaker A: A fake serial killer? [02:12:02] Speaker E: No, a real serial killer. The body wasn't left the same. We need to look similar with that. He heads insider. [02:12:23] Speaker A: Can't this start happening to other coteries? [02:12:30] Speaker D: Why, of course not. [02:12:33] Speaker A: Of course not. It's our problem now. [02:12:36] Speaker D: It's only our. [02:12:40] Speaker A: Problem. [02:12:40] Speaker D: Everything in the last week and a half has been our problem. [02:12:46] Speaker A: I should never have come to that goddamn party. [02:12:49] Speaker D: Well, guess what? You did. And now you're stuck with us. Congratulations. You're a real winner here. [02:13:03] Speaker B: I'm blamed the succubus. [02:13:06] Speaker A: Did you see what direction Ren went off in? [02:13:13] Speaker E: He said he was going inside the club or. I said he was going inside the club. [02:13:18] Speaker A: Oh, did you? Okay, cool. He's like visibly injured, right? If I'm where I can see him. [02:13:41] Speaker E: Where Thornhill went. [02:13:43] Speaker A: Ren? [02:13:44] Speaker E: Ren. Oh, sorry. You're asking about Ren? Ren hasn't made his way back yet. There hasn't been enough time. [02:13:50] Speaker A: Did you guys see what direction Ren went off into? [02:13:57] Speaker B: Ren went out a window. [02:14:07] Speaker A: Out a window? Well, I'll just wait for him. [02:14:10] Speaker E: Here's. [02:14:19] Speaker A: I'm going to wait for him away from the body. [02:14:23] Speaker E: Okay. It's going to take about 30 minutes. What are the other two going to do? [02:14:39] Speaker D: Probably wait around as well. [02:14:43] Speaker E: Warren, are you also going to wait? [02:14:45] Speaker B: Yeah, he'll stick around the circubus club. [02:14:48] Speaker E: To wait about 30 minutes. Ryan comes back wearing a different shirt and holding his implock bag containing the other shirt. [02:15:02] Speaker A: Yep. [02:15:05] Speaker C: Visibly injured. [02:15:09] Speaker A: Jesus Christ, man. What happened to you? [02:15:12] Speaker C: I went after the guy and it was crazy. That guy should. Arthur should not have hit that hard. And he got the jump on me after a while, following and. [02:15:38] Speaker E: It'S just. [02:15:39] Speaker C: Been a long day. [02:15:42] Speaker A: It was Arthur. Did he get away? [02:15:46] Speaker C: He's more gone now. [02:15:51] Speaker A: Like dust. [02:15:55] Speaker C: Like decayed. Whatever the fuck that he was in him was. I got some really good hits in on him. He just kept on hitting hard. [02:16:18] Speaker A: But you didn't put him in the Tor prayer final death, right? [02:16:22] Speaker C: No. Last thing he did was grapple me, then screamed to my face and then went limp and then started to decay. Blood started pouring out of him. [02:16:36] Speaker A: You need to go tell Thornhill. [02:16:40] Speaker C: Yeah, I need to tell Thornhill. [02:16:44] Speaker A: Wait, you've got your ziploc, but you are wearing a shirt. You might be bleeding, but you aren't like a walking masquerade breach right now, right? [02:16:58] Speaker C: Um. I mean, I have. I think I still have pretty good. I'm not for sure. How big. How big were those scratches that he did on me? Is it still big? [02:17:12] Speaker E: But you, since you did change, they're covered now. Okay. But you are limping, you are hurt, you are aching. [02:17:24] Speaker C: Yeah, been a while since I've been in a gang, girl scrap like that. I'm fine. I'm just injured right now. I just prefer once I'm done here. [02:17:41] Speaker A: I think I'm just going to relax. [02:17:43] Speaker C: For the rest of the night, maybe find food, but. Oh my God, that hurt. [02:17:48] Speaker A: Yeah, that seems like a good idea. [02:17:53] Speaker C: So I'm going to go into the office. [02:18:03] Speaker E: Okay. I was going to say, you knock on the office. Door opens. Mmhmm. [02:18:13] Speaker C: It is done. The guy who did the murder, he's gone. [02:18:24] Speaker E: You it? I suppose I owe you money then. Do you see him open a drawer and pull out two different big stacks of money and puts them down on the desk, but keeps his hand on them? How did he die? [02:18:44] Speaker C: That's what I was about to say. And I hold up my two. I don't know how he died. I scratched at him. He continued to hit me hard. He went limp in my arms. And then. And then he just decayed right in front of my eyes. Not like regular. Not a regular kindred death. [02:19:21] Speaker E: Not just ash kindred. [02:19:29] Speaker C: Just full on, full on decay. [02:19:34] Speaker E: Full on decay. [02:19:37] Speaker C: And thank goodness we do not sweat, because I hold up the two bags. Basically. I have one thing with where it had some stuff that was gunked up around his eyes and then some with of his blood. So honestly, I don't care about the money. I much rather find out what the fuck is going on here, seeing that. [02:20:08] Speaker E: Then go to the university ghoul someone and have them figure it out. I don't do that. I'm not going to make my deal do that. The murderer is dead. I'm fine. [02:20:22] Speaker C: That's fine with me. I'll go ahead and take the money. It's a job. [02:20:32] Speaker E: Correct? And you hear another knock on the