Episode 8

November 14, 2023


S1 Ep8: Plague Doctor

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S1 Ep8: Plague Doctor
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S1 Ep8: Plague Doctor

Nov 14 2023 | 02:33:15


Show Notes

Some time has passed as our coterie tried to find out anything they could about the strange plague that has been introduced into the kindred population. Unfortunately, in the few days all that has truly come to light is that it’s spreading, and quickly, and they need to act to solve this problem quickly. Their options are limited, but hopefully answers lay close at hand, and hopefully they don’t require any of Soraya’s medical “expertise,” for everyone’s safety.

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Soraya Sharif - Jazzy
Wren - Jimmy
Margot Beaufont - Legacy
Warren Sawyer - GR

Storyteller - Vironz

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: Hello. [00:00:30] Speaker B: Tonight I'll be playing Jasper the Bruja. [00:00:35] Speaker C: And I'll be playing Warren the Malkavian. [00:00:39] Speaker D: Hello, I'm jazzy, and tonight I'll be playing Seraya the atomite. [00:00:45] Speaker E: Hello there. My name is Jimmy and I'll be playing Brynn the gangrel. [00:00:50] Speaker A: And I am legacy. I will be playing Margot, the daughter of cacophony. [00:00:56] Speaker F: And finally, I am your storyteller, virons. And I forgot to pull up my intro. Sorry. Anyway, to get us started, a disease has taken hold of the city. It has infected the bloodful and thus arcodery. The beast inside the body is now roaring. And a hunter known as Saul hangs around the succubus club. He made the disease. He admits to any kindred that approaches him now that he made it out of mononucleosis. Because a vampire has no immune system, there is no cure. Now, when a human gets sick, they go to the doctor. Where does a vampire go? Do they risk breaking the masquerade to get help or do they sacrifice themselves to save it? Now, a few days has passed since our last session, which is why blood pool is now infected. There is possibility that was even infected beforehand. When you wake up about 11:00 p.m. It's about an hour ish later than you normally do as a group. And where would you guys like to be going at this point? [00:02:36] Speaker B: Great question. [00:02:39] Speaker F: Would you like a suggestion? [00:02:41] Speaker D: Well, not. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. [00:02:45] Speaker B: Oh, I was going to say if the suggestion would be nice. My only thought is, like, to the premiere, but that was scary last time. [00:02:52] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I was going to say too. [00:03:02] Speaker B: Perhaps it was where we should be going. [00:03:05] Speaker D: Actually, I don't know about any of this yet, so maybe. I'll probably make my way to this. [00:03:19] Speaker F: Yes, before we say that, I'm going to assume possibly, but I'm going to let the group correct me if I'm wrong, that they would have informed Soraya about a infected vampire. [00:03:40] Speaker D: Okay, so I'm all caught up on everything, I assume. [00:03:45] Speaker A: I at least would have let you know what was going on. [00:03:49] Speaker D: Oh, thanks, Dave. [00:03:56] Speaker F: So, as a group. As a group, would you all go to premier or would you guys split up and try to go somewhere else as well? [00:04:04] Speaker D: Does anyone have any other ideas? [00:04:10] Speaker A: Do we know any kindred who might be heavily involved in the hospitals? [00:04:25] Speaker E: Not that I. [00:04:34] Speaker F: Am going to check people's sheets just in case. [00:04:37] Speaker D: How do I know the Camarilla have some connection to the blood banks and the free clinics? [00:04:48] Speaker F: That being said, as I have said, the infection is in the blood pool. Now there are. Warren, there is a possibility that you might know someone who could be a pathologist. If you want to give me a charisma and contacts. [00:05:35] Speaker C: Absolutely can. [00:05:43] Speaker F: I should say, difficulty eight. Pathologist, virologist, epidemiologist, those specialties of medicine. One of your contacts might be that. Or you'll be able to get. You'll definitely be able to get into contact with one. It depends. So what I'm going to ask then is how much do you want to divulge about your true nature of being a vampire. [00:06:20] Speaker C: In the initial request to meet? Not at all. Just sort of asking to take a look after. We've maybe contracted something that we aren't sure of, just to have them take a look at us. But once we're there, he might sort of share more. [00:06:40] Speaker F: Okay. So with the initial invite, he'll accept it and he'll say to meet at the University of Chicago. It's downtown. Are you going to go there by yourself or are you going to bring the rest of your group as well? Or except for Soraya and Jasper, who go to the premiere. Not to say that these can't be on separate days as well. [00:07:13] Speaker C: I think Warren will go by himself to begin, just to see if it's useful. He wouldn't want to waste anybody else's time. [00:07:20] Speaker F: Okay, Jasper and Soraya, are you guys going to go to the tramer by yourselves or go with each other or try to bring the rest of the group as well? [00:07:37] Speaker B: I think I'll take as much backup as I can get. Primagent didn't seem to like me anyway. [00:07:43] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll go with Jasper. And I'll ask everyone else along if they'd like to come. But I don't want to impose if they have another idea. I'll also bring along Randy to see what he thinks about another school of magic. [00:08:11] Speaker F: I'm assuming that Ren probably going to tag along to the tramire, then? [00:08:16] Speaker E: Yes, that is correct. [00:08:19] Speaker F: And do you inform your partner in crime, Soraya, that you were going to the. [00:08:28] Speaker D: Oh, Margot, of course. [00:08:30] Speaker F: Okay. Would Margot go to the premiere? [00:08:34] Speaker A: Of course I will. I gotta support my partner in crime, the fenicky, to deal with on a. [00:08:46] Speaker F: Good day and just make sure. Warren, would you like to go to the premiere as well? Just make this whole group thing? [00:08:55] Speaker C: Yeah, he'll go with the premiere before he meets his contact. [00:08:58] Speaker F: Okay. It's around 1130. I'll say it's pretty early. You guys just woke up and you make your way over to the chantry? You knock, door opens, and there is to the rest of the group a very unfamiliar man. He's in his 60s, tall, and he says, who are you? His brow is very furrowed, and he's looking kind of. [00:09:42] Speaker D: Um. We are known to Nikolai. [00:09:49] Speaker F: Oh, shit. So is everybody in the city. Who are you, individually? Did we just lose someone? Oh, we did. Oh, we lost chasper. Oh, dear. [00:10:05] Speaker D: That might be for the best. [00:10:06] Speaker F: Oh, no. [00:10:07] Speaker A: The blood plague. It took him. [00:10:12] Speaker D: See, I told you that Tremir were difficult to deal with. [00:10:18] Speaker F: Jasper runs off, seemingly out of nowhere for the time being. [00:10:28] Speaker D: Saraya Sharif, asimite. I believe that our presence is known. [00:10:41] Speaker E: I am Wren, and I would really would like a conversation with Nikolai again. We have some business about what's been happening. [00:10:55] Speaker C: Warren Sawyer, Malkavian. [00:11:01] Speaker F: Don't touch anything. [00:11:09] Speaker A: Margot Buffant. [00:11:12] Speaker F: Toridor. Yes. Annabelle's child. Yes, I remember you. Anyway, I am surprised that the rest of you. He kind of gives. He gestures to everyone but Warren. He says, I'm surprised that any of you have actually talked to Nikolai personally. He's a very busy person. And Jasper comes running back up. [00:11:49] Speaker A: This blood plug has some weird fucking side effects. [00:11:56] Speaker F: We able to talk or we have more tech issues. [00:11:59] Speaker B: I'm back. [00:12:00] Speaker F: Wait. And he'll kind of, like, go, like, he's gonna furrow his brow even deeper. Looking even more pissed at Jasper now. Stop fucking running. [00:12:15] Speaker B: Hey, so I didn't hear anything. What else has he said to me? [00:12:20] Speaker F: Basically just going like, who the fuck are you guys? That's all. He's really sad. And everyone did a little introduction. [00:12:26] Speaker B: My name is Jasper Black. [00:12:31] Speaker F: And you. [00:12:34] Speaker B: Need to know where I graduated from. [00:12:38] Speaker D: Sarah whispers, you're a. Oh, I don't. [00:12:41] Speaker B: Know who this guy is. I'm a bruha. [00:12:46] Speaker A: Very personable. If you couldn't tell. [00:12:51] Speaker F: Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck am I? I am Duce Bell, okay? Don't fuck with me. I'm older and more powerful than you will ever be. Now, I will handle your business while I let Nikolai do his own work. What do you want? [00:13:14] Speaker B: We wanted to learn about this plague that's apparently going around. We're hoping you guys might know something. [00:13:26] Speaker D: Certainly we come in a spirit of humility, and we're willing to trade favors. Of course. [00:13:41] Speaker F: It possibly. You can see the house shift around behind him, and you see a door form right behind him as well. Again, he'll step back and open the door, and you do see, like, essentially, what is a dining room with those really long tables, like a really fancy table as well, probably actual mahogany. All right, come in. If it's out of spirit, humility, come in. [00:14:30] Speaker C: More red. [00:14:36] Speaker F: Randy is going to stick very close behind Soraya, but he does stand taller than her a little bit, so he is able to see. He did see all the magic happening. [00:14:50] Speaker D: In front of him, right? And give him a look. I motion to Margot as if to say, now remember, while you're here, you're only Margot's child. All right? [00:15:12] Speaker F: He nods, kind of confused, but he nods. [00:15:18] Speaker A: Hello, boy. Tonight you are my son. You should be excited and slightly scared. [00:15:27] Speaker F: It. He nods his head. He's scared, looking a little bit more feral, just because of the disease that is like in him now. Everyone is looking a little bit more feral than usual. And he sits down and he'll make sure to sit down right in between Margo and Sarai, or like right on the side of Margo and Duce. Bell is going to sit at the head of the table, look to the rest of the coterie, and say, you want to know the nature of disease? Like what? What are you trying to figure out? [00:16:26] Speaker E: If there's somehow cure for it, or is there anyone even making the cure? [00:16:36] Speaker B: Or if there's a way to stop the spread, keep it from giving it to the kind? [00:16:44] Speaker F: That's the problem. They will recover. It's not even unusual to them. We don't have anything. We don't have an immune. We don't have an immunosuppressant, we don't have white blood cells. We have blood can't recover. [00:17:11] Speaker B: Has anyone tried knocking over a pharmacy for a bunch of antivirals? [00:17:17] Speaker F: That requires white blood cells to help fight. They're based off of the white blood cells. [00:17:26] Speaker D: Well, there's magic, surely? [00:17:33] Speaker F: If you're talking about actual, real magic, then yes, but we don't have that kind of magic as our kind as kindred. We don't have access to that magic. That requires another aspect of being that we lost when we were embraced. It's ripped from us. It's ripped from our very souls. [00:18:13] Speaker D: The tremere have no contact among the children of Hermes nowadays. [00:18:31] Speaker F: What do you know of that name? [00:18:36] Speaker A: Oh. [00:18:38] Speaker D: No. One hears things when one travels. [00:18:43] Speaker F: Do you actually know what an order of Hermes person is? Have you met one? [00:18:52] Speaker D: I've met a few mages in my time. [00:18:54] Speaker F: They don't care. They don't care for our clan. [00:19:00] Speaker D: Well, nobody cares about anything. No, surely they can be bribed. [00:19:06] Speaker F: Or threatened. Child, listen. You do not know enough. Do not try to reason with me. [00:19:18] Speaker D: Understood? I beg your pardon. [00:19:20] Speaker F: Thank you. We are healed