Episode 7

April 29, 2024


S2 Ep7: Dealing With The Unexpected

Hosted by

Hallowed Haven Studios
S2 Ep7: Dealing With The Unexpected
The Chicago Chronicles: A Vampire the Masquerade RPG Actual Play
S2 Ep7: Dealing With The Unexpected

Apr 29 2024 | 02:31:10


Show Notes

After a brief time to meet back up with Margot and spend some time at the new coterie safe house, our kindred update their wayward member with what happened while she was gone. Their reunion is shortly after interrupted by servants of Kevin Jackson, insisting the coterie follow up on the mission they were given. They have another run in with lupines and take steps to hopefully end the struggle unfolding on the night time streets of Chicago.

Jasper Black - Anarcholoserist
Wren - Jimmy Margot
Beaufont - Legacy
Candy - Glamour
Storyteller - Vironz

Fang-Banger - Bookkeeper
Twice-Lived - Arinoth

Opening Theme: Kick It by Flint

Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:30] Speaker A: My name is Enrico, and I'll be playing Jasper Black, the brujah. [00:00:35] Speaker B: Hi, I'm glamour. I play candy the Nosferatu. [00:00:40] Speaker C: Hello, my name is Jimmy, and I'll be playing ren the gangrel. [00:00:45] Speaker D: Hello, I'm legacy, and I will be playing Margot, the daughter of cacophony. [00:00:51] Speaker C: Hi, my name is Aronof, and I'll. [00:00:53] Speaker E: Be playing twice lived, the get of Fenris. [00:00:58] Speaker F: Hello, I'm bookkeeper, and I'll be playing Charlie Fangbanger, the glasswalker galliard. [00:01:07] Speaker E: Hi, I am Byron's your storyteller for the evening. Last we left off you, the coterie, made a deal with some of the lupines that you've met personally. More specifically, high and eyes in the dark as they left. You guys have a little bit of time before you go over to lone's haven. What would you all like to do. [00:01:43] Speaker C: Huh? [00:01:44] Speaker E: Do any of you need to feed? Do something. You want to try and get some armor before you go? [00:01:51] Speaker B: Handy would like to feed. She is running very low on blood. [00:01:57] Speaker E: All right. [00:01:58] Speaker C: I would also like to feed. [00:02:00] Speaker A: Yep, as would I. [00:02:03] Speaker D: We're a bunch of hungry little looks. [00:02:06] Speaker E: Oh, hunky. You guys are all a little hunky. All right, we're gonna go top down with this then. Jasper, how are you gonna be feeding? [00:02:17] Speaker A: I want to corner someone at a party and pretend like I'm explaining local politics to them until they get bored enough that I can take a bite. [00:02:26] Speaker E: Oh, God, that person. Okay, go ahead and roll your manipulation and expression there. [00:02:41] Speaker A: Would we say this is conversation? [00:02:44] Speaker E: Yes. Cause you are trying to converse him into boredom. Candy, how would you like to be feeding? [00:02:55] Speaker B: Candy is going to. She's probably gonna feed. She's probably gonna stock the sewers for. No, she needs a lot of blood. She'll probably stalk the alleyways for, like, some. Wait for somebody to come by and, like, try to stealthily feed on them. [00:03:11] Speaker E: All right, can I heavy roll, dexterity and street wise for now. Any of the three pools I came up with in my mind, they are literally all the same for you. [00:03:27] Speaker B: I also have to roll self control because I'm down to, like, two blood. [00:03:31] Speaker E: All right, Ren, how would you like to. [00:03:36] Speaker C: I am going to be just doing my typical thing of just feeding off the homeless. Different group after what happened last time, but. [00:03:48] Speaker E: Yep. All right, I will have you roll. Same roll as candy. Then you can see you guys together. Go ahead and roll. Dexterity and streetwise for yourself. [00:04:06] Speaker B: Well, what's my difficulty for self control? [00:04:09] Speaker E: We'll say seven for now. [00:04:11] Speaker G: Okay. [00:04:16] Speaker E: Margo, how do you like to be feeding? [00:04:19] Speaker D: Um, I would like to go to. Not the succubus, another nightclub. [00:04:26] Speaker E: Um, the succubus is blown up, so you can go to the blue velvet club. [00:04:31] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll go to the blue velvet, Iraq's competitor's club. Sure, that'll be fine. And she is going to do that siren esque thing where her eyes are just going to lock on someone from the other side of the room, and she's just going to use her gaze to bring them in. [00:04:58] Speaker E: Huh? [00:04:59] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [00:05:00] Speaker E: Okay. Appearance and expression. [00:05:07] Speaker D: Okay. Can I add my. Do I get to add my alluring? [00:05:11] Speaker E: Yes. Cool. The way you worded it is making me fake expression more so. [00:05:16] Speaker D: Yeah, it's the same either way. It would be pretty much the same pool. [00:05:25] Speaker E: Yeah, I will say anarcho gets two points of blood. Andy gets two points of blood. Ren gets one point of blood. [00:05:42] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:05:47] Speaker E: We are just about to see what Marco is gonna get. Who gets five points of blood? [00:05:53] Speaker A: Share it to class. [00:05:57] Speaker D: Now try being hot. [00:06:04] Speaker E: All right, well, then, affectionate. Are any of you going to be buying armor before you go? You are going to the princess haven to kill him or rescue kinfolk against his wishes. Are you going to get armor? Are you going to try to gear up a little bit before you can go? Before you go. [00:06:23] Speaker B: Both seem smart. [00:06:27] Speaker A: How many of the anarchs can I get to come along with media sync? [00:06:36] Speaker E: You will have trouble finding any. [00:06:40] Speaker A: Interesting. [00:06:43] Speaker E: This is also because, well, it's the prince, and he's really old and scary. And also, it's hard to find them because during the haven attacks, everybody moved around. Those who survived, sure. So nobody's in their usual spot right now. Even you guys have abandoned your havens, essentially, for the safe house. [00:07:06] Speaker A: I assume me and blackjack at least have been in contact. [00:07:11] Speaker E: A minor bet. [00:07:13] Speaker C: I would at least like to get some, like, leather reinforced clothing. Just not. Nothing too fancy. Just, you know. [00:07:24] Speaker A: Oh, I am going to bring the sword I got from the hunters instead of just my piddly little knife, and put on a big trench coat to keep it hidden away from any passerbying cops. [00:07:38] Speaker E: Uh oh. I gotta check the stats on that. [00:07:41] Speaker A: It's one more damage than the dagger is. [00:07:43] Speaker E: That's not what I'm looking for, but good to know. Oh, my mistake. [00:07:49] Speaker D: I would also like fucking lights up on fire. [00:07:52] Speaker E: No, I'm just trying. I'm trying to make sure that, you know, I'm able to. Yeah. Trench coat. It's a trench coat, Ron. Okay. Just wanted to make sure, you know, no worries. All right, then. [00:08:10] Speaker B: I would also like some reinforced clothing. [00:08:13] Speaker E: Reinforced? Who's all getting reinforced clothing? I would like some Margot candy, Wren and Ren. Yep. You do realize that if you change into your beast form, you won't have the reinforced clothing anymore. [00:08:27] Speaker D: Yo. [00:08:28] Speaker E: Yep. [00:08:28] Speaker C: Yeah, I do realize, but just in case. You know, it's just in case. [00:08:35] Speaker E: It's always good to check. Yep. All right, then. Is Jasper getting reinforced clothing? [00:08:42] Speaker A: Yeah, I was gonna say, if they make trench coats with armor plates in it, I might as well get a new fit. [00:08:48] Speaker E: Yeah, if you're looking to get a trench coat one, it's gonna be less protective than, like, a Kevlar vest, but. [00:08:55] Speaker A: Oh, we were saying clothing. I thought we were going crazy. Yep. I'll put a vest on under my clothes. It seems intelligent to me. [00:09:01] Speaker D: There is. [00:09:02] Speaker E: There is armored clothing. We could do armored clothing. It's not great, but it's there. There's also, like. There's, like, seven different ranges of armor. [00:09:11] Speaker A: I'll sacrifice my life before I sacrifice my drip. [00:09:17] Speaker D: That is your choice to make you die on. [00:09:20] Speaker C: Yep. [00:09:22] Speaker E: All right. Um, well, you guys were able to stop by a gun store, surprisingly open late at night, but you're able to get what you want. Who's getting reinforced clothing? [00:09:36] Speaker G: Me. [00:09:37] Speaker E: Me. All right, so that is just armor one. That's all you get. There is no dexterity penalties. You just get one to any soaking roll. Any. Except for when Margo uses her thing, because you're not getting earplugs. [00:10:02] Speaker D: Yeah, that's me. More damaging your eardrums than actually harming you. [00:10:07] Speaker A: Wait, but actually, would we not coordinate that since it's such what we have, no one else does? [00:10:13] Speaker E: Do you want to be able to hear each other, or do you want to not be able to hear each other but be safe from Margo? [00:10:21] Speaker D: Grab your plug. [00:10:22] Speaker E: How well do you think you can communicate with your hands? [00:10:25] Speaker A: Well, didn't Margo do, like, six ag to one of us? [00:10:29] Speaker B: She did three aggravated damage to me. I soaked three. [00:10:33] Speaker E: It was six, but for a total of three. [00:10:36] Speaker A: Yeah. Margo screams the building down. We've got earplugs in. I'm gonna pick up a pair of earplugs. I'll let everybody else make their decision. [00:10:55] Speaker C: I'm. I'm. I'm good. [00:10:58] Speaker D: Wren really is putting all his faith in me right now. Putting all their faith in me right now. [00:11:04] Speaker E: You know what? [00:11:04] Speaker B: Candy is gonna take earplugs. [00:11:07] Speaker D: I'm gonna take them first. [00:11:12] Speaker B: Candy is definitely getting earplugs. [00:11:17] Speaker E: So that's two people getting earplugs. [00:11:22] Speaker D: See, it's okay. The homie. The homies putting all their faith in. [00:11:26] Speaker C: Me feels like hearing is. It's not going to help much. So I'm going to just be fine. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. [00:11:38] Speaker D: I'm glad you think that. [00:11:43] Speaker E: All right, then you guys go ahead and follow the direction. Pull up. You pull out a map. You have to unfold it and everything like that. You see the address that Capone gave you and you go there. Directions are pretty simple and it's very easy to see. This is pretty garish. Look. It's a very garish looking place. Very fitting for blue blood. And you see, well, one of, uh, three of you recognize one person. Actually, no one of you recognize one person. Everybody else does not know our second person. Ren, you see fangbanger, he's standing next to somebody else. [00:12:30] Speaker C: Okay, just, um, start walking up to fang banger and waves them over, basically. [00:12:50] Speaker E: Oh, sorry. My correction is that he introduced himself to you as Charlie instead of fangmager. [00:12:58] Speaker C: Oh, that's right. But, you know, I'm to the. Nonetheless, I am waving to Charlie. [00:13:09] Speaker F: Charlie sees the wave was back at twice lived. Remember, we be nice until the family's safe. [00:13:22] Speaker E: He's gonna put his hand in his pockets and rumble a little bit and. [00:13:29] Speaker F: Lighting a cigarette and walk it over. [00:13:32] Speaker C: No follow up. Good to see you. Is it to you? [00:13:47] Speaker D: That'd be first. [00:13:56] Speaker F: I've just given you shit. You ready for this? [00:13:59] Speaker C: Yeah, I'm ready. I'm ready for this. Hopefully everyone else's. Hopefully we've. Hopefully everything works out. [00:14:18] Speaker F: So my friends told me what you asked them to do. [00:14:23] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:14:29] Speaker E: Here's how. [00:14:31] Speaker F: Here's how I propose this go down. Because your prince is, like, really old, right? [00:14:41] Speaker C: That is correct. [00:14:42] Speaker F: And so he'd probably murder all of you. [00:14:47] Speaker C: More than likely, yes. [00:14:49] Speaker F: All right, you have a list of the people we're looking for. Here's what I'm going to ask you to do. We'll go find the old leech, and we'll deal with him if you all will find our family and get them out of the house. [00:15:23] Speaker C: I look over at everyone. [00:15:27] Speaker A: Seems like a fair deal. [00:15:28] Speaker D: I. Sorry. Uh, no offense. I don't know who. [00:15:35] Speaker E: Sorry. [00:15:36] Speaker F: 1 second. 