door. Everyone else saw a policeman walk up. You do hear a knock on the door and you see the door open again. Nothing really prompts it to open. And he kind of leans around you and says yes. The officer says yes, the detective. Well, we're effectively having to seize this property as evidence for now. So you're going to have to remain closed. Thornhill nods his head and the officer walks away. You may leave now. [02:21:41] Speaker C: Thank you. I'll go ahead and start walking out. [02:21:45] Speaker E: It rejoin your code rate downstairs. Well, you. [02:22:10] Speaker C: Looks like I'm know what I'm going to be doing these next couple of nights. Yeah, time to. I need to. I need to find out how this guy died or if there's a way to cure it or whatever the fuck that was I watched happen. [02:22:44] Speaker A: Yeah, that doesn't sound right. That's got to be the disease dude was talking about. [02:22:51] Speaker C: Yeah. [02:22:59] Speaker E: It'S. [02:23:00] Speaker C: It said he had a hunt him down, but I know that's a bad idea. [02:23:23] Speaker A: I mean, if it's a disease, really a virus, it can spread, right? He got you, Ren. If it's a virus, you might have it. [02:23:47] Speaker C: Shit. [02:23:51] Speaker A: Well, listen, if you start feeling an urge to eat our brains or whatever, let us know and I'll stake you somewhere nice until we can find a cure. [02:24:01] Speaker C: That's the problem. I tried to find something to stake him. It's a slow, painful death, it looks like. [02:24:10] Speaker A: Wait, the stake didn't work. [02:24:12] Speaker C: I could not find. By the time he screamed at me and I wanted to stake him, he was already decaying. [02:24:19] Speaker A: I see. Yeah. He lasts at least a few days, but that's not too long. The vessels. I guess it's good he only kills them. They might carry it too. His food. [02:24:37] Speaker C: Yeah, that's a problem. I don't know if this is airborne or if this is a. [02:24:43] Speaker A: I mean, he's got to have his friends, right? Can you call one of your gangrel parties? If he's been hanging out with anybody and they have it too, we need to know before they freak out. [02:24:58] Speaker C: Highly doubt. Need. If anything, I would want someone to have a look at this. Like someone we need to bring someone in at a randy. [02:25:18] Speaker A: Or maybe the shantry. [02:25:20] Speaker C: No, the shantry could work, but Randy. [02:25:24] Speaker D: Could help both hold on. I mean, you said that he was decaying. [02:25:36] Speaker C: Yes. [02:25:38] Speaker D: Why don't we try to bring him to a Giovanni or. What are the names? One of. One of them decaying and death. That isn't that kind of up their alley? Don't need to waste our time with somebody who quite literally doesn't know what's going on. [02:26:19] Speaker C: Giovanni. I think you are correct about that. Do you happen to know of any. [02:26:39] Speaker D: Storyteller? Are there any Giovanni in the surrounding area? [02:26:46] Speaker E: None that have made themselves known. And given how they're so insular of a clan, if they haven't made themselves known, they probably aren't here. At least another families connected to the Chivani would be. [02:27:09] Speaker D: I can pull some strings. See if anybody from my sect knows where we can find them. [02:27:23] Speaker A: I'll speak to blackjack as well. [02:27:31] Speaker E: Jasper, have you touched any of the corpses so far? [02:27:41] Speaker A: Let me think. I mean, it probably helps move our priest, but I never had a chance. [02:27:49] Speaker E: The priest was solely Ren. [02:27:51] Speaker A: Yeah, I went through the guy's clothes. I don't know if I had to touch his skin for it. I was handed his wallet. That's right. I don't think I touched him. And then obviously I didn't touch the new guy. [02:28:18] Speaker E: Margo hasn't touched any of them. [02:28:21] Speaker D: No. [02:28:27] Speaker E: Checking. [02:28:29] Speaker C: Oh, no. [02:28:33] Speaker A: Sorry. [02:28:33] Speaker E: Red, with the rest of the night, you have about another hour and a half left of stuff you could do. Warren, given your allies and contacts, might be. [02:29:09] Speaker B: When Warren goes home this evening, he will probably go to his computer and talk to his contacts on paranet.com and just give out some general information. See if anybody seems to know any. [02:29:33] Speaker E: Yeah, okay. You do get a few responses back saying you should talk to an epidemiologist or a virologist. Someone who actually deals with biological things. Given the fact that you're probably not giving on the fact that this is a kindred thing, but it does seem to be a strange virus. Can you roll me intelligence and performance? [02:30:48] Speaker D: Intelligence and performance. [02:30:50] Speaker E: Correct. [02:31:10] Speaker D: One success. [02:31:13] Speaker E: The fugue is trying to tell you a message through the music. It's hard to interpret, but it's of concern and worry and fear. And then absolute, pure writhing anger. What? It sounds like there is something rampaging through the vampire community. You it with that? I think it's a good place to end for tonight. Stay safe, everyone.

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