gesture. [00:19:31] Speaker B: I mean, there's got to be something, right? We drink the blood all the time. Can't we start shooting it up? They've got white blood cells in there. [00:19:42] Speaker F: We. It's different. It's different for. For us. We can't fight it when it is in our system. We're ruined. Now, best thing that you can do is either find the person who made the virus and convince them, and he has told the rest of us. Go fuck ourselves. Essentially. We know he's still at the club. But he doesn't care for any of us. Might care for you. Heard things. I've heard that he said that you and you and you and he'll point to. Or. Sorry. No. Just you and you. And he'll point to Warren and Jasper. I've heard that you two met him. But he does not talk to the rest of us. He will say, and he'll admit that he made the virus, but he will not give any help. He'll never help us. Now, to get back to your point. Girl. House. Tremir and Clan Tramir used to be the same thing. They split off. We are shunned. That is why we don't go to the actual mages. That is why the actual mages do not trust us. Because we wanted immortality. [00:21:22] Speaker D: I understand. Honestly, I think you all made the better choice. [00:21:27] Speaker F: Of course we did. Now, if you want to actually help fight this, you need to find someone who is specialized in viruses and bacterial infections and the such. You'll find one at the University of Chicago. You can find an undergrad there. Does come with its own risk, though. [00:22:16] Speaker C: What risk would that be? [00:22:20] Speaker F: He'll. His eyebrows go up in shock and surprise. Do you really need me to say that? Masquerade. We don't function the same as the kind. We don't function like mortals. We don't breathe, we don't reproduce. Blood cells. We don't. [00:22:40] Speaker D: Oh, that risk. I believe that my colleague was asking if there was any special, particular risk. [00:22:55] Speaker F: No. Just the risk of them finding out our existence and then choosing to withhold a cure and letting us all run rampaging and dying like Arthur. [00:23:15] Speaker D: Is there anything else that you suggest? Or that we should know? [00:23:28] Speaker F: No. [00:23:32] Speaker D: Excellent. Well, thank you for telling us what you have been able to. We'll try our best to make it worth your while. [00:23:49] Speaker F: I can hope that you save us. Well, it. You hear wood creak and break and shift. You see a door open right from where you came from. And you see the outside again. As if this move was as if this room moved directly in the house and is now directly leading outside. [00:24:30] Speaker C: For your time. And Warren will exit. [00:24:36] Speaker E: I'll go ahead and leave. [00:24:42] Speaker D: I'll give a slight bow and know tugging Randy by the hand. [00:24:54] Speaker F: All right. [00:24:55] Speaker B: I exit with the appropriate amount of irreverence. [00:25:04] Speaker A: I get up and just give a quick nod and head out very quietly. [00:25:11] Speaker F: Isabel will also give you the nod of respect of just knowing who your sire is or who he thinks your sire is. [00:25:22] Speaker D: Right. [00:25:23] Speaker A: Right. [00:25:24] Speaker F: So he's going like, yeah, try not to piss off another permit kind of thing. [00:25:29] Speaker A: Hey. Margot will leave knowing that she did not say anything that entire time for very good reason. Work smarter, not harder. [00:25:48] Speaker F: Now, we can probably say maybe within the same night. It's around midnight now. A little after, actually that, you probably get a call on your phone. Not a call. You did have that meeting scheduled with your contact. [00:26:19] Speaker C: Warren would probably, at some point, kind of try to slip away from the group without being. [00:26:27] Speaker F: So. What I'll ask is, I'm going to assume that everyone is, and again, correct me if I'm wrong, go directly to the university. Or are they going to try going online to find an epidemiologist, pathologist, virologist kind of things. [00:26:46] Speaker D: I think that since the premier directed us towards the university, he at least expects us to go there. [00:26:58] Speaker B: And with enough of us, we can ghoul the whole epidemiology lab. [00:27:04] Speaker F: Oh, fun. For the sake of what Warren said they wanted to do, we're going to say that the meeting's on the opposite side of campus, and we're going to start with that. Your contact is waiting outside by a tree. Kind of like tapping their foot on the ground waiting. [00:27:33] Speaker C: Evening. Sorry I'm a little late. I've had some other meetings I needed to attend. [00:27:42] Speaker F: Fine. Kind of. [00:27:47] Speaker C: I appreciate you meeting me at this hour. It's not something I like to really approach public. [00:27:57] Speaker F: Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Um, what are you wanting to know? [00:28:10] Speaker C: Wondering if you've heard of any sort of odd blood diseases or if you'd be able to run tests. Sort of of an Od nature. [00:28:26] Speaker F: Well, can you? Can you, I don't know, expand on that more? Like, why would I need to? [00:28:40] Speaker C: At this point, Warren is going to kind of try to explain the overall predicament. Complete masquerade breach. Yeah, kind of vampires are real. We have a disease, et cetera, et cetera. [00:29:01] Speaker F: He goes into the full spiel about the vampires. Sorry. He does admit that he's a vampire. [00:29:11] Speaker C: Yes. [00:29:13] Speaker F: Okay. At that point, when you bring that up, he'll kind of like, move out of the way from the back of the tree, and he'll kind of, like, sidestep and then take a few steps back, and he looks concerned for an obvious reason, and. Wait, hold on, hold on. How are you? Vampires are. No, they can't be real. They can't be real. [00:29:57] Speaker C: You're lying to show my fangs. Use that. [00:30:14] Speaker F: He looks concerned, confused and scared all at the same time. [00:30:23] Speaker C: I know it's a lot. I don't tell you this information lightly. If it wasn't an emergency, I wouldn't bother you with these facts at all. [00:30:38] Speaker F: And there's a disease. How do you get sick? [00:30:45] Speaker C: Well, that's the mystery. A polish man created a virus to target us and it's become problematic. [00:31:03] Speaker F: Define problematic. I guess. [00:31:08] Speaker C: Deadly. It's likely going to kill. [00:31:22] Speaker F: That. It doesn't even. How does anyone seem that bad? I got no red. [00:31:37] Speaker C: Lightly. [00:31:41] Speaker F: He'll smirk slightly and point. And you're like, you're right. I don't have my needles or files with me. I needed to get into my lab to do that. I'm not really the best at doing or drawing blood like that anyway. I'm going to need to get someone else to draw blood because I don't. That's like, I'm a virologist. You need a phlebotomist. Do you know what a phlebotomist is? You know. [00:32:42] Speaker C: I'm aware, but I was hoping to do this without letting more than one person in on the game. [00:32:56] Speaker F: I mean, it won't be clean. It might even be better if I just cut into you and just kind of just try to catch the blood. [00:33:03] Speaker C: That works. [00:33:07] Speaker F: He'll kind of, like, lean back. Looking at you strange. Just went, okay. [00:33:14] Speaker C: Warren's gonna take off his jacket and roll up a sleeve on his. Do you have a knife or anything on? [00:33:22] Speaker F: Not yet. We need to get to my lap first. [00:33:35] Speaker C: See, and I suppose that will be locked up. [00:33:40] Speaker F: My lap. My lap. No. And he'll kind of, like, start walking towards the building and, like, one of the doors and open it. Start walking inside. Eventually make your way to his lab. We're going to pause there for a minute and to our other group, Margot, Ren, Soraya, chasper. Warren kind of, like, walked off. He stopped at a different part of the campus than you guys did. As you guys kept walking by, you're now in the main. You're kind of, like, at the entrance of the science hall for not knowing what the actual campus looks like. I'm just going to say it's just the hall for science and whatnot. And you see kind of like some papers taped to doors. One says, like, biology and biology. Chemistry at 08:00 a.m. And then 10:00 a.m. Kind of things. You do see, like, a few actual labs, but the rooms are dark. Lights are off as well. Yeah, of course. Anyway, you don't really see an active room being used right now. You don't know if anyone's even there's. What would you guys like to do? Kind of explore around for looking for just a lab in general. [00:35:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:40] Speaker F: Okay. Can I have. [00:35:44] Speaker D: Is Randy still with us? [00:35:46] Speaker F: Would you like him to be purely on you? Okay. He's kind of looking around just like this. [00:35:56] Speaker D: He's muttering with this building. [00:35:59] Speaker F: He's muttering. Yeah, I was about to say that. He's muttering to himself. And the bits he pick up on are kind of like. This is weird. I've never been here before. [00:36:09] Speaker D: Oh, shame. [00:36:12] Speaker F: Usually kind of in the middle of campus where they do all the lecture halls and stuff. [00:36:20] Speaker D: Okay, so he wouldn't be able to find anything for us? [00:36:25] Speaker F: No. [00:36:27] Speaker D: All right, then I guess I vote for looking around like everyone else. [00:36:32] Speaker F: Okay. Can everyone do perception? And if you do have a special team perception, like keen eyed, please use it. We're just going to do alertness. Perception, alertness. [00:36:46] Speaker E: Any noises. [00:36:48] Speaker F: This is more of a looking thing. [00:36:50] Speaker E: Okay. [00:36:54] Speaker A: Perception and alertness. I'm an expert. [00:36:57] Speaker F: Two dice, baby. [00:37:01] Speaker A: Standard difficulty. [00:37:03] Speaker F: Yes, it. [00:37:09] Speaker D: One success. [00:37:12] Speaker B: One success. [00:37:13] Speaker E: And there we go. [00:37:14] Speaker F: There's our. [00:37:15] Speaker D: Yeah, three. [00:37:16] Speaker F: One successes. And then jazzy coming in with five. [00:37:21] Speaker A: Great success. [00:37:22] Speaker B: I get five successes. My neighbor only gets one. Great success. [00:37:26] Speaker F: Great success. Everyone else is kind of like, bumbling around the halls where jazzy. Sorry, Soraya. Soraya is kind of just, like, focusing on. She vaguely sees this piece of light where it's a bit brighter, and she follows it to its. She kind of, like, walks down and then turns over and you see someone working in a lab and the lights on right now. Well, it's kind of for uv lighting at the moment. And you see this one. This one says this is like an epidemiology lab. Dangerous, biohazard. All the warning signs that would typically go along with that. [00:38:20] Speaker D: Hey, y'all, something's going on in here. Epidemiology lab seems promising. [00:38:28] Speaker A: No. [00:38:30] Speaker F: It does. [00:38:34] Speaker B: Spoke our heads in. [00:38:37] Speaker A: Yes. Danger, keep out. Do not enter unless have proper equipment. Sounds like just the thing we should get our hands on. I'm very excited. [00:38:47] Speaker B: We can't get double sick. Right? [00:38:50] Speaker A: Are you sure about that? [00:38:52] Speaker D: Not yet apparently we can. That's the problem. [00:38:58] Speaker B: Currently we're only single sick. I don't think double sick. We don't have double. No white blood cells, so I think it's sort of like two negatives. [00:39:06] Speaker D: But we can contract another disease. [00:39:09] Speaker A: I was going to say, what if our illness gets lonely and it wants a friend? [00:39:14] Speaker F: Randy is kind of just still muttering. I thought I couldn't get sick. I thought you said I couldn't get sick. [00:39:20] Speaker D: Yeah, we thought so too, darling. I'm sorry. Life is full of surprises. [00:39:29] Speaker B: Unlife. [00:39:31] Speaker D: Unlife. What did you think of the tramir, dear? [00:39:35] Speaker F: I liked the moving of rooms. It was really cool. [00:39:38] Speaker D: Yeah. See, that is the clan whose hat is magic. If you want to study magic, one option that we have is to send you to study with them. But we'll discuss that later. [00:39:56] Speaker F: He perks up a bit