1 second. [00:15:37] Speaker E: Um. I, uh. [00:15:40] Speaker C: The. [00:15:40] Speaker F: The other thing they told me is that, uh, her mouth is kind of a weapon, so I'm gonna have to ask you to shut up now. [00:15:49] Speaker D: I'm sorry. [00:15:54] Speaker F: Okay, step two, this is your warning. Talk again. Violence will ensue out here rather than on your prince. [00:16:06] Speaker G: Um, to be. Well, to be completely fair, it's only when Margot screams that her mouth is a weapon. [00:16:14] Speaker F: Still, I don't like doing chit chat with a gun to my head. [00:16:20] Speaker C: Okay. [00:16:26] Speaker E: Mind you, she is also one of the most beautiful leeches you've seen. [00:16:30] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:16:39] Speaker C: So, honestly, I think that would be fine with us being able to help you take down the prince, and we will find the families. [00:16:56] Speaker D: Cool. [00:16:57] Speaker F: Give us about ten minutes. Nice meeting you. [00:17:02] Speaker C: Good seeing you. [00:17:08] Speaker F: Charlie will clap twice lived on the shoulder and walk away. [00:17:14] Speaker C: And twice lived. [00:17:16] Speaker E: He'll just kind of layer his nostrils a little bit and follow. [00:17:25] Speaker D: Sorry, who the fuck are those people who blinds? I figured. [00:17:34] Speaker C: That was the person who met me at my haven. [00:17:42] Speaker A: He killed Thornhill instantly. [00:17:44] Speaker E: Yep. [00:17:49] Speaker C: Don't know who that other pine was. [00:17:52] Speaker D: But next time he makes a vague threat at me, I'm ripping his fucking ears off from his insides. Fuck that. [00:18:04] Speaker G: Let's not consider fighting the lupines. I just don't think it would work out well for us. [00:18:19] Speaker D: Sorry, I just don't remember making my deal with them. I think I remember making my deal with a tall guy in a very tiny pair of glasses. Very tiny pair of glasses. [00:18:35] Speaker C: I think he is technically there later, I think. [00:18:41] Speaker D: Oh, the alpha. [00:18:44] Speaker C: Yep. [00:18:49] Speaker E: And as your attentions turn away from the vampire, from the werewolves, you, the cuttery. Now focus more on the haven. Pretty big mansion, but it does look abandoned from the outside, at least for now. There is a twelve foot wrought iron fence around the entire perimeter. There are people stationed outside wearing black ponchos, obviously holding smgs and walkie talkies. [00:19:29] Speaker D: Do we want to make this quick and dirty or take our time with it? [00:19:39] Speaker G: How many did you think there were? [00:19:45] Speaker E: You're trying to see how many guards there are? [00:19:48] Speaker G: Yes. [00:19:51] Speaker E: As you do go around the whole building, it does take you a couple minutes to do so, but you do count out ten people. Can I also have you make a perception alertness test for me? [00:20:03] Speaker B: Sure. [00:20:04] Speaker E: Difficulty. Did I. I knew I write it down. [00:20:14] Speaker D: Let's do difficulty. [00:20:15] Speaker E: Seven. Yes, seven. That's what it should be. [00:20:21] Speaker B: Three successes. [00:20:23] Speaker E: All right, so, yes, there are ten guards. You notice that there are also a lot of security cameras outside as well. Shit. The guards up here again, black ponchos, they appear to be holding an SMG. They have walkie talkies. And you notice around the time you come back to your group that you see all of them kind of start picking up their walkie talkies, maybe doing some sort of check in. You see them speak into it, and then wait and wait and wait for about ten to 20 seconds. And let me put it back. [00:21:08] Speaker B: What you liked about me. I have false reflection. [00:21:21] Speaker E: Let me go find that really quick. [00:21:23] Speaker B: That's in the Nosferatu clan book. [00:21:28] Speaker E: That is immediately where I'm checking. Don't worry. All right, go ahead. [00:21:52] Speaker G: And you will look at the group. Say, um, something I've noticed is that. Oh, you know how obfuscate usually doesn't really work on cameras. For me, it kind of works. I I'm not really sure why. I I think it might have been that way for my sire, too. I'm not totally certain, though. [00:22:15] Speaker C: Hmm. That is pretty interesting. [00:22:23] Speaker G: Do you think you can. I just noticed there were a lot of security cameras around the building. I might, um. So if we. I mean, if there were a way to, like, draw the cards, draw some of the guards away, I might be able to try to sneak in. [00:22:44] Speaker A: I can maybe do that. Turn on the charm. Tell them I got something they're gonna like to see. Maybe Margo can help me split the work up. [00:22:59] Speaker D: I could do that. [00:23:03] Speaker A: All right. But I call all the hottest guards. Um, and. No, see, I guess my plan is I'm gonna presence, say, like, hey, come look at this thing. It's really weird, isn't it? And get a bunch of the guards to come and follow me and check something out. [00:23:25] Speaker E: So. [00:23:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Are we good with that? Check with the coterie. [00:23:31] Speaker C: Yes. [00:23:33] Speaker G: Okay. [00:23:37] Speaker E: Hold on. Can Margo roll? [00:23:43] Speaker D: Oh, boy. [00:23:44] Speaker E: Wits and. Wits and occult. And then. Yes. Then. Candy, as you were the one who did scout the perimeter, can I have you roll your perception awareness as well? [00:24:05] Speaker B: Before I forget, that'll be just perception. I never took awareness. [00:24:11] Speaker E: I will also accept Wren. Rolling. Perception awareness. Yeah. In the fairness of being, of trying to have. You guys get that? Yep. [00:24:21] Speaker C: Wow. Let's go. [00:24:23] Speaker D: Two successes. [00:24:25] Speaker C: Perception awareness. Three. Okay, three successes. [00:24:39] Speaker E: All right, Ren, you do notice, or probably even realize, that since this is the prince's home and Haven, you know, it could be the mansion, it's this actual haven. Or it could be a sub training, like a pone as well. That these guards might be ghouls. They might be packing because they know about the war. Margot, you begin to think that you can use some of your disciplined powers in combination with each other. You can cause a distraction, or even that powerful blast as a separate distraction. That way, you guys can get in. But you also believe that the werewolves should be doing the same thing as well. Okay. Going face on face up to the guards is unwise. Yeah. [00:25:52] Speaker C: We need to go unstealfully. There's. They're most likely packing some silver weaponry right now. So I think a big distraction would be a good idea. [00:26:20] Speaker A: I can do big distraction. Margo, mate can do it better with their singing. [00:26:25] Speaker E: Yes. [00:26:26] Speaker D: I think I might have a way to lure them in in a way that is effective if you want. If you. If you love. The folks wouldn't mind just giving me one moment. And she's going to poke her head out. How far away do we want them? [00:27:01] Speaker C: Preferably away from the doors or windows so we can get in on this. [00:27:06] Speaker G: Fair to say. Is it fair to say as far away as you can get them? [00:27:11] Speaker D: I can see what I can do. Um, storyteller? Yes, I am going to use a. I want to see if this. If the. If this can work. And it might be a little bit funky. I want to use the power of my presence, mix with the power of my, um, melapomne. Melpomene. And do kind of, like. Do you guys know the power and, like, dungeons and dragons that the harpies have to lure you in? That's kind of what I would like. Yeah, like a siren song. That's kind of what I would like to do. I would like to combine the two powers of using that. Aw. And the. Or the. I think it's entrancement that I have and the one where I can sway people and the song that I can use to sway people's emotions and draw them in nice and close. [00:28:32] Speaker E: Sorry, you might have just been cut off from that noise. So I'd been cut off. Oh. Unfortunately, as you are pondering that within your own mind, the howl goes off. I will also say you could probably still do this and pull them away from the werewolves, letting them get in deeper. But the issue with that is with what you're wanting to do combination wise, is presence requires eye contact. Unfortunately. [00:29:17] Speaker D: Dominican dominate someone that requires eye contact. I don't have to be looking at a person for them to pay attention. Okay. [00:29:29] Speaker E: We could do them separately, but you could do them in conjunction with, like, you can do the awe and then the swing emotions one. [00:29:39] Speaker D: Okay. All right. [00:29:42] Speaker E: You were right, though. I was looking at. I was like, I'm still focusing on dominate because other things. But yes, you could do. Let's do awe first and then your other one. And do it like that. [00:29:53] Speaker D: Yeah, definitely. Just pull up the die pool gun for aw. [00:30:03] Speaker E: So it's gonna be your charisma performance. [00:30:05] Speaker D: And I would like to spend a willpower for an automatic success to at least be guaranteed. Um, something wonderful. [00:30:14] Speaker E: Is this your. Are you at three willpower? [00:30:17] Speaker D: No, I'm not. I gave. [00:30:19] Speaker E: What is your willpower? [00:30:20] Speaker D: My current willpower now is four. [00:30:25] Speaker E: Okay. [00:30:32] Speaker D: Performance. [00:30:38] Speaker E: As soon as you hear the howl go off, you activate awe semi reflexively right now. [00:31:07] Speaker D: For three successes. [00:31:10] Speaker E: And you are able to entrance a little bit more than half of the guards outside or awe more than half of the guards outside. And go ahead and roll madrigal, which is also cruciferous performance. But at difficulty seven. [00:31:25] Speaker D: Okay. [00:31:34] Speaker E: Oh, that's stuff I don't want to do. What is the emotion you were trying to invoke? [00:31:43] Speaker D: Um, I think you know what emotion I'm trying to invoke. [00:31:53] Speaker E: Fear. [00:31:54] Speaker D: No, she's trying to lure them in. [00:31:58] Speaker E: Oh, horny. [00:31:59] Speaker A: Okay. [00:32:04] Speaker E: Yeah. So one of them. So it would be 20%. 20% of six. One or two. You get one or two of them and they are, like, lustful and they're, like, coming forward with the power of lust. Now, you see the pack of werewolves kind of run up to where you would imagine maybe the front of the house is. It's kind of hard to tell. There's quite a few doors around. And they run up and you see them start tearing into about three to four other guards as you have odd six of them. And two of those six are now really horny too. [00:32:54] Speaker D: Great. Fucking love that. [00:32:57] Speaker E: Let's go. What is your plans to deal with the six people? This goes to the whole group. What are the plans with the six full people? [00:33:11] Speaker D: I've got six of them distracted for you guys to do. Whatever you need. Um, two of them look like they're having either way too fun or bad time. It's kind of hard to tell. [00:33:31] Speaker A: I guess, with, uh, half the guards here. Uh, Jess was gonna wander out, so I don't have a magical singing voice. Um, with all activated. And start trying to draw the rest of them, maybe like, around the corner. Um, like, fainting. Like, guys, I just saw the most splendid, incredible thing. You have to come look at this. Absolutely beautiful thing. I just found. Um, like, calling out to strangers, like I'm high or exuberant or something. Uh, turn on awe and try to, like, lure them by talking out, away from their post to go see something else. [00:34:09] Speaker E: Um, you do really? Margo has six. You. You do not need to do that. She has all six. They're all odd. They're subdued. [00:34:18] Speaker A: Oh, I thought you'd said half. My mistake. I'm the world's dumbest man. [00:34:23] Speaker E: Yeah. More than half. Ten guards. More than half is six. [00:34:27] Speaker A: I see, I see. [00:34:30] Speaker E: A little bit more than half. Yeah. So six of the guards, they're in awe by Margot. Two of those six are extremely horny in like a good and bad way. You can't tell. Nobody can tell. [00:34:42] Speaker D: If six of them. [00:34:43] Speaker B: Are actively wandering away from their posts. Is there now, like, is there now essentially like a blind spot in like the line of guards to where like I'd be able to sneak Ren and I would be able to like sneak past and into the building. [00:34:59] Speaker E: Yes. And so could Jasper if he decided to be sneaky as well. Obviously he's gonna have to roll for it where you two are just able to activate. Okay. So it'll be hard to follow them because even with obfuscate, it can affect the kindred mind and mortal Ren. You know that there are cameras and you will be seen through the cameras. [00:35:31] Speaker C: Yes. [00:35:33] Speaker E: Jasper, if you do fail your role, you will be seen by cameras as well. Actually, I am going to have you roll your dexterity in stealth, but at a lower difficulty. Jasper, yours is going to be eight. Ren's is going to be at six. [00:35:46] Speaker A: Should we send candy ahead to fudge with the cameras? [00:35:53] Speaker C: It would be good just for me to be there just in case something happens. If there's more than one ghoul at the security post. [00:36:06] Speaker A: Fair enough. [00:36:07] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:36:08] Speaker C: I'll also on this roll and also because they are. Because it's. Do I get daredevil with this? I'm just fishing for daredevil this season. [00:36:21] Speaker E: Given the fact that, you know, I know there are cameras and that you