and looks a bit happy at the idea. [00:40:00] Speaker D: Right now, you have your student id, don't you? [00:40:06] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:40:08] Speaker D: Great. So if we're caught, we'll rely on you to talk us to talk down any security. So should I knock on the door? Y'all. [00:40:22] Speaker F: Go for. [00:40:24] Speaker D: All right, so I knock on the door. [00:40:33] Speaker F: After you. Do you hear glass break and someone swear and they kind of start walking over to door and open and go like, oh, God, no. Suits, suits, suits. And closes it again. [00:40:50] Speaker B: Me yelling through the door. Where do we get the suits? [00:40:54] Speaker F: Down the hall to your left. [00:40:58] Speaker B: Much obliged. [00:41:00] Speaker F: And you see that it's just like about 10ft down the hall on your left. You do see like biohazard suits there. Like, one side says clean, the other says dirty. You see three clean ones. [00:41:21] Speaker D: How many are there of us? [00:41:26] Speaker F: Five of you. Because. Soraya. Ren. Randy, Margot, Jasper. [00:41:37] Speaker B: I don't think we're sending Randy in. [00:41:39] Speaker D: Yeah, Randy needs to watch the door. Who's going to stay out here with him? [00:41:46] Speaker B: Rand. You're good at being a lookout, right? [00:41:48] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm pretty good at being a lookout. [00:41:53] Speaker B: Seems like that might come up. I don't. [00:41:57] Speaker F: Of. But you see, Randy, kind of like, step back from the group then. [00:42:05] Speaker B: Sorry, Randy. [00:42:09] Speaker F: No, it's okay. [00:42:14] Speaker D: Darling. Would you rather one of us stay here? [00:42:20] Speaker F: No, it's fine. It's fine. Yeah, it's cool. [00:42:28] Speaker D: Ren's a good boy. You'll get on. [00:42:32] Speaker E: Feels like that's kind of like slide against me, but. [00:42:35] Speaker D: Okay, Randy, it'll be good for you to learn to play with others. [00:42:48] Speaker A: Yes, puppies. Now go play with your mates. [00:42:53] Speaker F: It's not that. It's just get the feeling that they might. Rob. [00:43:01] Speaker A: Know. [00:43:02] Speaker E: I don't rob people unless it's for money. [00:43:05] Speaker B: But even then, I don't rob Randy. That's vampire racist. [00:43:11] Speaker D: Randy, darling, you don't need to worry about. Got, you know, my protection and Marcos. [00:43:20] Speaker A: Yes. And nothing scarier. Um, two lesbians. [00:43:30] Speaker F: I don't know what to tell you. [00:43:33] Speaker D: Exactly. Have you ever gotten into a fight with two lesbians? [00:43:38] Speaker F: No, I don't really know any lesbians. Other than you two, I guess. [00:43:42] Speaker A: Well, here's your warning. Don't. [00:43:47] Speaker D: Yes. Now, be a good boy and don't make us get angry. All right, I've got a knife. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Terrifying. With a knife. [00:44:01] Speaker F: He'll still kind of. He's. He's gonna keep his distance from Ren. But as you guys put your suits on and you go back to the door, he'll see it and kind of, like, open it up slightly to let you guys push and shuffle your way in it. Wait. Oh, God, no. It's gone up for too long. What do you guys need? Are you students? Are you new? [00:44:37] Speaker A: I'm going to activate off. [00:44:41] Speaker F: Okay, hold on. I need you to roll your willpower. [00:44:47] Speaker A: Oh, fuck. Okay. Everything. [00:44:55] Speaker F: Yes. This is more just to see if you're still going to be spending one, but I need to see if you're going to be spending two. [00:45:05] Speaker A: My apologies. Was it everything or just the unspent? [00:45:08] Speaker F: Everything. [00:45:09] Speaker A: Everything. [00:45:10] Speaker F: Yeah. This is going to be your total, so it's not a bad fooled roll. [00:45:16] Speaker A: No. [00:45:18] Speaker F: You can also spend a willpower to negate this role as well, if you would like. Mm. You know me, I'm going to encourage that. You do? I'm the devil on your shoulder at the moment. [00:45:35] Speaker A: If I spend a willpower, a special mouse. Comprise comes later. [00:45:40] Speaker F: You have three more points. You're fine. [00:45:45] Speaker A: Standard? [00:45:46] Speaker F: Yes, you're fine. [00:45:53] Speaker A: Great success. [00:45:55] Speaker F: So spend your one blood point, then also roll. I believe it's charisma, intimidation. I really need to have that. No, it's not. [00:46:10] Speaker A: Yeah. It's not intimate. [00:46:14] Speaker F: No. Yeah, I'm doing the dominate. Discipline. That's my bad. [00:46:18] Speaker A: Yeah. I want to be so hot that they're afraid of me. [00:46:25] Speaker D: Like inside a biohack dread game, too. [00:46:29] Speaker A: Yes. [00:46:30] Speaker B: It's hard to show cleavage when you're covered head to toe. And, like, a rubber yellow suit. [00:46:37] Speaker D: I don't know, it reminds me of my days in Afghanistan. I like it. [00:46:42] Speaker A: Difficult, not impossible. [00:46:46] Speaker F: You just got to get the zipper just right. [00:46:49] Speaker D: Margo, has anyone ever told you you look really good in Averca? [00:46:55] Speaker A: No. Thank you, though. All right, charisma and performance. That is seven dice. [00:47:08] Speaker F: No specialty, because you are not singing. [00:47:11] Speaker A: Not singing. [00:47:13] Speaker F: You're not singing being a piece of ass. You got to push up your bra a little bit. [00:47:22] Speaker A: Yeah, my bra is actually over the hazmat suit. [00:47:28] Speaker F: Yes. And then you put it right on top. [00:47:35] Speaker B: The chap is around the respirator. [00:47:40] Speaker F: Listen, honey, it really is that day. [00:47:44] Speaker A: Medical safety is sexy. No matter what you say. [00:47:50] Speaker D: You just hear him breathing heavily through. [00:47:52] Speaker F: His respirator, and he does. He does. Oh, yeah. He's just absolutely captivated. Staring at your cleavage as well. Yeah, of course. [00:48:15] Speaker A: That's right. Medical safety is always sexy. Everybody, make sure to wear your mask. Wear your masks and go to your physicals. Um, she's just gonna look at the others and just whisper, sorry, it's a fight or flight response for me. [00:48:45] Speaker F: Okay, he's gonna go. Wait, what can I help you with? [00:48:55] Speaker A: Hi. So we were wondering if we might be able to utilize your facilities really fast. We've all got a project due soon. Well, our time in the other labs kind of ran out. This is the only one that was open. [00:49:24] Speaker F: It would be such a help at this point. Warren, you and your contact walk up, and you see the rest of your codery out there in the lab. And this guy's still kind of, like, walking past, but notices the big group of people. And Randy and Ren, you guys don't really look out of place. You kind of just look like you're just standing there waiting for your friends. [00:50:03] Speaker E: I'm actually talking to Randy because it's like, hey, I'm just going to offer you some. [00:50:12] Speaker F: No, thank you, sir. I'm good, sir. [00:50:16] Speaker E: Let me be the bad uncle for once. Teach you a trick about being not seen. [00:50:25] Speaker F: Come on. I'm good, sir. Thank you, sir. I'll just. [00:50:34] Speaker E: There. I'll just be. I'll just stand there and I will just. Because that's just so. [00:50:49] Speaker F: Yeah, and even as you guys. Yeah, as you guys kind of, like, finish that talk, we'll say it kind of goes around. You guys take a while kind of doing that tiptoe dance when Warren and his contacts start walking up and you hear it and you realize a little too late that you heard it a little bit earlier. [00:51:15] Speaker C: Good evening. [00:51:19] Speaker E: Hey. Good to see you here. What you doing? [00:51:28] Speaker C: I'm following up with a friend of mine. What are you doing? [00:51:36] Speaker E: Talking. Know, usual. [00:51:43] Speaker F: Randy looks scared. He looks scared. [00:51:56] Speaker E: So I know that. I know they're talking. I mean, we are talking to someone about our project that we're working on. So. [00:52:11] Speaker F: Warren's contact chimes in. Oh, you guys are students. You're friends with students here? [00:52:19] Speaker C: No, they're. Fuck it. They're what I am. It's a long story. [00:52:25] Speaker E: I just give a layer to Warren. [00:52:31] Speaker F: And. Warren, can you give me. I need to figure out exactly which dice will. It's gonna be expression, and honestly, appearance at this point, standard. It. It. [00:53:07] Speaker C: That is one success. [00:53:10] Speaker F: This guy is. Even though you have, like, a calm. You have a calm nature about you. At the moment, he's looking almost ready to bowl. If one more weird thing happens or he finds out something weird, he's about ready to bolt. And just like, because he's about to run and be scared shitless. [00:53:37] Speaker C: I'm sorry that. I really promise this wasn't planned to spring all this on yet. This was supposed to just be a quick one on one. It'll really be. [00:53:52] Speaker F: You're not going to kill me? [00:53:56] Speaker C: Not unless I have to. [00:54:00] Speaker F: He side eyes you now. Okay, well, we're going to the next lab over and I guess, not that you needed a suit, but are those your friends in there too? He points at the three inside the lab. [00:54:23] Speaker C: I wouldn't call them friends. More like coworkers. [00:54:27] Speaker B: Brutal. [00:54:31] Speaker F: Ren? [00:54:32] Speaker E: Yeah, hate to agree with him on that one, but it's somewhat like that occasionally. [00:54:46] Speaker F: Okay. He kind of starts walking down to his lab and opens the door. And you see vials and glass speakers there. I guess sit and I'll cut you open. [00:55:06] Speaker C: Thumbs up, and roll his sleeve up again. [00:55:11] Speaker F: You it? Yeah. And he'll see there's like an exacto knife that he's using. Not. Not a scalpel or anything special. It's an exacto knife. And he'll slice in kind of like a longer palm. [00:55:37] Speaker C: Deep breath, cuts across. I'd imagine you'll feel pain, even if it's not like a major thing that will harm. [00:55:49] Speaker F: Yeah. And can you take a point of lethal and lose a blood point? [00:55:57] Speaker C: Absolutely. [00:55:59] Speaker F: And then also roll your willpower after that. I know lots of rolling tonight. [00:56:13] Speaker D: They see me rolling. [00:56:17] Speaker F: You also have a good willpower pool, so I'm pretty confident in you to be able to succeed this standard. Yes. Or you can also bend a willpower point and negate the willpower roll. [00:56:35] Speaker C: I got three successes, so I think I'm good. [00:56:38] Speaker F: All right. You almost feel like the beast inside. Kind of go like, oh, shit, this is danger. But you're good. And the blood starts filling up the speaker, and it will kind of like, taper off. Like the blood, the leaking of blood will taper off slightly. I'm assuming you were, like, willingly letting it go at that point. But as soon as you stop it, the viscosity of it just kind of like, solidifies almost. It's like a really thick glue now. And he's, like, looking at it. This is the most curious, weird thing he's ever seen. Blood isn't supposed to do that. It's supposed to just drip and drip and drip. Yeah. [00:57:42] Speaker C: Warren will let it run until it fills up, and then he'll lick the wound across his hand to reseal it. [00:57:52] Speaker F: And this is why I try to have at least one rules lawyer in a group. Correct me if I'm wrong. It also takes a blood point to heal. Lethal. Unless you do it over time, which I believe is like about a night. [00:58:10] Speaker E: Yes, I believe so. [00:58:14] Speaker F: If you were going to lick it closed like that, I will also need you to spend another blood point for that. [00:58:20] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, for sure. [00:58:22] Speaker F: Okay. He's just looking. Your contact is looking so confused. And this is around the time, like, randy walks in and he's just kind of like, pull up the stool next to you and sit there and watch. And your contact then gets a pipette, sucks it up. And he'll actually grab out some gel and he'll kind of start gently piping it into each individual slot. And he'll say once he's done, and it takes a good half an hour, if I'm going to be