will be seeing even through obfuscate. So you're just hiding from the six people anyway because even through awe they still might attack, but not as heavily as they would normally. [00:36:35] Speaker C: Okay. [00:36:39] Speaker A: Is it two extra dice I get if I spend a blood point? [00:36:47] Speaker C: It depends. So you're going to be bumping up Dex, basically. [00:36:50] Speaker A: Dex, yeah. [00:36:51] Speaker E: Okay, so you want a blood search and, uh, use celerity as well. That's totally okay. Yes, yes. Spend the blood point. Uh, two blood points. Uh, one or two blood points to search, however much you would like. Two would be two points. One is just the one. Um. [00:37:06] Speaker A: Got it. [00:37:07] Speaker E: Because you are low enough generation to where you can do the two blood points. [00:37:11] Speaker C: All right, I'm going to go ahead and make my roll then. Here we go. [00:37:16] Speaker E: But Jasper, since you do not have obfuscate. Oh, God damn. Jasper, because you do not have obfuscate, you will see rolling at Kulti. [00:37:23] Speaker B: Eight. [00:37:24] Speaker E: Yep. Two successes you scrape on by where Ren is almost like a ninja. You have a hard idea of even placing him, but those cameras are having the same exact amount of time. It just can't place them. Candy is able to activate it. And still in her hunched, not soratu form, kind of just, like, stroll normally up to another door. It's kind of the back door from where you guys are. It's a big, heavy oak door. You see Margot all the way back, singing and entrancing the rest. Are you gonna leave her alone there? [00:38:15] Speaker B: Well, my thought. [00:38:19] Speaker D: Got it. Is that as soon as we're further. [00:38:23] Speaker B: In, Marco can just, like, make their eardrums explode. [00:38:30] Speaker D: And then just. [00:38:31] Speaker B: And then just go in. If we leave the door open, because, I mean, I feel like if you have your eardrums blown out and you're. Even if you're a ghoul, you're still a human, that would. That might leave you fairly incapacitated, hesitated. [00:38:43] Speaker E: Until you get blood from your diamond. [00:38:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:38:50] Speaker E: Margo, you can't tell where the other two are, and you're having a bit of a hard time placing Jasper. Exactly. But you get the sense that they're far enough away that you don't really need to worry about the guards finding them at the moment. Plus, the werewolves are there. [00:39:10] Speaker D: Wonderful. Excellent. Fuck it. I scream. Yes, I know how that came out, byrons. [00:39:31] Speaker E: I'm aware. [00:39:32] Speaker D: Okay. I am aware of how that came out. Yes. And I say, listen, there's no sun. Like full sun. I'm screaming. [00:39:41] Speaker E: All right. [00:39:46] Speaker D: That is a. [00:39:53] Speaker E: I'm gonna have all of the coterie except for Marco. Go ahead and roll your soak at difficulty four. [00:40:03] Speaker D: Wait, I thought they were far enough away from me. Uh oh. Sorry, guys. [00:40:09] Speaker E: You're loud. The thing is, is that you're loud. This is a hearing thing. It's a loud thing, but it's difficulty for. So if they pass it, which hopefully it shouldn't hurt them. [00:40:24] Speaker D: Guys, you'll be fine. [00:40:28] Speaker E: Please don't fuck it up. [00:40:30] Speaker A: Do I get. Oh, do I get to apply my earplugs? [00:40:34] Speaker E: Yes, if you have earplugs, you are totally good. [00:40:38] Speaker A: Let's go. [00:40:39] Speaker B: I got a success in all I can dice anyway. [00:40:43] Speaker E: Yeah, yeah, you're fine. Everybody's fine. I just need more roll now. [00:40:49] Speaker C: I just realized for that difficulty six, even then I was still going to find. [00:40:53] Speaker E: Yeah, you would have been perfect. [00:40:56] Speaker D: So I forget, do I get to add my specialty to this? [00:41:00] Speaker B: Because I'm using my voice? [00:41:01] Speaker E: Okay. Whenever you are singing, always add your specialty. [00:41:04] Speaker D: Cool, cool, cool. [00:41:05] Speaker E: Basically, whenever you use this discipline, go ahead and add your specialty. [00:41:09] Speaker D: Awesome. I call this song the sound of a bunch of eardrums busting. [00:41:14] Speaker E: The sound of silence. [00:41:16] Speaker D: The sound of silence is gonna be the sound of silence for them in about 2 seconds. [00:41:24] Speaker E: And I'm gonna play for you, Tynditus. [00:41:34] Speaker B: I'm almost tempted to say that candy should just roll self control whenever Margo sings because of PTSD. [00:41:41] Speaker D: She'll be fine. [00:41:43] Speaker E: Not yet. [00:41:44] Speaker D: Not yet. Wait for me to bust your eardrums, like, two more times before you start making PTSD rolls. [00:41:51] Speaker E: Honestly, that's kind of my opposite. Cake. [00:41:58] Speaker D: Manipulation performance. And you said difficulty six? [00:42:04] Speaker E: Yeah, let's do. Or it could be five, but six is a mean. [00:42:08] Speaker D: I'll take. I'll take five, too. I'm not going to discriminate. [00:42:11] Speaker E: Yeah, let's do five. They're right here. They're right next to you. They're. [00:42:14] Speaker D: They're practically begging for it. [00:42:17] Speaker E: Two of them are. The rest aren't. Oh, no. [00:42:20] Speaker D: I mean, they're intrigued. [00:42:25] Speaker E: She's really hot. [00:42:26] Speaker D: Holy shit. [00:42:29] Speaker A: Jesus Christ. [00:42:30] Speaker E: Yeah, and then they just. Oh, my ears. [00:42:33] Speaker D: Critical. [00:42:34] Speaker E: Oh, my brain. [00:42:38] Speaker D: Jesus Christ. [00:42:41] Speaker E: Liquid starts dripping out their ears. [00:42:43] Speaker A: It's like cherry sorbet. [00:42:45] Speaker D: Oh, no. [00:42:48] Speaker E: Anyway, we're gonna move on. Margo, you do join the rest of your. Well, you were also told about the cameras. This is not gonna be a great role for you. [00:43:00] Speaker D: Oh, Jesus Christ. [00:43:04] Speaker C: I have to ask, because Marco screamed so loud, would the camera's lenses be busting? [00:43:12] Speaker D: Yeah. Were they busting? Ooh. Cause that's nine successes. There are probably some windows that are busting, too. I'm not gonna lie. [00:43:24] Speaker E: Stop saying busting. [00:43:26] Speaker A: No, but it makes me feel good. [00:43:33] Speaker E: They could. They actually could roll, soak. I'm tempted to actually have them roll, soak. [00:43:38] Speaker D: They're cameras. [00:43:41] Speaker E: They are cameras. [00:43:42] Speaker D: Have mercy. I'm about to. [00:43:48] Speaker E: How is this more horny than the science lab episode? [00:43:53] Speaker D: Not intentionally, I'll tell you that for sure. [00:43:57] Speaker A: Something about killing monarchs really gets me going. [00:44:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:44:01] Speaker E: God, was episode seven the last time this happened, too? [00:44:06] Speaker D: Yeah, it is. [00:44:10] Speaker E: Okay. Anyway. Yes. They'll break. Yeah. For just sake of time. They break. You're able to make your way up there? Uh, you guys are standing next to a wooden oak door that is currently locked. Do you want to break it down or try to lockpick it? [00:44:32] Speaker G: Lock pick, please. [00:44:36] Speaker E: Okay. Can I heavy roll your. God damn it. The amount of things I wrote down on this is far too fucking much. Um, dexterity and larceny at difficulty eight. You can make this as an extended test for five total successes. [00:44:56] Speaker B: Five total successes. Okay. Dexterity and larceny. [00:45:01] Speaker D: Difficulty. [00:45:01] Speaker B: Aid. [00:45:03] Speaker E: Dang it. [00:45:06] Speaker A: So sad. [00:45:11] Speaker E: This is also a wooden door, so you could break it down if you so choose. [00:45:16] Speaker B: Let me try. [00:45:17] Speaker D: Let me try to do what I'm good at first. [00:45:21] Speaker B: I believe Andy is also good at breaking things. [00:45:24] Speaker E: I'm gonna. I'm gonna give you three rolls of larceny before we go into breaking things. [00:45:31] Speaker B: Oh, that made it better. [00:45:33] Speaker E: All right, one more time. I believe in you. You got this. [00:45:36] Speaker B: I could just spend a willpower, but no, fuck it. We ball. [00:45:40] Speaker C: Fuck it. [00:45:41] Speaker E: We ball. Hell yeah. Yeah. You kind of fiddle around and you feel, like, in a bad way, and then pull back and you start your whole process over again, feeling each pin. And you get in. You're doing really good. And you just need to get that one last one. As you get in there and you feel it, you begin to twist and you feel it fully go. [00:46:09] Speaker G: Okay, I think I got it. [00:46:16] Speaker B: Candy will slowly. [00:46:18] Speaker G: Well, she'll look at the other two first. So, uh, we're going in, right? [00:46:23] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:46:24] Speaker C: Um, I think I'm going to just go ahead and get ready. Just be safe. And I'm going to go ahead and pop the claws. Just be. Been a blood point. And pop the claws. Just. Just in case we're about to run into something. [00:46:38] Speaker B: Andy will also spend a blood point. [00:46:40] Speaker D: To pop her claws. [00:46:42] Speaker E: Jasper, do you draw your sword? [00:46:45] Speaker A: Fuck yeah. [00:46:49] Speaker E: Margo, do you pull out your stiletto? [00:46:51] Speaker D: Yep. It's your fucking shoe. I have an emergency shoe in my bag. [00:47:02] Speaker E: I mean, here's what I'm thinking. You're the only person carrying a purse right now. It's small, but it's big enough to where you can have your two stilettos in it. Just in case you need to, like, change shoes for whatever. Emergency. [00:47:14] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:47:14] Speaker A: What's crazy is she can throw it as good as Agent 47, so it's fine. [00:47:21] Speaker D: She's gonna just take it out and be like, now, this is my. This is my form of corporate punishment. [00:47:29] Speaker E: Not corporal. Corporate. Corporate. [00:47:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:47:33] Speaker E: Fucking blue bloods. All right. [00:47:35] Speaker D: Fucking chunk. Look, she's also got her, like, actual stiletto knife in her bag, too. The shoe is just funnier. [00:47:46] Speaker E: It is. All right. As you guys walk inside, it's a little run down. Does appear that he doesn't even let the ghouls come inside. So it looks abandoned. It's very dusty. And you notice. Everybody notices that there are cameras in every single room. No alarms are going off, though. But you do hear some carnage happening somewhere else right now. Um, can I have wren and candy, make perception and alertness roles. [00:48:36] Speaker B: Can I argue for width? [00:48:41] Speaker E: No. [00:48:42] Speaker G: Okay. [00:48:43] Speaker B: That's worth a shot. [00:48:45] Speaker C: Perception, alertness. [00:48:47] Speaker E: Yeah. You gotta make me think, Claire. No. No noises. No noises. [00:48:55] Speaker C: Okay, what? Difficulty for me. Wait. Since it's involving noises. [00:49:04] Speaker E: Never mind. [00:49:05] Speaker C: It's the same difficulty. [00:49:07] Speaker E: Seven. [00:49:09] Speaker C: Oh. Oh, shit. [00:49:10] Speaker E: Okay, just a little bit higher than normal. [00:49:16] Speaker C: That's responsible for acute senses. But if it's not noises, we're all good. Here we go. [00:49:25] Speaker E: People notice that there is a motion sensor on the floor. Or like right near the floor as well. An opposite wall. You guys are currently. I gotta go up, find him some. Well, you guys are in what appears to possibly be the solarium or the sunroom. It only has the windows facing where you came in from, which seems strange, but. [00:50:20] Speaker C: You say there's a motion sensor on. [00:50:26] Speaker E: Right near the floor. You don't know exactly where it's aiming, but you see it. [00:50:32] Speaker C: Hmm. I don't know. You see the motion sensor as well, candy? [00:50:51] Speaker G: Yeah. I can't tell what direction it's pointing in, though. [00:50:55] Speaker C: Neither can I. [00:51:09] Speaker A: We could fake it. Throw a bunch of stuff on it. Back off. Let them all come check it out. They think it's on the fritz. You move in. [00:51:22] Speaker G: Thank you. [00:51:28] Speaker C: Good. [00:51:30] Speaker G: We could. [00:51:35] Speaker A: Unless we got better ideas. We can try and jump all the way across the floor, but I don't like my chances. [00:51:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:51:48] Speaker D: Wait. [00:51:48] Speaker B: Does packs affect your ability to jump? [00:51:53] Speaker E: Wait, what? I will. I will allow it to affect your ability to jump. He would be able to jump a little bit higher and harder, right? [00:52:08] Speaker A: It's just. Is my potence gonna be enough to get me far enough or does your. If you're up, candy, if you can hide from cameras, could you hide from this, too? [00:52:23] Speaker G: Um, I've never really tested it on. I don't think I would. Because motion detectors just detect whether or not someone. There's. Well, whether or not there's motion. Cameras don't really like. There's a visual element, and that's what the opposite hides me from. [00:52:43] Speaker E: Right. Um, Andy and Wren, can I have you roll bits and occult, please? [00:52:54] Speaker C: All right. Whitsun a cult with difficulty six. [00:53:03] Speaker G: Okay. [00:53:04] Speaker B: That'll be one higher for me without a colt. [00:53:07] Speaker E: All right. [00:53:09] Speaker C: Okay. [00:53:13] Speaker B: Not bad. [00:53:14] Speaker C: What a success, man. [00:53:16] Speaker D: Successes. [00:53:25] Speaker E: Um, candy, you know that obfuscate is kind of like a mind fuckery thing and, like, you're still there. For most people that normally. For most kindred that usually use obfuscate, it's. You know, they are seen by cameras and other things, just not like people or anything with like a human mind. Even children sometimes who aren't really used to being deceived can sometimes see them. So there's a very strong chance that the motion sensor would definitely pick you up with. Obfuscate. [00:54:10] Speaker G: Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to trick a motion detector. Sorry. [00:54:17] Speaker A: No, it's all right. [00:54:20] Speaker C: So what do you think? We just jump across to the next door and. [00:54:31] Speaker A: I mean, it's the best I got. If there's windows on the other side, I can bust it out or something for y'all. [00:54:46] Speaker G: Sure. Jasper, do you think you'd be. Well, do you think. Do you think your legs are strong enough to make the jump? [00:54:59] Speaker A: Here's what I think what we're going to do. Candy, you're going to throw me across and I'm going to land like an acrobat, okay? [00:55:11] Speaker C: Oh, no. [00:55:21] Speaker A: I think that's our best option. [00:55:24] Speaker C: Look over at Margot. Do you have any popcorn? I can't wait to see this. [00:55:28] Speaker D: No, but I've got a stiletto in my bag. Might be equally as fun. [00:55:39] Speaker B: Candy goes over and instead of picking Jasper up, like normally, she. He just bends down, like, grabs his ankles, pulls them out from under him and starts, like, spinning around. [00:55:52] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [00:55:52] Speaker D: It doesn't have to be this way. It doesn't have to be this way. [00:55:55] Speaker B: He, like, spins around and then, like, throws him. [00:56:01] Speaker D: Wow. No foreplay. Interesting. [00:56:04] Speaker A: Jasper was not destined for this coterie. He's a fucking cartoon character. [00:56:11] Speaker D: He's something. All right. [00:56:12] Speaker E: Oh, fuck a dying. Okay. [00:56:20] Speaker C: So Jasper thought he was going to be thrown like a football. Instead he got thrown around like a shot. Put a hammer throw. [00:56:30] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:56:31] Speaker C: So same thing. [00:56:32] Speaker E: Okay. This is going to be your strength and athletics because we're involving potence here. [00:56:51] Speaker D: Oh, God. [00:56:53] Speaker E: Oh, my brain's turning off. Alright, this is gonna be difficulty seven and I'm gonna have Jasper roll. Dexterity and athletics to make this a nice, clean land. Please use your celerity. But this is gonna be a dev seven as well. Three successes, so you'll be thrown successfully and far enough. [00:57:26] Speaker A: Three successes, please. [00:57:30] Speaker E: And you are thrown, you land, you do a little bit combat roll kind of, or tumble, and you stand up and you're fine. [00:57:45] Speaker G: Sorry, should I have given you a warning? [00:57:51] Speaker A: I stand up like I knew what was happening. No, that's completely what I expected. And I'll try the door. [00:58:04] Speaker E: You're going to try the door or. [00:58:06] Speaker A: I'm across the room. [00:58:08] Speaker E: No, you're in a new room. [00:58:11] Speaker A: New room. There's a doorway. I got the geometry, geography, geometry. Who cares? Jasper has one intelligence. Is there any. I mean, this doesn't seem likely, but is there anything that appear to turn off security systems or power on this other side? [00:58:28] Speaker E: No. Oh, and you hear yet another howl. [00:58:34] Speaker D: Oh. [00:58:34] Speaker G: Oh. [00:58:34] Speaker D: Oh. [00:58:37] Speaker E: Um, that concerns me. [00:58:42] Speaker D: Yeah, central is fine. They probably heard a scream where they're from. [00:58:47] Speaker E: You're actually in the kitchen now, and I have your old perception awareness. Well, Jasper. Yes. Which you do not have. [00:59:04] Speaker G: Ooh. [00:59:05] Speaker A: I botched it. [00:59:06] Speaker E: Oh, um, in the throw and landing. Mind you, your landing was pretty good, but you did bonk your head just that slight bit during the tumble. So you're trying to, like, still recover just a little bit. Now, the other three. Um. What are you doing? Let's. [00:59:36] Speaker C: Let's just get on over to where Jasper is. [00:59:40] Speaker B: Yeah, Candy's just gonna jump across. [00:59:46] Speaker C: I look over at Margo. Would you like a ride to get on over to the. To the other room? [00:59:54] Speaker G: Do you want me to throw you, too? [00:59:56] Speaker D: I think I'm all set on the. [01:00:00] Speaker E: On. [01:00:00] Speaker D: On being thrown. Only certain people are allowed to do that to me. And you're near dear friend Candy, but I don't know you quite like that. I'll take the ride from Ryan. [01:00:16] Speaker E: What kind of carry are you doing? [01:00:21] Speaker C: I think I'm going to do a typical bridal set. We'll just. [01:00:26] Speaker D: Perfect. [01:00:29] Speaker E: All right, Candy, can I have you roll your strength and athletics because we're using potents again. Wren, can I have you roll your strength and athletics because we're also using. Oh, yeah, we're also using potence. Yours is going to be at difficulty seven. Just because you were carrying somebody at six. [01:01:02] Speaker C: Might I ask, can I add my reserves of strength when it comes. Comes to jump in? [01:01:08] Speaker E: Yes, actually, I'll take that as lowering the difficulty. [01:01:13] Speaker C: Okay. [01:01:14] Speaker E: Feel free to put in the specialty port, too, but that's also gonna reduce your difficulty. [01:01:20] Speaker B: Five successes. [01:01:24] Speaker E: And as you pick up Margot and you look to see where the doorway is that you need to jump through, you see candy leap through flawlessly. [01:01:36] Speaker C: Okay, that's gonna be six. Oh, and adding, like, two. Potent. [01:01:44] Speaker E: Yeah. Please don't forget your opponents. That'd be a very bad three success. And you do the same, though, with a little bit less grace, only because you are carrying somebody. Yep. And it's only. It's. It's not like, you know, it's not like a huge, like, it's not like it was a bad thing. It's just that one little last bit of grace. Just. You guys are now all in the kitchen. [01:02:13] Speaker C: Let Margo down. [01:02:18] Speaker D: Thank you. And she'll just scratch under. Under their chin a little bit. [01:02:30] Speaker C: Raymond is once again flushing. [01:02:33] Speaker E: Can I have you roll self control there? [01:02:35] Speaker C: Yeah, that's fair. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. [01:02:44] Speaker E: Uh oh. [01:02:45] Speaker C: Difficulty. [01:02:46] Speaker E: Dander. Eight. Actually, no, no, it's gonna be seven because this happened last time you did spend the blood point for blush of life, so this is gonna be death sep. Yep. [01:02:58] Speaker D: That's a failure. There it is, baby. [01:03:01] Speaker A: Let's go. [01:03:01] Speaker E: And you send another blood point for blush of life. And you are visibly red. [01:03:10] Speaker C: Yep. [01:03:14] Speaker E: This is the episode where Margo sleeps with everybody. [01:03:19] Speaker D: This is the episode. [01:03:26] Speaker E: Anyhow. [01:03:30] Speaker C: Rin likes to keep the composure. Then once Margo walks away, Ren just silently screams in their hands. [01:03:40] Speaker E: So cute. You guys, can I have everybody roll? And I do mean everybody. Nobody can get away from this. Marco, um, can I have your role perception alertness at difficulty eight? [01:04:04] Speaker B: Does this have anything. Oh, sorry. [01:04:07] Speaker E: Difficulty nine for people who do not have alertness. [01:04:10] Speaker D: Hey, I've got the alertness now, baby. You guys are gonna be very impressed with this dice pool, I promise. [01:04:17] Speaker E: This is your two. This is your. [01:04:19] Speaker D: This is my two dice. Yeah. [01:04:22] Speaker C: Difficulty eight. Is this involving noises or nothing like that? [01:04:27] Speaker B: Does this have anything to do with an ambush, by chance? [01:04:31] Speaker E: No. [01:04:32] Speaker D: There it is, baby. There it is. [01:04:36] Speaker A: Total failure, gang. Right? [01:04:37] Speaker D: No failures in two double botches. Let's go, you. [01:04:44] Speaker C: I'm going to spend my last willpower. [01:04:49] Speaker B: To spend my last willpower. [01:04:54] Speaker A: We are fucked. [01:04:55] Speaker D: My God. How the hell does that fucking happen? [01:05:05] Speaker E: I am blackjawed right now. [01:05:09] Speaker D: So impressed with this. Uh oh. [01:05:13] Speaker B: Uh oh. That was supposed to be a willpower reroll, not like a willpower like, you get what I mean? [01:05:22] Speaker E: I do. [01:05:23] Speaker C: So that's still a botch for. [01:05:27] Speaker B: A botch? [01:05:30] Speaker E: Yeah, it's a singular botch from candy. And that is a total of one success for rental. Yay. I need to regain composure again. God damn it. [01:05:44] Speaker D: Oh, my God. [01:05:49] Speaker E: Okay, I need someone with a math degree to find out the probability of this. Okay, so, Ren, you search around the kitchen. You do notice there's another motion sensor at the doorway. Both doorways. Actually, there's two doorways in and out. But as you open up the fridge just to see if there's any blood or anything in there, you do notice that it doesn't give any cold air off. [01:06:33] Speaker C: Okay. Oh, okay. I'm going to do like this should be. And is it like one of those where it's, like, pushed up against the wall near two counters, basically. Okay. Because it was just in the middle. [01:06:56] Speaker E: A little bit fancier. It's, um. Yeah, yeah. [01:07:02] Speaker C: Um. All right. I think I seen this in a movie or so. Uh, I'm going to just try to move the. The whole fridge out. [01:07:24] Speaker E: All right. Can I have you roll your strength? Is anybody going to assist wren in this? [01:07:32] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:07:35] Speaker C: So just strength. [01:07:37] Speaker E: I'm going to have those other two roll their strength first. Please add your opponents. What's the difficulty standard for now? [01:07:51] Speaker A: Lol. Zero successes. Who knew? [01:07:54] Speaker B: One success. [01:07:58] Speaker E: Ren, you get an extra die. [01:08:01] Speaker C: Okay. [01:08:03] Speaker E: Go ahead and roll your strength now as well. [01:08:06] Speaker C: So that's gonna be extra. So I'm at seven dice with reserves of strength, if that's okay. [01:08:12] Speaker E: Yes. [01:08:13] Speaker C: All right. [01:08:14] Speaker E: When it comes to any role of strength, always reserves five successes. All right. Yeah, you pick that thing up mainly with a little bit of help from candy. Where Jasper, you get it. Looks like he's trying his best. [01:08:29] Speaker A: I put my hands on it. [01:08:31] Speaker D: Yeah, you're doing good. You're doing good, darling. [01:08:34] Speaker C: I'm hoping moving as you're just guiding. [01:08:37] Speaker E: It with your hand and you guys kind of get you. And candy, more specifically, do get your fingers back behind it. And you begin to. You very expertly just begin to pull it out. You see that there is a passage behind it. As you guys pull away the fridge, you see a pathway that leads down. [01:09:08] Speaker A: I suppose we'll take it. [01:09:10] Speaker C: Yep. Okay. I'm hurt. [01:09:19] Speaker E: Yep. Um. All right, you guys go down staircase. It's very. It's wooden. It's very nicely lit. There's oil lamps. And yet again, gonna have you roll. Perception awareness at difficulty. Eight. [01:09:45] Speaker B: Let's go for all botches this time. [01:09:47] Speaker E: Let's go, baby. [01:09:49] Speaker A: Let's go. [01:09:50] Speaker C: Perception alertness. [01:09:52] Speaker E: Yes. Nothing from candy. Nothing from Jasper. [01:09:58] Speaker C: Seven. [01:10:00] Speaker E: One. Argo a. [01:10:02] Speaker D: Let's go. [01:10:04] Speaker C: Oh, come on. Work with me. All right. Seven, standard difficulty or with eight? [01:10:12] Speaker E: Eight. [01:10:13] Speaker C: All right. Is this involving noises? [01:10:15] Speaker E: No. [01:10:16] Speaker C: Nope. I always have to ask. [01:10:18] Speaker E: No. [01:10:21] Speaker C: Two successes. [01:10:26] Speaker E: Wren, you notice a slight depression in the wall and. Yeah, so you see a slight depression in the wall with a line beside it. It's very, very faint. And, Margo, you barely notice it. It's another secret door. But there's also more stairs to go down as well. What would you guys like to do? [01:11:12] Speaker C: I'm noticing this impression. [01:11:16] Speaker E: Do I. Can. [01:11:17] Speaker C: Can I see if