honest, says, well, this is all I can really do for now. I need to chill this. Sorry, go ahead. [00:59:31] Speaker C: In the meantime. [00:59:35] Speaker D: To kill. [00:59:41] Speaker F: Sorry, I didn't quite hear the last thing you said. [00:59:46] Speaker C: Who does he have time to kill? [00:59:50] Speaker F: Yeah, I guess. I hope you don't take it personally, but I need timed process without you. [01:00:09] Speaker C: Well, I understand. But you also have to understand my hesitance to leave you alone, as I'm in a rather vulnerable position with you knowing what you know about me. [01:00:26] Speaker F: I mean, given the rest of your friends and that one out there. And he'll kind of know point with his thumb, like behind his shoulder. Generally meaning Warren or not Warren. Ren. Sorry. You guys have very similar names. Generally meaning Ren. I trust that one probably has a good chance of finding me and killing me if he so choose. [01:00:54] Speaker C: If you give him a reason to. But you won't. You seem plenty trustworthy. And Ren is a sweetheart if you get to know him, I'd imagine. [01:01:03] Speaker E: Outside, Ren is muttering on her. [01:01:11] Speaker F: What's Poppin? Because you do. I mean, you have keen hearing and you're very alert to noises, so you definitely hear that entire thing. Yeah, I know you're also probably hearing a very muffled version of what's going on in the lab and we're going to jump back over there now, Mr. Man who's oggling at Margot's boobs going. So how can I help you again? Sorry, I totally forgot. Yeah. [01:01:50] Speaker A: We need to use your facility, please. [01:01:57] Speaker F: Four. I mean, yes, but I also need to know how to set it up for you. [01:02:06] Speaker A: Look at the other two. [01:02:12] Speaker D: How do we need it set up? [01:02:15] Speaker F: Does anyone have dots in medicine? [01:02:23] Speaker D: No. [01:02:25] Speaker F: Science. Looking over the sheets? [01:02:31] Speaker A: Excited. [01:02:34] Speaker D: I have academics. [01:02:39] Speaker F: Okay, I will let you roll. Intelligence. Academics at difficulty eight. [01:02:46] Speaker D: Okay, I have a one in academics. [01:02:49] Speaker F: I see that. [01:02:51] Speaker A: I believe that is one higher than both Margot. I believe that's one higher than both Margot and Jasper combined. [01:02:58] Speaker B: That's accurate. [01:02:59] Speaker D: So let's see. Okay, so that's four, difficulty eight. [01:03:10] Speaker A: You got this. I spoke to. [01:03:20] Speaker F: Okay, I'm going to tell you, you're going to suggest that you need Bunson burners, just to say, to boil down stuff. I will let you role play out exactly what you want to say about that, but you're going to assume that you need to boil down stuff. [01:03:37] Speaker D: Okay? So if I remember my alchemy correctly, we're going to need to create a. We're going to need a distillery, aren't we? And distilling spirits and elixirs involves a lot of lenses and I suppose we'd need. How many candles do you think we'd. [01:04:12] Speaker F: Need. [01:04:15] Speaker B: To be the expert here, sir? I didn't know you knew so much about this stuff. [01:04:21] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:04:26] Speaker A: Romantic. [01:04:28] Speaker D: I've read all of the most modern medical textbooks, all the way up to the 16 hundreds. [01:04:41] Speaker F: I mean, I don't have candles in here, but I can get you buns and burners and. Yeah, we do a whole distillery set. We'll actually kind of like, start digging stuff out of like cabinets and stuff, and he'll set up a few buns and burners and set up like this three, like a triple distilling kind of set. [01:05:04] Speaker D: Okay. [01:05:05] Speaker A: Everything is fine. It's fine. [01:05:16] Speaker D: I don't know. This isn't how I recognize medicine working. Are you sure you're a medical student? [01:05:26] Speaker F: I'm not a sexual student. [01:05:31] Speaker A: No, he's into the sciency things like theology. [01:05:43] Speaker F: I'm a chemist. I'm a chemist. [01:05:46] Speaker D: Yes, I know an alchemist. [01:05:53] Speaker A: Oh. [01:05:57] Speaker F: Okay. [01:06:01] Speaker A: I got to college because I'm hot, not smart. [01:06:04] Speaker F: Okay, what chemicals and liquids do you need? Do you need water? Do you need some hydrochloric acid. [01:06:14] Speaker D: Blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm? [01:06:17] Speaker A: I think. [01:06:19] Speaker D: Wait, no, you said chemicals, right? So we need fire, earth, water and air. [01:06:27] Speaker A: Oh, I read that band it. Do you have. [01:06:40] Speaker F: Oh, I can't. I'm just going to say that this whole catastrophe is, like, fully set up the wrong. You're having a lot of neutrals and. Oh, I can't remember the correct scale. [01:07:01] Speaker B: Ph or poh, depending on the chemistry being done. [01:07:05] Speaker F: Yeah, it's a lot of oils. [01:07:09] Speaker D: Guys, if we have a problem with bad blood, why don't we just get leeches? [01:07:16] Speaker B: Well, he's, like, getting all this stuff out and becoming more and more distressed at our requests. [01:07:24] Speaker F: He's not even really distressed. He's confused everything that you're asking him for. He's even grabbing the wrong stuff because he is not focusing. He's not focusing on what you're saying. He's focusing on what she's. She's. He's focusing on what she's doing. The she as in Margot. [01:07:42] Speaker B: I'm going to lean over to where I think Margot's ear is behind the suit and go, he's staring at your boobs. I think you got a ghoul. [01:07:51] Speaker A: Of course I do. Yes. [01:07:54] Speaker D: Can I attempt to intimidate him for. [01:07:57] Speaker F: Staring at my wife? [01:08:01] Speaker A: You're not allowed to sound like Commonwealth wife, you stupid. [01:08:10] Speaker B: It's the girls this time. It's not the boys. [01:08:14] Speaker A: Hold on, hold on. Guys, guys, I think I've got it. You see, a woman came by my house the other day with a catalog saying that essential oils heal everything. I'm talking cancer, the plague. I think we need the essential oils. [01:08:31] Speaker F: We need to do homeopathy. [01:08:33] Speaker D: So I've heard recently that anything can be cured through Jesus, which is clearly chili. Anything can be cured through Allah. Okay, does anyone have a copy of the Quran? Never mind, I brought my own. [01:08:52] Speaker A: We need essential oils, a Bible. And I need to ghoul this man. [01:08:59] Speaker F: Ren, I will say you definitely tuned into this part. And, you know, it's been about, like 30 minutes. They're bumbling around and you even look in and you just go like, that ain't right. Even, you know, that ain't right. Just through, like, your daughter, I will say through the basic knowledge they have a technology. You're going like. And you see, you know, you know, your acids and your alkalines, like, all that stuff, do, you know they have a lot of alkaline stuff and they're just putting, like. It looks like they're just going to boil it all and that's it. [01:09:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:38] Speaker F: And you do hear that the other three are done. Randy, Warren, and his contact. So they're all done. They're kind of like, sitting. They did a little bit of a chat. And you would most likely surmise that they probably need the actual medical guy's help or to tell them to just stop. [01:10:08] Speaker A: I think we need more than just help from the medical guy. [01:10:15] Speaker F: Sir. [01:10:20] Speaker D: Yeah, it would really help if the medical guy had, like, a psychiatry background too. [01:10:26] Speaker F: That's what Randy's there for. [01:10:31] Speaker A: Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Girls need therapy. Okay. [01:10:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:10:39] Speaker F: I'm sorry. [01:10:40] Speaker E: I'm trying to remember. [01:10:41] Speaker D: Wait, did I succeed in intimidating our chemist? [01:10:48] Speaker F: There's no need for intimidation. He's literally just staring at the boobs. If you want to intimidate him, just not staring at the boobs. He's going to stare at your boobs. [01:10:56] Speaker D: My bad. [01:11:02] Speaker F: She's enthralled. He's enthralled and in awe of the boobs. [01:11:08] Speaker D: I don't have any awe or anything like that to speak of. [01:11:15] Speaker B: Equal opportunity. Chest enjoyer. [01:11:18] Speaker F: Anyway, it is still Ren's scene and possibly Warren, Randy and his contact. It is still Ren. [01:11:29] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm just going to walk on over to Warren and his contact and Randy and just walk in there and be like, okay, I would need some help here. It sounds like to me the other. [01:11:51] Speaker F: Group is struggling very badly in there. It's just. Okay, he'll kind of walk past you also giving you a good almost. He's giving you a good amount of distance. Trying to get past you, though, just because. [01:12:17] Speaker E: As well, I would like to imagine as well as Ren walked in as well, he's wiping a blood tear from his eyes. [01:12:26] Speaker F: Were you laughing as well? [01:12:28] Speaker E: Yes, I was. That's why I was muted that whole time. [01:12:32] Speaker F: I was just too busy laughing through that whole. Yeah, he's like, confused. Giving you a wide berth. Even with the blood tear now, and he's just going to walk past, see what's going on, and just go like, oh, shit. And kind of like, open the door. Not even really caring about safety protocols. Okay, everyone just stop what you're doing. Put the glass down. Don't light anything on fire. Don't do anything. You and the student that's in there just goes like, yeah, no, wait, what? [01:13:22] Speaker A: Who? [01:13:23] Speaker F: Oh, okay. I was doing it because that she asked me to. [01:13:41] Speaker A: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I did no such thing. She says that she gaslights him. [01:13:54] Speaker F: Listen, I already got. We're good. It's done. Done. I got the things. I helped your colleague. We just need to wait about it. We need to wait a day. Electrophoresis takes generally about a day to actually get going. Needs to be shocked. And we need to see everything go down. Then we're going to have to do a uv light. We're going to see the specs that we need to find and isolate. And then we're going to take that, formulate something. And then I guess you guys are going to have to be my test subjects for this. Now, you guys did whatever you needed to for the rest of the night. You fed yourselves a little bit. You're able to recover. At least. Everyone's able to recover at least one dot of one blood point. Sorry, two. But I do need you to spend one blood point to wake up. So just gain one blood point in total. And Warren, when you check your laptop. Sorry, your computer, you would be in your home. When you check your computer, you see an email from your contact saying, tonight's tonight. You're ready to see the results. Come by the lab when you can. I'll be here all night. [01:15:36] Speaker C: He's going to respond, ready as I'll ever be, and he'll head right over. [01:15:45] Speaker F: Are you going to grab the rest of your battery as well? [01:15:50] Speaker C: He will, yes. Call the rest of them or. Yeah, contact them. However, he knows how. [01:15:58] Speaker F: All of you generally get your phone calls and conversation. Probably goes meet at the university. And you end up in front of the lab where the chaos of the previous night was. And you see the familiar ren. Actually, everybody else, you do see the familiar uv light on and you see someone who is. I mean, you see the same person, but they're not wearing a hazmat suit or anything. This is just. It looks like lab is probably sanitized and just like, fully cleaned out just for this experiment. He opens up the door for you, gestures you all over. He actually kind of looks giddy about this now. And you're kind of in an in between almost. You're right by an in between wall sort of thing for where the hood is. And you see him very excitedly. He goes like, I am actually quite excited for this. As far as I know, this is probably the only time ever this will be done. We get to see where your kind actually has markers in its blood for this disease or, well, actually anything. Do you know what kind of