it's like a trap or if it's like a. Activates like a door or. [01:11:29] Speaker E: Um, well, you know, it could be a door. You can't tell right now. [01:11:41] Speaker C: All right. And it's on the side of the wall. [01:11:47] Speaker E: It's on the side of the wall. [01:11:52] Speaker C: I look back. Should I hit the impression or should I just. Should we just keep on going? Cause it could be a door. [01:12:04] Speaker A: I wanna know his secrets. [01:12:07] Speaker G: Or it could lead us to where load. Where the prince actually is. I mean, I guess there's no real way to know. [01:12:18] Speaker C: Other than to try. So, let's see. This is gonna feel bad. If this is a trap, I'm going to go ahead and press into it. [01:12:30] Speaker E: All right. As you do. So, Margo, your fugue. [01:12:37] Speaker C: Oh, no. [01:12:39] Speaker E: Starts to pick up in an anxious, unsteady pace. Even more so than is usual for jazz. And it's uncomfortable, yet it's also a feeling you recognize. [01:13:03] Speaker D: Is it a, uh. We need to get the fuck out of the way, Vi boar. [01:13:14] Speaker E: It's not a get the fuck out of the way. It's, um. Something in there is dangerous, but the door is now open, so you can't. So this is the path you've chosen. [01:13:26] Speaker D: Okay, um, everybody just be very, very careful. Um, whatever is in there is dangerous. I'm getting that funny feeling again. [01:13:40] Speaker E: Okay. [01:13:43] Speaker G: Is the. [01:13:44] Speaker B: Is the area, like, is the room dark. [01:13:50] Speaker E: Now that the door's opened? Um, you do see light kind of poking through. It's very plain white light. Are we going to be stealthy about this always? [01:14:07] Speaker C: Yes. [01:14:07] Speaker E: Okay. [01:14:11] Speaker D: Yeah, sure. [01:14:15] Speaker E: Absolutely. [01:14:17] Speaker B: Or we could just throw Margo in as a bomb. [01:14:22] Speaker E: No, we're not doing what we were talking about before the session. As funny as it. [01:14:27] Speaker D: Rev up those fryers really fast. [01:14:33] Speaker E: All right, so, wren and glamour or, sorry. Ren and Candy, you guys are going to be rolling your wits and stealth. This is preemptive. Anybody else? Please roll Dex and spell. Do I get the best use of willpower? [01:14:54] Speaker B: Does this in any way relate to ambushes? [01:14:57] Speaker E: No. [01:14:59] Speaker C: Silent movements. [01:15:01] Speaker E: Well, hold on. Ambush in what way? Candy, silent movements. Yes. Ambush in what way, though? [01:15:07] Speaker B: Ambushes. And something suddenly happening in a way that could threaten our safety or compromise our position here. [01:15:17] Speaker E: No, not with that. [01:15:20] Speaker B: Okay, what's the difficulty? [01:15:23] Speaker E: It's seven for the unseen presence. [01:15:26] Speaker D: Okay. [01:15:27] Speaker C: Ooh. Okay. [01:15:28] Speaker E: If I remember, that's what the thing. [01:15:31] Speaker B: Says, all my roles went into. All my success went into jumping. [01:15:36] Speaker E: If you have one. It's better than nothing. [01:15:41] Speaker C: Oh, my fucking God. [01:15:44] Speaker D: No, we're doing. I'm sorry, we're doing. We're doing. We're doing a dex himself. [01:15:50] Speaker E: I recommend that you use willpower. [01:15:53] Speaker D: I used my last willpower. [01:15:56] Speaker E: Oh, no. I'm not talking to you, Rhett. I already know you're fucked. [01:15:59] Speaker D: No, no, they're talking. They're talking to me, baby. They're like, let me see. What's my stealth score? A whole whopping zero. [01:16:11] Speaker E: It's a whole whopping zero. [01:16:13] Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna use a willpower difficulty, but. [01:16:23] Speaker E: Eight for me would be seven for you, standard. [01:16:27] Speaker D: I don't have any in stealth, so it would be eight. [01:16:30] Speaker E: No, no, standard difficulty. Seven for you. [01:16:33] Speaker D: Okay. [01:16:38] Speaker E: Jasper has stealth. [01:16:41] Speaker A: Yep. I have one stealth. [01:16:42] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, you do. I forgot. [01:16:49] Speaker D: Gavin, stop it. [01:16:51] Speaker E: Stop it. Yeah, not now. [01:16:57] Speaker C: You scared me, Gavin. No. [01:17:00] Speaker E: If only that were Marcos. Um, two successes, baby. [01:17:04] Speaker D: Two successes. [01:17:08] Speaker E: All right. [01:17:09] Speaker D: Not bad for a dice pool of three. [01:17:11] Speaker E: Proud of you. All right, you guys go in, and as you come into the room, you see about 15 people. They are bound at their hands and feet. They're sitting there. Oh, shit. Marco, you see Harold? He does not see you currently. [01:17:54] Speaker D: I'm sorry. Who do I see? [01:17:56] Speaker E: Your domitor. Oh, you named him Harold, so I did. [01:18:02] Speaker D: I did name him Harold. Imagine being domitored by a guy named Harold. Bro. [01:18:10] Speaker A: You're letting Harry do that to you? That's just crazy. [01:18:13] Speaker E: No, Harry is a better name. Harold. [01:18:15] Speaker D: Harry, Harold. [01:18:17] Speaker B: At least he didn't name it. [01:18:18] Speaker E: Sorry. Any Harolds that are listening out there, these are not. Uh. Anyhow, you see your domitor and the other person that is here, it's Balthazar. And everybody sees him, knows him. [01:18:41] Speaker D: Oh, no, I. I can't. I can't do this. [01:18:51] Speaker G: Oi. What's wrong? [01:18:53] Speaker D: And she's gonna point out Harold. [01:18:57] Speaker G: Who's he? [01:19:03] Speaker D: My. [01:19:06] Speaker G: Oh, is he the one who. [01:19:13] Speaker D: Yeah, I. I gotta go. I can't. I shouldn't. I shouldn't be here. And sh she's going to back up and out of the way of everybody else. [01:19:32] Speaker B: I have a question. [01:19:34] Speaker E: Yes. [01:19:36] Speaker B: How does Margo look right now? [01:19:43] Speaker D: Um, her. Or she's got a very complicated look to her. It's like, nervous and angry and excited. If those three emotions could, like, clash on somebody's if those three emotions could be expressed on somebody's face, um, all at once, like, she looks. It's a very confused look. Um, but the nerves and the panic kind of take over more than any of them. Um, and it quickly turns to a look of, like, disappointment because she knows. [01:20:35] Speaker E: What anger are you feeling? [01:20:41] Speaker D: Um, it's not a whole lot of anger. Um, that. That's the thing. She's. She's blood bound to this guy. So it's not anger. It's just semi disappointment that she now can't help because it's interfering with him. [01:21:01] Speaker E: Well, there's nothing to say that you can't hurt your dinotaur because he kills you. And he hasn't told you to do that yet. Not in this moment. It's worn off by now. So you can still harbor that anger, resentment. [01:21:16] Speaker D: Fair. [01:21:23] Speaker E: And on earther noticing, like, staring at them even as you do back up, you do see them. Harold is just holding a gun. He's not aiming at anybody but Balthazar. He has a gun next to somebody's head. [01:21:53] Speaker D: Um. [01:21:54] Speaker G: Oh, great. [01:21:54] Speaker D: The cherry. It's not Harold. It's Balthazar. So she doesn't give a fuck if I see him. I'm gonna start picking up another small jazz tune. I wanna. I wanna hold him in place. I want him to be so nervous that he can't do anything. [01:22:14] Speaker E: Kind of humming it, but quiet and using your. [01:22:19] Speaker D: It's my third thought or my third or fourth dot. The one that. That freezes them in place and out of. [01:22:26] Speaker E: You're gonna use it. You're gonna use this in conjunction with the phantom speaker because you do want to be. You don't want to be next. You don't wanna be in the same room as Harold. [01:22:33] Speaker D: Right. [01:22:33] Speaker E: Seems like right now. [01:22:35] Speaker D: Yep. [01:22:35] Speaker E: You know where he is? [01:22:37] Speaker D: Yeah. I'm gonna spend the two blood points. [01:22:42] Speaker E: So. Actually. Sorry, this is. This is missing voice. This is your first level. [01:22:49] Speaker D: Okay? [01:22:50] Speaker E: So you don't need to spend two blood points. [01:22:51] Speaker D: You just spend the one. [01:22:55] Speaker E: Spend the one for. You're freezing him in place. [01:22:59] Speaker D: Yeah. So this is Glee. [01:23:02] Speaker E: Siren's beckoning. [01:23:03] Speaker D: Yep. My siren's beckoning. I believe it is my appearance and performance at the difficulty that is equal to his willpower. [01:23:12] Speaker E: Yes. Let me go take that up right now. [01:23:14] Speaker D: And for me. And for him to resist me. It is. He has to make that check at a difficulty of eight corrections. [01:23:38] Speaker E: Find the freaking stats for this bitch. [01:23:42] Speaker B: This bitch? [01:23:44] Speaker C: Yeah. Bitch. [01:23:53] Speaker E: Your difficulty will be five. [01:23:56] Speaker D: Okay. [01:23:59] Speaker E: We hoped he had more. Oh, well. And he rolls his willpower. [01:24:08] Speaker D: No, it's not willpower. It's. Let me look up the roll again. I have it. [01:24:17] Speaker E: No, it is. [01:24:19] Speaker D: Oh, is it his willpower at difficulty eight? [01:24:24] Speaker E: Yes, because it's your appearance performance. Got it. All right. You're gonna need to beat three. [01:24:36] Speaker C: You can do it. Oh. [01:24:46] Speaker D: Ooh. I'm gonna spend a willpower to reroll those three botches. Or those three ones. [01:24:53] Speaker E: What's a willpower at currently? [01:24:55] Speaker D: It is now at three. [01:24:58] Speaker E: Wonderful. Yes. [01:25:06] Speaker D: There we go. [01:25:08] Speaker E: Perfect. [01:25:09] Speaker D: And I had the singing specialty, so that's technically 245678 successes with a critical. [01:25:17] Speaker E: You said seven. [01:25:19] Speaker D: Eight. Successes with a critical. [01:25:21] Speaker E: Sorry. Okay, so you said you wanted to cause him to have fear. [01:25:37] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:25:41] Speaker E: He's gonna develop some paranoia. [01:25:46] Speaker D: Oh, right. Cause it's. I got past five. The five successes. Oh, my God. So he automatically gains a derangement. [01:25:57] Speaker E: So he feels this. He's gonna be feeling this for three nights in total. [01:26:05] Speaker D: If I get to 20 successes, it's permanent. [01:26:09] Speaker E: Yes. He's just gonna start looking around, like, hey, what's going on? He lifts his gun away, and then almost in a strange way, his arm seems to be fighting him. This is not really wanting to move, but he does feel it slightly as it is struggling. He goes. And you can hear him go, like, no, no, just let me investigate. Harold walks over to him and says, you need to get a grip on it and do your job. Rafal Hussar then goes, I know what I am doing. I hear something. I need to investigate it. What, are you trying to stop me? I will fucking take you out if you try to stop me. And then you see Harold's arm also stiffen up as it begins to point out somebody else goes, like, God, you see what he's doing to us? Fucking do your job. We will investigate whatever you think is going on later. [01:27:28] Speaker G: Okay. [01:27:29] Speaker B: So are these two, like, thoroughly distracted? [01:27:33] Speaker E: Kind of. [01:27:35] Speaker D: Uh. [01:27:36] Speaker E: What are you looking to do? [01:27:39] Speaker B: The thing is, uh, Candy is also currently, um, in a bit of a similar situation to Margot. Um, so I think she recognized that sort of very conflicted, like, mixture of emotions on her face. And Margot did point out Harold. And Candy does care about Margot at this point, and she's also. And she also has resentment for the fact that she doesn't know if her domitor is, like, alive or dead. So would it make sense to make a self control role in this case. [01:28:19] Speaker E: To not outright attack him? [01:28:22] Speaker B: Yes. [01:28:28] Speaker E: Yeah. But it. Yeah. Defy. Yeah, I think that's her. This is kind of empathetic rage. [01:28:38] Speaker B: Yeah, empathetic rage. That's three successes. I'm good. But you will see Candy's eyes briefly flash red with, like, eyes of the beast. Not because she's trying to see in the dark, but just from, like, a very contained sense of anger. And she doesn't look angry. She looks very, very calm. Calm. And she looks at Wren and Jasper. [01:29:21] Speaker G: And she says, so, I mean, we can kill that guy, right? [01:29:26] Speaker B: And she, like, jerks her thumb at Harold. [01:29:31] Speaker A: Yeah. But we have to make sure that the people here aren't gonna get got. I suspect those are who the lupines want. I can try and take his gun hand out, and then we can, you know, finish the job. [01:29:52] Speaker E: Ren, you do know that these are the people that. [01:29:56] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. And are we looking, like, at a cage situation where they are behind? Like, one person is out with a gun to their head by Balthazar and the rest are in a cage? [01:30:10] Speaker E: Um, they're. It's not really in a cage. They're all in one. It's. Everyone is in one room. You are in the, like, one exit. There is a camera, a tv monitor, 15 people. And Harold and Balthazar. Harold and