disease this is, by the way? Because we can actually. I can get the reactive result right now. [01:17:59] Speaker E: We do not. [01:18:04] Speaker B: They told us it was based on mono. [01:18:07] Speaker E: Based off mono. [01:18:10] Speaker F: Okay. You see him kind of like, just step back and kind of like, scurry over to a fridge, open it, grab a. He'll, like, reach behind him, grab a pipe at and go into the fridge and pull out. And it's kind of holding this. It's holding a clear liquid at the moment. And he runs over and he's holding it. And then he realizes, almost like an ADHD brain, he'll actually set it down and he'll flick a switch. And you see it's kind of this, a little bit of like a generator resorts, basically thing that'll transmit the electricity. Nothing apparent happens at the moment to your guys'eyes, but after about ten minutes, Surya will foresee the blood actually kind of, like, working its way up. And you'll see him at that time as well. He'll also start squeezing in the die as well. And I'm also not using the exact times for this, which I regret, kind of. And then five minutes after he squeezes it in, everyone will see it's like it'll start reacting almost, and you'll start seeing, like, faint bits of light poking up. And after about 30 minutes, it's as bright as it'll be. Okay, so we do know that it is actually mono of sorts, I guess. Let me try, like, a regular anti antibody for mono. You'll see him run back over to the fridge and then scrape back over with another pipette. He'll kind of squeeze it in, and it will fizzle a bit. But you do see some of the markers go away, but not completely. Okay, let me try mixing it. And then in about. It takes about. It's like, 15 minutes of experimentation using the thing that vibrates and whatnot. I'm not an actual chemist. I don't know the names of these things. Anyway, you'll see him kind of, like, draw it up into a syringe. Who wants to try this first? [01:21:01] Speaker D: I am. [01:21:05] Speaker C: If you insist on being the guinea pig. [01:21:08] Speaker E: I mean, I was messed up pretty bad by that guy, so I should have known. Might be the worst case. Possibly so. [01:21:18] Speaker F: Might as well. He'll, like, had a stool with his free hand. And you're wearing your tank top, right? Yes. Despite the fact that it's winter, but you can't feel it. [01:21:41] Speaker E: I most likely left a coat outside. Just be like. It's just to keep up appearances, not to break anything. [01:21:50] Speaker F: And he'll slide the needle in and start pushing, and you feel his liquid kind of like start seeping into your arm. Can I have you roll me a willpower? [01:22:06] Speaker E: Okay. [01:22:10] Speaker F: This is going to be difficulty seven. [01:22:13] Speaker E: Difficulty seven willpower. 5790. No. [01:22:33] Speaker F: The next one I'm gonna have you roll is gonna be your self control. [01:22:38] Speaker E: Can I spend a will? If I remember correctly, I can spend willpower. [01:22:41] Speaker F: You don't have ones. [01:22:43] Speaker E: That's right. All right. Self control. [01:22:50] Speaker F: Yeah, your self control. Do you have a temporary willpower you can spend? [01:22:55] Speaker E: I do have a temporary willpower. [01:22:59] Speaker F: I will let you spend it on your self control roll just so you can get that extra success. [01:23:05] Speaker E: Yes, please. I will do it. There. [01:23:09] Speaker F: That way, hopefully you don't at least botch. [01:23:11] Speaker E: Yes. I don't want to botch on this. Yeah. Two dice difficulty. [01:23:21] Speaker F: Also seven. [01:23:22] Speaker E: No. Okay. [01:23:25] Speaker D: Two successes. [01:23:26] Speaker F: Here we go. You feel this anger and frustration and this primal urge to essentially just rip into this guy and beat the ever living shit out of him because this hurts and it burns. And everyone can see that. Ren just looks probably really fucking pissed. [01:23:57] Speaker E: But I would say that I'm most likely holding the side of the stool and that the stool is definitely bending because of how much strength I'm most likely putting into it. [01:24:09] Speaker B: Can I try and escort him out of the room? [01:24:15] Speaker E: Is this while the needle is still in me, by the way? [01:24:17] Speaker F: Yeah. And you seem slowly dried out. And he says, how was that? [01:24:25] Speaker D: That was a lot. [01:24:26] Speaker E: I get up and the stool is where I was clutching at. It was Ben. It was painful as fuck. Holy shit, man. [01:24:43] Speaker F: Sir, is there a way you can do something so that I know that it worked? Because it seems like this is more of an instant thing. I'm going to guess. [01:24:56] Speaker E: I. [01:25:02] Speaker F: Think I. [01:25:02] Speaker E: Can really do is, you know, this is the guy who knows it can't hurt, but it's also kind of a threat. So I will pop the claw. [01:25:19] Speaker F: And. [01:25:20] Speaker E: Any gold power checks or anything like that. [01:25:23] Speaker F: Let me see. Essentially just going to flip a coin. No, don't need to. All right. Laws are popped. Okay. [01:25:38] Speaker E: Working fine with me. [01:25:40] Speaker F: Fine. Everything. [01:25:46] Speaker D: Just hurt my cow. [01:25:49] Speaker E: Been a long time since I felt that's. [01:25:58] Speaker F: Let me. Okay. Can somebody else try just so we can make sure. I need to make sure he'll start drawing more. [01:26:11] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. I'll stick my hand out. [01:26:15] Speaker F: You'Ll pull it and then get you onto the seat. [01:26:19] Speaker E: Can I be near Jasper? Because I know how bad that was. [01:26:25] Speaker F: Yeah. Are you going to hold his hand? [01:26:28] Speaker B: This is very wise. [01:26:31] Speaker E: A little bit like that. Because I know he's a bruja. And if I almost lost control, I don't want for sure to him lose control. It's more online just to make sure, just so he won't accidentally go after a guy who's curing us. [01:26:51] Speaker F: Jasper. Yes, please roll your willpower. [01:26:56] Speaker B: You got it. Full willpower? [01:26:58] Speaker F: Yes. It. [01:27:05] Speaker B: One success. [01:27:09] Speaker F: It stings. You could feel it seep into your arm and it's. If you ever gotten, like a penicillin. A penicillin shot feels like peanut butter. Kind of like spreading through your arm. But you can't imagine that it felt this bad for Ren. It does hurt. It feels like. It's a really strange feeling. It hurts quite a lot. And it's sore. It's really sore. But it doesn't hurt or burn or feel painful. [01:27:48] Speaker B: What the hell? What did you put in this thing? [01:27:54] Speaker F: I mean, not going to lie, I did a little bit of previous testing. This is kind of like a second batch of his blood. But I wanted to try drying up a cure first, and then I just need to do the final steps. I guess I need to do another batch to make it less painful. Is there anything you can do that again? We need to make sure. We need to keep doing the same test. Can you also do the. He kind of like, gestures with his hands, like a swiping motion, like that. [01:28:31] Speaker B: Oh, no, I can't do that. Here's what I could do. Since it's about activating my abilities, I'm going to look at them and just activate awe and try to sexify myself. Seducing all of the scientists from the University of Chicago. [01:28:54] Speaker F: Oh, lord. Okay, let me also essentially flip a coin again. Roll your normal thing. [01:29:09] Speaker B: Awesome. [01:29:10] Speaker F: And we're just going to hope that this works. Make sure you spend your flip point, though. Yes, I hope that this works. This will be really fucking funny. [01:29:17] Speaker E: It will be. [01:29:30] Speaker B: Successes and three ones. [01:29:34] Speaker A: What a shame. [01:29:36] Speaker F: Now you have two built powerpoints left. [01:29:39] Speaker B: Hell, no. This is too funny. [01:29:43] Speaker F: Come on. What's the worst that could happen? So you rouse your blood and you kind of feel it evaporate a little bit, but nothing visibly happens. You don't even feel that mental spark that normally happens when someone is actually captivated. You're actually not sure if this worked or not. [01:30:12] Speaker B: Oh, something weird happened. Doc. [01:30:19] Speaker F: You kind of see him write in a journal first. It goes like angry bent stool, like dented stool, handprint, claws. Then, weird. Question mark, question mark. Question mark. Very visibly, everyone else can see. Anyone who wanted to see this can see it. Hey, I guess somebody else. Just one more. I need one more test. [01:30:50] Speaker A: I'll do it. [01:30:53] Speaker D: Are you sure? [01:30:57] Speaker A: I'm sure. All right. [01:31:03] Speaker D: I nod, but make it clear that I'm willing to go in your place. [01:31:10] Speaker F: Margo, you roll your willpower total? [01:31:14] Speaker A: Yep. Seven, right? [01:31:18] Speaker F: Yes. [01:31:28] Speaker A: Three. [01:31:30] Speaker F: You have the initial sting, and it does feel a bit sore, but not as much as Jasper was feeling it. It does feel like in your time, you've probably got a penicillin shot. So it's a strange feeling. You recognize it. So it isn't as bad as it initially would be for someone who hasn't had a penicillin shot before. But it does feel like that. Is that like weird seeping jelly feel? How is it feel? [01:32:09] Speaker A: It's fine. It's all right. Nothing that I've never felt before. [01:32:16] Speaker D: Oh, darling, you're so brave. You didn't have to do that, you know. [01:32:22] Speaker F: It's fine. [01:32:23] Speaker A: It's okay. I grew up in a time where maldive medicine was improving. This feels like penicillin. [01:32:46] Speaker F: He was also going to say, can you also. The thing, you know, the cloth thingy. [01:32:55] Speaker A: Do what he did. No evil. [01:33:01] Speaker F: You're also going to try to do an off. [01:33:04] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I'll do an off. [01:33:05] Speaker F: Okay. Are you going to try singing or not? [01:33:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:33:14] Speaker F: Okay, hold on. I also need to do my coin flip to see if you need to roll willpower again. Oh, yeah. No, you good. Way good. We got a successful batch. Painful as hell, but a successful batch. Make a roll. Spend your blood. [01:33:42] Speaker A: Yes. [01:33:45] Speaker B: I hope you fail. I hope you botch. [01:33:49] Speaker A: Drop dead. [01:33:53] Speaker B: I did. That's why we're here. [01:33:56] Speaker A: Well, that sounds like a skill issue, darling, I don't know what to tell you. [01:34:02] Speaker F: Built different. [01:34:03] Speaker D: Stay dead next time, stay dead. [01:34:07] Speaker F: That's what you should have said. [01:34:09] Speaker B: What we do in the shadow. [01:34:13] Speaker F: We. [01:34:14] Speaker A: Can'T afford to get sued. Three successes. [01:34:20] Speaker B: Why did I even put my discipline dots into presence? [01:34:24] Speaker A: Because you thought you were going to be hot girl shit. But then I came in, ass swinging, tits binging. [01:34:33] Speaker B: I'm twerking next week. [01:34:39] Speaker F: I believe that's supposed to be difficulty seven for the role. [01:34:43] Speaker A: Well, then three successes. I mean, two successes. [01:34:50] Speaker F: Not that it matters. He's still captivated by your voice and he's just going like, wow. [01:35:01] Speaker A: No, technically, if it's singing, then it's still three. [01:35:06] Speaker F: Oh, it's still three. Yeah, it would be two, actually. [01:35:10] Speaker A: 4234 successes. [01:35:13] Speaker F: Okay, well, still, he's absolutely captivated. Captivated by your voice. He's just, wow. That is magical. It's divine. I tried being in the opera. [01:35:33] Speaker A: I'm more of a jazz singer, but I used to sing in my church's choir when I was younger. [01:35:45] Speaker F: Well, just wonderful. [01:35:51] Speaker A: Thank you, darling. I try my hardest. [01:35:56] Speaker F: The symptoms after experience, you said it kind of stung a bit, but manageable. [01:36:04] Speaker A: Yeah, after a little bit. [01:36:07] Speaker F: Okay. All right. He's actually going to give a Band aid to you. You're going to be the only one. He actually gave one to you. [01:36:19] Speaker B: Sexism. [01:36:25] Speaker A: Um, I'm. I'm sorry that you feel that way, but the strength of a woman will never compare to anything that you can truly feel. [01:36:38] Speaker F: Okay, well, I guess put it on. Since we have a successful batch, I guess he'll drop some more and kind of like, walk over to Soraya. [01:36:52] Speaker D: I roll up my sleeve and I stick out my arm. [01:36:59] Speaker F: Also going to have your roll willpower. [01:37:01] Speaker D: All right. [01:37:02] Speaker F: He injects and pushes in. [01:37:05] Speaker D: Okay, so that is. Oh, shit. I'm at will. Like my total willpower or less. [01:37:12] Speaker F: Always total. Always total. [01:37:14] Speaker D: Okay, so I'm at four willpower. [01:37:19] Speaker F: You really only have four? Yeah, you should have five. Your total willpower as in your dots? Yeah, not the square. So dots. I have five on my. On my screen. [01:37:34] Speaker D: Oh, then I don't know what I did. So five. And what's the difficulty? [01:37:41] Speaker F: Seven. Oh. [01:37:50] Speaker B: Oh, no, no. [01:37:53] Speaker F: Can you roll your self control also difficulty seven. [01:37:58] Speaker D: Okay, let's see. My self control is three. Not my night, y'all. [01:38:15] Speaker F: Okay. [01:38:16] Speaker D: Oh, thank God. [01:38:20] Speaker F: The beast inside stirs a bit, but it quiets down as you exert control. Help them pull out the needle. Walk back, bring up some more. Go over to Warren. [01:38:40] Speaker D: Somebody get me some leeches. [01:38:47] Speaker C: Warren will. [01:38:48] Speaker F: He shakes his head. He shakes his head at the leeches comment and still waits for you to roll up your sleeve. [01:38:56] Speaker C: Yeah, Warren, roll up his sleeve and. [01:39:02] Speaker D: Yeah, I roll up my sleeve and try my best to put on the brave face. [01:39:09] Speaker F: So with Warren, he's actually going to kind of poke the needle in and grab your other hand, the one that he cut open last night, and he'll squeeze in and can I have you roll your willpowerful? Yeah. And you also have that. The same stinging, sore feeling. And he looks at your hand and goes like, that is marvelous. It's like there's no damage there at all. And he kind of like, lets go of the syringe from moment and goes like, oh, shit. And then kind of regraps it again before it can actually break off and also pull out. Wonderful. So are you the only five infected? [01:40:16] Speaker D: No. [01:40:16] Speaker B: Unfortunately, quite a lot of us virons do we know that just from what we've experienced, it could potentially trigger frenzy in kindred? [01:40:31] Speaker F: Yes, you would guess that pretty much all the elders would be able to handle it a lot better as they have more willpower and self control so they're able to kind of push it down. [01:40:49] Speaker B: No, there's more of us. But you're right that you need to work on the pain thing before you can distribute it. Frankly, we all got lucky tonight. Sometimes we can lose control when things hurt like that. [01:41:05] Speaker F: Hurt? [01:41:05] Speaker B: People break things. I don't think it's a risk we can take distributing it to all of us. [01:41:14] Speaker F: Well, he'll actually kind of, like, pull up another batch out of a little refrigerator. I can try this. Does anyone want to try a second dose? [01:41:25] Speaker B: Love a booster. I'll stick my arm out. [01:41:33] Speaker F: You can roll your willpower. Difficulty eight. This one's not better. This one's actually worse. [01:41:41] Speaker E: I'll still be by. [01:41:43] Speaker B: Good thing I upgraded this. [01:41:44] Speaker E: I'll still be near Jasper whenever two psychic goes, just because Ruha. [01:41:51] Speaker B: Craziness, more vampire racism. [01:41:56] Speaker F: Yeah, this one doesn't actually feel like a jelly. This one's more like that. If you got your Covid shot, it feels like that. [01:42:10] Speaker A: Actually. [01:42:10] Speaker F: It's not as bad, but it's different. [01:42:15] Speaker B: I think that's a little better. Weirder. [01:42:21] Speaker F: Okay, I guess we'll go with this one. But just make sure. Try your thing again. [01:42:29] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, no, I don't want to scare him. Whatever. I'll spend the blood. Yeah, I'll try presents again. [01:42:38] Speaker F: Okay. I was going to say, are you going to use dread gaze? [01:42:41] Speaker B: I thought about it to save on blood, but I know that's a terrible idea. [01:42:44] Speaker F: So the other thing I can suggest is maybe blood searching, because that's not something you have to roll for. [01:42:54] Speaker B: Oh, hey. Yeah, you're smarter than I am. And then that's only for the physical stats. [01:43:00] Speaker F: Yes. [01:43:01] Speaker B: It's different in v five. That's why I'd ask. Yeah, I'll increase my decks with it. [01:43:07] Speaker F: Yeah, you're feeling a lot quicker. I'm sure if you move, you also kind of like. It's almost like you're using solarity, but not really. [01:43:16] Speaker B: Yeah, I do like the boxer shuffle. Yeah, I think I still do my stuff. Yeah. [01:43:24] Speaker F: Okay, so you think this one's better then? [01:43:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:43:28] Speaker F: Hopefully he'll drop some more and stick it in without permission this time. He's going to stick it in. We'll say, soraya. [01:43:42] Speaker B: Always get permission before you stick it in, folks. [01:43:46] Speaker A: Okay. [01:43:49] Speaker D: What should I roll? [01:43:51] Speaker F: Also your willpower, difficulty eight. I am going to suggest that you probably spend a temporary willpower. It is your choice. I just know you have five. And at difficulty eight, statistics aren't in your favor. [01:44:06] Speaker D: Yeah, okay. So I'll spend. [01:44:14] Speaker F: Let's see if you spend it. You don't have to roll. [01:44:20] Speaker D: Okay. [01:44:20] Speaker F: Willpower. Willpower. [01:44:22] Speaker D: Okay, I'll spend one willed power, then. [01:44:28] Speaker F: All right. You don't have to roll. Okay. You feel it? It hurts. It stings, but you swallow it down. You swallow down that pain, that urge that you felt with the other one, and you recognized it. But this one actually feels a lot better. [01:44:48] Speaker D: So this one does feel better. But full confession. First of all, I expected it to be a lot worse. And secondly, I had to muster my own willpower in order to make sure that it didn't knock me down. [01:45:16] Speaker F: That's price of success. That's fine. All right. Who wants to be the third tested object before I rule that this is okay? [01:45:29] Speaker D: Oh, by the way, never. Next time, don't touch me without asking. [01:45:37] Speaker F: He looks concerned, but, yeah, you're right. Sorry. And he'll walk over to Warren and just goes and waits for him to show the other arm. Then he'll stick it in. [01:45:58] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:46:00] Speaker F: Difficulty eight. Like I said, this one isn't better. You take it. You take it like a champ, just like Jasper did. And generally, it's less painful than the other one, but it's sore around the injection area. [01:46:26] Speaker C: I'm going to rub his arm. It doesn't hurt as bad, but it's strange. [01:46:37] Speaker F: Yeah. Your main arm just has that sore, almost weighty feel, like, where it's more weighted than your other arm. It's heavier. There we go. That's kind of the one that everyone has, like, whatever arm that you've showed and got injected with for the first batch. Your arm just feels a bit heavier, but it's still fully functional. Hey. Well, I guess this is the one I'm going to be using. But I guess all five of you are inoculated. Now, do I need to just pull a bunch and box them up and give them to you guys, or how's the distribution process? How is that going to look? [01:47:30] Speaker B: Well, actually, that brings us to something we need to talk to you about. You aren't supposed to know that we exist. There are a couple of options for you, but you're only going to like one of them. You can drink one of our blood, and to become what we call a ghoul, you will be supernaturally compelled to do what we want. But the alternative is that, well, if we don't do that, we have to kill you. [01:48:04] Speaker C: I actually have an alternative that I would like to speak with my friend about alone after we've discussed distribution. [01:48:13] Speaker F: But third, option. Frankly, I take this shit, go home, break it, throw it away, don't care. [01:48:23] Speaker C: That's actually. [01:48:27] Speaker F: If you kill me, then this goes. Then everyone's screwed. [01:48:32] Speaker B: Listen, even if we don't, somebody's going to ask who is the doctor that helped them. And we aren't going to tell them. They're going to find you. I don't want to hurt you. You're doing a great thing, but your long term safety. Well, except Warren says he has another. [01:48:52] Speaker F: Using. I'm not going to drink your blood. And I don't want to die. I have more leverage than you do at this moment. I don't think you realize that. Either you save your people or you just let me go. [01:49:07] Speaker D: Well, there is. [01:49:09] Speaker F: Sorry. Save your people and I get to go. Or kill me. This stuff's gone. Everyone dies. [01:49:15] Speaker D: There is another option that I see as well. I wonder if Oren and I have the same. [01:49:36] Speaker F: Ideas, but not the same. [01:49:39] Speaker C: What's your third option? [01:49:42] Speaker D: Well, mine is that he could become one of us. And option number 3.5 is that we could turn him over to our bosses. And if he destroys this batch, we could let the Camaria deal with him. They'll be a lot less kind and a lot more coercive than we will be. We'll get rewarded either way. Because we have somebody who has already developed the formula. [01:50:28] Speaker B: Regardless of how this shakes out, I'm not letting them take the credit for this. [01:50:36] Speaker C: I would like to speak with my friend alone, please, Dr. Phillips, if you're comfortable with that. [01:50:47] Speaker F: Just to make sure I get this right story. Tell otherwise. As in you and Phillips or you and Jasper? [01:50:54] Speaker C: Myself and Phillips, please. [01:50:57] Speaker F: He'll nod, but he's actually going to take both. He's going to take both the vaccines and the syringe that he used. He's going to bring them with? [01:51:17] Speaker A: Yeah, actually, yeah. [01:51:20] Speaker C: I'm just going to give a quick scan to the group if they have any last words. No, not death. Final words. Before he exits the room. [01:51:34] Speaker B: My items? [01:51:36] Speaker D: Just remember, we still have the option to turn him over to our higher ups. We don't need to deal with this ourselves. [01:51:48] Speaker C: I do though. I brought him into this and I will get him out. It's my mess. I will clean up after myself. [01:52:01] Speaker D: Well, then go with. God. [01:52:08] Speaker C: Keeps following me around, he's going to go after the good doctor. [01:52:15] Speaker F: Yeah. You guys are kind of in a separate room. You're more secluded than you were before. What are you going to do? I mean, I know what you're going to do, but say it out loud for the class. [01:52:28] Speaker C: So Phillips, we have few options. Could kill you, which is then I. [01:52:39] Speaker F: Break this and then I break both these things. And you don't have anything. So I think that's not a good option for you. [01:52:47] Speaker C: I agree with you. [01:52:50] Speaker F: And I'm not going to drink your blood either. [01:52:56] Speaker C: You consuming my blood in any way would be worse than killing you. [01:53:03] Speaker F: So. [01:53:05] Speaker C: I need to make you unreliable. I am going to use hunting. [01:53:13] Speaker F: Yes, as you say that he's going to say. What do you mean? Can you roll? Roll. Your manipulation and subterfuge and we'll tell your difficulty in just one moment. Perception, self control. Oh, God. That's not kind for you. It's going to be difficulty eight it. [01:53:47] Speaker C: Two successes. [01:53:49] Speaker F: Okay. [01:53:55] Speaker C: I can kind of tell that taking on, if I could also get passion to sort of up the intensity of it at all. [01:54:10] Speaker F: Yeah. Also make sure you roll for that. And your difficulty for that one is going to be 19 success. It doesn't really take the hole that you