Balthazar now have both their guns pointed at two different people right next to their heads with. Looking to be, like. Now. Very itchy trigger fingers. They're looking for some sort of reason. [01:30:42] Speaker C: I mean, I can go in and start for a distraction and just immediately start trying to attack them. [01:30:53] Speaker G: Yeah, I think we should focus on just getting the guns out of their hands first. [01:30:59] Speaker C: Yeah, let me. Let me go at them. I think I will be the best one to handle any gunfire or anything like that coming at me. [01:31:09] Speaker G: Okay, if you say so. Be careful. [01:31:14] Speaker C: Just going in. Crack my hands. And I am already have my claws still out. So I am going to go ahead and I am going to go ahead and. You guys ready? [01:31:35] Speaker A: Yes. [01:31:36] Speaker G: Ready. [01:31:41] Speaker C: And I also gesture my head towards candy, like, go after Harold. So we have Marco. And I am going to start out. I'll go ahead and run in and start charging at Balthazar. [01:31:58] Speaker B: I will activate unseen presence and try to go up behind here. [01:32:05] Speaker E: You both are still under the effect of that right now. [01:32:09] Speaker G: Okay. [01:32:10] Speaker B: Then I'll go up behind Harold and I will try to use my claws to just disable his gun hand by just breaking it, essentially. [01:32:22] Speaker A: And if I can celerity, I'd like to run in before they can react and try to call the shot. Cut off the hand even, just because I don't want to take risks because the lupines are not going to show mercy. [01:32:39] Speaker E: So Ren is attacking. One is attacking either Harald or Balthazar. You're going after Balthasar. Candy, you're going after Harold? [01:32:52] Speaker B: Yes. [01:32:53] Speaker E: Okay. Jasper, you're going after who? [01:32:58] Speaker C: I. [01:32:58] Speaker A: If I remember the scene correctly, I think I will go for Balthazar as well. [01:33:05] Speaker E: Okay. All right. First I'm gonna have all of you roll dexterity and athletics to be as quick as possible. [01:33:20] Speaker D: Jasper, I have to roll it because I'm not. [01:33:23] Speaker E: You're not. You're not doing anything. You're not doing anything. You're just kind of seeing in his ear, keeping him in that, like, annoyed state. [01:33:34] Speaker D: Yep. [01:33:35] Speaker A: What about Jasper? [01:33:38] Speaker E: Everybody's already off on. Other than Marco, what's up with these ones? [01:33:50] Speaker A: Oh, my God. I needed to sup. [01:33:55] Speaker D: You guys are using the wrong dice spot. [01:34:01] Speaker A: Dexterity plus athletics. [01:34:03] Speaker E: What's your celerity? [01:34:05] Speaker A: I have two celerity. I've got a wound penalty, so it's three dexterity, two celerity, one athletics, minus one. [01:34:13] Speaker E: Ah. Okay. Um, all right, here's what we're gonna do then. Um, all four of you roll your initiative. Let me make sure it's cleared first. So don't add it yet. Go ahead. You three are gonna go. Is going to be Candy, then Wren and Jasper at the same time. [01:34:56] Speaker C: 13. Okay. All right, so Candy first. [01:35:07] Speaker E: I forgot to add his name in. That's Harold. [01:35:10] Speaker D: Fuck you, Harold. [01:35:15] Speaker E: All right, Candy, you are attacking Harold. [01:35:21] Speaker G: Yes, I'm going to. [01:35:23] Speaker B: I'm aiming to disable his gun hand. [01:35:26] Speaker E: All of you are essentially doing targeted shots right now. So with you, since you were using claws, you're going to be rolling your dexterity and brawl at difficulty seven because this is the called shot. [01:35:43] Speaker B: One success. [01:35:45] Speaker E: All right? You're going to roll your strength, plus your potence, plus one. Plus one for the claws. All that's activated? [01:35:56] Speaker B: Yeah. What difficulty? [01:36:00] Speaker E: It's always standard, and ones do not count for damage. [01:36:03] Speaker B: Okay, five successes. [01:36:07] Speaker C: Yes. [01:36:10] Speaker B: Candy's pretty pissed right now. [01:36:22] Speaker C: With feral being adventure. [01:36:25] Speaker E: They have fortitude, but he only has one. He doesn't very often. [01:36:36] Speaker C: Yes. [01:36:37] Speaker A: Hey, guys. [01:36:39] Speaker D: Only got one stamina. Loser. [01:36:42] Speaker E: It's aggravated. He can't roll stamina with it. [01:36:46] Speaker A: Oh, well. [01:36:47] Speaker D: Ha. Loser. [01:36:48] Speaker E: I'm just kind with all of you and let you do it, but rules wise, no. And he's an NPC, so fuck it. And who has the higher dexterity between. [01:37:09] Speaker C: I have. I have three. How much do you have? [01:37:12] Speaker D: Three. [01:37:12] Speaker A: Plus celerity definitely puts you out. [01:37:16] Speaker E: Yep. Jasper, you're doing it. You're doing a cult shot. But yours was with Melee. [01:37:24] Speaker A: Yes. I want to cut off the hand. [01:37:27] Speaker E: You want to cut off the hand that feeds you? Um. [01:37:32] Speaker A: Who, me? [01:37:33] Speaker E: Bad joke. All right, so I'm gonna have you roll dexterity, melee, difficulty seven. Because you're doing a cult shot. Cause he said you're going to cut off his hand. [01:37:49] Speaker A: Four successes. [01:37:51] Speaker E: All right, go ahead, roll your strength, plus whatever you get from the sword, plus three. And add your opponents as well, please. [01:38:01] Speaker A: You got it. [01:38:06] Speaker E: Wren, go ahead and do your role as well. [01:38:11] Speaker C: Okay, that's seven dice claws. Okay, three successes and just making sure there's nothing else. Oh. Oh, no. [01:38:35] Speaker E: We're gonna resolve the lethal first, then. [01:38:38] Speaker D: Hang on. [01:38:39] Speaker A: I don't want to be cheating. Wound penalty. Should that apply to my damage roll? [01:38:44] Speaker E: I'm not gonna worry about it right now. Thank you for caring, though. All right. Why is this? Stamina. Okay, so your sword is lethal only. And he gets two points off your three. So he only takes one. This is going to be Jimmy or. [01:39:08] Speaker C: Yes. [01:39:10] Speaker E: Just roll your damage, all your bonuses, plus six. [01:39:15] Speaker C: Yep. [01:39:16] Speaker E: Because that's your average. Yeah. [01:39:18] Speaker C: So six plus four. That's 1011, 1213. 13 with reserves. [01:39:37] Speaker E: Since you do aggravated. He only gets. [01:39:40] Speaker C: Oh, wait, no, that's five successes. That's five successes. [01:39:46] Speaker E: He takes three. They're both at the same level. [01:39:51] Speaker C: Oh. [01:39:55] Speaker E: Okay. Right now they're fucking shocked. One of them just had a hand cut off, the other had their hand ripped off with claws, and another had their chest dug. Dug into with claws as well. Margo, you see your friends go up to bat for you. You feel a sense of pride, sense of fucking hope. And then probably some rage, because you now get to see that fucking bastard. You get to see him. See him get what's coming to him. [01:40:46] Speaker D: There's still a part of her that wants him to be. Well. [01:40:50] Speaker E: Yeah, there is a part too. [01:40:53] Speaker D: Do you want me to roll something to see if I try to stop them or let it happen? [01:40:57] Speaker E: I want you to roll your humanity. [01:40:59] Speaker D: Okay. And I have to add if. [01:41:10] Speaker E: Seven. [01:41:11] Speaker D: Seven. [01:41:14] Speaker E: Ren? Go ahead. [01:41:15] Speaker C: I was going to ask because near the. At the end of season one, I drank from Margot, so I'm technically blood bound to Margot. Am I feeling anything from Margot as well? Because. [01:41:34] Speaker D: Unless he came back for seconds. [01:41:37] Speaker C: Oh, okay. That's. I thought I was thinking about. Still a little new, so I thought it was still there. [01:41:43] Speaker D: Sorry. I mean, if you want to come back for seconds and thirds. I mean, Marco's not gonna. [01:41:48] Speaker E: Hey. Oh, okay. Come on. Yeah. You feel. You feel sad. There's a part of you that has guilt, sadness and hope and this belief that he'll do better. You know he will. He can be better. But there's also a realistic side of you that knows he won't be. He's old enough to have fully settled in his ways, and the only way he'll change is if something very traumatic happens. This could be the traumatic thing. But he doesn't know you're here yet. [01:42:36] Speaker D: Yeah, I think. Hmm. What? I know a generation. He is. [01:42:48] Speaker E: I think during your time with him, you would. He would have told you because it was a point where he was feeling comfortable controlling you. [01:43:01] Speaker D: Mm hmm. [01:43:03] Speaker E: And he's gen ten. He's one lower than you. [01:43:06] Speaker D: Okay. Um, there's a lot of chaos going on, and I think Margot wants to reclaim some of that. And so in the midst of everything, you're cool if this happens, I want to get behind him while he's distracted, and I want to try to sink my fangs into him. Um, and I want to start to drain him dry. [01:44:10] Speaker E: All right, I will have you. Here's what I'm gonna have you do. I'm gonna have you spend a point of blood to bolster your dexterity. Blood search, your dexterity. There we go. [01:44:27] Speaker D: All right. [01:44:28] Speaker E: And that will allow you to get behind him and sink your fangs in. This is going to be a dex brawl. Difficulty seven. Actually, we're going to do six. This is a bit primal. This is a bit primal thinking. [01:44:47] Speaker D: Oh, this is not just primal. This is unadulterated rage for years and years of abuse. It's something different. [01:44:59] Speaker E: Your beast is joining in with you, and so is the fugue. And it's actually beginning to leak out of you as you begin to make your move to sink in. So everybody's actually starting to be able. [01:45:14] Speaker D: To hear it now that jazz music is getting angrier and angrier and angrier as she gets closer to it, I, as I'm walking closer, am going to take a moment to sink into that fugue like state, which is going to give me, I believe it's three bonus dice to this check. Yeah. [01:45:35] Speaker E: I'm going to let you take that fugue instinct. I'm not going to make you wait that turn. [01:45:39] Speaker D: Okay, wonderful. So it's, uh, I I get two bonus dice, right, for this, uh, for this check from, um, tapping into the book. [01:45:47] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. And dexterity is you're also getting that plus one from your blood surge. [01:45:53] Speaker D: Yep. So three, four. And you said it's Dex and brawl. [01:45:59] Speaker E: Yes. [01:46:00] Speaker D: All right. [01:46:03] Speaker E: Believe that's what you're supposed to be using for bite. [01:46:06] Speaker D: Yep. And I'm gonna spend a point of willpower again automatically. Success. Meaning I'm down to two willpower. [01:46:19] Speaker E: Oh, go ahead. [01:46:24] Speaker D: Four successes. [01:46:26] Speaker E: All right. [01:46:31] Speaker D: Um, the. The gang, see, hear the song that she was singing to keep Balthazar in place. Suddenly cut off as she stands behind this ventrue and grab him, wrap an arm around his neck, and latch on using her nails. So they're gonna start digging into his skin a little bit, and she's just going to pull him close, and he's like, six foot, six foot two, and she's like, five foot nothing. So it's like a stand on the nail. Stand on the tippy toes, using her heels. Rabbin pull him. And the bite is going to be as hard as she can fathom it. And it goes right into the base of his neck. And she's just going to start drinking. [01:47:28] Speaker E: I'm going to have you roll your humanity yet again. This is going to be eight. For what you're wanting to do, I think you're actually going to want to fail this roll. [01:47:44] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Because I don't imagine Margo has the best dice for the proper diablery. [01:47:51] Speaker D: Probably not. [01:47:52] Speaker A: But I believe in you, Margot. [01:48:03] Speaker D: One success. [01:48:05] Speaker E: All right. For now, you're. The human side of you is really. It's winning out. It's feeling sad and upset that you're killing somebody that you once felt loved to, but your beast is enjoying it. And I have you make. This is gonna be extended as everybody else in this room, except for the. Except for the rest of the coterie. But Balthazar is stunned. So is Harold. Margo, please roll. Strength difficulty nine. [01:48:40] Speaker D: Oh, man. Okay. [01:48:44] Speaker E: This is, unfortunately, our rules for it. [01:48:50] Speaker D: I'm gonna spend a point of blood to tap in to give myself extra, extra dice, and I want to kind of tap into that fugue state before I begin that roll again. All right, so she's gonna take a moment to let that anger pulse out and everybody. Allowing everybody to hear how angry she is and how guilty she feels. And that sound is going to just grow louder and louder. [01:49:33] Speaker E: This is where everyone is starting to almost become a part of her puzzle discipline, her powers that she uses. Everyone else is feeling this, too. What is the coterie doing now? [01:49:50] Speaker B: Andy's digging her claws into Balthazar. [01:49:53] Speaker A: Okay, yeah, we gotta kill the other one. [01:49:57] Speaker C: I. Does it look like Harold is going to try to rip off Margot or anything like that? [01:50:08] Speaker E: For now, he's in a stunned moment and the same thing is happening to Balthazar as he's witnessing this. It is almost as if the world stops around you guys and Margot. Go ahead, roll with the fugue instinct. [01:50:29] Speaker C: Because I'm basically going to say we're. [01:50:32] Speaker E: Going to going to pull out of initiative at this point because this is more interesting than being in initiative. [01:50:45] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [01:50:46] Speaker D: I'm going to spend a willpower to reroll that one failure. [01:50:50] Speaker A: Awesome. [01:50:50] Speaker D: I'm down to one willpower. [01:50:52] Speaker E: I. Okay, so make sure I get to the right page for this. [01:51:07] Speaker D: All right. Three successes. [01:51:16] Speaker E: All right. All right. So at this point now he is at the incapacitated mark. Let me make sure I do this math correctly. Yes. He is at the incapacitated mark. The other three what do you like to be doing? [01:51:56] Speaker B: Killing Balthazar. [01:51:58] Speaker E: Okay. I will have you roll your dexterity brawl rolls and then melee for Jasper. Ren, what would you like to be doing? Harold is not moving. [01:52:12] Speaker C: Harold is not moving. No, I'm just going to swipe my claw at Balthazar, but I'm just going to pay. I'm also keeping my eye on Margo as well. [01:52:27] Speaker E: All right, I'm going to have you roll it. Difficulty seven, then. [01:52:30] Speaker C: That's fair. [01:52:33] Speaker E: Candy, unfortunately, misses her attack. Or Jasper does land hits. Please roll with all the normal bonuses that we usually do. [01:52:41] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [01:52:44] Speaker E: For Jasper. For damage. But, Ren? Yes, Ren, you land your hit on Balthazar. Margo, you are on that process of draining him to this incapacitated moment. And you see Ren. And you see Jasper shove his sword into Balthasar. And. Sorry, not Ren. Jasper shoves it in. And Ren, please roll your damage. [01:53:20] Speaker C: That is going to be five successes. [01:53:23] Speaker E: As Jasper rips, kind of picks up from where the sword is, and then rips Balthus are apart. And I will have you roll your strength one last time with your fugue instinct bonus as well. [01:53:41] Speaker D: Okay. And I still get that plus one bonus to my strength. Or is that gossip? Okay, same difficulty. [01:53:48] Speaker E: Yep. Blood surges are going to last for the scene. [01:53:51] Speaker D: So cool. Okay. One success. [01:54:10] Speaker E: That's all you needed. As you feel that last drop of blood, last bit of vitae leave from him and enter into you, you are filled with. With this amazing, beautiful euphoric feeling. And I am going to have you roll your humanity at difficulty four. Thanks. Book not. Yeah, thank you. Core rulebook for this, then. [01:55:03] Speaker D: And she'll even like when I assume that this is the. This is the fun part of the diabolic six successes. [01:55:20] Speaker E: All right. So I would like you to drop down to 10th Gen. [01:55:27] Speaker D: Okay. [01:55:38] Speaker E: And I want you to roll 3d time. This is gonna be standard difficulty. [01:56:03] Speaker D: Do ones count towards failures or. [01:56:06] Speaker E: No, this is unrelated to anything. [01:56:10] Speaker D: Okay, so two. Two successes or two nine. One and ten. [01:56:15] Speaker E: Yep. Let me flip a coin. All right, Margo, I would like you to take one point. Dominate. [01:56:37] Speaker D: Okay. [01:56:45] Speaker E: And you feel that beautiful feeling pass through you as you come back to yourself in the room. You see these families around you. A dead body lying in front of you, of your former domitor, and the body, the sheriff, your coterie, standing there with you. What is everyone's reaction to Margot's diablerie? [01:57:20] Speaker B: Andy. [01:57:21] Speaker A: Yeah, fuck that guy. [01:57:22] Speaker B: Andy runs over and hugs Margot. [01:57:25] Speaker C: Same. [01:57:30] Speaker A: I'm not gonna miss in the group hug. [01:57:42] Speaker G: You're free. [01:57:44] Speaker D: I'm free. I'm free. I'm free. I'm free. And she's gonna look down. Is the body still there? Or is it a pile of ash now? Hmm. [01:57:56] Speaker E: It's starting to kind of cause that, like, glowing state that happens. Are you looking to get one last kick in? [01:58:09] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:58:10] Speaker E: Yeah. [01:58:10] Speaker D: I'm gonna spit on his face as it disintegrates. [01:58:13] Speaker E: And you do so all of Kento click at you. Terrified. [01:58:35] Speaker A: We gotta get them out of here. [01:58:37] Speaker D: We need to go. We need to get them out of here. I'm. [01:58:40] Speaker C: I'm gonna go up to, uh. They're bound, right? [01:58:44] Speaker E: Oh, yes. Every single one of them. Bound. Gagged. Uh, yeah, I will. [01:58:50] Speaker C: I will go up to one of them and I will remove the gag and, uh, with my claw, I'll start at their, uh, start at their binds and be like, I am here with Charlie to get you guys out of here. We are here to get you out of here. And I'm also going to show the mark. And I know if they don't know it because they been captured for so long, but I'm just showing, like, hey, I'm with you guys. [01:59:26] Speaker D: Okay, can we see our friends? [01:59:31] Speaker C: Yes. Yes, I am. I am going to. Yeah, we need to. Let me. Let me get him. I'm going to go rushing out basically quickly, and I'm just going to. [01:59:58] Speaker E: Yell out. [02:00:00] Speaker C: Basically, I'm just going to yell out for Charlie being like, we found him. We found them down here. If you can find me. [02:00:10] Speaker E: Um, okay, let me look at your sheets and I'm gonna have the person who has the highest. Charlie, can I have you roll? Urinosis at difficulty six, which is included. I am including your mirror shades in this. Sure. [02:00:40] Speaker B: I'm done. [02:00:40] Speaker E: That whichever die spot you would like to use. Yeah. [02:01:10] Speaker F: You said difficulty six. [02:01:12] Speaker E: Yes. Yours is better than twice lived. So cool. [02:01:20] Speaker B: Sweet. [02:01:23] Speaker E: You go through from where you are and we'll touch on that when we get to our werewolf site of the season. Of werewolf season. You go through and you bring twice lived with you. You guys walk through where ol should be. But isn't. It does seem that the weaver spiders have not made their way down here yet, so it must have been a pretty recent addition. Or perhaps like many of the wild spirits around, they are terrified from the amount of banes in the area. You walk through and you go through. I'm not gonna have you roll for this one. You go through the camera and you appear in the same room that the coterie is in with all the kinfolk. You both are there. You see quite a lot of blood surrounding a pile of ash. And then there's another pile of ash that has a slight damp spot to it, but with a crimson glow as well. With a crimson tint to it. Because vampires. [02:02:49] Speaker F: I imagine, twice lived probably. [02:02:53] Speaker E: Still in Krainos form, I would like to imagine. Well, no, no. Well, yes, actually. You probably would have both, if you choose, are in Kratos horn. [02:03:08] Speaker F: Charlie is not. Charlie is currently six foot six in his suit with a shotgun in his hand. [02:03:17] Speaker C: Yeah, twice loved would still probably be. [02:03:20] Speaker E: In greenhouse at the moment. You guys are fresh from murdering the prince, so you have your own fair bit of blood on you, especially twice lived Charlie. Maybe not so much. You too. Also. Along with the two piles of ash and blood and the slight crimson sweat and one pile of ash, you see all the kinfolk families that you've been looking for for a while now. [02:03:59] Speaker F: Currently, we'll look at rent. You kept your end, you kept ours. Our business here is concluded. Okay, folks, follow me. [02:04:17] Speaker E: And in a semi single file line, but also not really, you know, they all leave. And I don't know if twice lived is in front of Charlie as well. Just being in crinospharm to take any brute force that might lead them. [02:04:38] Speaker C: Yeah, he'll be making sure the way is clear. [02:04:42] Speaker E: All right, you guys go through about the same way that you did before. And you must assume now that the vampires slightly beat you here, but you were able to to dispatch the prince and his ghouls quicker than they were able to deal with this possibly. And you guys work your way out pretty cleanly. What would you like to do, though, before they fully head out? [02:05:15] Speaker C: Before Charlie leaves, I'm going to be like, hey, charlie, if you need anything from me after we get this all settled out, feel free to contact me. Okay? I'm just gonna reach out my hand and, like, a friendly shake, just like there's no ill will. [02:05:37] Speaker F: Charlie's gonna shake his hand. Look at him and then look at him. No offense, if I need anything from you. Something's gone really fucking wrong. [02:05:51] Speaker C: And if something. And if something goes wrong, super wrong, I will be there. [02:06:00] Speaker F: Noted. [02:06:10] Speaker E: With that. That leaves the coterie alone in this haven and in this mansion for now. Would you guys like to search around? Yes, please. [02:06:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:06:28] Speaker E: You do go through, and you do see a trail of destruction and a fair amount of damage to the kitchen, as you guys do exit out of the secret passageway. The only damage that you do, the only fair bit of damage that you can really call it, is the doorway, because, well, it's meant for regular humans, not Krynos or werewolves. So there's a bit of an outline. [02:06:55] Speaker B: Candy would like to find what remains of the prince. [02:07:00] Speaker E: Oh, yes. You instead, do not go up, and you venture further down that pathway and find another room. There is ash and three dead bodies there. There is evidence of there being five werewolves as well. [02:07:20] Speaker B: Candy takes a moment to herself in the room, and she looks around at the destruction, and she looks down at the pile of ash, and she just starts giggling. [02:07:37] Speaker G: Look at you. [02:07:39] Speaker B: And she, like, gets down on, like, her knees in front of the ash, and she's just like. [02:07:46] Speaker G: I spent 20 years thinking that I had to do everything you said, try not to cross you, make myself invisible whenever you were around. And now you're just a pile of ash. It's funny. You lived for so long only to die at the hands of a couple of werewolves who made a deal with. [02:08:15] Speaker B: A bunch of neonate. [02:08:18] Speaker G: Isn't that funny? [02:08:20] Speaker B: And she grabs, like, a fistful of the ash, and she, like, chucks it around. And she, like, chucks it. Isn't it funny, princess? [02:08:30] Speaker D: Can I say that Margot was following behind Candy? Definitely Candy. [02:08:39] Speaker G: Yes. [02:08:41] Speaker D: Her mouth is covered with blood. Candy's having a mental breakdown. Shit's fucked for the women tonight. And Margot's just gonna wrap an arm around Candy and pull her in. [02:09:00] Speaker B: Candy will go, and I think she's gonna spend a point of blood if this is necessary, because he goes willingly into Margot, and she just leans her head against, like, Margo's chest, and she just starts crying. [02:09:21] Speaker D: It's okay, darling. They can't. They can't hurt us anymore. [02:09:28] Speaker B: I wanted him. I just wanted him to respect me. [02:09:35] Speaker D: Candy, he didn't deserve all of the wonderful things that you've done for the Camarilla. [02:09:47] Speaker E: Me. [02:09:51] Speaker D: And I respect you so much. [02:09:59] Speaker B: Thanks, Margo. [02:10:01] Speaker E: That. [02:10:02] Speaker B: That actually means a lot. [02:10:05] Speaker D: She's gonna give a little kiss on top of Candy's forehead. This is the start of something. This is. This is going to mock new Camarilla in Chicago. We aren't beholden to that man anymore. [02:10:30] Speaker B: Guys. I don't want to be beholden to any more fucking ventrue anymore. [02:10:37] Speaker D: Oh, I don't either. [02:10:47] Speaker G: Come on. Okay. [02:10:50] Speaker D: Let's get you cleaned up. Let's go join the others. [02:10:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:10:57] Speaker D: And then after, we'll really celebrate. Okay? [02:11:02] Speaker G: Okay. [02:11:03] Speaker D: And she licks the dry vitae off the sides of her mouth, and she'll lead candy back to the boys. [02:11:22] Speaker B: Candy follows. [02:11:29] Speaker E: While they're doing that, for a couple minutes, what do you two boys do. [02:11:35] Speaker A: I want to see if Loden has any dirt on anybody in the building? Embarrassing photos, diaries, notes he's taken. It's blackmail for other kindred. [02:11:49] Speaker E: Yeah, of course. Can I have you roll your perception alertness at difficulty five? So since you don't have alertness, I guess