want it to. I mean, you can see him kind of have this kind of fearful look on his face, but it lasts for about 10 seconds and it's kind of gone and just kind of looks confused now and goes like, what do you mean? This isn't going to do anything? [01:55:00] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess not. But if you go around talking about vampires, people think you're crazy. So I guess all we can do is let you go on your way. [01:55:10] Speaker F: I wasn't planning on it, but fine, whatever. You're not going to kill me. They're not going to kill me. [01:55:18] Speaker C: I have no plans to kill you. [01:55:22] Speaker F: Can you make sure they don't kill me? [01:55:27] Speaker C: I'll be right back. And he's going to go back to the other room, tell the group I think I might have worked out a solution. We'll have to wait a little bit, but he shouldn't be an issue. [01:55:48] Speaker A: You know what I just thought about? [01:55:52] Speaker C: What's that? [01:55:53] Speaker A: Why don't we coerce Mindy giving us the formulas? [01:55:59] Speaker F: We don't ren me. Sorry. Ren, you do hear him go like, wait. Shit. What was okay? Nothing. [01:56:13] Speaker E: What did you okay. [01:56:24] Speaker D: Doctor. [01:56:28] Speaker F: You. I mean, he's alone at the moment, but if you do go over to check on Anne on him, he's like, I'm fine. I just thought I saw something. [01:56:41] Speaker C: We won't need to coerce him. We just need to promise to let him go and not track him down and kill him. [01:56:49] Speaker E: Okay. [01:56:50] Speaker B: And when people ask how we got. [01:56:53] Speaker A: This. [01:56:56] Speaker C: Which they inevitably will, tell them, tell them that. I got it for you. I can explain. [01:57:05] Speaker B: Listen, I don't mean harm to the guy. I'm not going to make him do my biding. But if we don't ghoul him, then they're going to kill us or him or both. [01:57:20] Speaker D: I don't mind letting him go, but I still think that we should at least give his name to whoever's after him. [01:57:33] Speaker A: Hold on a minute. Hold on a minute. Let me make a phone call. I know somebody who might. If I ask him pretty please, he might be willing to. [01:57:50] Speaker F: Uh, Warren, just before Marco starts to leave the room, you hear a faint voice kind of coming from, like, above the door. You see there is, like, an intercom speaker there, just a stopper. [01:58:12] Speaker C: Warren's going to kind of jog over and put a hand on her shoulder. Margot, I assure you that I have things taken care of, cleaned up my mess. Okay? If he does say anything, no one will believe him. I've made him completely unreliable witness. I assure you that no harm will come of this. But I have his name. If anyone within our sect is concerned with his knowledge, they can talk to me. I really assure you that making that call is not necessary. [01:58:50] Speaker A: And, Warren, you better swear on your life that that is the case. Because if we have hunters banging down our doors again, this is a promise that I'm making to you. I will find him, and I will tell you this right now. You don't want me or the people that I know to find him, so he better keep his mouth shut, permanently. [01:59:29] Speaker C: Cross my heart and hope to die. [01:59:34] Speaker F: The music playing in your head, constantly playing. It's actually calm, quiet. It's not quiet. It's calm. It's somber in a minor key, almost in the sense of horror as well. But it is calm, as if trying to. As if there's, like, in a minor key and a little bit of, like, a horror tone, as well as in, like, there's some sort of, like, dark reminiscing stuff going on, but you don't. But you hear there are, like, parts of the section closest to you, closest to those, to your psychological ear or whatever, saying, you're going to be okay. It's going to be okay. But there is something dark happening near you. [02:00:46] Speaker A: Um, there's a look of panic on her face, and she grabs onto her temples and kind of pushes herself up against, like, a wall. It looks like she's about to have just, like, a slight panic attack. Her head kind of like looking from side to side, kind of like it blasting back one way and then the other. [02:01:23] Speaker F: Do as you do that, you do feel the minor notes. The horror parts kind of shift, and you hear it in your left ear and then your right. It's kind of in front of you. You hear a minor bit coming from where? In the direction of where Warren is. But the main part is coming from whenever your ears end up facing where the doctor is. [02:01:53] Speaker A: He'S going to stare in that direction. Her eyes widen, her pupils dilated. [02:02:06] Speaker F: I will say they actually do share the same instrument. As if there is some connection between the two of them, between Warren and whatever is happening to the doctor. [02:02:25] Speaker A: For your sake and for mine, I. [02:02:27] Speaker B: Really hope you're right. [02:02:32] Speaker C: Have enough for being right, don't you worry. [02:02:39] Speaker A: Yeah, well, I'm willing to put my trust in it, but I have a knack for telling when something is wrong, too. [02:03:00] Speaker F: The rest of the group does hear a few more exclamations from the doctor, as well as he is kind of in a sectioned off part of the room, but you could still hear a tiny bit. Ren definitely hearing the most. It's just explanations of kind of like, horror. We're like, wait, what was that? Kind of things. [02:03:17] Speaker B: Can I go check on him? [02:03:18] Speaker D: Can I? [02:03:19] Speaker F: Yeah. [02:03:21] Speaker D: Use perception. I don't know. Perception investigation. [02:03:32] Speaker F: Or just to see if. [02:03:36] Speaker D: I can see anything around him or what he's doing. [02:03:43] Speaker F: No need to roll for that. Not that kind of role, at least. There is no physical thing wrong. Everything is still the same. Nothing came in. Nothing came out of the room. It's all there. Jasper, is he to check on him. His body language was stiffened up, but as soon as he sees you, he kind of relaxes. [02:04:09] Speaker B: Hey, man, you doing all right? [02:04:13] Speaker F: Yeah, I'm fine. It's fine. Look, we good? We're good, right? [02:04:21] Speaker B: Yeah, we're good. [02:04:22] Speaker F: Why are you. [02:04:24] Speaker B: It sounded like something was happening to you. [02:04:29] Speaker F: Thought I saw things. Must be coming from. Must be having a manic episode. [02:04:35] Speaker B: Yeah, man. [02:04:36] Speaker F: Feels like a manic episode. [02:04:38] Speaker B: Hey, well, it won't be safe to bring you under other people, so we'll grab those cures from you. But you get some sleep, okay? [02:04:47] Speaker F: I'll try. And he'll kind of, like, walk past Jasper into the group, rest of the group of people. And his body language fully relaxes now. And he starts taking out each. He starts filling up syringes of each thing, and he'll use both vials, and he'll actually mark them or not vials, he'll use both vaccines. He'll actually mark each syringe of which one it is like test one. Test two. And test two has, like, the check mark as well as an indicating it's good or, like, best. Okay. Do you guys mind if I go out with you? [02:05:43] Speaker B: They treat humans like food, man. [02:05:46] Speaker F: No, just out of here for now. [02:05:52] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. [02:05:55] Speaker E: Yeah, that's fine with me. [02:06:00] Speaker F: Kind of leaves and it hovers around Warren the most. And for Margot, the minor keys. Minor, the baritone sacks, and like a. Probably french horn as well. Whatever brass section stuff. It's minor. It feels like they're trying to do like a bit of like a jaws theme as well, of kind of like switching between each half step. What is strongly emanating from those two. [02:06:42] Speaker A: Now. Can I roll? [02:06:53] Speaker B: Can I roll? [02:06:54] Speaker A: Maybe like an empathy check of some sort to. [02:06:59] Speaker F: Yeah, let's do a perception empathy. [02:07:03] Speaker A: And could we do wits empathy? [02:07:07] Speaker F: Yes. [02:07:09] Speaker A: Could I argue for wits? [02:07:11] Speaker F: I will let you argue for wits. As this is also happening mentally, perception would be more like kind of looking, but it's audio. You can't really see audio. We could definitely do wits. [02:07:25] Speaker A: Cool. [02:07:29] Speaker F: It's going to be difficulty five. What kind of thing are you looking for? Kind of like, what's causing this, what might be happening? [02:07:38] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm kind of trying to sense the vibe of the music almost, because it seems to get more intense whenever I'm looking at this guy. I'm just trying to, like. [02:07:54] Speaker F: I will say it is definitely different from when you first saw him as well. Whatever happened in that conversation. Now that music has changed. [02:08:06] Speaker A: So I'm going to go ahead and do. That's two successes. [02:08:20] Speaker F: With what you have in a cult as well. I'm going to say that you do understand it's very rare in this year and time period for Malkavians. It's very rare. But some do have this way of causing mental anguish on others, Malkabians do. And if you would almost guess that this guy, somehow Warren might be one of these, and this guy just had. He did something to this guy, and it's dark. It's not like, evil dark, but this is kind of a mind effect on this guy, and it's changed him. [02:09:21] Speaker A: With the. With the understanding that whatever Warren did when they were alone together, she's just going to stand, like, walk next to Warren, and if they meet eyes at all, she's just going to give him a singular nod of understanding and then fall back to where Saria is. [02:09:48] Speaker C: You return the nod. [02:09:56] Speaker F: Generally, the rest of the night is uneventful, other than, you know what, hold on. There's. And one other thing that we can do as well. You all arrive at the club knowing it is the elysium for the vampires and generally where most of them will gather. It's still closed, but you do see lights on upstairs on the third time. Is it probably around 02:00 a.m.. Actually, I'll say 02:45 a.m.. Generally. [02:10:40] Speaker E: Hey, building we can. [02:10:46] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:10:48] Speaker F: Since waiting for the first time ever, at least that you guys recognize the doors are locked. [02:11:03] Speaker B: Can we peer through a window? [02:11:07] Speaker F: The windows are on the second floor and they're still high up on the second floor anyway, right. [02:11:14] Speaker C: Small block at the window. [02:11:18] Speaker D: Please know. [02:11:19] Speaker A: Can we play our jukebox and wait for somebody to appear outside? [02:11:26] Speaker F: You're going to hold your boombox and it's just going to start playing. Yeah, Margo. [02:11:31] Speaker E: We're just going to lift Margo up. [02:11:36] Speaker A: I will begin to sing. Come to my window. [02:11:42] Speaker D: Margot. [02:11:42] Speaker A: You ready? [02:11:43] Speaker D: I'm going to lift you up now. All right. [02:11:45] Speaker A: Oh, my God. Oh, no. [02:11:48] Speaker F: What you could do, though, as Margot does know the room does know the rooms and she does know that Brendan Thornhill does actually have a coffin there and he does sleep in the psychopathist club and Annabelle does as well. You do know where they are. You know, you can protect your voice in there if you. [02:12:13] Speaker A: Yes, I will do the thing that I'm good at. Only one person knows that I'm good at. I'm going to think of Annabelle and I'm going to think of Annabelle and you guys see Margot, step back and you can actually hear. It's. It's a like whisper but loud enough for those who are around her to hear. And I'm going to do the second dot which allows me to throw my voice at a specific person. [02:12:57] Speaker D: Wait, couldn't you call her before you do that? [02:13:04] Speaker F: I will say, you probably do realize that Annabelle doesn't have a like the club phone is in Brennan's office. [02:13:13] Speaker D: Got it. Never mind. [02:13:16] Speaker F: Ventru, you know, width of performance difficulties. I'm actually going to say six for this one. And spend your blood point. [02:13:30] Speaker A: Yes, I'm going to spend my