six. [02:12:06] Speaker A: I can surge this role, question mark. [02:12:10] Speaker E: No. Physical stats only. [02:12:12] Speaker A: Physical stats only. That's so sad. [02:12:16] Speaker E: Technically, perception is physical, but I am not going to use that in this game. [02:12:20] Speaker A: Sure. [02:12:21] Speaker E: Um, Ren, are you also worth the willpower to me? [02:12:26] Speaker C: I'm going to be looking for dirt in the terms of like, um, two, six. Six. Don't know how this been, how he ran stuff or anything like that, but I'm going to see if he had like copies of like orders that he did or anything like that. You know, just be like, hey, I did this. Or, you know, I want to see if he has copies of orders he's given out, such as ordering, helping order. Lupine. I'm like, like, you know, like ordering, like giving out information of like where other kindred bases were, havens were, and that sort of thing. [02:13:11] Speaker E: Okay, I'm also gonna have you roll the same roll then. [02:13:17] Speaker C: And that is going to be perception alertness, yes. [02:13:22] Speaker E: Jasper, did you use willpower on that? [02:13:25] Speaker A: I did. [02:13:26] Speaker C: Okay. And this is going to be diff. [02:13:29] Speaker E: Six or diff five because yours is diff five since you have alertness. [02:13:33] Speaker C: Okay, that's going to be seven. That's three successes. [02:13:43] Speaker E: And you both see behind a painting that you see kind of like a very not painfully obvious, but like if you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't notice it and you still had to look a little bit harder. Anyway, it's a painting that bolts outward and there is a safe behind it. You can either try to physically break it open with strength, or you can try picking the lock. [02:14:16] Speaker C: Is this a combination safe or is this a with a key? [02:14:24] Speaker E: Is this going to matter for a dice roll? [02:14:29] Speaker C: It's either going to be, if it's key, brute force combination, I will try to larceny in. That's all. [02:14:38] Speaker E: Let's stick with larceny for that. [02:14:40] Speaker C: All right, we'll do larceny. [02:14:43] Speaker E: This is going to be seven for your larceny. [02:14:46] Speaker C: Okay, so this is larceny plus dex. [02:14:51] Speaker E: Yes. [02:14:52] Speaker C: All right. Three, five. Okay. Once success. [02:15:08] Speaker E: All right, that's all you need. And as you crack open the safe, you see there are a lot of documents. Assuming Jasper takes them first. [02:15:17] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [02:15:20] Speaker E: Jasper. [02:15:21] Speaker D: Yes. [02:15:22] Speaker E: You do take the documents. [02:15:24] Speaker A: Yeah. Give him a look see. I'm not lying. I'm gonna let Rin look over my shoulder. He's a friend. [02:15:30] Speaker E: It is a bunch of. It's, like, lists of orders and whatnot that he's given. Also, inside the safe, as soon as Jasper takes the papers, before you fully turn away, you do see, like, this case of unmarked bills, and there are some very expensive looking jewels. Incredibly expensive looking jewels. [02:15:59] Speaker A: You. Yeah, you run a fence right here. I mean, give me a cut, but I will take. [02:16:05] Speaker C: I'll take. I'll take care of the jewels. Part dyke, and. [02:16:11] Speaker A: I take, like, a third of the money. I'm generous. [02:16:15] Speaker B: Okay. [02:16:19] Speaker C: Are these, like, is it just jewels, or are they, like, in jewelry or anything like that? [02:16:26] Speaker E: It's emerald and jade. And pull up what they actually are. [02:16:32] Speaker C: Just making sure. If it's, like, you know, like, uncut, like, cut gems, or if they're, like, set in jewelry or anything like that, that's what I'm making sure of. [02:16:40] Speaker E: It is three pieces of baroque jewelry encrusted with emeralds. [02:16:45] Speaker C: Ooh. [02:16:48] Speaker E: Part of the paperwork that you do go through as well, Jasper is his numerous financial and legal papers describing his, you know, various money laundering schemes and personal identities. [02:17:08] Speaker C: And any notable identities. [02:17:16] Speaker E: Possibly. I could not give one to you right now. [02:17:20] Speaker C: Okay, that's all good. [02:17:22] Speaker E: This is when Marco and candy join you. Marco, you were kind of trained to feign this response by Annabelle. When you see something beautiful and you do almost instantly spot the baroque jewelry. [02:17:48] Speaker D: Oh, wonderful. Hello. [02:17:53] Speaker C: I mean. [02:17:55] Speaker D: I mean, what? What? Oh, wait, no, I forgot. I don't have to do that in front of you people anymore. I mean, it's very pretty, don't get me wrong. But, you know, it's not as. Not as intense as a reaction. Can I, like, see what kind of, like, gems they have? [02:18:18] Speaker E: It's emerald. Very obvious to you. I will have you roll a wits. And. And art isn't a thing in this, um, maybe expression? Expression, sure. Cause I've, like, I'm looking at crafts, but you don't have anything, crafts, so it's like, eh. [02:18:47] Speaker D: Okay, standard. [02:18:53] Speaker E: Yes. [02:18:58] Speaker D: Oh, there we go. [02:19:00] Speaker E: These are very. [02:19:05] Speaker D: Shiny. [02:19:07] Speaker E: Very shiny. [02:19:08] Speaker D: Very shiny. [02:19:09] Speaker E: Probably should have called for academics, but. No, it's fine. We'll roll with it. [02:19:15] Speaker D: We ball. [02:19:16] Speaker C: Fuck it. [02:19:16] Speaker D: We ball. [02:19:22] Speaker E: Yes. They're very shiny. They're very nice. You would guess that these are about. Hold on. I need to do the math on this. For one of these pieces, it is three. One of these pieces is a little bit under 500 grand. [02:19:51] Speaker D: She's gonna take one of those pieces and just put them in her shirt. [02:19:55] Speaker C: I was, like, about to put it on. [02:20:00] Speaker D: Margot just takes it and shoves it in her bra, just like Belayta. [02:20:05] Speaker E: There are three pieces, so Ren can put on one, and Marco can take the other two. And the other thing that's left in the safe is the unmarked bills. They're small bills, but they're unmarked. Whoever grabs them has a total of 250 grand. [02:20:32] Speaker A: I do it. [02:20:34] Speaker E: You could split it equally among everybody else, but. But. Okay, we'll get into the details. [02:20:42] Speaker A: We'll discuss the value of the gems, and then. [02:20:45] Speaker E: Yes, and there are also. And the documents as well. I should add that you do see the things that you are specifically are looking for Jasper. The dirty dealings of load between the Camarilla. [02:21:03] Speaker B: Candy would like to, if Jasper allows her look through documents that are about kindred. [02:21:10] Speaker A: Are you guys seeing this shit? Yeah. It's for all of us. [02:21:15] Speaker G: Can I see those for a second? [02:21:19] Speaker A: Just don't destroy them. [02:21:21] Speaker G: Yeah, I don't know why I would do that. [02:21:26] Speaker A: Yeah, you know, I. Hand him over. [02:21:30] Speaker B: Candy would like to look through to see if there's any dirt she can dig up on her sire. [02:21:40] Speaker E: Not that you can see right now. You do come across the name Pentex a couple times. [02:22:07] Speaker G: Well, it looks like Logan had a lot of dealings with something called Pentex. [02:22:15] Speaker C: Pentex. [02:22:23] Speaker A: Maybe we should start getting his count. [02:22:26] Speaker E: Yeah, it's not a name that any of you guys recognize all too well. Like you, I mean, it's a company, but you don't know if there's, like, anything about it. [02:22:48] Speaker C: That's okay. So, looks like we might need to investigate this pentex. What does it. Does it say anything, like, about Pentax? Like, what he was doing, loading was doing with Pentax. [02:23:08] Speaker E: Generally, it was just some money dealings and. And, you know, this money dealing, some information exchange. But it didn't seem like there was, like, any awareness of anything specific going on, just that he wanted some, like, legal information, and then he wanted money, and then he gave them information about some legal. About some legal stuff and whatnot. [02:23:35] Speaker C: Hmm. Okay. [02:23:42] Speaker B: Candy will absolutely still, like, look through, like, the papers, memorize the information and the dealings, like, to the best of her ability, see if there's anything that she hasn't heard. I mean, I guess this was in a safe. So this is more information for the NOS information network. [02:24:02] Speaker D: Now. [02:24:07] Speaker C: Is there. Is there any other names that I might have recognized, or is it just basically nothing much else? [02:24:26] Speaker G: You. [02:24:27] Speaker E: I mean, you recognize names of your sires. You see Candy's name in there mentioned. [02:24:36] Speaker D: Anything about little me. [02:24:41] Speaker E: As of recent dates, there is that kind of air of him growing. There's something about Margot. Something that she knows, but she can't know. It just doesn't make sense. I gotta find out what's going on. Bitch. [02:25:09] Speaker C: Okay. Yeah, I guess we'll. Yeah, just put this in the NOS network, and we need to. What, now? [02:25:26] Speaker G: Now. I'm guessing Kevin Jackson just fills the void of power. [02:25:31] Speaker A: Yeah, and clear spaces for us. [02:25:37] Speaker G: I'd be surprised if he actually keeps good on his word. To be honest, I don't really trust high up Ventrue. Not to. Just people over. [02:25:49] Speaker C: I feel that. [02:25:53] Speaker D: We should have extracted boons out of him, but it probably been more useful. [02:25:58] Speaker G: Yeah. [02:26:03] Speaker A: I don't know. Everyone in the city wants a piece of us. He came to us to get a job done. We got it done. Surely anyone of their right mind is thinking that they might want to, you know, keep us bigly on their side. [02:26:18] Speaker C: Should at least still stay in our safe house for the next couple days and let this. [02:26:25] Speaker E: Play out. [02:26:27] Speaker A: Yeah. I imagine loading brood are gonna have their own little proxy war. And I don't want to end up in the front of any other ventrue's guns. [02:26:35] Speaker G: They don't be involved in a ventrue pissing contest. [02:26:39] Speaker D: Like, uh, she'd not wipe the rest of the residue vitae off of her lips. Yeah, they don't have the most, um. It's all right. I should probably Lulu for a little bit. [02:26:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:27:00] Speaker D: Um. [02:27:03] Speaker A: Yeah, you gotta keep away from anyone that can see special stuff, right? [02:27:11] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. [02:27:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [02:27:12] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, that's fair. [02:27:14] Speaker D: I think. I think I might need to take a little bit of sabbatical. Yeah. Maybe make a new name for myself. [02:27:27] Speaker A: Yeah. Vow a silence on that. Everyone. I think he deserved it. [02:27:31] Speaker G: He deserved it. [02:27:33] Speaker C: And I won't say anything. [02:27:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:27:36] Speaker D: Thank you. Thank you. If you don't see me for a couple of months, just know that I care about the three of you a lot. But I don't want to be the reason that you three get in trouble. [02:27:59] Speaker G: I understand. Please take care of yourself. [02:28:04] Speaker D: I. I will. [02:28:09] Speaker C: I will be still trying to find you, Margot, if you. If you're gone for too long. [02:28:16] Speaker D: So you'll know where to find me. Just some. If Deborah asks, um, I needed to go and toll. [02:28:36] Speaker C: I'll help Deb. Or at least I'll help Deborah. Don't worry. [02:28:42] Speaker A: Just send postcards. [02:28:44] Speaker D: Oh, I will. Don't you worry. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll see me on that stage again, but, well, not quite the same stage. Hopefully something bigger and better. [02:28:58] Speaker A: Damn right. [02:29:04] Speaker D: She'll give all three of them a hug, and when she gets to run, she's gonna give them a little kiss on the cheek. Thank you for taking care of me. [02:29:25] Speaker C: Of course. But again, this won't be the last time we see each other or I plan on it. [02:29:38] Speaker D: Open up. And she is going to step back, wave to the three of them, and she's going to start walking away. [02:30:06] Speaker E: Unfortunately, the slight, awkward aspect that demands it is that they also are going. [02:30:11] Speaker A: To be leaving the city going the same way. [02:30:16] Speaker D: Give me my tank. [02:30:19] Speaker A: We have to let her be dramatic. [02:30:20] Speaker E: Okay? Just wait till she turns the corner. Got. [02:30:24] Speaker C: Wait, wait, wait. Okay, now let's go. [02:30:31] Speaker E: Very touching. Very beautiful. I will add that I am so sorry. I thought it was very touching. [02:30:41] Speaker D: Very beautiful. [02:30:42] Speaker E: But anyhow, I think that is a beautiful and amazing place for us to end for tonight.

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