blood point. I'm getting a little hunky. I'm going to have to get a snack after this. The snack that smiles back my herds and performance. [02:13:55] Speaker F: Add your. I'm presuming you're probably also sing songing this. Yeah, it's needed for the thing. [02:14:04] Speaker A: She's quite literally singing come to my window. [02:14:10] Speaker F: Yeah. There's this faint whisper that you guys could hear at the back of her throat. It's loud enough for you guys to barely be able to hear it. Ren definitely hears it pretty clearly. [02:14:23] Speaker A: That's as much as we're getting because we don't want to get copywritten. [02:14:28] Speaker F: No, I would like to stay up online. [02:14:31] Speaker E: DMCA. Don't mind. [02:14:37] Speaker F: It's FCC. [02:14:42] Speaker A: Six successes. [02:14:44] Speaker F: Yes, very much. Yes. You do this for about like 10 seconds, and you don't even know at the time you're projecting it into that room where, you know, she usually is. [02:15:03] Speaker A: Mmhmm. [02:15:04] Speaker F: And after about 10 seconds, you kind of feel like mentally, there's like an air pressure shift in the room. And after about a minute or two of you continuing to sing, the door does unlock and you see it open, but no one's in front of it. No one's really holding it. It seems like they're probably opening it behind and staying behind the door. [02:15:39] Speaker A: All right, well, all right, we're good. [02:15:43] Speaker D: Well, there's nothing for it. Let's go then. [02:15:57] Speaker F: Everybody else other than Margot and Saraya. So I guess just the boys. [02:16:04] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [02:16:09] Speaker F: Can you roll wits and occult if you have a cult, and if you don't, that is okay. [02:16:21] Speaker A: If you don't suffer. [02:16:26] Speaker F: If you don't, you don't learn anything. [02:16:29] Speaker E: I do have wits. [02:16:33] Speaker F: The colt is the required dot. So I guess just Warren and Ren, because I just looked at Jasper sheet. Yeah. [02:16:38] Speaker B: I was confused. I was like. I thought I meant I wouldn't have to increase the difficulty for not having a cold, but now. [02:16:45] Speaker F: Yeah. Yes. This is just kind of like, what is this kind of thing? Difficulty seven. This wouldn't be a widely available knowledge for kindred. [02:17:01] Speaker E: All right. No. [02:17:09] Speaker A: How do you get a negative one? How does that work? [02:17:17] Speaker F: Ren? So what's going to happen is what you think just happened is actually just a normal toyotor power? [02:17:29] Speaker E: No. [02:17:34] Speaker F: This is just normal. As for Warren, I'm also going to factor into the fact that you're also malkabian. With your successes, it wasn't going to add anything to your role, but with your successes and you being a Malkavian, you recognize and you kind of remember vaguely through some sort of, like, string. You don't even know if this is the thing you read or learned somewhere, but somewhere you know that this is like a different bloodline. Margot is not a toriador. She is a banshee. Magical, amused. She's like a combination, like a bastard combination of the beauty and promise of a toriodor with ever so slight madness in some fashion. You don't know what of the Mount Cavemans. [02:18:45] Speaker C: She kind of goes into the club, he's going to try to make eye contact with her. And if they do make eye contact, he will kind of try to give the same nod she did to him earlier as they left the university. [02:19:05] Speaker F: You all can't hear me laughing. [02:19:08] Speaker A: She'll look back at him just again, that one understanding nod before I assume she's the first one to walk in. [02:19:26] Speaker F: Probably. You guys make your way up the stairs and spiral staircase to get to the overlooking, like third floor. And when you look behind you, you do actually see one of you see Bret Stryker, the guy who was the bodyguard at the party, following behind you. [02:20:01] Speaker E: Okay. [02:20:03] Speaker F: And I'm assuming you guys make your way up to Annabelle's office or Brennan's. [02:20:13] Speaker D: I voted Annabelle's. [02:20:17] Speaker A: Yeah, probably Annabelle's. [02:20:21] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:20:23] Speaker B: Annabelle's it is. [02:20:28] Speaker F: Now, given your somewhat recent history with Annabelle, Jasper, do you go in the room? [02:20:39] Speaker B: I think I do because we can ward the cure over her. [02:20:45] Speaker F: Hey, it's cute that you think you have that power. [02:20:54] Speaker B: Cute. [02:20:58] Speaker F: Presumptively. Margot just opens the door and Annabelle's kind of. She's still sitting at her desk, but she's not looking as beautified as she normally would be, like when the club is actually open. I mean, she's still beautiful, all things considered, but just not as much because she doesn't really have anyone to impress at the moment. Yes, my dear. Oh, and her friends. And that one. [02:21:40] Speaker A: Hello, mother. We come bearing some good news, some gifts. Yes, well, you know how the illness has been going around recently. [02:22:04] Speaker F: A genuine sigh of anger and frustration escapes her lips. Her lips. She squeezes her hand. You hear the creaking, like the strain of glass ever so slightly cracking. Yes, as I can recall. And I can see, everybody seems to have it. That fucker. Bread? [02:22:41] Speaker A: Yes, ma'am. Well, we have a cure. [02:22:51] Speaker F: Her eyes widen and lighten up and you see her stand up swiftly and very almost, it feels instant. But you do recognize that it's not. She is using her celerity and she just runs right up in front of you. You do feel like a slight pulse of air kind of brush past you, behind you. Yes. Who has it? Who is holding the box at the moment? [02:23:20] Speaker B: I asked him for it? [02:23:22] Speaker F: Is it Jasper? [02:23:24] Speaker B: I would like it to be Jasper. [02:23:32] Speaker F: She'll have run up to you then. Oh, no, of course. [02:23:36] Speaker B: But nothing comes for free. Miss Annabelle. [02:23:39] Speaker A: I will say, as she comes up behind, Jasper will hear a little voice in the back of his mind. I ask this of you as a codery member and a friend. Please do not make her upset. [02:24:04] Speaker B: Aye, Margot. And I think about it, and I keep my fucking mouth shut because I'm the nicest guy on the planet. [02:24:12] Speaker F: Yeah. Okay. [02:24:17] Speaker A: Those are some bold words there, buddy. [02:24:19] Speaker F: We're going to put those to the test. Now, I believe you have invested some experience points into potents. [02:24:31] Speaker B: Yes? [02:24:32] Speaker F: Just the one dot. [02:24:33] Speaker B: Just the one dot. [02:24:36] Speaker F: All right, good enough for me. She's going to grab it, she's going to put both her hands on the box and she's going to start pulling it from you. Are you going to resist? [02:24:51] Speaker B: Not strictly. Careful. If you break it, we're all fucked. I let her take it. Margaret's request. [02:24:58] Speaker F: Okay. She'll then, now that you realize it, the fact that she also did use celery almost ran up to you. She's actually wearing heels. Very pointy. Like, thin, very thin heels. [02:25:16] Speaker B: Literally stilettos. [02:25:18] Speaker F: Yes. And she'll kind of, again, use solarity a bit. Set it on the desk, pull out one of the syringes, and then stick it in her arm. [02:25:33] Speaker B: Wait, yeah, we know what this does. So can I be leaving the room? As soon as she gets her syringe. [02:25:43] Speaker A: She might be able to resist it a little bit better than us. [02:25:47] Speaker F: She did. What do you have? Used celerity. When she's grabbed the box and put it at the. And you hear it, put it on the desk. Would you have used celerity to get out of the room? [02:26:01] Speaker B: Not like the part. The version where you spend a blood point, but it makes you faster. So I call on that. [02:26:07] Speaker F: I mean, you end up spending a blood point when you get to six, so not really important. So, yeah, you've effectively gone out of the room and you see her essentially slam this into her arm and then throw the syringe. Wait, no, we need that kind of the empty syringe. And the needle lands in the wall, kind of like sticks in a little bit. She goes. And she goes, fuck. Fuck. Okay, good. My arm stings. It hurts. It's a bit sore, but not overwhelmingly bad. Bret, dear, come over here. And she punishes him over. And he calmly walks over and she is going to then slowly inject it into his arm. Is anybody else leaving the room at this point? [02:27:28] Speaker A: I'll leave when she tells me to. [02:27:31] Speaker D: Absolutely not. [02:27:35] Speaker F: What was that? [02:27:36] Speaker A: Warren. [02:27:37] Speaker F: Warren will stay Hillstone. Okay. [02:27:40] Speaker D: I'm curious to see what happens. And also, I can't leave now. [02:27:45] Speaker F: Margot. Ren? [02:27:48] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:27:51] Speaker F: Jasper. Are you just like, outside? Basically outside, but still looking with the door open and looking in. [02:27:57] Speaker B: I think once. She's definitely not going to cut my throat because it hurts. I'll come back into the room and. [02:28:03] Speaker F: You see her inject it into the bodyguard. You see him stiffen up and kind of, like, start rubbing his arm. Like, fuck, that really hurts. [02:28:28] Speaker A: But it works. You'll begin to feel better almost immediately. I know I did. [02:28:38] Speaker F: You see her kind of walk over to the wall, ignoring what you said, completely takes the syringe out and puts it on the desk, and then walks back over to the wall and knocks on it. And Jasper, you see the door open next to where you are. Well, as you're about to enter, I should say, and you see Brennan Thornhill come out. He walks in behind you. He basically walks right into you, almost kind of like brushing against you, against your shoulder. He's still not a fan of yours. [02:29:24] Speaker B: Real fucking classy, bud. Good luck with your cure we got for you. [02:29:34] Speaker F: No. Not going to do that today. Sorry. Not going to do that tonight. You see him just again. Stiffen up. Gonna be the better person. Yes. Annabelle, what do you need? Oh, I have Akira here, and she sticks it in his arm. I need to get his willpower. Yeah. So many freaking ventures in this book. [02:30:17] Speaker A: Oop. Too many ventures. [02:30:20] Speaker B: The Camarilla is just. Oops. All ventures. [02:30:25] Speaker F: At one point. Yeah. [02:30:30] Speaker C: Put it in his pants. [02:30:34] Speaker F: He have, like, pen childer? [02:30:39] Speaker B: Is he Nick Cannon? [02:30:41] Speaker F: Yeah, apparently. Oh, no, this isn't going to look good for you guys. [02:30:50] Speaker E: Oh, no. [02:30:53] Speaker B: Get fucked, blue blood. [02:30:56] Speaker F: Get fucked yourselves, apparently. [02:30:58] Speaker E: Oh, no. [02:31:05] Speaker B: That's crazy. [02:31:10] Speaker F: As you are the person who he likes the least, Jasper. Okay, I need you to roll your decks. Athletics, difficulty six, please. Add your solarity. [02:31:28] Speaker B: Yeah, you got it. [02:31:31] Speaker F: Sorry, I guess difficulty seven, because you don't have athletics. [02:31:34] Speaker B: I have athletics. You might be looking at one of the older sheets. I bought it after the first. [02:31:41] Speaker F: Yeah, it's probably a good chance on. Oh, no. Brennan Thornhill, just. His eyes turn red and he lunges at you, but you see it coming. You almost suspected this as you just swiftly move out of the way and pretty much for the remainder of the night and for the scene. Really, obsession just looking at our time. He keeps lunging at you, swiping at you, punching, wanting to connect his fist into your face. [02:32:23] Speaker B: What's the matter, Brennan? It hurt too much. [02:32:27] Speaker F: And his eyes are almost like a shade of red. You almost feel that anger. And for Margot, it is this overwhelming. The loudest noise just is coming from his soul. You can't even tell what instrument it is. It is just so loud. I mean, you know, it's a brass instrument, but it is just unbelievably loud. And I think for that is where we're going to end for tonight's. It's.

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